i r St' Y. UY 12, 1923,. Benej~iiFaki Said -THKlFts »?*ÈR;AVE AM XXSCCEED Who beter tsnBenjamn sFianidin, knew the tjffiof tat sfttesit? He, worose f roin povcirty to weasi d faine knew the value. of savilg. Ti sa <ceW time to start following the advice of'"iii. eut Anerican, AîJ the best way te o llow it is to i~cregular ckpouits ini$ssrogmk Alainwa repeat: "IIIII 113 POM-ER;SAVE AND> SUCEED" Lake Coumty Natilonal Batk Td#-e is In The. Fiftecnth Year 01 Ofd aasmeflhwamoel&a" "ans"louef FORRET FLAGG'OWEN, Agent Sommner ClasesFor Begianers I Commercial Course NspeôaI Sor O..ferlgiSL tdl abDuà la cnmqlst. Tb* CserdW oSk aMdSecoit Pedijo... M&S GEORGE MacDONALI) YI*4IBERTY VILLE INDEPENDENT covers moe territry m»à puhuili et mm eREAL NKMS hmn ay githpaper in LAKE COUNTT. And il al esmfw thema§ Pm of $lmOa year. JUST THINOFITM DANICI-NG= Every Sturday Evening At Rmnehau.Payion, m Round Lake DocZago's Orchestra 10e Dances Fly fie Coinâg! Ord*,r Y bur 9creen Doqgrf, Windows anid Porch Screena NOW! GET OUNT OOR OL> SCR~M o)PAINT MMENWnT VALDURA. The Perfect P"ntFor Irua Wood If youw~ t build yôu w e*n, ,WE hâve ail the material. THIIS S A VERT GOOD TE TO BUT LOOK OVER, YOUR Roofs WMU~R GO' GOAL Austin Trlpp bas old bis puoperty on U 1 Stevêert avenue t0 a-Mu-. Parker, of -, Chicago, vho bas ,moved to Uàberly- Loca and ersed he ohnBallard propeu-ly on Pari LÀbet3ýiý eOpý aveueandnov reoides there. Short temis of Especial Intereu t t ieryileP e Ernea t Ioege. vho receîtly moved fr0 mthe Raid road to Wauconda, to Mieas Jeannette Biee apent last veek Misa Voie Fry, enipioyed at the the Jenis bouse, next vee I viiibave ini palatine visltig relaijvea. LAke CnntY JiqatlonaiBau, la spend- another load of Wisconsin Holstein iig a tvo weeW. vacation vitb relu- o>pringersî Anyone vauting a roui co-r Mir. and Mr*n. . w vn and Charles tivea la Av. B outh Dakota. van secure same trom thisasortment. Iý&ndla apent laat Sundayinl Racine,1 Win.. soing via auto. Mr. and lins. Walter Raid of Jane.. J J N. Bernard, of the Ltbertyvulie ville, Win., .topped hers lant Sunday. Garage, ha. purchused a îev vreck- Mr, amI 'U. F. W. Poulds lat veek vhile en route te Dei plaine. , fora ing craie aid Initblled the same on imiertabied thoir ion, Coîburnu . short vWat vith Mr. and Mma Mathev his truci ued for helpiag ruotorlats Vould, andfa=gq Pestr. aving accidents, mhe nev appliaice yo~j~iaaidfaaiiq.Peser.I.o! the late8t pattern aidwviii add Mir. and Mns.]Bd Topel and Mr. aid Jiertel'. Pavillion 94 Haal! Day la nov much 10 the equipiient Of Mr-. Ber. Mns., Leofard Disney vlalted relatives under îev maanagement. Bot dancing nard'a outtit. la Carey lait tnIday. .floor la Lake çquaty. Help avel> the1Th etbsbalgmofheyr Xi. and Jirs. William Zoellier of codnx auia lh.AtcotTeba ae allame 0f the ya Chicgo pen tu vei ad vth r.biles parki4 free. 28-lt la orOmlsed utLaeVlaetSndy Chicgo siûi he e-ekend ith r.vheu Ib-e Glencoe îeam gos 10 Laie aid lira. Henry Schmidt- . lin. aid Mn». Robent Nelton aid Villa for a battie for the boys of the -XlaaRoua4 .lkofer of Highland Pari duugbter, Mn%. trobert, SOr.. and »r. 1'9ort tovi. Glencoe baî been vin. spent qluday atternoon at the home and Mn. Probent'Jr., of Mulvakee., bing PrAtlcsllY aIl their conteste this o! br moherlins 8. liofr. ene guesta Moiday altth. home of B50. anad Laie Villa la retermined of ermohe, fx&8.Alofr. Mn. aid )Kr. W. IL Decker. tO break theIr vln»lg sîreai. Juinus ChAnibertlinbas returned ltno eth hra oniiWBn 1%s boule in Area. atter a leigthy riait lara.dBea"d bermu gteMra.Re0len vith relatives la Vermout. orIlndatdtermolhe, f Bysacu e1e BdSchneider and Predmth mode aYork. are suending a fev dai lt i tp te, gea lAke 8Sundayind Mr. aid Mmr. Y- P. Dymond. apent the day lnrhing the finuy tribe. The Miaaea Carolinae utterfleld, Mm. C. Opring and danghter, Mmr. Evelyn Bail aid Baby Wtliams are Louislamron. of Appleton, Win., iam iong those from Libertyville attend- ed relatives In uegav~au~ Ing the big Epvorth Lesgue inatitute Mr, ad Mr&oh. yrelland ata Laie Geneva, Wii.. this eai. ily of'Waukegaat arm here vulting at Mr. and Mns. Frank Âltenburg, Mr. the home t>f Mr. and Mm. C. ryrreli aond Mmr. Walter Âltenburg, Mr. and on Sebool str- li ra. WlliainQasede and danghter, lira. Christine Baux and Mn. MÙary vere guesta ThUraday ot Mr. and lins. Stelr of Chicago, viited f rom Wednfs. W. P. FI'anzen, Jr. day untIl Yiday 01 lust veek vith old Mr. and Mn. Arthur Scarlett,* Mr. friends here. and Mue. ira Cronite, daugjiter, Ber- Mrs. Raiph Peteneon returned Moi- tha, and son. Jeame, of Danville. Ill.,' day to ber home ln Chicago, ailer a ata-ot a fev days this veek vith Mr. vieil, here vlth ber parente, Mr. and and Mms. C. A. Wheelock. Mu-s. Wheel- Mrs. J. Astiaock Je a @leter of Mns. Cronkite and Mra.A. J Aniin.Mr. Scarlett. Mu. and Mns. W. P'. Tranzen, Sr., of! Mr and Mns. William Laycock vent' Bensonviile. vere here Tueaduy visit- b Clear Lake, Win., laift Suyday. fur Ing ut the. home of their soni. W. ' thelr annual ft.hing trip. Mr. and Mrs.; F'ranzen, and vite. W. G. Wells have beau oceupyhîg the Mmi T. P. WHilianad dighter LaYcck cottage et Clear lAke foiý a and Mia. Carte Chambers returned wee or tvo. -W. havei't received any Môiday to their homne lu Chcugo. ihfo r aeek' and Mm. Wredl Croier.' Rai' Smith made a btisîeeatrip to Chicago Tùeedy. Neit Bunday Ray, Mir. and Mm. Rdvard Needham. of expects to saet on a long automobile; Wauiegaii; Mm. EUa. Robhipon and trip througb the ilda of Wlo5couxin ion. qf La galle, aid Muas Bertha GUi- and Mlnneaota. Be vil!liUmber Up tafsoà, of0f ilesburg. ver. er. eSun. [(bat nev Ovel&nd..iid erp)ectatof day rlitini Mr. and Mn%. Chas. John- catch a vhole foc kof tubh. uo-n -- ----- - - -- At' an age when many batteries are i the 9scrap-heap, an B.xide wili bc giving youvigotoua service. LhestyUeBatery and FectreC.. Telephone 400) SN OW'Si' WE HAVE ALL uG)SOi- CO uleham 3 The C. SPrint retaurant ln aider- golng a thoreugh nenovatJon. l'aitera are huery9fperiag ad rodeconttng the dinlng room. ÀA nov steuai table 0f' the latait type hau recently beau Iuata]led. a"d tbf. popular eatlng bouse vin be oneO0f the beat vhou the improvemneite are competed. Il'amond Laie thia yaer la the mec. ca for touriste f.ro Chicago aid othat Pointa In uorthern lMinoia. 