rt *1 14* LIAE MNON l«. IAn Evening Chat - ~ UBiR1'YVU1 I E Eff. TUR AY. JULY 12, 1923. tainosi a number of relatives tramn home of-Mr. snd . John R. nox NIJSin McHenry Sunday.1 MISS JANNETTE Mlkee aoi lra.thet Kap e sud F BMISS Lois' Broughton was a Chicago, p~)Ij~ OM fmiy 0 bh.Vila vr. aIe~ bi 1 1" P LQU R"eryMimfln snent Tuesday andi SMART AND 'EN lit. asi Mi OpcsOlsou ntertinesieduesday with. McHenry relative. > LÂ ON JACKSON ST. a:i*eèro01thie Allendale boys on AT PICNIC John Muphi Iy eh - t ! t ÀLLEN WEDDED' Scodoy. 1 ~Hertel's Pavillon etHaDyI o Fir o Udeerm Ot~n .ber~itndugthe camp meeting Richard Howard of Chicago lner InLake county. Heiti avel the Ceremony Takes Place This Mua.'1ofoc Slth apeut th firît(a - ne nv Saurdamenit. BAtom-ancing -4 'coc a Starts onp> .#n M C«.gdwd etertained .be Is Caught In the Act and les .W~prked froe. - Auti feno t4ocoka Way Intefou$ idene Ciaover tý Remanded to County Mal--- Home of Bride. -: WAUCONDA PAINTER OIED ïir c .ud.t.rmt»desiniiILAW 40Richard t'. Howard, cocred, oaiBo. AFTER A S140ftT iLtNE88 The wesiding af MisJanu-tte Mondai afternoon u . " er Be-cBat oibre attended the camip Smrait. daughter of Mr. and, Mrs.i Plosin brn, jke pg 0<m eeingetDePlaina Sudsy. State street, Chicago. la ettrest t the Clînton Grlisldpessed avey et bi Robort L. Siarn, ta Kenneth Allen,. PIMI« hme, ra um d0enter- Lako caunty WaI regrotting thetý he home lu aur village Monday nlgbt et soea Mrs. Edward E. Allen. ofi streeti, Wukepan, re.il«g "I m i. M mm Dss.i-Hock amtre planned to attendi tho big pcolc for Il ûaclock. at the aeof 64 yeard, ater "son sewsaslmîzs us tas.oet fMl, 800.i. be*n'via -tt j>Isg Ibei r galgoof eGrand Rapide, icolored folk* et Fos Park. North a shortIliluosa. Mr. Grsvold vu, day elternoon at the hame af the ceivesi by the tire deputnbMet et %boat jCh. Cbieag. on ide. Wauffnda's planeer Palater andi a bride's parents or; Oakley avenue,! 4: 25 . Jh VMLeznaiC o a Howard vas one. of the 2.000 Col- highèy sillesi vorbinan, beving learl- Waukegan. Asneerly au ucen ho uinel th.e I V«hà 1 h n ~.tstre f»f0j~ning someture witi tg oresi Peoplo vh10 gatheresi t ai s 8es itbs trade et the age of 16 ymu-s. The ceremany was performesi by bis tasdone. b-yta .poa v Park 1het da M7. Sadhoele a "Clty '4e Ladl been painting for Jas. the Rev. W. C, Ruthertordl, pastor th otnthm « M y i*- t guy" ho figuresi thet North Chcaga lu the oarly morning aniviwu ou f the Firet BeptIst church, at four vlnsi thetire ~v tiwo the Mt4on V. H.E. Gauste- of Wauksgui,, as e goosi place te bave e vilsi aId slck about 9 o'clock, ccPleing of ocok h vu en uel h andup ~tlhu" t. .î81 n k ç uet h ovcitli op.lm.Bue h i e igr uSe-pains eround bis heart. He quît vOr erviTecuil a nteded.i secnd lur asi ho tb'ogI b. iilen~lchuseisOn on ut SUndeY et lit Esi Ablitiu i,.îg t the pileeand vent home. In Le afterncon bi Thne bride la one of eukenans r-of. Thieblaseo!as t aig e vbolu p vitb the itentions.ot keelsIng tLe brother. Cap. sumniouesi Dr. Rose, and moîtIlikeabie yonng women andsi se 4 te roos par0te- bustii.t 'M Earl Barron enteetaned ber place dry.In the evenlng hoe seemesi e Utie .butLa a iiarticulai-ly sweet personality. the areien -d. & Thée boat via Drithera.mFox of ROUnd Lak*. Onl Hoaas coiding ta Shorif f Ahl ter, but the change came sudidenly ansi For Beverai eers îLe hels an Ina- *0 Intenhe-tlt mtii e ieefIdColsDot Smnday. stro,m, prosincesi e bottle cf vhiskey et 11 celock that nlgbt ho pases portant position lu the offices of the gt vithin si fait of the