TOI Ths Yur A'A~E EMMU 'M MM Rf The sA-analreport et *« Duiluis meta-te Tebumutbwes Pecnqp- es bý' CoI$#@L tT. .~~~na- *elt te tb*~uaay.Mt ~~ nt axianabbeN.Tint a»*M5< t= ,ate'i b Acteeaça et Ithig Ccdlty tO a 14h $SSL ,luttaaA u ae eorith* aUsuEM t eàlst year of. about ttlas boufttd deida. ,Tgeyeaa' tbr dr e m an4sd el*t3 twe temebera contributed. 0f tis xamber tony vers n lu s5 iv ia .Cantributed ten dollars eacb. thIrtY ,xillee lu cistbresa" cetrib, ufflted tyr dollars sa-ah, the rminlf d< er ein clam s ensd cotribut- cc isdoUmars ad.. Lake cosfty at the present tim bon seven ,annuitanfts vice roceve Jour bundreil dollars wnniisly frei tics fnnd. >fom thIs report lb Wul ha seau l"t -tIis Ileupty Io palus SU a $UffIçlnt acueunt te maure the percanencl etftthe fond. The amrelseven contrlb¶trs wIce at the clseet t dis year had t4uht more thoan twenty ire years aud arue. thoretore eligibe te retire as a-iit. anis. Supi. -J. E. Pafflt bas lis -bonor oft bsvug thcs mot YeaomOf sevices, ho as taught tirty »nu 7oïs inlutiec cunty; »Mra deh*Au MKorey la second 'wlt tbtIy ne5- yesrs te ber credit, sud Sict.3.J L Smilth eofii cand Park la third 'wltiý Ibirty mDe yeaa et service. Tues mmsy yeers et service of ihese fW>i naI educaýters la smething te wbicb oouty people cau point witil pride. A dm4ý*ood huMg for Anti- to- atsat Antlooh.ý- one cf.ticth blageet crowds ever gatberë4 la the AntWoh b4l,11 rI te watoIý the s Atiocica play suc teain but tice'XLa»eVil. erowee4 ito tmesPa 8ls= 51111557 atloOn te me th tl~ utidifâIl bafere tics aiaity eQtefrl Narooll b»' ansluely r"f ibat 'vut *aered lu aae a-* jncln le » *O1I Agaltics Antiache Thce *Sre*" 5te 4 ut. lvror t he a-#b aict 4ffor hbt- ýteauxa and lu the o#«Àug o! thc. seebd h, a yOOna St>mg la l** fsruan vices f IlVwda ilippe up I'ln a baltu. nlug. lb vaunet SoauaneltreIy bal llabfor Davi4eion. but vices 'ie u-r hurler loumeal cp a t bbs a#poit aise Olooeced and the 1vwwalSes'l ble cto Ptle~up ei flue>~.la4. tlas les Il as a- 'Ut c>«M MA mont a Maroon. bAtter sawal the plats e llqvlug tics 10> 5oth tau l it pretty beaviy. but uvln -a ir tstigit rlIbSidn on zWkMâalas.tic. rm w er. bel to IN ast uly 0* -Antiochaplaî lic *Ettagtm sfor ati ticr ime Irbic *w* 4Vo bha pJayod at auiocb. x6éwor4.......5 000 00-I .&uioceb........... 001 210 000-4 Judos Ptrions Refused to Gmwt Petition- ers in RHMing Estate; TuSse 1P. LU Persons, actng la the Place etf uSse 1Martn C. Dftber. ]LU Probae acourt Ts#tM"dented thes petition of uertau>n hale lsi thce e tatse! et i bhngaslt. 149 for 4, more ooutplst lnvsnýry et tic s cate, lice pruperb nvlé biug loottls at >iewport. SjewaP eacas sase * udgu lu tItis mMter hecause Prebats .ludge - - eakerrepremated lsmeof e! ut ra Xia. RaWins leub a laic fa-mu a *vpoit. there bslng a 'n1mbe oo~ira leWakea, 4North Chi. sOA-" Lakse ecntir. Bics Ieft tu ti i u eber soÎ1ý lobaRailins, ýo - hal ilhed on -dg. farm aubi wuAq fa-beu cars>oetIl. It h-a-use, et :ti.. property, t. f$= iAÎ saelat- laukav-Ièty tcfi Z IIe ýjg'icc .1~'~ 4$ j - -rm yW f-u4t O"e& mudwe,-$ndbuoe bLLO* Shos erthe t~e lýADTES WHITE . ANvàs oxFoRDs-$ vaIue. Speclal ceuh j5 priGe --- ---- ......... LiWHWITE CANVAIS eO'RS-$ <iuaity, 13.66- value* lo lint at ............. .... ZTU" TWO TONE SLlPPXlIt-#lnokbd té .bo vailori. .... . ......:.Sap LADES LAE X1RDSà-IklNgh bau .UU sase pries.. ..i.................. . ..... ~Jfluloit TOP, OES.