- -OinrisislI. -bye L wx* ô<oo0 94 =.ay eUs SirNor sue etsa m u p105 atm u- mm btuieh lietmaftérana X* bu *$Wdmdh. eeallyitro ed ,UlW Mrnuoisvsrav tWem bt ~adtt5ek a .!h e et aeu il »gu t me. Ir at théevty. vo*rti fan veet"i mm: ff 2fiss 0.hue b aa ce.» he natrei. tm ieut feaaIgmhW a ý *d94tn poMbsa lv.. st taea"ne eunn hm. hae l a euly s r vS. s8 On&la 8h. at o! nihs u beusiiea Tit Saibutebm Savaug. turfl epa. hm dS' lu 1er s~mm signtsin.the.wx t.Mrh. wme v 1tah z3h. n.y b. me Smymwa Ot . emend 58 ti e hre or nt vise.1Ibave My dessýIns.fr4 . a "Toa of0 immtu.bcokar. lua 'an - vas vytttenau Use note- paerseet a &lM et bidabruhersin V» se ltte le frin u fiad aIglt a«e«I." 1 ai& ioe have basa it" attamapa upc. =y Me1.Wiii h lasi te "tvo ftdand oi1 bam>ust Dent avuae aoerataryeba *"kaa gewe Mee ml usiaEch10m aiesii tai -ta*oltaul Yauon *a S b. J&iteae trace 5a"hua a ateeeiet thrnSip lb g~ *a vbih eh b.dc9mé. la ti UsaU M .0-M b el ne 10 v* tan 1» S la oul vllbâhm. Th.auwi. lm n- aust a ri1t beb açiuve a lemu. d0m "I .. tie Sane d&I.e«aY MY 0u " vo ome." I igumbiai, " !Baemetiahre viii h. otiugs sbé te doin lAULOieAt <bis lime et *"Grey*%." imu m elasoel. 65.10 me: 'roc esaplay »X itouai ILauon ude . O& ilS peu boi. Iree m'e Wagfner Ibue th"s bU VOM binla u nprotachsi 551gb- %Olt é 1ime Itu». But aputtm »M àAattoema. vs i mat uUV lue. ibis vainecrisse la Nev York bas amusavàrààaSte, in l imslsemed vilS the bett ai t 8la - cm pratlonsa m eingalas s t*rrenai l ouloii." * Whenld o mvamtIme te me?- .evfaS bi %0setmnigit.à@eau- ~.-ea sut aalba ugse y>i 11hfanIt. lIe grsabu*tsou bagu. lae. m a fllllae bpl".r je ~ ~ ~~l arV 8autnaa ofloDE nf lo mopan dvaecf i ouse, abn cul ahitls. frntistasan ai. ns as va passai. an tLimaiavay. Tii IghW't.uncurtesina i vndav of PAPEÏL.RiD iSOW , WORD FoR WORD. "INTEFEST. 1 "IREMARcEID. on i stinabe. sva aepin At Wivellscombe. a Mu o vILS i mjoorcycla tod agietuaevopassi. He teanai forvard uS bQusgh la soi tise number ct Our c..lu ton Min- e litas ho Moei peut us. litapo-erfulb anine msilng th. nigl ilbuuum vith lis Unsslesced axplosicos.b flototeSalisbury' Plein as vwev lx" rtSonço4 a . oeelly cl viol vas biewoinS iranS Licesa aSx vic5 Z1lai brouuhltMdsii seppad Ouia'effl ep aluta ie e. *At mm tewiaam. 51gb up Inhé lb.bah wt. - ctaMssmu valtlg.ils liglti out, Ius avçeemsso *tfi. wu passi IL. lovvu, OttSf1> de. an r hoandsithle a mai Ms a t ie ccupent sesecay'looked at us. W. peseai hbaoitgh Amebery. Vp the. long gise ta Anicrer, tirougb Basngstoke. and solti i own ata a steadarfl ro « e au vas pea noMW, sand tarsesue igus et davo; rigist Abei et UR Mela. t.0 strek of oliv.l l t d jouis.e. chnngns la a dul purite. Ble 1va bai reaeJIi1, ve vus la th. outatts o! lýondo0 si PU" graduafl rorducai. but stgelag t4roouheti. omber tllibt. At 11Xisvrt, Uai"se va bi k-pumalaiert 1e Mssyrur M the b biches siiesi Cbia y bause Mt et the ____ rW, h»d 00Meabeaut ta a tsn g opal Sa a stavnt p ilcue vIe. unIsSa ft b-& e oi. be s teiiing te the oui sntof i£ tourig- or &ceg V *S fl u thei aide of tise romi laicaeUVspte 85 omen viv -,"Ar. yen getletmn ging trug«b ta Losis?"h ltoi 'W. area« 1la toits h *' Wbat Ma. 4do for Yom?" lh. vagis liai sremely lait MI r w 1 u I mevthat ve ve la a p. I-roalsd il jual t ne te te Myl lfite.I trie vls ail9nMy »e et ti»eUgly lt#@ blak 9ge ilch vme thruat simoat Ipta 0MY ae. Tiser. vas a report & aban a,, at thie toi> ut may sbOidb. ho revolver tifs ~Ithet n ace of bapisf bia 1*15el» wst iho.o ma dir ine. TWU towto* or vas Dm00W ng ut sIowly. san lleaped mIa t& Pleevbi s 13610Mn Flotin the50rua A tbw%£me W eMed la rUaw ie mùvs1 ,Ur ca. t tVds aSSsi SM-0 etini. sel thsp chai mli t-* r ,.