bous..e- 1 Mme Groovenar of Chicago, le a tram Lis ip pcckst and, proceeded away. Blatchiord compeny. $ho la anmem- Wbfie * lb. ire teaifwvia nfiest 3etet the laume caitber _o. L_ a jet it gqrigie lnvttngiy dovu hie The lune a esiTusey1o erc h KnaDultr ie te - h.rsirat o$ f th blicithe 'r veuov lhroet vhllo bis many filends andi the Fedem ld chtrcb, Rev. RIleY Mi2- Baptint cburch, and la active in oter p n rts Iti.bsas iumagIn asdau e EilDerby aud Guy brotLers ver. i&Up sot drinkis. ciating, aller vhlch the romaine vers cburch vork. ote. Tparsuefmthe ba Id i biai ire spendlug aometine et the The sberiffiaon the Job t see tLe lonterred Ini the Wauconda iometery Mr. Allen la a vory popular yonngI eide trol sihbonulied thebiaDerby Woe eet Long Lake. -"fn iovfy theL.ilquor" itunt end he bouide is brotbor, Cal, vbo dled a business man, belng proprietar af et raIlii ib enireboue mgbt MarelaPavllo aiHal Da lanov aere Jowarce bnesnd alu îLIm car ega. aimait as suddoniy. the Allen Ca. bock and istetionery bner ft untOO i P« d er av illaon e aBtdacn arLCiCg tl out uClintvas barn andi grev le manhood stoore. Ho la aise prominent lu l- ho dMMY* InWaucanda snd nuxuberesi bis fionda cal musical cîrcles as a beritone. ]ILsport badl i that on of thearire- 110r la Lakeo ooutY. HeRelP vli tbe Justice Nelson, f1usd Havai-si$26 mon vu oysoroome by tbe bot sud crovd maxi Stnrday igt L &UtO5IB>andi caste, but Hoyard b ad evisiently bY*the score, vbo vîli miss hlm ai- La-ing taken part lu many local tel- uineke and Ladl te le cen-led out of biles perked free. 28lt spent msny sheekeis au tie iqaor moi as mucb as is Immedate fan.-eut poa and concerts, andsIolae the boume. Titivas deniel tadaY and vas unable te puoduce the nec- ly.' He leaves ta maurnir-s bs tvc member ai the Baptist church mals hi Piire Chier O'Ferrell vba sais iehoSrri-ge Experience. -essai-y mceeq. He vwu taken ta thc brothers, Cati andsHeriy. ansioeetis- quartette. lied netlothard about It sud tbcugbt (Me o- ib wsi, 1 'ut-i ihout ta enter a cauuty joli te soi-vs out hlifine tr. Mns. Deiry, vbo whliber son ansi Bth the bride and groom are, h.ovosild kuov If laed Lappenos.ed i. ls ,-iîîre i fouiid asîlu iI ******* ** daughter. maintainesi the home. He graduates ai aukan tuhep ___ladollarbill, aiea leaves tvo other sisters, . itgL Scheol, claie af 1916, hr b * ** ** * » * *wli,-l,1Itu; nid-ivrrt.,,t elue îhli. A Wm. ELiinger. oi aur village, andsi .romance Ladt Its egnning. few wli,t Inte îî,r, ullle stannîg et* W A UC ON DA Turner. f ai lite.Soou aiter the veddlng ceremouy. * G RA Y SL A K E * t1h. '.îni f s gos-ci-y to', a womn. ** j * * Wo Jalu iti the mauy finonds lu they icit on e short boueymeooutrip, on ieXtto ne 4rolrtula dlla bil. I-y-exteudlng aur sincero sympatby te followlug wuich they vilIL e at homue * ** ** *** op-ickdIt niec:janud inieilIf r . Miss in ùuOeks of Chicago upent the Lereavesi faxlly. au Naorth Sheridan Roasi. 0. . XHockla on thc grand jury in isIetilîl. "Ive alreiidy lomt onue the veek end vlth Mounds.ansi i-ca- BTAY Cicagothbla veek. billtîis afterunn Vinhs watt1, eajtives 11 Wssconda. 1 The Retai-t Scathlng. OIUR Th bue nv cupes b suiauger. ani.'- t,, ahiber in the recce- Miss Mary Baey tea pendLcg the. A cer-ain > vîîing linnbInoui-set vas lire. Bertha Miriclberger. whase Jobmausenfamily baseen icid te a USy oM$2 that day--xeh.