w~ ~*, r ~ L~J~EOQm~Y. LL ~ RStY, JJLY26, 19,23. W4MKEGAN WEEKLY SON $1 .50 PER YEAR. IN ADVANMZ 49mm fl A IMinth mmb o«vulmily.i.=i a bfuem »groMw, ii-tCN ca, '.Swus. , wi m " _ 6i-Tttuk.itete- -- w bcit~ ~ U W'n e s i A t e u h, - b T u it A" 'ai g i pOeýs ovcrtink Wbma mtenti ec o a1e asuce Ator Tl a m e o. a cam t WUtatlà l coet ifLii ime Liai te i la sou mai"ga Lti Mr. vam anti 1* getLlns i Arb" *s. ntiltr a"oeyal -s won# fsmmiy aut aaatad 't f »duer .tigomiaiw mrteioLe t tber tafs- & eclÎredtbt t LIcneemnaieb ltat b.iti ber In fie boapi. qtameeybe dor. W sa« PoMe .vettlg e hatoe d#*5kW terustort asti ab$ -àaete lie . 4 fiat lim ia a me. 'r.. W, M ,le- ver7 au- INS qier.' car, .uber. si.u 1~ The was Livucotent hi la' suaaum ulla, te M71000but à* «0 lo 1ebouSem Ma ofina Lhkrite by lIre, tieamumai do«smot IlMen covr tie tom ir. vale t i0s 19- te. ThebIta Mb*fd a nUre t« $475009anttic omets tor -ind ME OUT tIN @DS reatit io mii as tie, adt frigbbiztPari la asu taqfi boos, ueet tkL Uct ý Tba »M = w iqPo. via a thein hosie bdre- es e. iiLché Tiey *m,*re qteitLt iui Coudeas..4 lumait wuab(w te le l.bop«" htLb ted pteAoq meçb i. e Iqlà ati 'a e ~popthat: 1'be ei ~scoinp1a 0.i. - AtotZ_ýt uo h 'Fbi1A -, , - AIi 14s15m »"#itE IJL est* .-e. - Laercnt weisM aew il an à b. qetbe .vu foUt wd t Uok CqËCx = - flur t tii. e btl febicagl oulce bad rqtubi le. tecoout i for bdgo à adba iilytfor Lbhe<odonWem u soiea t Great Laies. but vw be etthte tttiitetitis moralng tbee-T 7 'cloci. lIe vas ecnlletias 1,415* ex b>ly a« ci m ati*0ebbineevr- virth pgreea ait a bbIn eilt 84Ma. AÀ=tto Zthe rtli Chicagofficerabla viatei la Clilcag ono a brandes pouflm onthelocal f«Mo gr o nti va maité Le eou tht leekoutsas it vas ha4lleeifat b. migit lave cerneLa thislteoilon. Up e -late ibla 1extttoe. hott bad been iuerd ftrois hlm. Plans an. bftg madti o'ct te- modelng au# ,r1.detostl1 thecir-' cuit crtonat ".L-it utea ceýit ,, 1a1out ome4W *hff tii.ai 4 a~cm im ooml It viiibuve *ýa. elled' vIr si ilkg& -vitli uu Lis to'ekm. Ti"mté, X ea#c>am- bqr vini lm teconatedt a imitar de- "iti"eClare C l;a".ilu ,ai. reaiv settlng 'caaee for triai ou &des tat. viE bot tgtenfere with ve il- 'Ei . Vandîevne,% w s "The ndia," çà cused-l b vas 10 4m. Puddlmes. ltii oaty Wl tegCbot Jo are beag t~ylomiofivel i. b.' liaalet 1li et il uaal tu zu.. tw iti'~èare or«t t1 cils t il t >nttes il~îae L u . étam t a t ea devete, holalte O5L'ro'have eau te bu en . MTiiea. eft...te soir alpaimes in Nrh Cicag olarir h. lplala t gvtiem te lut gtl,yere JusticeJn w Va dervate. wio auxiieti e ba sev keraUrer taN antiaCillo tbadItre,. lie alag helti o .t- ttatry harg ua hle o b14 buaiothall the nature o var fle ivscruleti, -mong. ordl