&a .di Domas f ptheteis -tub e uMO4 0- Fa viit a swser .et bounit mips. A" i» *Imanslmoet i loa sstsui*t.1Iaprus outi ilS eu becS tires bliesuseam"b hrougl i vth mmseelarplIOW mat. fin u distance th» otn- *r led rcunffd thb. cm-ue. 4ma w)t8fr » foasigsiren, vas gcisN Lay forLo1necis armtlTakcs Up 1e 1«91tvU T v. twsLl Ua lii) - asd4r e faut tin lmm mmitkh.. Fora longLtbirn .ge abe ma aoclou. I=Zutlnga or part ofthlie ahN'pe * acovery aetii in talldiasUsia, Pv flWb idiseovrai, tou laie. te 1» sh moribund. Ibbaa lt po« ftiu e for the.cmna mdàenng rasOs.Id loks liai suiferai througb Prim ton. sud my ababby clotbes vuein aeconong enougb: but if 1I bat e Melo of Troy bersafelt. e sem ly bave evoke.0 pue roiue4 the ort vhich muat bcng te m e orinary relations betusen M... and employe. MY goci resalm nwkdé up my zini to appui btubd ln quartera vhich -ovasoi e isme manIth. snd of My nw lm hozest lia. viieo02 ouamu Youngau an ho lochaliSe a eJ clen, vasx ud ebud obe2olwy1 lar landlady lts' Mr lel-ttis rons. 1ores foiiiag up a «eMt bii 1 vaes goiug t ta ue te 15e Pmu broker. 1 vas soit la a wey pi. ont frame et mltandsi 1 nslmis mms wltb my landilai. «Wbat do youit *at* 1I sb miii>y.'. "ia la ot a rxinla vW 1 eau recelve vin±.gr&'W - '*)y viait la ose et.6balnas, m dam," ho eauai.'"Ae you M Janet StaafleUiV -ta amanslli' Seen Py th nse." 1 repliai Re opMM hW taPneketboek as couniel ont itehusufag pouai. banS messager." ho a 0 s.ha te up is .bat and turoei susy. ,Who se the . ntes?-1Ieau"ei -e lm is Wh.t bokla Il boa 'Thébamk et fai ath. hopesa dm lms" . smu l vUSma msi Go" i ungr 26 vu 9g0».buera 1 couli rtg uo mugh S fie ollie word. I tc umu the note greeiil. 1 bail & mw bSt htei. veI"Mt imy Sanie bib e etsir1oe entais am as t. bis doings in Aaienlea rescedei me. PF o someeonWb dad a i. 1 thug bt. at-rm el freinansuasciation vIlli]b sudi bis friebu -.Tetl iaiMy sres, straitausy sitoept et isiepei - od oeâ&The moeer v. neianty tecDm I Pm Myl andtaiy, end made1 ament et My dilapiisted vw Sele. 1 pomms!aithsa art ot kni las hm and i viera te<o by Iis a"ud be bf.lmthlae 16isde vsIaaella a meil fat la £ loge Mud vihlau evusing trou eàmk in: zma 9e.My mek i Iethsod.ilfuges ere 5eri.* Lbueau»M etblaget Utr »M mlace cgOur aseni sveaur , 1M.. 4r . ernêbuelab Our 34 a a barrels comliared 'wth the ave rage IltiNois~<Jf~ fr21,74l,0<iU hsrrels. The July 1 condilion of 50 for pearlies id eatç s a crop of -.38.00U bushels for AD~1E ÀV RMiE Illirois comparreti ~th the five-year average (1916-1921) of 351,000 bush- f'Ju1'31T nU JIn>~ tg. Small fruit prospects are above ~IAIL icivni a average for the state. acndto y of ffl), eornpar.ed wth the ten-yeari 0 ~~average of 86. Condition o we : -Hay, Apples Poo«; reacnis, potatoecs lt slightly above theavn a ptot0es other Vegetable. age. Tomatoes, ýzbbages andtionions 4 bave progresseti qute faxorabiy and F and Fruis Good. show a bigli condition for the tnonth. Id The soy bean acreage bas about 9 s >~ ,,c ~ rs dcrbledtibis year. antd both the cons- 10 CLOV R FIEDS So T D to ofagoy beans adcwpa 1. in,- ~ l reporteti well above the average. 0 Sprngield, Ili., juljy 14.