Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 5 Jul 1923, p. 7

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~CEÏ 0s pr ti tha ad'a bth the »LWAUybin es'tb* &t-Mipi W émr m te %kou*am ein 0" ~eft1 Ma lutisse us %« dseouaagd.( te di'gamtlmi for al ou 4 1 2 8 O0 tlb 38 0O U ro 78437 1238 wm AB il A a Of V -4 O O O O O O 1 O O 0 ô ô O3 0S1 Sb - -.j 0 1 2 1 0 me* b 0 4 0Oa3 1 i1 1 8 1 0 -j O 0 1 0'0 Tc" ~32 2732712 5 >M.e baie bXt-rle4bsok. 2 lasse -46ed9. ; aif.. kft-4'oe, »MWtr base ou halls-CMl top- it; se1 pied#@* 38;.vwu pth- sella; atci o-bir Tedbei 5; emtt ;double isOar, assite); raubeuk b. Johnson tw <sem; bit bg pituisr-MXoor 00 Wn ODETS EV*EJ No ie rerttbail tqarnbat ta L1-g me la«t Sanda>'ceuthIse trs il- ç4b> a msci 7 7 te L.,'Tb* i Vas a* exettng o» e al be Va vue but tise res t tilicuain tbe le. haln cf th.s"th, vison Brt p" d Ibrought tc i". MAL iïo owelt Zetunualt the iime vers w ue pulas ogfMVauLUdupi. Who V& bu OMs'ez tisas op; Jok Touey's 4d stou sMsort; Art Hgiaenasa lBng Dav*scrnalius At luit. -atyou Baie vhat IOer, Mo- i, anea Crnsisud AtkInaO -If gm vers Ise. f yoii veren't ne y= zmisaed a finesbhllgaine. 00 Ifw v.ict. l'h.ex sI lnportaut gaine la Vlth bebal ua ?ond Laie gang, a spia- Prerybud>' coine out aud suPport Pe feflova vho wori bard otmsea 0. lOi.>' used ver>' rootsr lu baci hein. WhaVthebi use of hsvlng a ge, bail eam If vs ca't root ton 00. Corne out sunlay, .Yl Mi. ueâani bunch vs. Evarett at Round o. Lýets go --verybod>'!--lICon- tuted.) PEOPLE JIELI) m Irny huo i is vlfe Carnie pa ti Wilam'Rtilai. ail of w hAsuivnsotel, Wauiegau. vert sted aI Ziôn FridaY Wnghh saud rulm lutô. >%,on ceargea M belng 9. Tbls Moriffl tho>' mere bled r.ý Justi<sa Blshop sud fined $10 cashs apebe, Tii.fiues vwent .-0EAD ANED SILE 'Tii.Grand coup. t$>-Hov dld pot foot pour wtt.? ~I> -1upt tlid ber tie trutis- &afi From. mteC'n. rlabb-"Whsp 11e t lays> su'- withIe Jnml» hzb"e nver wiÎs vifa boy mê%Isci& vu-Now rWist bave yoil thiF -r ,Ai tise 'ateataauLm ~ .~e %W% u, a<vat llelgtbusu- $ta tugai, youg mselis wilh yu 54,My deur." Cro 0m our OwIi. %>wtrd.-"Where cia1ifret a fiLICI ý ,jay-"Have Tou trl 9, onnyKneW, è~s, r-'ovw b Wo ceatellI»m pzÀolo ? 'valt le it. Tom,- a oup g,«5 Uasge.-Juda. Fd fOWLS ait" w»*ý4 esv# i00Attend- A peaUqbo Iii~e abouid not be se *mis 'tafW , .pi .CSilOt reach the. bac i eftheqPWSSîýy outry apeciai- tati 4 th@ iaied Itates Departtuent ot . 4**eeý ,e .jt viii b. damp. b»e feýjA 6,covenlent wdth brp hL ifI there are no ai 1'Ml a b Oit. iaed be bult as iow as poaMe witout danger of the at- Ïdtb"gt bumpng their heads against the Mung. ,Aàhua house la more ËOLSHi wirned than a hlgh one.. F'or tue greateiot amount of iloor ffpeu.for tith eost con~. abuilding Peu~~~ 1~s-B lie Wide er 'lue lUgh. whoffldb. square. for. ther tidffla b- ing equal. the uerr square a bonne le the tlm tomber It wtU taie. Ihe see 0 t thebuilding requred fovis at be tept aud ou the aise et tbe dock&. Prom 25 to 100 senua tDa b. about as mauxn a sa ftand eco- j nomical to keep togetiier. Wth hlocha tii sr tnta aine, about tour square feof M à <icor "c0e ahouid h. aiietteil b. ascii bld. vlîch wv ii hce in mon am & vhere carefut attention la given tene eulineas and veutUilc. Three te tbroeandtioce-haW square féet