#ee. voek lonWeat on et the home 01 Mi. lon tnv'ul h,., m ad we sivali Iici j, malden naine wuasBertha Ijoose. vas. ____________andsilr. Henny Beckni- nlien ne -îi, di) it. I riet hilm eteIl oi-n lu Germeny op tLe 21st af De- l'h«y locubrl ie cmin iaMi-. andsi rngaWolavor andsi i ' ,nsiiiiibfr svricombor, 1840, ansi passesieway at lier -ToOWbeueae apn ti ,c"" 5Grows Wlthflm ~sens orci SU edou-Waconda' :l e clftîîs ilit svrleohome lu Prairie 1-ev, ni..ounlte voik on lt.heaPlaine. river riui tweo-*--- len anr. e gin. setnafly fri-ends gulday. fb lie an11141 li)oyoîî kîîc,Mies moring oi the 4tb ai July, et 2:30 UbertyvIll. ,rpl" ,sestl.in lt'elf the' fwcr ta pro- Miss Carie 3udwaonspent lhe ira L. l'in ,,îriîlld psiîf you the othe o'ciock. et tbe goodIý aeoaI82 yers, WMe iaTuer spant Souday et the (lu" e -remu t-eee%. and thîs! la the ai the voek viti Chicago fiendo. I * l0i!-ifitlaty iten nrii1 real- 6 manths anil 12 days. Chezle.Sbceder hoon lbetyville. roseu n ,thng sXo-see«,dm like su(ccs- Mr. andsilr. Roui-y.Geerysusi lMr. frwoil t,î ni Lai-ri-ort 1knew yu.'- lither Hlnschberger carne ta -ibis Mr. eds u . l Frank -uhCaisls e -tr- 1L9i-nand lira. IH. .Malman visitesi et tLe' Chleaga Tribune. countr-y lu 1864. lu 1866 $he vanmar- _____________Illinois. Roee Loy settlosi ou a fai-m ands iai-es tbetr Jays togotiier. To Ibis hep-ci union rive cblidren verd Il bain-tva daugbters and tino sanso: Emma. of Prairie Viev; Chailes, of Long Grave. Ruiclph, of Wainut, la., andi Mi-. Ida Kinegor, 'oi Lllsertyvllle, Ilinlois. Rchard. the oldoit son. pro- ceded ies mather nto ie ebotter varîsi tirougi deeth ilu 1907. Sept. 15. 1989, lother Hîisicblerger wus bei-oIt of her- devolesi huabeni. but lbe Lor u-si i viiber &ad belposi ber tbnough the bard placesn lire1. Citizen oflEveryrTownt:: R:vz:v lest ber c itize 0 erycompanion, ale movoi and made bier lu marriage te Fred Hlrscbberger. vba pi-ecedesi ber lu deetb on Febru- ai-y 4, 1917T T P, Pbliý SSric Company is a citizen of each townMmHaherr zfign T i ee& The comanylk other good citizens, aybealtb until about foui year aega, py, pays hen she met vltb an accident, faIIJng taxes, feels a civic pride [n the prosperity of each com- down the Cllai- tairs ansid cdliàtns a ~ .~,lier hilp, wviclc b er an lnv.Ild anti munity and 1'Opoflsluuasy to help each communilt , In ab e afing condition until Bile ueece- corne a bigger and better place in which to live or work. îuîîy passesi ta ber eternai revard. She ves a momber or the Germait Lutheran chnrch et 1Long GiGcF sinco Thec mpany s cnstntl exendig is fcflfieand Sp-ber oaily years. Thecmpàyiscnstntlyxtedin itsfclltiesndkep-She vas a kinsi mothor ta ber stop- ing pace with local development s0 that a contintqously *cifidren, as veli as ta ber owo, rosi a larger number of residents may be served and the comn-tvour childreOuL nînu granuchlidn3n. munity itself madle more attractive to outsiders. two sîstr.atdhiersla rtive a si , afIfionda meuru bier dopai-ui-e. May Gosi grant tea aie ablessi ie-'f The company occupies 112 buildings variously located union it boavon. throughout the territory. The lines of the company Wltb tbee, My Lord, wlîh thee, 1 do not loir would stretch across the continent from New York to- Ta ri-".l the tbresbhold ai tbe umye- San Francisco. An> automobile .flet f 220 vehicies, ti fotlor I dîe er rangjng from heavy duty truckcs to light runabouts, is For th as t pacesi the portico - i constant.service carrying those who -tend the linels and -ot m fbatré1 thy baud; ithy, ee- mdaue g iÏ LVLV55. 