Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 2 Aug 1923, p. 3

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ofm osDeoRM nn r , W 'ays& aw tsJU40geWaltae7 g b a s-ou rn e -?11 Ir Adêvetib i mosa ~ Muecan Lleioiat i diseqvred a att,&e Gltis frti Jnd«o .ý' - Ili J i t Ri bfls»10 a oea VitOe tI«o*t a pro- f4d jod g lao i~% piI<peuple td~s Ik ii axmania aa 51 M, tui., lUis4 10iPedi ea lutheo aseot tal. abipe, W~a thé altil, a %io-t~li»ý, te awept off iber a tod ef nob>u- totos. ee oule oetmdCIt %ting at leosr.," the judgo Wse, Qu -nd.any 0< tecases emei Sofore me ara the. recuit ai iim-wen irls.chose mn à* Ii uforina Instead o! lu the omr ades for thea rentaimiert Mo ai' of tiese mon- te1ks are botter off apart." 4 ew 1law lu nIlLinola logailang duges made witbln a year aller tee aided tRie marriage vii, !b la as great as tbf divorce Judge Steffensa nid. î(BONUSES; 41,250 CIIECKS SENT OUT rlngfield. 111., Juli' 29-Six thon- Ieore bonus checks 'ciii go out i~ik tu former service men or el. binglpg the grand total o! *9 sent to 41,,te service enition board annonced. bo total aumber sat out to date reached 3085. ond the erks >tad Uitle respiteat ai ipeed1 belng maintained. line state ditributiltel date $8,860,000of tira $10.000.0À of #10.. »0 aiditional ln bonda Io prob- by net moulb. h là* laid. we tint report of aupecclstrend $iMeiteCiOnViii lie distributionl pous money cune today hrum a «g e-service -an Vosa cicck otracelved. TRio board fousti Il Riat bean sent and tbat I o beuretawmuel cled. Au e" gllo MVII h mae. jamie Nelson, MIf -orscl, a p~Ininat frmner st 8pauings ýCjor, ltesrftadw SIà* a aresult Wp4i QM &Cr&%*tret f armyslA. He VfisS$tlSiti yO &gao wlilIe ~Zsq ~ H.rocverad Ir*ftênh1bwli«t'r, and WVab ale 10 M"M uponu e. The.second etroke ont regfL*. Sk i04 im hliun- .onsciouM ,Me eocaIliox Io regarded M vomi' erilicuL Ur.Neolson lires tf tie! ils dauter, Nai$ mamueïmn e has ena aPrOaInent e r lufa t VICinti' for lhe last CONTRUCTUO Theifirsttehiurch building la»210V under construction lu Winthrop Harlor.,..Il la iocatad on -SIX*h treet. two blockm Vesi o! Shteridan rood on a corner loi.Xit la on a aligit levatfSon sd 9=ro=ded hi large sitade trouesvicit moksa t an ideal. location. The. bassinent bas beau. excavatoil a"dtic VwAlîs ViII wonu ba ralseil. Theo ciurci ie to bé 28x84 feet. with a fnu basa- meut. It VIlI couitin a well equtp- pod il cienand a large dlnlnt room wbere tie viflugers can be sunpinoualr banqueted b' the good liousevrives of thc iown. Thie towns peopld have resacu to be proud of titeir uu4ertaking and ara leaving no tone unturued tiat will ielp 10 asure tient of a beautIful little cbuncitla hieicito worblp. Not to be outdona by t udr bus- bands atiRs or brothers ln tuas project, tho ladies of thte church gave a lawn social Wednesday eve- nlng of lut Veak to raise funds for thte churci. Bi theo tUme snow fIes again WlfltRrop Harbor wiii have a neat Ulha brci o which titai'can bc justly proud. Thie churc inla 10 bc câlIed thte Wlnthrop Harbor Coin- munity church sud' la 10 be non- denOmînZationaL SELECT ROCI(ORD LAWER TO#MAKE JU iSIilP RACE Attorney Mari D. Reynolds o! Rock- tond, former member o!fte state loglalatune, Vas salectod hi' tie Win- aciago Bapublican cnnu? centrai e tteyoerdar teo hle Can- d ta or Judgcla theo evetenti .iuIchal CircuIt teaucceelRobert )L W~Ish. reslgned. Thie convention moees he Anguc 7 . MROltYnod roceived 35 votas t0 28 for Conn Isige Fpred E. Carpenter and 3 for Arthtur I. Fliser. ON EDUCATION Mounting Cost of Education in Illnois Causes