Iilul eaouib fer LegiiomuaIlularge docka. Ce If the fnwls are kept In emater Soci ho~ a littie more Iloor apsu. per bird wlllW be needsd. Wber e etclmats ia sn amildthat fit19 unoecea.ary to ieep th*e ai fovia coeafined. eoro for a fev dayp at a lime. and .apeiaiiy if taie fowie Di are kq tlua mail cotony bonnes. tesA space lper bfrd wiii b. sufficiont. Ileh.A imaler breeda being more active ani or of restllos, requre abo)ut as much ruiez)e ia the larger breeds. l TIME TOCDOCTOR FOWL 8Û Th ii.tne te doctor s fowi la IL hefore Il gela aci. andl the way s to do tis la to keep I frée from lice. feed jndlcinuaty, koep theF quartera leais and well venti- et lated. iupplIJ gond. -dcean atern snd pienty of sharp eti or grav- l; avoid drafts and use oniy hb the. mont vigurous and Lsaithy brda n lu I)reeding pena. FOWLS FUR EGO PRODUCTION 015 Hansaly Ret-rtfflrft, but Vaunger Cne. Wil ivt &fu or- Soeafelks bave tie nigitiad of fowis, thuse and fet thern propeni>' eil abill don't gel eggs. -eat1la te vinter becausa lhi euinsare too id. Il setdom pas o>0 keep hens fer iay- img afler the>' sre tieo ansd on.hait years eld. They ma>' Rive a Profit but youngor fowis viii give mno. Many soultr>men who make a spa clait>' of wliriegg pnoducttop keffP ooly puitets,, âisposlig of even thea yearling houa, befere il la lime 10 Put thes hIwister quartera. Ear>' hatthéd puilete, If prePerll gnowu, ought te begin iayleg lu Ode-> ber on earty Novasher. snd continus te la>' igit through the vinter. yeanling hens seldohi hegin ]aylel mach before January i, andI oldor heni Dot untbl liter. It la the,' November and December eggsa talbrng tie bigla pnices. The laytua breeds' îbould bu- gln. laytng wnen trom flve lu six Monthe eid. breeds at six te ievenw aaîd the mentI breede £1 savais or elgit mentis. BUYINGO0F PUILLETS IN FALL prpgetice t Proforable to Hatcising thiil n Spnilng on Accounit Of Binail $page. Tlaq buglug of pulleta ln lie faila .a5b!5id là ont casas to bnying da-«â cîc or te hatchtng chicks lu t4é e wb5, Was'tiiUnited States De- lStietWof AgniIture. suail)' lit. Mq-504o itvallalatfr, ralstng cicis, 0& , loreo Ve i>'dweiiem hava = i11 (Sc wouiiïe ho Warant the i*b'B~. Hat*hin sund nalalng ebkW ý.»efUft5 be>odp. ibobo, or the = ,45gOf lclbters Sud brooders. sud meS n luvetàaet lthu jarge t". tbe avetsé amati Oc - - ~jLE~y~q.E M~PJ<~r. IIIRSAY, JULY 5,,1923 LAKE VILLAS LOS TO SILVEI< LAKE IN CLOE CAME SUN. Paul Averys rod Feel They Were Robelàli the 2 teo0 Tilt in Wisconsin., Lake Villa baeWbll players didn't havp such a lOUd lime viien tbçy traveled ta the silve,' Laie. Wlscon- Mne dlsmond' $unday aftirnoon. lu tact. Il vas a PrettY tougbcrowd that Came bi o1 LIce couD>' atter thé0 fra>'. Lake Vilas cnowd. nover worry abqut a leglstinsate lois, but they bate, to10b. robuiior 0fa tamie. and that Io thse way théy figure lhe 2 te 0 vin the Silver Lale put tver the Lake Villas. ' 1,iey <la tinhe amp TObied themon f îwo rans, sànd Vl thora l1% aven 'ho glgbtet tisought that you mght hava beau robbed. it maies one pretty tough.* Woertz pltched a great gaine and tbe viiole crowd of Villa played air tight bail. Therp vas neto n.enror changed against elther %ide. It vas a Pitcher's batti. chat Woe.