Nrh hu ar 'ouskl7tome'l tint mgo .vhuihlà wii beribi doct on lli. vn g et Lt addluet t Nortb.Cca potal clrcie5tat Ml utla Cor. veter Thé ciDemail .bo * theLl caet .v*stalnde vent er I chai mes sensmvainal clirget - br o beep itimatevbig Utýime Jft â-t veses d, "Thder -stud a.bime stç Lie barçet unçoqtoccast io.Iaaa ll a4 lt chag vr, ityà -a e,. te dayn hlet tha- rl;f dIo U h dlad umniibab r, iducurc stralt ber beiitfol lisi Ilrospect alêe, IN .CliloiLd tue îutointW* 'n gitgated De t- 150, 0i andti aLte' heYÂve &tdtoultetails o i.mcitu lamies c"olunia te. i..;.. la&nt sa-te lg a ie patbcf bi f*tie automobile, vhlikvwa bo- v ý am. eover ati' aenouowz , à> lured s r.S . WAUKIOAN EOAiI.L M(aux AN* 1 heraby cieL tia ballot ton. *e---------- --- -.-.- 81110010. Ie ie en y' holce md Proiottve Ord#.r cf Sué, Wtalcsgti LepNe. 7 I ai fie' isPt lthday AaIvctearr e oer«wfh iwtl- b. octebrat- i id on Tedy Agm 14. -I 'AIlelbaais dai hmalid or plecet tin ballot oxi as SUcs' ttab, on~dg, Il!. aa IcL4 OTIID VOIJTII Ims fro 0 o Get "Ail W~~ co Nvrnoes te ERTDtYRSWGRKING JMaifl i àt4.Luiy ioad ndad short" ~foutFrgiw aoi t usn o tbe otii suife» 't bodls *eutLlae luau aoee bêotln o ertAt file. *Sm Iti mo b ttuea -d*vdwthm0'ot ~behm thue !pllycldttIHé=Mi4~ )nti via,1 tmplà ido tion. lm4il ba wlf er , Lvu.e 1 *1 uAie.0vaEprt gùt,,,ha et WAthe&itg.st. eh h~ ltvere ii. =1 m it. tho as. expgr tho r~BO aie Mqit o!ieCAUSE [a dr*jte Cat Lte cloIRthét. "i tg04Sm& at eb li eti fiý 1 m5 te SAVOarn.m ay30 a, fis lettn for ay lens X9m. B thim) MACE AS mte cma. lesrepot fra flulOr. dpeiat. o l~ hoveb'er hai 'Amr. h~a ,ti twn àtt r m"iL y ntabuleved70841-.Lsrce - "'m rad *bout »Q ia resçba UM EM M.Aliet a lecornçnub c flho, eume vaS >Ijj~~I'~Y fl> Inufalg alae aMobuyace 0fur mallsieor nd1001and00u scfu àerdthe sl . a ryoêverei 1 A- Tuen Eke r a ir lc afu Grayslake Case., LBRYIL A VT1AU CHIEF WITI4ESS lUTCRI)L »! LIbikt'LY011 CoIiPa" t oday *atg a effort t. prévaut the me tram cltmig Lholr wveebous i eabl IPau.B0tnUitatt o West Waters Borows -Car, Neot Liai .14 itvers lionsetivae Lands In Ditoh; fIsQulte 011* an& I ltna-ble mérchaklàe. Badly Cut in Cras. buIlding ,bolus à vbodc stnuc. e,,mat benlakcteti vl t héLi.- lhùts t te Vllae.N. CHICAGO POLICE CALLEO r o thé,- commercé, Departanet - 'Ws.t Waters of Llberty ala >r fflid ta do me, Mr. Bertraim bath cut ant iulet early Sucmday Ube » ox t ot cour4 ~to mornlng viien aaHdmacosb o: iýs aaei Via La In amu et- *v i rtvlng on -TeWegnpb roa4, Xet t, t prtoutthediprtmet tom0f Lii. Forait, rolldtita a Ilto id ireeutti. déprttbtut ugendiltuneti tour osieefr eep. 1 abpa ulnvb en Wate.rsld borrovati. .ea to ad au. iitetetimtnl.owiam ll.4»0 i 1beet i another macit. Lldai i" l Tié- 8*1 car.vusm tl 5ee 4m luO11,CuNT Y e it rr. 