'Juiy 4thi hiaidreda of vist»rc. veepresent t0 eelebrate Independence day. A big diaplay of flrevorke vas provided et night. vhlch could b. ieen for les arooîd. mhe flahlng In the lake thia year la good, bIne gis, bassa nd pick- erel beig caugbt lu large numbens. Tvo Wckerel velghing teut aid five The barn daice gven et the Bert fImal harn near Rli! Day, lait veek. vas lnteurupted by a heavy rau., thp roof on the nevbarn not h.lng com-> Pleted. mhe puoceeda o! the dupýe vent tg the building tuid of the nev Hiait Day churçh. Another ýdance vIli he glven thene hart Tueadai' îlgbt. The harn in îOr eomvleted. aid every- one la asureda guod time. pounde vere landed tltere.receitly.. The ne vIr M. Ray..subdvsioî, ne-1 cently ooene dat Dlazuond Lake, haa provedl the popularlty of that reort. More than hait of the, 87 Iota laid out have heen sold. and ne voottagesAm~r toiîg bulIt, George ffllett .nd i. Havi have iice cottkesa abfpt al!-- flnished. aid S. U. Tntp atarted one today. Chili Jeneen alac bas materlaîj on the ground for a mummer home there. The dancesarae. blng patron- Ized by large iumben of plem seekens. On W.dneaday nlght of this veek the Rinbov Girls of Evsrtti helda damce et the -Ray Brus. PavmloJ - -rga4 by a lArg*e vtL1 WARE CW.1 LDEIyri= UmmINO "TINY TOTY" Mother, you are bl.aa.d today with W 'tny tot"-tomorow, the -Iman or woman. Are you Coing to al1low time tc, wip.e wey -ait tracusiof the beauti., and grac* of childhoed that le wlth you now? The ammi coat of a taw Of Our beautîfui hand.woroed Photo portraits le lnsignificant wh.n oomparsd with th* Polo. leu. Images they promerve dur. lng the. coming y*eA. Don't gemble with chanceà-call US UP today. C. A. HNEYWELL portrait Artiat PbotOgraphynd ErBih Telephone 28&W-2 : An attractive' SDresser Clock and 3ofé for T1rifty Housewiveas rlc"-Tlk' myathe Coin TCIk.but to the. lmy houuve ifet laya eh faitbfulafly I r*ulatlnt11. bu" Mds-e&v- lng the. golden omeuxteaMd berodcI hang as WeU. nhe CWnCotredCc" lia an atI&acWv. "ek rdrb"dl* sa&vngs device ln one. it m akeg.f a* copoaoy nd buidasucceosal avigé - counts'wh al other M«»an h a f aid Imuet be rewound eostom,4àgoq and, belore tuia la possile, a nickel, dt» Oï quarter muat be lnserted. The Coin Controlled CIO*k wil éàieu1to everY housewiffe on sigt It -là betnuRuly flzilhed and WM lb. a credit to the mont a&. tr4ctti-ely appolnted desk or drener. First National Bank LIBERTYVILL1ý - -.-ILLINOIS. UCONSm£ Le4IIL$ pRS >AT mEDWNI mmE TuI, KmT "«Àr*r4~O Ail AUnvm O RI ! TOUR W£ 91 1MP fR WUIUMM BY NOT BUYING YQ-UR I Il BEFORE JUL Y Ist .Unis *m4ther carefi1muemex oaTbey d lm stop at mne lot ather. W H Y?7 ANOTIERADVNCEAUUUSr Ist BUY NO0W-! R~hAeY B R42 &-C> N.om nfl,9- Cretones' .40c Other Curtain'Drapery at 85c. to$1 Ladies' Home Patteras, also Home Jourals Hurs 8.1)A.NKto 8.00P. K W. W. CARROLL &, SO NS' PM-oNî- Plio e29 - - Letv lmI a ielg%- he $tr. n theceg golnig tin1 en whers 1 dont surpnisedý hances à cm 1 . 191 LmLynmu£, ni2m li