-ta ahouid have won a cOup'eOOf clos.decislons at the piste son t lievictor>'flylug' t)ven tii. huis t1 Wisconain. The Laie Villas wiU t in>'.gnab a big pieu. 0ff that réenge 0pie tiat Agreed so val vIii the AthulsaO yes- terds>', and I w Jurusp for the. Anti- euh th-otswhenti.tho teuaa mix In the Scnd gain. or tisa ire gam sriet b eplayd o09 at theAntiocii tînt nm .iuy fonetb. Tii. AntiSob won their liraI tilt and nothiug short Oif a Vin vIII astiaf>' bhe ai violas lut' ftr blood viien the tvo teni MM ufr tieseaScnd timue titis yesr. lb.e AtiohLae Villa onam aaail holiday gaie nassd a bg crowd la expOCted. ai the ludependence day tilt t Antioch. Net Bunday tho Burliugton eInm ths! ticket! Las Villa 1 ho O ounia hobme lot lu a aine Innng gaie eariy in tiese aason viii b. baci Vi lia for anotiier try aI iieatlng tue ,.Vllas. LAKE "'Lt> Mia. Webaster, viio bas bei a gueet tH. Pottes home for the past mentis. ias eturned b. ber borna lu Norths shkoti. Mr. and Mm. Wegener bave opouod helr home at SandI Laie fer the mum- ffer. mm. Ker vent tait veei b. apend couple of veok it vlbebr parents wan Clevelansd. 0h10. Miss Ruth Atleu cf Hebron, La spend- g a few daya vibb ber aisten, Mn,. Ruth Aven>' peat Ilst veai viti aie cousin. Trancea Kappla, at Grays- ak. Laie VUil Dais are set for July 20 id 21. Plan for your vaisatou then. The Ladies' AM id viimuet viti Mns. DeArmand ou Wednesday afternoon, luiy 1-th aud ail are ver> veloome. &repreontatlve tram thse Laks Bluff >phanage Iii b. present dtitllus :fthe place and lis needs sud adI- rautagea. The. quarantine on the Sherveod àos vas litted tua vweelt, andI the Eooper and Phlilttss families'are, out, io all our cases are clear. The meas- 's are ail oven. aise. The Watson, R. H. Shervood and F. RSierod houses have been treated '11h a ceat of paint. We vi ail H. ethankful vive tie 'ex Laie read la doue. Onty a short Btretch resalua nov 10 reach the Can- non Garage. Ted Bantlett Iejured is font lait weei b>' stoppig ou a eaul, and bias had a vacation tbis veei. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Douglas and Mrm. Oscar.Douglas vere Wauiegae callers Monday. Miss Grace Hou mnisof Chicago lsaa gl4est of Elizabeth Jarvis. Mra. R. E. Husse>' and Rtaymond. hkve gone te Colorado to spend a fev monthi viti relatives leutthe moun- alli of th, lven itate. As .a-i i:8te times of semi-anisual audit o! b.tois, bihe R. N. are &nxîcea liât -eactr' member abould have al dues paitI, or stand auspended. blps Ooldy. tteby P'alch and Uer- true % s returued home ftonm De- Kalb et ,oflait veek. A-en , Bartiett, vho bas Itivlui Alabama the. paît fev years. la mak- eng ils parents heme a visltý sud may remain. No place 111e Ilinois. Mr. and Mns. Truax batI as a gisit ,werthe veek sud titeir sMater, ftram Racine. . Walter Atveli la ztnden tii. carseto the doctor. Cari Serenson and familly of Han- ùear bers. 0. W. Lehmann bas recenlly pur- ciassd ibe veat hait lv the, Rames farm. A N*T*100C**0H Mn. and Mm. Arthur Vau Patten mo- tored te, Wauksgass Sanda>' mgrnlug. Mes. Josephs llta'ber aud Miss Amnsa oney aud MUn. Arthsur Van Paten motored ta Kenooha lit Tues- day. Mr. sud Mn., Donad Smarh af Wau- kegan vIsiteS. Antkocis relatives bore aven Sunda>'. ion. Van Patten, vise hias, beenuln Waaiegan vieltlng at bise home of her aunt, Mr. Sumart, vlalted te AMiolet Sunday. rtnlug to Wau- kegan tis! atternoon. . Mn. sud Mns. ils. Stoares motoned to Wautsegau Tisurada>'. Mrs. Jas. Stearus veut te Chcago F rida yto meet her dangihor, Esther, vie ospent tva veekg at fitreshor. 