-iRlgIibqeekbWb4 O nfl4brown Mai4 l.,e.Veum. $7.50,, #19.00 and *$â.00. cash saie price ..... $* LAD= SEEIU0It L PE -AIadesB wo teofit , sot lether, cuablen soles, Sllk rlibb 5 .5 alg L ........ ........11r.. LDU'TRUM"» 0'OX RDS ÂND BUOS- BaLh band tuyrls And Welts, A d black, lace; at ................-....... TRIQE XEaS-Triie Bt. tir uqallty, g truc v-lom ,for 1............................ The eastouts a slady ever ver. la=Oure t1rsI *Xd ilng fvst wbsu Yeu 'eau' "ViDe- --ais"Suce LADIEM-40 1 IXWS A"»U8*IUP- «hI a» . dyke. bp e $3. Ailblack ,at tlgvalsa8 At _.......... 0gROw5&i4 GaLr flm i)S us, Va Suuke ;bron ýbase ae, laces., 7. ;~~a.Is.............. LADIMS, CQVMRALL APRON"-uarter sd.ea'a perufoiles .1s,%5value. cam& slie. priço ... ........................ le UXTS-?lew c ut, LADIES'ALL.WOOL "AITUIWG Suflrik-? * cler, fueut. 14-Q.00 vlu. Q G ins at ..........1...... . .. ...... *LADIEW , QOTTON EAÉRINlW S XT-~ a-tcolora. *J0 naues for.......... . MIOI R LOtT e e t se ai1uefie. 4~~~u ? )it De. ~ POMu lEN'u TotEU AN483~4 MyB~e IATRNQ SU*S-Na r *s., YWbif P&iO ee1 LT ----- alu- bf"t wih-e.. Lts lW oeI ah" KEA .4D4$0.00 ~Laier a54 and 14M *lt~ IaId ubbe au&d I letg ong" Irxate4 it biMONaep 'dr.s. 01c labrwnhatdm ~ ity Alnf.. +beaI*oS. 4,-là ~ g r4 N' 8fT-tu.>u1a . 4 but 11fbell, pe&tel ba-af p valse. Tins ....e ..........~ 5 iia- 1$ .lvayssli, ' a u 54 iurr .. .. .... or 4 14, T.-llc Bauiby £a rom .. t. ......u hoie....w.... $ a-M'.»O lot « ho x1l te , 1.5 X6, a-tsAt..... va .s, Oa- t.. ........ ..... 'di. S . vlpe,~t.. ......... OVT " u*ol a t er r -ull0 e O w*tbSbllstir, MIMA ~~~~eU~~~~~ trS. Gl- - ..8O -'A sçl- ls o f $.00 via ~UW0 W~K 5RO-4ewcm Mx cksole., m«a- 1oOmrbier beeis. bmevu haI. $1 00Lploab'to.A f4.60 V4lue for.... *~WtPLAN TO SNE-fi>ldleather. 11e.t. hP~kscI, aanr protvide #ad bulIt for comu- rioe es ..... .-......... .$3.. .IIN ÎMff-Mt uppm>b' samiea, fullleiatiie O~rbI fneet WW4NV Oyr am$f ~iW 11118IU-.oenuune ca-k s1i90, ÂaflV'e Mt«vdeuta-ble tanned, ma-de for ba«4 v e ? 4 vIc se . ... . s. i . . . . . . . . . 2 1 »«4t *LKàN OUTINQ 9ROE-Por accmer ~v. IkAm mebrown ahade, la-ce, gais. ~ YOUUto -4aA.baya. .A ..a..e..... .......... i.... boy# E,.&cK EAt 8OBB-gugiah b, seep- *IsfyBefor drom , 912« le, yontba. to ou4 a boysat 5.00. vale. Sapiss .. .......... a, dreaa- sboe. EngIeb toee. vet. Slsee,-I 1, youths to 6%4. boys. Au $8.50 value 5>501t t. ..... ...a........... . . ........ .. 4.49 Specalsfbr- Saturday !. LADIES'COTTON JIOSE-Blaek 4i-tan sbades.1 c XAMIS' FINE -MERCERIZEI> flOSE-Blai-k brown and 42 .white. 6Ue value$, ..... LADtE$' PMB E TBREAP SILK [eooË}1igh splieed- hëeelblaCk , 1 '2O Iues, at..... FjIBRESfM r;rV*le, a ~~ba&,I~yaùd wbite. YIo1r ea ~.eves i G. N. lunch t a! bistivapa sa-t suvWhaf * I »duo IL-"DOfl musa-" visat a kmean for vho av. pet otrIe fia MOI 1 A,.'