Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 2 Aug 1923, p. 11

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UBfIMYVILE MWENDf. THURSDAY. AUGUST 2. 1923. It seenis aiobody wafts real work any large treea on bis place for the littieNE R SL VIf X W E Off ERS more, but destre ta live off the fresb fellow to light In when it becomes N fa0 L YN air the7 devant vhile out joy rding. uiiruly when asked t0a tart.ST R TThere lis inucb tII ka.mong the farmers Attorney' 1I. H. Miller apitdMs T SA E t oplant just eflougb ta keep them- Max Miller as witness at the ;orobate B O C ORONi E R ~ W < ~ selves andi whtch they can handie nice- of the trili of the late J. N. Buschus 1>' alanp, anti jet the 0et f teworid whicb ll take place a the cour;tF R C MO E COINPEJRLIJgo b>'. lu tact, saireral wboie faims bouse ln Waukegan Monda>', Aug. 6. are 'Idle this year-nothiflg growing Thc 'iOMe of Andrew Firuhaclt at WgI Give Services free In Et- juat for the ver>' reason "can't get Buffalo Grave bas been Quarantined Ben Perkins States He SaW fott rent Mm Niti bel»." fordiphtheria for soine time past. At the Melee and Several Points fott tvGeçi-ge Weiiner, wba teli off a loati this wrltlng the quarantine bas beenDierOeTa. trotnHanglflg. li oghy about ten days ago, hati an litteti. ifrOeTa. iX-ray examluation ln the City' andtIli We were Informeti the Bnblitz ram - inr<eaonse ta an fflgal t &tyas dilsloseti four ribswere tractur- ilY, wha MoXed here a short tme aga, TRAILED TO CHICAGO. gaie Ibtg-time' IlawY Ye? V01Utern. Réle in a hdspital in Chicago. will move ta PÏÏiiie Vie.w son. Mr. Tn. Wauk.aan police today are Ir, bIs, services lM .Sabelle he dotorbere saîi bis injuries are Bub a.. tbu otained empîoyment on vttigailng a hot tip whlch they hope 3itti Crudelle from thce 1~>~May *ad th*m ta Don J. Porter, mles J. Devine of 4lae ýa,-' fot sortons the sectio not Thomas Lynch, andi the "jungle Red," who la want0d hors bias fereti bis serviOns wltbUI, ont Se,.ral from hbere attendedth te Sun- famly will taie sup their abode ln the on a charge -of elaying George WiI- ta pfflr an proO«t-theaoudzy chool picale at Area TuesY'ay andi section bouse there, wbich la now lsme, another negro. Ast. Chief Ly- tap« fore arnew report a od timie. :vacant. oh received a top Ioda>' whlch con. asmeb0. The sarI>' potato co n bsvcin- johiÂAnderson was a business caller vincea him tnat the slleged elayer lu rrom bigio'vhme T ineà lmsbt anomplte ato e -beuunderttem. he NyP.Luschfhome lait week. hldiln bChicago. ltUgpglu,,atK& DIMr vne.-u n ptaoe ude tem Hnr Lkeo Waukegan was a An acquainuance employd at the Devie sRad today: Fred Busch ant illMille11r were caller at the N. F. Busch home Sun- Manvllie Plant ho@ Informed the po- "Awoman iteaut bAfgln Iii1li- calers &t the Crestmore Monday; Ren als ye>.Iliank usedta t work in this vi, lice thst be talked ta "Jungle Rd" noia. MY »MOnieg15 nitoned RB Max Miller andi taiti. clnity as a tari anti. when he re- 'n Chicago yesterday. The assist. one «the four Iaw7Vs la an ap Max Miller and tamily were businless ceiveti tram$86 ta $46 per manth. nie ntchif lanned ta sek more ln. POOead mati b>' n. Mv'A, a pub' viitors at Long Grave and Halt Day now gets $3 per hpur with legs work.forataonte îagoand thorîu&tas fo lig.4fl4tiWoMMs ,whosaka fforormeuttontedag antithnwas tfoar la"tyg»k iu neo orMonda>' eveniig Let's§ go ta Waukegan and get real a id in runnlng down Porter. blarmutty'5 s sht, kt one c 0f*u Emill Ocet anti Mrs. Carolne Busch coin. Don Porter, a negro living nt 665 Euien or Devine tender bie services mfotoreti te Northbraak Monday after- The Buttalos were deteated at Buf- Kennard treet, heu compland ta pepi on, where the latter la having dental tala Grave Snda>' b> the Chicago the police that te aleged