Report to Be Made, IS INCREASING YEARLY Touo M foney tg goenS to waste I'u pul3 a#aton. CO#$a foré' the .aUtenauce of ucioole and colleges ara mounting out of bound&s staaddisatton la -ueeeesuy to makete lglsr education praical to, thie zasse. These are amoin f the. conclusions aunolincel l81 the comuuîtte ou 01-ý ucatton Of t9ieCicago Association of Conunneim 1 1It la reoling framm' itPesses ta- dai a. pMupiet digeut %*au Investi- gation-itd report b ifewr2.B. Henry, form*nlv Instrut 'in atede- panifient of education of the 'Univer-- aity of Cicago. HIe u at prent a znembar Pft the Ilinois stait f o! hpeducational ftn- anc. lInquiry. The digest taitulat« comparative F outa baietem vat"OU *Mes and stateç It shows t#6poeogntage 1920 and the more 700,et sait Indreaseg la the ton yal&r perlod iD In Illinois. Goste Art Computed. lIera are nmorn f tliq tacis listed lu the. digest: "la 1890 one lai ten of thte pops- latIon reaclhing bigRiachool ago en- tered higRi aciooiSa compareti VIti one l itree in 1922. **Coat par pulil per year In Chi- cago, 1920, elementary schMoi, $51-35; blgh uchool, $17.56. "Average state cost Par pupîl In public achoolu, Illinois, lu 1920 was ,Ratio of increase bigRi achoffl colt la tUited itatks. front 1910 te 1920 was 100 Ito490, gr »early iâve tines. "Cool par pupit vary lu dîftarent atates, front $!9.61 tu Montana to $7.98 In Missouri dUlIrg 1918. -in ten years enrolins Iniu lue0 meliary citoos have doubled (na- tional) -,universitiez trebled. techul- c sc hoolu quadrupled and bigRi l osincressed Idve timgis. "Estlnted cost o! pilblc achoola ln Illinois In 1925 lO $110,000,000." Lettlng In the JIcht Books are like the iflndows eOf greet toee~r. Tfiey let llxt 1L. EvetY lite la a growIn.g towOèr. It 10 Put UP Stone 1>7 atone. Thie bliber It gronsi. tRia darker It gels If VO do flot Put lu a *11<10w bee or thero to give lhgit. Tiat la what a bc* dm ate luSe. Itl ita. jgbt lut. tRiat lme. Bomn Ilves are se dan taIt thefolko"wRio live then grope tmp a* VIxin MI 1 duet covered and ulooniy, becaus etr are no windOWis sud conuquentlY Ilier la nom fhi cou WAR1DEN OF JAIL! IS DIVORCED FROM In addition to a sold etar, a cou A rM R1IU shert!!. Ed Abltronl la now burde- ed vtt the cognomen of W&rden o!1- thie County Juil. He o ml d rclto j carry this prefix tjirongh a MUni New Yok, Aug. 1.-Confrouted to- of theo state assernbly mnade July 6. day witb a cable copy of thie judg- mhe tiret deputy lealma isoveli the nment -of the Seine tribunal o! Paria, right to go under the allas of Su- divorcing bar fromi Capt. Robert Printendent. and tRie otier dfflUtee Treman, Irene Castie, noted .&merl- eau b. known as jafilOffleerIl o a&' i dancer, Indignantilyreiterated quaintances are unable f0 pronoliflcO tbait a sit VSot divorced. lte word deputy. e"1)14 you file diyforce proceedings aai«fiet your nub" nan l arlaT Mise Castle vas aaked. -What 1 dld la MY' buinest-I aRi flot dlvorced," aie replled. Miss Castle was lntervlewed at baer Park Avenue hotel. She sald ah. -as awaltlng thie arrivai et Capt. Treman, a passenger &board thie Majaalic. expacted to land tlel atternoon. XI waa pointed out that tRia dl- vorce decree provîdes that unles an acknowledgnxent la made ln tie Parls court betore Sept. 20, the dI- vorce becomes nunl. BRie Vould neot say Wiether aie would acknowliedge the decree or allow Ilto go bi' defatiIt. Indiaamof r mdtan ste a Maebetaas f h* »p wwei-*. ~nff o leeafld. nRe wiýoUs abon aie t at ian cMg nt l ullet Mack«*sl.kWlugfiard154 m»d eu- peMswhite âl*, 'à" MeayOtft ' rlOtes<e feimt fo ol h, lthe cen- mon mn=iodo!f mklnby fie natives la titat practIcel at u4it.