11., visitieg et the home of ber aUnt sud uncle-. Mr. andI Mn. AI Searli. Tihi cmmunit>'WvassaddOed Sat- urda y b th e deat ioft h te R ev. 1. V . at Ântiocb. Mr. Broci bad beau sIci fior tva veeks at the home o!f riands. vf as reported ha lied acartet foyer, but vas getting along nlcely and had sent word te Atoch liat lie vould b. back fer church Sunday oft lii week, when. h. vassauddenly taken worse and dled Baturday afternoon. atternoon. The funeral servicles vers held Tuesday oftIhia weeoi. Mise Valuta Ha nueman of Burling- ton visited Tuesday with Mrs. Harry Beehe. Dr. and Mns. Beebe motored to Chi- cago tast Frlday ox business. Mrs. Claude Brogan accompauled tiseni. Mra. Harry Boe and'çbfidren of ta-4 ment, niI., spent the. paat wei t thé home of ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Buschman. Iidvard Girard and fanalli enter- taned compauy from the. clty aven Suiday. Lland Watae net Laie Foest suit- ed his parents bore laotOSaturday. Chartes SebIey transacted business lu Chicago Monday. D. B. Sable has been on the sîck let the east veit. Clyde Wentworti, who bas beeni ver>' sick, le on the gain. Rev. and Mrs. Mani>' Mwnfond. en- tortalued their daugiter, Muts For- encesie their sos Manly and Quayle. aIl of Evanston, the latter Part of the v.. iand ever Sunda>'. Donothy and Louisa Rosa ci WauIts. gan visite dat the. home of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mra. Otto Kas, tiie pat tvo vess Min., Sarahi Pullen andI Mr. Clara Coo l vaed sersysi days luit vsek et the hue of Mn. and Mim Quinn hn Wbiziegan. 1trs. O. lioge of Waukegmn vlslted luat Thursday wlth Mns. ILIF. Beebe. EaRoMt4 Hughes oM Chicago vlinted bis motier here lait Bunday. 31rs. W. P. Ziegier snd MUn. hma Bartstt motored b. Libertyville Tnt- day and caned on Mrs.- John Wetcii, vho et very aloi. F.ari Somenville viated i Chicago several daya the paut veel. 'he Camp ire Girls met et tie home of Mr. . UA. Van Deusan la flday atternoon. Mn. andI Mr&. (3.. Wagner are en- tertaluing companiy fro ma distance. Mn. snd Mn@. Pote Petersou motorod te Waukegau onal Mnm. dolph Pes, Jr.,bas beau quit. alith. eaut veLi 2200 WIEEL TAX LICENSES SOLD IN WAUKE4iAN 0f Ths Number 1900 Have Been for Pleasure Cars; * Breaks Ail Records. Ait, records te. the number of Wheol tex licens3es îlasued ln Wau~ kegan have been : iokun î, f >2oýar, accordig te the records on hIe Ir, tie offIce fet tiîty' Clerk. 17p la ffida>' a total of 100 licennsa'had been sued to automobiles iii lè.au- kogala and an additional 300 license. bad beau sold 10 lihe owners of one- ton trueka, a total o. 2200 moten ve- hucea here. This la attributc-d lu the. actàvftr of tie pollce depart- ment. Sevenal bave heen flned for failie t b ale vieei tex license plates sud this bas had thi.eltfect ot bingiug athere Into lune. Tihe actIvitiese f*tii. police aise have had the affect of causing more people te taiseout liceisses for their doge. Up ta the pissent bime 450 lceuses have been taien out as con- liared ib. 150 taie otrt laut year. Tii. nunsier talon out thia year would hava been mach larger van. it net for tise tact that the liceuaes have been exhausted and lit ban beaunec-* essar>' to Bond for an addltlonal sup- piy. These vill b. hem luna a edays and the Police viii atarI out on tiiar cauvasao et tisecty agate. Waukegan Farm At Sacrifice One of the finest f arms on. tha North Shore, five miles northwelst Of Waukegan-forty miles from Chicago. 