layer Nt caietth done. Ater.'ha$ a5umed hie naine. The polIcO seitueay thfe lut shsll be The Maes Dorothy and Celestine AI says b. wIll get a Fard sedasn have Information that "Jungle Redi" Push motort-d out froin Chicago ,eat now, at once or sooner. He hati the went by the naine of -Don Porter" wm Iglre IàwYer Sunda>' and spent the day wth their use ot one one tbis week, and says w" ewre tteMnil Ur. Devine then detalled bis of- sont. Mra. George Ptister. they are the onl>' real thiiig a tellow plant fer. Max Miller unloatiet cars tor milcaulti wânt, basides one handi little Veio8oth klin fGrg "Miles J. Deviné tenders bis ssrv- Gieat the fore nDart of ]ast week, and truck. On the farm the> ai-e as handy Veris eof ha llngdoeright fees free If îawyers tor the deteud-thle latter part wasa busy repaJring as a well filled coin pbrse. anli car ner ro, , whedovrbehti &nt -Me willlIng. I wlII at My own Ford cars at the N. . Bosch tarin. Now that Milwaukee avnei the death at the Wetzel-PeterBon «aiense hire one of the best law- Wlsy fot start a garage bei-e in ton agai" open for trattie. why nat get morgue Monday heard an entirel>' yes ln Chicago, William G. Ander- bnsy an the piece of road ieadlng ta dfeetsoyta aigvnt non t briet case wth me. AIl legal Mîax. protiding yo en a tinti recruta dfeetsO> hnwsgvnt so, a a av uild an, as Most ail vacant space '0 the soih of town. The hales In that the police the nigUit of the siaying. sei-vices frec, Al 1 &*c laprdluou ta hae roati are fierce, ant ili la almom3e Impas- Althougb the Jury foundt Iat deatb evidente written up anti bret'pritit- ,ibe a tik n hesdeofthlnr.hai ee uetoheor-hge fl eti anti paiti for. 1 will do the Our merchant. G. M. Weitiner, taok II sikethadeotecr.a bndu ta emrag fl a vacation geversi tiays lent week,' When wet weather cames t will he loing the Intliitian of a wound b>' ln 1901 Mr. Devine volunteereti whiehb b. Upnt ln the Cty'. anti naw j i mposlbleta travel. Sa k c utaket he 0 Jung Rti" otrb,h ta déefendi Hlen Roth, who lîveti t back on dut>' loakIng ai fresb as a Mr, Commissîoner, and heîp us ont dtolicesaynagl.îRe"Pre, 1911 Crtes treet. Chicago, wlien daisy. jAn Wilas 8and nat sa "ae wauarreateti, accusei of "sor- Peter Sievers eut the haey an the Artna.oWiuldmsth38,aninu h oery. MHer neighbors accuaci ber Frank Hoinb tarm n, nshares with Mrth ourcSewa tesarmyent that of being a witch andi the cas was Molnb. % M H R EB E K h oreo h ruetta 5spetCUat one. . . , Frank îloluh is baarting at the home brought about the murder. She la Mr. Devie was he&4 of the Chi- ot Peter Sievert for the present. IAN th. alleged wite ofth edmn c, lw dParmen ln 897 XA 'S AND Il was in the squsior af a beti- cao evdearînutlu187. George Sturmn, Emma and ti raom lu the Walter Neuby home * ~* * ** ** *Vou borde No. 16onthe SonLiUe t 208 SPring treet thet the con- Sunday marulng anti spent the day Joe Mockus. a tarm bapti on the.filet started. * A PTA KI S IC * upnrh returning an No. 16 ln the Hagan tari on the Brtnkle>' roati, She hati gane ta vîit with people eveing reelvd apaàfulinjryyesterday l Neuhy's. accorting ta ber stor>'. *~~~~ Bat*** '** oelle, Wagner hoarded No. 6 on vhen lie veut Iot the Btlu ta feed "Jungle Redi.