--y th*e means of a torch and a itup macicte. Thie 110Rt daes the fia 41 ie expetI native Ufla It iblth hbilutrtuit Mmli AugSt Clean-U at je Wath Dresses-~ rAIl of our Surmmer Wash Dresses in linenes, imiported A ratines, voiles and ginghams are greatly rednced foe '~this clearance. Some of these dresses c<st mûre lîaîî they are now marked at these pri ces. 1098 to5,098-K Jewery, Barringi Hundradu o! diff«eet±stY- les, ail colora aud Prices starling at 59C up BeadI Imitation amben, Jet, Jade. etc. add 1tRiahe ppearance o! any costuma. Beads and .-t- to 398 511k Tub Firock - Tbsmark down on these Ixautiful sdk I rocks our loos and yoUr gain. Every woin- an will 'want at lçast o)ne of these. It Will Cpna ombo ljo mater boywWel your hait lu drtesa aSoanisi -style. ontAmSortuieutlel eo]stte aid u]p-to-tRie- minutle. 59C and up Lingerie Clas No longr a luxury but a nlecesiti'. Every OW eil- ed Vomu e houid havea v..',. 25 t 39825e to 75e - '~ "' .' t.Regardiomof Costi i niere are tour v itairoîit to oe- c.nidered -mintesting -the -so ndn so -of an investment, Is the industry a basic one upon which a large, part of. the people are dependent for necessities of daily 1f e? Is the management efficient, honest and ex- perienced? Ifas the business an establised record of, gr**th qdîleyelopment and its prosp~eêts for- future groTh v&substantial?7 Will tu>e iuvatment endure to the profit and -'satifac"ion .1t»e ownérs of its securities? The- pr*er LsAres of our company qualify 100%o on, i f heie points. Our business must growand prosper wîth your conununity. North- Shoýre Gas Co. Opmýýtd by Willia X..Baehr OrgaJeination. Group 1 Made ap of broken lts of satins aid, f\' novelty slsta have sold flr as high as $7.50. Group 2 Roschanar Crepes and poplins; values J q to $10. NVhile thcy - Iast at SpciasIn Milinery White Hats Chiidren' s These include WhIité n.e I' a canton, ribbon a nd JAycid' a , . , - - -.1l'inz b lackmlan straw co mbinations andi baronet satins. Values to $5.98. To finish the' seasoîl, on sale at $10980 -Pur We slili bave 38 purfes equipp- ed vvith mirror, lip-etick holder and vanitv case. This lot wil be sold -out regardless of for- mer prices, 1.111(3 at ......... ... ..... - _ 3S8 98 Hats colored si-khatsan organdy ribbon tams. Clearance pricee 1$1.oo ck of Summner or Former Prices Grqtp Pruniellas and serg- 9 es, inhding soûle' values atxet' a Group 4 Box 1leated -ool skirts ibrown, blaek and navy. Values to $7.50, at Drastic Reductions on ail ,Ip-ver Sweaters Over 150 wootand silk sweaters lI tiis 'Olvo AwaY . group. Everi' Imaginable coloing-4fl Ideal gai- ment for 7all-if yots need a swester~ or wiIItl 2 !-. eue ln tRie nexi fe'c montbe ta corne, uow la the time to gel t t Ibis sacrifice prîca of New S&I Sleevele Sweaters Tîvo dozen exquisite novelty SE&k sWeat- ers bave arrived. Blck, check, stripe and plaid w caves in lrilliant sport Col- ors. Ev ery smart style at___ Rathinig Suits WMomen's bathing suits of good al virgin, wool, in a perfect î'ainbow <f colors; they arle ail gOOd, neW Sty- les. Speeially priced at 2%ai Guaraufeel futl pi aulne. Thcy r Are. talion - amben sud' Noie lsYUr 70»«W'lpf ai lie t« rc4c4 iai Childreis Dresse A variety of styles ana colos in abundance from whiclh to * eleet "a nuxiaber of these pretty dresses for the child up '664 years. Only afor- offae r h e a lsus <J::. tune rhaseale st .Ad_ - IY pLi smatê ices Id. kNY il ............... rlrlL-

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