5cUus.wim @1 shsflemerge lu hpphru 53 wlb tiee. 0 - 'Mehofunerai services wve.'tlsidon Residents of mmli communities -who formerly had but Saturday & ftei-nobu, causinctei l ylte fie r ixhours uncertain teleI cservice in. the evening Ee.C.Xge nciu ir f te 'ClCk ! are now enjoying 24 hour erviDe, ini the same measure froi-thle bouse. wbere aLrlo, service wu held and a two o elk tthîe as residnts of the large cities. Long Grave Luberan chus ch. The fuerali vais langely attendosi. Thset mafly floral tiibutes lwere 9videnceofo The Public- Service Comnpany furnishes services of a lie hlgb osteem lu vLich the dopai-t- cd vas heisi by bier meny 1,-tonds ansi naueg seta otearcluasindustrial and coin- nolgibore. Rev. Millton Urnbach f ron t nature stone senialftoetheofgticultural, mercdai development of the territory i w ich it operates Leducharge ai the sluglog îoto athe that the prosperity and future growth ofhahm Ilngsbuse ansi tLe qhurch, and vas apper- of Nother IllnQiscatesi vory mach. Interment was maede and the Company are Iargely interdependent.i b Ag rv eeerna church,*wheei er Lady willi iest untl This company has but.one t sý e nd that is, to give 0Leresrrotloemo-n continuously good service athel et practicable cost. and neighbors fori-tbolrkindnosafand sympathy vLlcL ibey have tahovu ta us during the proionged oufiering ansi ' ~ ~ 4~,,lu the boni-el death ai aur Lelavesi Y.. f~- .4, /5P'J~Eê,~ /YaUt<.maîher; ais afor the use of entama- - s ~ biles ansi floral olferlugs- ~ - ~. ?euldimtTHE CHILDEEN. Geod Manneri. <bonsinitnners lq tLe art ai meklng PUBLIC S!ERVICIE CQMOPANY Ihl eîleeî lhnhn ocn Li I-crc.Aii rnev raea tho e eept pe4'- UIVERY evening after 8:30 1- long distance telephone- rates (for 5saon-to-elaion" cails) are about 50 per cent lower. At midnight a still further reduction becomes -effective, and until 4:30 A. M.a night cails are completed at about one-fourth the Ua "'station-to-station" rates. The minimum reduced evening and night rate is 25 cents. This service makes it pos- sible to cal1 distant friends or relatives, or cail your home if- you arë &üt of town, at a ver small cost. Just cail the nwnber and' say that you will talk to any one who answems IILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY HOtUS EKEEPERS YOU W1LL NU~ WANT TO HAVE YOUR RUGS CLEANFO AND 0F C0(WRYOUWANI THEM (LFANE»IN 1THE VERY DWWg. THFR19ISNO BET r WAY TIIAN, RUTH DRY CI.EAMGV 11113 WAY CREAMSTHEM 1110RU(2I1Y 0F b&Rr AND) SPOTSAM >RWM THMM FREE FRO~4M THS OR A POSSILf'YOF MOllIS IATFR ON. CAU.. UBERTYVILJE 67-R WIIFN YCE ARE REAY AND WE WIU. LEAN THEM TENAPTU'A A. Th1e Reliable Landri, LAUNDERER8, DRY CLIEANERS ANDOYEVRS PHIONE LIBERTYVILLE 67-R WIRE FENCE Il .. are iavled W. eu» te un fac*ry Efe ysw fime mmts. Y« ucWd figow foi " okfaare of "ul atthe foIsim nes 8 ba,32 n.high, t2 -m . s ------ 8 barm32mi. higb, 7 fit saysZ -- 9 bax,42 mhigh, i. 2L ay~,3 9-ba, 42 in.bhigh,, 7-m. stays... 444e 10 bars.50Oin. higb,12 in. ita~ ..8 10 bars, 50Oin. higb, 7 i. say. .....0 MEDIUIHEAVY PUTI ENCE 14 baâ',46 ie i~.8 in.sy.4 /2 16 bars,5~8 i ugi ~ t 5 lz mm MtWII s".d SeuIsp«t SP. 2-pt o 4 3 4-pt. Hog $4M 2-pt Ca e-----$3.59 4-pt. Cattk - -"8 STEL LINEPOMT, ck .....---- - --- CORNERPOSm ech=__ ADJUSTABLE STEEL DRIVEAY Q&TE - PLAIN STEEL DRMIVEWA ÂTS 10 fLwide $5.65; 12 fL wMk-$625;14 ft wk"7fl STEEL POTUL T ES 1 l 1 48 in. high ......... $210 60inà" g .415& Ail Pri-b. SubI..ct Te Change Withoust NOlis American Wfre Fonce Ce., Inswrance of ail i o4 long distance ctis! stfost amî er e- quîremest. Cossu!: th#t t4ephomedirtvso7 for /ei'Jer dtails or call"Long Dus stce.' os MON [mois k quildine 3 a p. mu. fflOIB 9BE INO ON