News Fý St y Kiosbha *t u ., 7' si te M fn u.G tI- (VSam h.. m x wf0; lTM& .3 ~iiafueuo; eaktW - N~ui VOr7OR. bre ..01 0t- hibedw he 4W iC ata tr* iOW _ ' ."'-p nhmerl eNt ~rwr oba ~~tonehla t Ït uItn.wl the~a1,tt thq ~,.kl1tMyb4X ootut, dd th. h1 a imeergi., 9<o.ttghtua.a SI1 remun th e h. N4Z1h muet as .xeie*.'iot.s. = kt"i ~ t~o4 e~ 1 < 1ji a was, sulld vhby , .~M lti&e.w vut r < eett'ag ra i u tw b« eThffl- o kd trt e , b N r hjouatw m e M rlfl . o r Lav eh b r wu t 4/h4,r4k l ibr i h ' ' the roeey km Bba d , and , houphor. Jo proM deva. 0utT e4titlg sttapoi e awad. ecthe ug ta thir r,. 1b kat eh a ) ubt d W O ? d S und & vj bt ury* wb h i g s dl ,.a d " n d w X b u t raels 1 oPth e sta e's , at ornO U ËMM U Wâaia. * k84 t 1h. ba Lia fie doz 'A h.dr îaut WtheObi'1butililen nO * ffaoftaoaw ohe us*e yq ast eai* iiutl' 'il~&er'eh t a lb- X. =te taonge aat Abcruse e y a a.- u mut M .9 Uo* 7 'L ;,, pnch e te .ave ôe,4W4le o < ntu>'vog jn e e i.grut etai ~e th su oo e u ri tu w p b e4 , ital ge a < iu th sb4 %1h7. Li5O 41 1 a ue partg . reA a ou Us i nq e _ chinfet by t Zoas Âaesou vhaait.>' a4 1 hé bata,,iseg, then tior 'Àase 1141901t ttlli eully i deon z ta neWrf exeoua the - tationw:re nAVl ' , » éut. dee,*W let ultra, v er, fr. oorthet IgnoatOve b>' air e-/ ll ,t',,iU tii U Ofha »&lr foG )ne t§c o1*ibl adl'îb e thcae mw-tptt 1 ot wd es4 ibu &-traa te 4uXasOha,. T1hud gv y ifl fl fclar nrnt.Btthsdsrw rtae l ttheamPlà i s ue bar e ne * lrn P *t~ 3 l Iatl rg m bae a uwàtdb, 1oelan e" vayset rothn zldaeU oi taote th >'oom. at 46 sat ,ait te 2 . e>.t himt it .a acairal to i p load w etheak h Il ha as ani>b rIislu4ly ir ite. Sanaeoe&l 'ifbegld nu Jq . i Jts«e Wot 1%--- te gle IL, sud avare It ife la a setot au useto w, l o;s i x it.> esta 9jan e dit. auks-_ima som te ay- ive1*,1y 1-tigfortune.t'Id -id aoa 0 h e Id< 2 bO th.' MM lél, foSLhnyv. IL Utothib ut OD fllo t cons u- itte gb. Î i lo s ýe rIn< U ti.cllre teGorgo Pb t«I O6 aon t0 it hur *lti n & sS do t ' e r. 2119kt e"tOi WWb l ue 07 brala .See' .~~o wi m I rearah ?sk ye& ua.& of*tu *'"' o .sdt i»t t ais oom. joberr« ns bau Ude *ta0iOthe mli'u bA f y Sd'htp<<rs Sal>~1edo.o r. j s psld oveai ins, m>>, f ts, s1'91u e ughht 0 ltet W Maoue z I: d e lt: 1 upci ase an a k aiyif he " u t mi; dai crt tuB MJISW"ket laide. Thetformrtday-fpot n te I 804tie he1a p-ViO8Ii o ra theisce tamoLtb14o#4 fer wo...2 oeepb I.mueUclradaon. N. Confient, et oa0 a a le ii ogLiaeteelw waaIe ZurIute heal!- - V rI I ,ttr jRa, it I*" t G, 1, ms. au stoped tobeo t tue te.dI k bvt a Cicnafortune.' Ro ne.<1111 1 JaJm . % 1 U..ti - n ù. - Uw . I da Witt aiîl t iz În w s a >altr th.are' , 1slnts. fo a ob,', vRe reil oduthe ta hi' dWe 2$Oo mae. ~il!V4tur i tt W. ,le, t Rtthau aceldeUtî ou ItAIIJiW - ' Rarrm' Â.fGlbbono, 63, oa duJet, I 3 , 1 * be nu 0t 0 dyllat vel su vabutiuad l got $7.50. n..a..Z.lui.'W M thMe ti cmé on, ad MatMlse lerlaMd at sigisi sa-ug r ut.onbou. hatduth~~e>'- Tsxrwwtuawn the r uiobt ac inDt>. Wbbol insnba Ty4om n aldy ise et th é<>oh..duAn F14.secret'Wkqa ier re art 1 Rond a pIe ba aen éi ofn anleh î' - fl Vwe *tale neî me,,il.