- whose head vas or- U&X Merandfamly nd M" te S Un let Wenesay ornng.a hors.. As he vas about ta walk namenteti with auburn locka anti ax lineuc esnGr at mi'aveia aLn atWeinaiefiOilin, thé horse kieketi, trlktng Mock- vbagese kin vas almont white in Cavlin Bucb er Log Gaveant INlck ao vIli, spin along ln a Ford us ln the baud anti breaking a bonc. spite of the negr blod ln bis veina. AvIlmitoS eghts business caflers on lu he near future, as we are Informeti M Gkus finisheti bis work au the Inviteti ber upteirs. She went. wedueady. he 1. going ta purchase onc iinmedi- tarin anti then came ln ta North It was then that Williamns entereti frim farinera this sîm air, More theu ately. He la not goIng to buy ac witb Chicago where Dr. Miller set the the bouse. Me asketi for bis vite. oer, an» a gelnt it for blred s». la crank. ether, ai there are toc mian>' boue. Saine sald te abs bai "mt lett."1 Their Another Reduction in Electric Lîg>ht*ing R*?,es r'f"EMelectric ighting rate of the Public Service Coin- pFny bas beon reduced i accordance with the order of the Minois Commerce Commission. The new rate 18 11 cents, net, per kilowatt hour. This oew eteetrlc ate represenits a reduction~ in the Com- pany's wodule "A!', eloctric. lighting rates, of 1 cent per kilowtt hCUr on the ful rate portion of the bil, effective August let 1923, and a further reduction of 1 cent per kilowatt bour on the ful rate porion o< thse bu, effective january lot, 1924. This in the sixth reduotion in electrie rates since the&Com- pany's orgardzatoeain 1911 and is indicative of thse econ- ony of Central Station operation. These reductions offer an interesting comparison with prices of food-stuff6, wages, clothing, fuel, building mate- rial anci other essentials of existence, thse trend of which bas been continually upward. While fuel, material and labor costs are still far above pre-war levels, the effi- ciency, ecoaomny and production of thse Company have steadily increased- Our higis standards of service, whlch thse Commiîssion found in effect, will be strictly maintained., Thse Public Service Company furnishes services of a nature up essenitial to thse agricultural, industrial and residential .development of this territory, that thse prosperty and future growth of Nortbern -Minois and thse Company are largely inter-dependelit. PUBLIC SERVIcÉ COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS 3 ~ ng 6,M0 sqwmr miles ofternr tncludng 180 dities, towns and smal!er commnunitin TME. BECLDi. Supt. Waukegan,Ililinois GUJS. KRUMREY, Local Rep. Libertyville, Ill. . Telephone 144W repi>' was answred whefl he gen- lie ound bis way ta the bedroorn abave. 1le icked bis drunken wife tram the bcd and play tuilly tOsti- ber downstairs, then startti ta fol- low ber. Ali likkered up wlth clî,valry -jungle Rted" promised ta eut 1l.a tbraat If hc erruck ber again. Wil- liams evidently pos sesi a better knowiedg, of bis a]ieg,-d wlfe than the mulatto for te pumtneled ber saute more. Then came the attack. Wben Il vas over George waa alamast deati with a slit neek andi bloati markEd almost ail the NeubY tome. "Jangle Red"'tati gane then, and police te- gan ta hunt for him. Ai thia was extiacteti tram Mrs. Williams, Walter Neuby, Ben Per- kins, who saiti he saw ttc flgtt yesterday while be told tte police the day hefore ttat te tati only heart iit.anti a retinue ot eolored people wbo adt gathéred for wbat stertedti t be a moonstine seance bot entietinl a mortier. D. A. Mottan. cajitain at the Cen- tra l tre station, tolti the storY troin the pollue angle. Me vas the tii-st white man an the suene. Assistant States AttorneY S. H. Block vas tbere for the state. The body> of the dEai man was posteti ta prove ta tbe jury the exact cause of the death. Willlamps vas a big negro. Me proaal>' stooti six feet taillln bis s3tacking feet anti veighei Close ta 190 pountia. Among the negroca h. vas known as a gond f ighter, anti the blond marlcet rooms lu the Neuhy home, whiuh vas testitiedti t 1hy Captain Hutton. proves the Col- 1oreti men's atoles- il 1 î" ' ir. ,i'tj.i ,u,or~d ta Iolti the ke ' vt,,tii.-t* ur ater morne1 ühan..e.1 TECHECKER BOARD &dUtdUyWILLIAM à. WOOD tâb "ou" aabould be drOe to willim J. Wood, 804 Caka. W.ukegBa. f&L Gaine Na. 8. 