-Hay "Tbe 5tm5tedl coniiion of other 2. eroi> conseralsW below average~ crose for Ilinlois with the ten-Yeâr j asturea above aveme tree fraits average tu Parenthoeeatg as follOva: b faIr 10 poor. and smilfruits smg "erlU.88(90); pears 60 ("); la rv#aabls eabove averaga are report- grapea. 85 ,(90); biackberrles. 89 red by the fe<eral cr03, reýorttag (m; vatermflofls, 80 (78); tomtafet le sericefr llnoP piin thejuly 1 sur- 90 ("); cabbges, 88 83; onions. iey t cop cudiions imed, o- 0 (89). dey. The. report, complied by A. J. Sur- aes as follews: foalhyreQu it 14 'The state prospe e i a e qe" üt * mainslaw. The Jl 1 report showsDe ndbly S a condition of 76, compareti witb the. aveasge of 82. The croit fore-E rAf1 ca for àll bsy 1.9 ,888,000 to,, D. & H.l G RAG e oamlared with the average o! 4,057e- GURMX, ILlOS M00tous. Fed r or W ire FIsmP XPERT WORKL de CSrerflelts are spoiteti andi vee- a. dy snd show a conditIon fer th~e On AUl Makes of Cars stt 514et aigy 67, ompared vitis the teR year average of 84. 'TIera are Day and Night âerviCe ot om efavorable 1tmotiiY stands, bot Ob the buIS of thea CMripl'lned <o Phone 3097-Y-4 or be tim. Allaita and millet couti- ii ticn are aboie avemgg. Pautur W[Y are aboie average tu thse luthbf DEPKE and HOOK ta- of,4e tsate an sd have shown orne________________ m. Imprcs'oment Ini thse »irtts. aithougi l«U stili belov average. -due to early b> sprlng drougit and cool veather. et The state appe erop prospect of09os .GODÛJ »d 79 per cent of normal shows a faU R O.L.GOBU Mr of 9 poits from- ltan ont.h, owlng Chiropodist- Foot Specilist m mmwbat to a heavy June drop. Room 18, iMurray Bldg. mg No unusual damage from insects or 108 N. Genesce St.Waiegs et# disesse 1> reportai. The indicated auea ily total production for Illinois la 6,- Hours: 9-12 si.; 1-5 P.m. te 654,000 busheis. rompared i wth the Evenings b1 appolntusent ta£ average of 4,779,(«00 haela. Phone Res. lit81-W ma The Unitai iStates commercial ap- by pie erop Ja estimai cd at 33,068,000 ma. lai un at alm au& ut tot Mme bai icii 4r. bina @ut MC0 U a ber wn- l0w- D' I __ Home Builders! CO ME TO THE, GREAT LAKES! BIC SAVINGS HERE! L.umber u unSaheesuDoors BUNGALOWS CottaesesHoôuseeissearages Built of GOVERNMIENT MATERIAL at 50 % SAVINGS ùROf -F SECY. STATE EMNMSN lis, Tomahawk Out for ms Who Straddfe Mid- de. of Road. EST IS THREATENED bg W hW. *c.sas.vS&ad vent IkeWAX pth againat Miscur- ato "h«»" lbe bard rade rsn- va f St Louis. Taerous comPlalata have been lbng ,M., Emmersothti S t. *tùurfptS brot gli fl àge cusseinesvere lài * .hbabit WadilUg tise bak iIviin lisa hUnlalh iSlhvays, andItefpaiç fe va>'. This bai ubft iba mmI sia accidents li t tia oiti- ed ,R Centrail3parts of is. si >*occsaae4 mucb au. lois I1ios autemobe, «Wu- ~>asecroisry daciarai. toftaI lesesiordms ib utomobie lovetgatura te b'Ute ilshwaysansd armsi *IL ~wko fail 10keap on their ide 74ye "tlced this myseif," Soc- y 4uwiosoasald lods>',"<l> aTega i dr&~e from Ntl k ta Sprngfield Is>' vey u Vrýille suad Edver6'vilie and ci Miso Elsouri cars, Man>' divers ventai the culIxe t t laht va#te4 *bout three- Ç4fi. IsiIvo Instaiscos, i lIlesi to drive off the pave,- ýý F ie truscitby tuit' cars. % nIoý4 aie perfectiy wlii ~% I ýrefs egbbors !rom lils- *frosis althaugh, o! coure a- onslg te Aheir ette buL 5-s,,at -"l aur lawt and ut try tla crovi un<off povierei ars»ena.o! lasd fad 2 ot Or ovn pavments!, posais freshly dIaeed #ima os 3 Beretery Éemessrson sali lie bas pounis o! byirated Bus«. as racom- vrltten 8talise St.1,o018 A.'9obIio mendedabove aIso by lM.»