&0dAixs. oyti a epe allyfn esn flm 1> hl su8mA Io11.~ us VeraOsmo' ar= a tomt t Lbety I ng th ~Cleiif i bs55>.004 1p> âi r oo t afet * e.à asn,21, Ibaugi. V4nz Sci" t, ii* ai ui e eui -t i te ii uoi~ieaetu, Our 0i 8- %i*b~A.3 uI4 U tb» * arive bu u0tw V eu i tt gr" a fi a d ae 1 holdng &orb il-, e essileed. Dvuglltz eeIce, 1f! t' ta O*t3ât ta sa orth s eairo. teen g_______ait_____________a Muel s e* I s ch* nd >0M ise cmle o" igtnvu oit ab&ieÂlrr, Cre u ai __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ right e -1my of tepartie, are l eaTAredW1b>'bspirtà attie bfsi tiMion t e p g ames. onthouumCIY u lvsdcdo aihts 3M te M *0td lc uiaatrle dorNe.5 esti -1 O uud>,3R 8.ts îir adsuirde ctl-sno rfujw ndT ,U CumM sks be i euu-U o cieg for raus tsctoe a b-s hMni asai' ivetîeko ie t sa4 l o rb a ns.____________ *Md 015the55O! hO oais 'utvar. Cicaa, ad hei am sai Lu 0 uer O stcIa 1t. vii aIITs "M peu r,aa3 0, tale or Ifi eaas 1» mti C asIoi vs Zuichca l ieta Tu fatR tt. a a epaetdt ocnclMna' <e' a ouiossase4bb _tortt2z ers tis amo ret. A 1 aipvt sa er.Wdsua.Ji 7dl.he oddugg atcue-barlisr G lo& ietS M ttùsss im olev tar 'bat t erid. Albert "h mttO w05 'tteMrcat rtir' soania ve>- tnee ss'*ndbt ele1t Xttgfus WWahW. e *8 Lai sret.a eIe5. ia it5 lutdY 5500, aud o s t.OIi'iOded uheir anual ploucai t"me. ikuor- 1ev ulihl 5 tite« $le oe. ~tle y*- s~~* 2$-1Ms% ns iosav u't ihionu. O is mr rsdrtat'R oui e h a . F«e du t gabed t Lade . . . . . .Iss vs>'.i.s. cin%.a 1 end1.Susi, Donad ~elyauesurialfnce oufu2>&'anWdwdyAre=%$etldI ee 3 an 1.M fou. tarnes tah U ek d Dflue op g.0 tieee car popth io eaisa i 1»saav0~ teojctmdtgmi,2%Mu 4*rb< nstl #i o 1r. steff<f -tisek vad tivandagn .>' pitaitsf« a tutoodai mttftitrt/ns'sud. l~o.os I> gielsu ae t er luWakeau CiuistherFe Ti lbeid rteurfie ls uyCirn u Lws at ffyfo lre Ilslue egta. Tissthe rofMpArt e t't i ht -jaud h e u nee a nnnad'svs -l odt'4e h OrIaçude uCi ane. ne. tranRil Dayu ho W aiu sl 'nT'tei Fs'ct Jn e i26,t Y, Mors e len tutie mjý e r tisa ca' tle'l aonld bOtMUs veel. sud tnov e yau lerat piw ofWee s t ud som e l &».Te e rta - ails ahndIOWtyvIl01 te ad ;ie'are ,rd, ia gaIe-p teftos Runde 0 u jcntutinadVt wh -eq4'sar>,MC> trde rvlngaloe caamI plaise cio. Tetnueo h e epeetdt h 0ni odY 4,frgUue g*Mb Ho rs . o aloI lst u tlu Groe W otscodbstbtpsentt eal agg hedugit tx ut- tfd collde luboai e r.&t thMnomeoet MÀL 3R a u- jtenx ea.Wdnga, Ca2 dfn hewr t'Ulttie t g ,u os, ra«u ne. amMors,-l ersD; ý«<y nt k teMcen atiorae astht, vlctnetaryw saoreIof AIIUSlE A Oetha t isePu th < i <5' --ed i t m«.", a udvU uac t 1Ye 'vaato n td1ex a t e . bybi eua rgaxco 11. ,ý1 11 .. -hfeer gb nWe lb a uie tb* Millr. he y ues olie Slt- M o.'nace and gaiestadckoo-- r, hutt« n ouc-eiew'genea Mat <y or he re e mDiba yus te tafte0f ai ao et e s ., nbglu 1er the5 tiqr ' e W. b. taroit a Forput I l l011A al T ngsyI. e eerih ie le. -t' etMoris Mh thoe çI fhDlu ô hra.Ia ais a i oue e 28, ou ulis Ad- foyýl i « r. nubi> rs. lutie o0n-ldiO1tntdy yacm ue fCs PfAiM- 4ieTS32 - lamm '~geateuebaliiund his M"sd ca's naaur ho ise éinterestd s #S6 ta, rav bae oe ver. ufanre Isetveel dixas i hi. meetIng vas Ivest&lgtc t > haro..F( a tise tarnery e Ibs pace~*as nt flif i a Iulda esît tiesdnt' ad. r-u$d*4d.