9-13 23-19. Playet b>' L.. M. Lewis vis. C. jolly ln the PWifth Amercan ourey .Ord a ofE. M.j Greene. Hannibal, Ma. 9 13 18 9 il115 18 9 10 261 23 19 6514 24 20 5 14 3122 1 Il115 27 2s 1524 32 28 111le 22 18 6 10 28 19 81Il 20 11 16522 29 25 4 8 26 2S 7161 25 18 811l 22 18 14 17 30O-*î 10 14 25 22 1 5 21 14 Drvn' problemn No, 22. E>Y A.. Jackson- Black-5 9 13 K 19. Wite-21 22 Ks 6 10. Wtlte ta play anti wia. Problem No. 23. B>' Dr. Schacter. Bîack-9 10 X 14 32. W31ýjt-19 21 22 23. Wblt.s taepIe>'anti tra-w. Problemn No. 24.B>' A. Shecsam. MMi Blck 4 a l9 B oaI a l> nt iia Soutonta luttam u 1. > Bi'ak-4 KI,2619. Whte-19 3 1 1. Blackteay>'anti rwi. solution tea roîcinNo. 29. DY> F. A. arei. Black-4 i12 4K 10, Whlte-19 31 235K21. BWait ta la>'ant inr-. 5216 911415 1 18122 4812 141 1 2216 22318 18159 150 Solution ta Prubieni Na. 20. BY W. A. Farllam. Black- 11 1 K 1. Wite-19 20 28 K S. WBlakte t pIc>'anti vin. 1912 620 1 6281 1 5 10 6 10 110 e-10 1119 85 1 2 LEAP FOR LIFE AS TRAIN KITS LARSEN TRUCK Machine of Walter H. Larsen,l Waukegan, Demolished at Ùurneea Crossing. With a passeuger train rushing upan tem, Itir truck stalleti on the Gurnee crassing of the -St. Paul" ralîroati, tva Waokegsn men misseti death hy a second hen the>' leapeti for their lves. their machine being demolishei. MThe cowcatcher on the train was emasheti. The accident oceorreti Saturtiay at il a'clouk a. m. andtih~e men who hati the thrilling expérience vers George Brown ai Chestnut streEt anti Wilhur Myers of West Washington treet, bath employees of the Walter H. Larsen Sign anti Decorabing coi- pauy . The trucke helongedtiet Mr. Lars' n. Wbhe n tte engine 0f the truck dieti on rttc tracks, men engagea ln the work of raising the grade shauteti ta thern ta juinp as the men ln the machine apparently tailedtiet ses the passenger train. whict was going sonth. Just as tb,:y jumpei. the train crashetifrnte the truck, hurling fit ta the east tracks. The train was net golng fast anti tbe engineer suced.-d lu stnppiug il proiptly. Mr. Larscn want ta Gurace later anti hadti he truck taken ta Mc- Clure'à garage asud. boitthe twa men bac te taWaukegan. Fresh Fruits nre PJeatMB4l Use the me ort>oProau.(W mnligJani ad*OItI= vdu= seasan. You Win finxd di4emelbm jais and jellies you oer bS CElTOa$Sdadbygtooersevelwhirn IMINUTE'S BOILI 2 POUN9 OF 131? 3POUNDS F» WUR appdh May bonis eC.epdu .a C ar~aMmih- oooooe.ewe» o FOR Att. THE NEW* OP LMUW o COUNTV, SU*SCRIS EFOU T$4m " INDEPENDENT-41.U A Y'XAM *O0e O SOS O@ *5 CC Let Us Do The Pamnily Wash WET WASH $2 25 Ibs. r....... __ ___ Ove>' 25 Hm. Sc for eacb ackliioWalpomd Rough Dry,.Flat Pî=u hIonc4 Wesviqu PA«el Starched andDi425 Umr cver10 per lot.___ Uuder 25 Family W.sished omme" LET USDRtY dANAIl) ?USUt UT' W. Also DYe BeautfuIY 111e Reliable Lalndrv LIBERTYVILLEanduJULANhPAU LAUNDERER8, DRY CLXANEPtO ANCL OVERS PHONE LIBERTYVILLIE 87. Ton ae iavied to mco te t o>'factay f«r ourfe* menti. Ymeau Wd fro ewfda oukofshugeh of stylou# âlwfolowim pncw: l P« Ibd: 8 bars, 32i.hiem12 nstay . .......... 8 bars, 32 in; hieh. 7 WsW--m 9~ 9bus, 42in. hieh, 12 i.stays .9 bars 42 ia. bi. 7 i. sas 1 Orbars, 50 ài high. 12 im. t . 3 10 Obans,50 in. higb.7 i. & 14 bavs46 in. hiel, 8 in say---43V2 16 ban, 58 in. hie,. 8m.tay 5O BARBED ME, 8skOd Spools pv« Spoel 2-pt Hos- -$3.83 4-pt. Hog.$ . 2-pt Cat...........$3.59 4-pt.Ct1e.__ STEEL LM RPOS13, ~ CORMERMM «Chu&~ ADJUSTABLE STEEL DRPiEWAY GATPU Palihtd.......iO l.,1; lâtt,$&875; 14 Itfl, I- I L oalvaalzed .10 ft., $9.4; 12 ft, $0~1, 4 t. W&U* I, iJ PLAIN STEEL DRi EWAT CATES 48 in.hlie ...... .......$2.10 6 i...4 Ail Piïoe Subjeot To Ciesnge Without NotIce American Wzre Fonce CO. Insurance Of ailHind" Ihone13"- 50 sot: iety 98C mu- 986 Un- ves, cial .19 ad. 98C En- and 9i 69C lui t ____________ 'il 1.

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