'MPS- OUT DEBTf A #dttâ t p. ,eetl~g t Lii. menlet pLi t g i i . i eit h elti iLA , '* ý-bwamt 'vOt uit]aihd z 5tai Lhbentpiilc fia bd *41U" At iki TTW MUND lu~ Auclatuj h'e i e b»st ' 0im--ttt tie t tat o l~a ieelaebe 8vecq '4 Q., ,ebe 514aS Ita r. Pit uii ps jt .ab ý ttéx t > lcaatertiu q eo tu to,%fhaîuige o t lf ti put y. Ti mial f t otic ate4 tue eA- - Tos sfleau becotie me v liaI~~~~~~ ~~ hM i iusseitdp.teurtlei . .mW"alà.is*kat nS PLMFER, Insurance Company "Shakoe5- Fam6y Slelitipn9e and * - DEOCLARE IT SUICIDE Thirty tiiogsnd dollars hazigs, la the. baiae. Zr the. relatives of a mian drowned la, lAIte Zurich Jiue 17. If the. faxnhly of Lthe dectased cau. provo that the. deathi wu accidental tliey vlU recalve $30.0»0. If the Jla'. murance Company'$ contention la pro- Yen right, lhey vill &et n* recou T:at Information became Inowxu Loday viiesitwo invoutliators 0f th* New York Mutual Lite buiaatm Compiany Opfued au hivettîation.1 . Thts Company bld nauted Treak Knltachleld of ChIcago for ý1~0 Hie carried je,000 wiLb anoti< coin. pany, according to the tnvost4oU. Tiie Mutual lite men coptn4tuait Knitschleld wuas a muloa.. 1:h# hayé fîtatsthüt viii prove. their ca$e. tiier Bay. smoin f Lb... WerQ# inAd Thé, Chlftgo*i had gone t. lAkt Zurich over the. veek euti. I1 tomea'a boat te au ftubing. Eeu Mift« 'hlm msd bèd"emê &riid. 4à Mqrcalng Jirty us Ogania at b«kt. *a. tomeflala l b *i~u. On .éIliter the body »è j la , the. bttou- et 19a, AaIt~'sag'A4q itmi mdem~.cme .t . i. Igaue -ttisiie.uuce tltuq , rè4pt»W l bomr tiA$thuq 1 ori leau IKnttnbel Wý8 0W tii nousat il ta the. tut *5 *si ~ rWn po~1ry54Mu a»».0* a mas.ma *k« ~e OiE tti. va. a cbmiet .ato- tae irOtO ci i a i$pwta i10a Ou m*5qaOCmt0 t Wt »W 90t. fla =Tbé. el, queml et ii "d 6, xht lt uw 4 beau a thixaae ttal i Obai 1~rgei. ne obii lia eutle ion liW" u- otiier priatigt houa. ilbu,1h i far 'f rom sstaieL -Theu cam Lb trip to Laie Zurich andtheii driivnr ilverythlns poliate tg LoCCudat thmn But nov, andi Coroer JoqliUi Tayltor gave thé. followiniltesf timn, thé. tuatimonurtacates utM viLli tii. zouovag $tory belug If e e rt pontas i> tL&e BOCti boy couldti f-h bav ffaalylag5to dry Il&.tte bottoni or the boat? Wliy mhoul4xrt t#ee laveý'bea vater inta Li.. ttous of tii. b0at t indicaite a man i iialil-c Ô,ntÏ"t4 Why oda't fbé co9iipa k cit, a strutlwe freti Xê by Lhe taveatigitfeastu tby 1i5 tii. Lake Zurick h bei ?rintlug oipny stth LI»W. or ble deiti, anti tii. compi7bla4 b"1 irleis 1118M& Co. sopt. Rmis*À* ska RIN ED NB WUOK, CLAM 'bà fi MaM*nqtia taio utl - mt mtet~ m - utg ~AK A1~IM~I iota Dark Frsight - Aoms ~çftoad. Y HUIT r a athe lie al