%ILet Associaioin vsrssng Ite mambere bat Ifractionsa o! the law viliibe lilnSetmeta publsel. UlfiqSnime Miasourilans. bôiwvest, M. Lismer- Love, eharity, benevotemsce, sdit- bon, wvillachief offendera are net esý. good wli t laais othar. ail tisanl onoe. arouse tie nobicst !e"ip as enti. menta wltllssUS. Tley meitgvxg imamutpliftlng. Tliey maie for heàitis. bar-; l'U DR( ~MOnY. power. Tboy ait tend (teh NIPII normaton, put us bn une vils tIse SPRAY TO Kgl CODIINirMOFlI DR. Ea E. BROOK$ The Laike ceunI>' bureau office bas- Ieen notifici recenîl>' by W. P. Ilbn8, stata entomogollat tbat fruit trees, shouli be sprayeti for the second brooti codiug motb vbIch oisise Voray apples froin Joly 20 le 25 p tâteS yar section o! theze tate. r., alutI maltes tise foloving tatenieut. 'Tha codlng matoh la present la aboflt averagea nombafs thia year la ipreyii or herd lepreacot li!festa- tIM' * *liqt 10 per cent. ln spray- ed- dâzards, lise ismber cf vorme depudi saUraI>' on tbe thorensaof tho,,aa8y traatmenL. The secon broe6a@M e applinluail cases Use 0»« poutaet 5owiered.sreiste et0fý ean Sld- vo panade of freas or <hebr puns of hyratai lima lu gIcli 50 gallons -et spray soition. . 'ljnGar,,tbe present conditions one sipray l'nt« ot hmected te give coin »late coatroT7boegus thse Worms The Mau Whô v,,, o<tigota 0b*eh over sucS Il long perold. Anoliser spray for thia Takes YQur brSdaboud begivex trm brea usiù th Eme steat, .Glasses Offn "Renso=ser that ln r«eet years New, outar myotlierapcutic 8ieat- il has b"en tise sCound ud ibd ments unake theni unnecesr>'. No brood wofsns whlch bave causeai otdrg.tiuge of tha damage taIlilinoisa alple." rg sre The spray ta xuse on tbts date la 'nw h tie nîne weexcs su=suer Phone 686 Sspray- aod lm proparei as !oiiova: lu excis50 "Îlout of Taler, ad pounti For Your Appointuient 4-BOOM Bungalow, aséU 27ï32 ft.,llincludink front poirch, -8z20 t. Boreens for ani windows and porch and new 90 pound roll Green Biate BRofing Papea $548, included . . . . . . .. . ..1. . . ... . . ... . ... . . . . . . 5-Room Bi;ngalo w, sise 27x36 ft., large and spacious as above, with $615 front porch 8M2 ft: >«.................................... 6-Room Bungalow, size 27x43 ft., with large porch and screens as $ 7 ai>ove....................................................$ 7 NOT-W f uni ite best grade et goverrment inspected lumbcr and mMwork to treet thesi ogs- lova, Y. 0. B.ciua or trucks et -Gre aLkes,, M. ]BwoiLNG nPlANMmN])SP}flCATioNB PRnu Sunimer Cottagés at Greatly- Reduced Priées, Buildin Plans Furniâhed. Can, Be Easily Erectede DON'7 DELAYI EUY NOW! Aiso the best grade lumiber of all kinds, windows and fraUies, doors and fraMes, large vaTiety of ocreens, wa)l boaxd< vmtiltoMs closet outflts, pipe, fMM>gs etc. In fact most everything to bufld and improve at big lioiiOy sDgpriéesi Corne to Our -Sales Headquarters at the Camps Now!1 Bring Your List-Xsiznte8 Obeerfuly Purnished. GORDON GORDON WRECKING AND LUMBER COMPANY GREAT LAKES, ILL. PHONEN~AUKEGANI 306 Open, Bunday -Io Your Convenience WHY SUFFER With hcaaddues and eye strain. -Cm- suit our eye sight specialîst. -IWe also have speciad glasses that can be ground to your prescription to relieve your eyes from the Sun glare. Ingalis Co* il S. Genesee, Waukegan Jewelers and Opticians