«I» ylvete n ofasvas hu&st severalIn iepale zmeit cii i i M d l h &ad1 gesslh jurt giuret v o ffl W toe proftI e e hle tir e cmte e' nd a aisbieaitoime clsngo Ihinmlns sd tsepUrh551'ita ýer i tue invalets fid heaie . be atmbouSed Dmgh lsovibierè, ty s ind1 n'as akýJe 2.bta a hgh -A o l e u a goe- ab le, la tu ant s bfl1y Coub>'yMaj. Uttsui iib wl t i-l " iS aa r jx-otiewt hra hn. Ti o ete ta le. thof Miwauk e! e -nd r ep a ine., aipt Jiis5tau*ctio' - te taM ohtu igh lteild ta, be1anidis apxssoxlsll ma t sud l nds. U ottiSae et bý»rdelsa avaîbon" bisuattentIDent e suretslmf arrangementsota commîtTexKseHOi 4:Om go1ab etu- *. Maeryov leug aioNoe m, l1. iemo gvonethapti U»-W liut.. J'ui ne4>0 teBa lok lu ad akn rme tmen e flot cgtQSPIeTedvtî ie ass * o d f r h 4 i n aula e *& 1 0 , vyisa lh v be tld at-ta els udeJae istdtda dle*A bissid 551 0! ti. Maden acrs. d aie daMil e o u cm imnsa xsevc O ii . aperlee a blhy eg lau we e nue, s vben a a-urlY it wliseldfo a ev-Î4ls.Pubeic*eu s 4, *I m 0f 8<UC ont- etS U, .510 lji-lu ge th aI s recllu it te wi"i .oe usl ast se hpie101 0'osPOSSO 1W- lonaxd*luaome ai ho tio utxedtae -iscaoplyl ad ho onbosa>'di.,J-udg« ±f y mueinl2 ClM astsi t rot. bis ent onlu n den s a ts tisea . m Laîo in er5-aruI n.Ié aM nmyauenms e sisblI> chpi s Studas>' the vouu'Cômueh i-ti ho nade meractiôhV'T , $ 1 *btgmrttd b 1 0 elotse a LUrj tý.hm ugy é ead tse inr ethd pe »eutî *ct -oz er lis 'Ketsschill abe bie t er elet . vils l»î avail> T ain b igstain r eagl ît b"îý ob wts±sr e li S 0 e- ai Si t se - ai rIleeiti' P r îes. îornt e rvlfi îrn ne t el Cboptases %a .~e # s 'e0.at5010icbarked tfre biaatir MSS. i ler ervict moinu o! Ray as e >'%' Braker of Ube.. vil reele at,> tis p rab mmu.d e WaM R________ -iaidlà,*om ac #e. svn aneas n e taga§Wh hveItrBd e. root ins 1r t h¶ i e rivi Ie n h-nsn x0.vcemn We weve lfmdl utttis 100 a "ts. Thr e meig w ne§laM b Mt . ik & -M ler iorme ltsofto l Fe-mon t llglse ji j jiit g s I Yet MSn 9 dabts l otFrd>u tnp etagwopoasi melt c4l 94STOU eeal ois luThe1vIatp I a iti«i uMderaThe miteIe 'v SEqdêenaf ÔlD u lo e m is athe as I a fo r ae ftre natie shor t lm e r hie- ime.v u as aa t ue 'hn gton flay RobvSle ao rstlu s u hnnl s M. Wiliam. Wolf 28-b>' g.> i~ ~ t >' stet are dbuth ae ov ai r epote l th e 15piaU11 iot su 010 1by té t t 4te atten tebewsuln ratlpp ravted iion adt e nte d Sfa ts>' etv- onte eatice St ti a d, o gvethe i-n I ueaiV rn e au,7nneDsoa.0f11 ~ o'n OSgape~ eJrob s a aplu i-hteuto.H la far r a ngemjiaenatsete cao ose i r09001 2ff býthseÈcase v o jet lytnbaver biea ,lading -to weeesuer..rcies(toa 1 b-tinbu oto hedn ccre nedytet-ek ucm ltdetso xsovcmJ il AY$ The Greatest Otj-Door ]Exhibition of thoYery Best Juinper%,utes HarEtuss* and Saddle Horse and V AUDEVILLE reninig.4 :>~bgin Me 1000 C anad end at ~id~ht. v4rything takes pIloe lRIAlu L'Y12.0 SKTUR")lDA yUL 2 ~?enOn hFIse Da«ys ea Fox 4)eAtdo<ýh - t, * RENT » GOaeaW. Swt Somcthing 3 f»tTES1O DEP , RSLE.y Bu