283 Acres_ Ex&cellent improvemntiLs. àù be bought with amalli cash p ment. A real bargain. Âddios .se je Po S ua 0Off i ce PAST CAR IN WAUKEQAN W . isey' dou't have fstreet Cam luoi_____________________________ ilion. and tisenefoee sn Paul Mapeas Mf hhahcit>'. vent ta Waiiisgan lait _____________________________ Batunda>' ha paid no attention ho tise tact that pasieugera yweesatepbing frein a Genesea Creet car. Polic AItSALE 3PXOM JUAT THE E UM1JI fl 2 hlm. Thoume Booth rrATrtIT hi. Au Magistrats Walten Taylor aassaed a AlEiW.m 55.T* S.ATR fine Mf $3 sud costà. HopaltI $8 V iU 25IKama a" vas t-eae&aa~,s-tsaW5d 1îi b1 W Conervngthe Nlo' eore ONSTANT irnprove.moet ta opecsting M«thOck i COeI>'sc- Cdon end Iu purchmnbask hresulta4hI n oay do&*ao - lhecoomiesi ffect.d i tii.unof<coolare partlcaly trlkinÉ because a coratiot reduotica of the. average cooemwtilo f c per kilow&âtt houir hb e develope i the company's planta, Today, thngh increaaed effxàlncy i operation ft requires bit 2.44 poaad <of cWolper kiowaàtt houir In 1903 it twk 23 potind -ocf cool to'generate one kilwatt hour of enegy. lbat amy tof the net2oWs resotrcea biof cfu kro tw =,=c ibe boffer appreciated whe if taknown that t" cocqniy geosated for ifs costomera lat year 366,843,5M4 kilowatt hours of elacbicity,' The company requied 416,654 tom cof cool ini generating this .vast amount of electical energ. - To assure itsefof an adequat. aupply of cool necossary t o n- tain unltrnTpted serviceto=o telccompony Ôwna impor- tant cool mines. Thia. arrk4eent has flot ortly enobled the comrpany to- have a continus' and wàdple supply of coaIt but has preveuýte cost, of coolused froi creasig te fthe extent thaft ft would have otherwise.a îhVuddition to'tlw greac amount of cool seti in operating thée dc- fricge&Mrahigsaita i.ditptysgabplants ued:100,208 tom of cool lent year, andi made miore gos f rgm ecd ton of cool ifian These econoznies resulfing frýomn central station servce could net be pasaed on te customrs in tfie form cof greater »awiscc-without fthe alvantages that have been- developed jtWf t" opacý4aioo. into fhua company of mnaolandi inefient powerpbanu.' Nat-urally, tieSe small companies could nfot draw iipoa .thoen- gminerng ukil which a large company bas avWelablé çeg tlhey provMce the facilities necessary ta mnfin w brobd~ satiufactoy ervice. This company, constanfly Jcristéh plant and dWutrbution thcfitics, bas but one purpose and dithat- to give coatlnrously good service te fthe grestest possibl number of cus- tomea t tii. lwest practical ccst. z r- k - ~ I 4f' 4 b. - 4-' f /1~7~5j~ Pi»wm.t PUBLIC $!ftvI' -CoMPÂMY Am~ sorMgY sçwm silesof ter,"y4osrIbg 177 Wtieo ovas ind aWmm eo THSO. BLECH. [1sf SuPt. 129 Mi. I.nosa St, Waukegan, Mi. G. KRIJMEY, S«Ve lKe am Phono 144W, Libertvilloe, ii. Chautauqua at Waukegan fromIuJuiy'4th to 8&Ifcik 7ý.m= ite, 1 - . "ý 1

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