Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 2 Aug 1923, p. 5

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'LIBE LAKE- COU TYVI LLE .INDEPEN4DEN ïIDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN DOWEX1OL-NLXMR31. O1JTYWIN -bit VICTêRY ,OVËRý' PatolvAl -f Con. Impotant ccmtested 9bjectwmn, jaige P. ýy'" a bavyblov be éuteroe an ord4r eOMmtY. The. action Igtre victary for the. wi aVoe vu Ibat lu the. cas tbe e î aofLt. Forest, lad -th. Cicau, Mil- ~' £ S. ?&0iraliroaidam- tepz$mel4elobjectons la ail utx e C& fàe a galuat Qoua. W 1 ear apgaist tbe emkotui eo!tiihe2Untaxes. 4- GeentY04Victenlo, - 4aong the lia., lu vhlch the. iisjtans ver. oterraiel w er. as (1) The. tem of 140,M00levi for itt&. bigiay pprpmso. Titis oh ~4UowSsuptaised tu the supreme 'WMamIaal i'eav paaed a z tlg.~ Tii. objectors thia lthe validlty oithie 42) Item ot 880.000 evy for pon Imm ofe etiffl Ofor atsedonar ~4)lt-emn of *1.000 evy for edu- a"twonslputposes. 415) Iteof o! *0,000 ev;for mis- Milauoous dcaixas. l4 MObjection to zmathersaeuion (7) Tov.nahlp ro nd dbridge e&I 5e;lua a rgenumber of tavuahipn. '<)Objeon te -echool taesIln iLv. tovnship aducol.. peone objoefl Wn The. objectm ,vue buitntl a Ab taolwnob»ectons: <>ObJ*etb o t fect 1114 coun- 44 cfl*sà"ba mt aisi taxes grop- ,4t1; under Ja kvand liai Ilav. ý«oe ah"iii 1e mai. on various (2) Objection tu township road soi brdgelevy in excesa o! marethan » cent for escli 8100 vainatio lu jievport, West Deefieid and ire- Maont townsahips. (Court overrulod *4*jectaraase to miny other coan -(8) OJed ion of ralroad - coin- piuy Gniy a, ta lavyiln tovnship behools. (Court atierruled objection& lai tva districts. in remaining dis- tricts boardi recors ver. nol kept lai sufficient detai).. (4) Sustalued objections a, ta *ublic hanofit-In i lghland Park. Withdrew tome Objectiens -The objEctons vithirev thein -ah- jactions as ta scaling and public -boefit tund as ta L.uke Forest. 1B; vinnin gai] of th important .sentested pointa whlch uteen a large rnonnt of revenue ta the ceunI;, the. coutyviii a aie an appeal to the supreca court on the pointa la vhtch le_ *oetera ver. sus- *Auied. Oae *ut tiimo4 import#nt of tiise a Jseilieclenau tta scaling 14dS thie tuii bitsad thiila taa otail dtarpsy te «ooUAty 1(o carnry Objections bthe 80,000 moril jun4 f or t" eViètory lemoniaibol- ci~ ~ ~ ~ ts th1!r tc.vO pe h linsM ib. able to aYpa>Ran leviel un their property for parpase'.1 ai-raUlisin;biisfuni. Objetoul in "sve Ilsa- han pius, soiandtiiereforethie CONCRTE flI4ilWAY TODAY ~illBe Able -t Open, toad f9r th Peon1i'0 offair ; t Libertyvife..* Th'ie contfldtogs expean te finish. ponring ot concretes ookIffli & todsy, vhieh *viii ùsk* LpOu- ile lhe apeulng ofthte ri' toi ltýtfc befone lb. LKke couty faIr et LIhertYvilie Bept. 1. Wltli rosi under canstrulti-o n,.il e. avenue tirougi Lilbertyvllie ,itorm up ton penn;, sud varions ý**e4s hein; dug up for sever andi naectlons, Il lu lte e Chluese eta ont ron's va>' out et hlati Te paving vont on Mlvaukee ne tla t farifermuhein& coni- > 4 v t en Roctani rond, -Ivu tr in Lee iluff la Lih- ,, rotLhn1Rendant, la cou- F et li vllag LIBFRflVILLE.ILNIS. THURSDAY, AUGUST 2,1923. HOPE DEFEXRP KME THE HURT SICK IIOLD JVUK MVeAY =M% FAT 'CAVANAGI8 CONYENTIQ AT Ater an Illue, which iaahd about SUCRUIJMATER R(KKORt> AuGE 7 !F e br Mdneon iurSORT ILLIS - f ~Mrs. Pope va, bor n l Devonshire,- Meeting of Lako County Re- î n lan a 11.,am aud- hiersfore In Pis fHl aiyCuo pubica CetrI Çmmi- h. a liUved ln LibertyiUe for many Dies in Hospital Where Ho tee Next Monday. years. where av a, leved and114 Was Chapiaifi for 6 Yrs. The conventin to, select a judge She leave. lier linabanci, S. 1. Pope, in te Sveneeub Juicil crcutoa this village, ana o'n. son, WIWPD F1atbor Clarence E. Cavanagh, agei ho succeed Judgé Rabert k. Welsb, A. Pope,0friBver 8'orest. Th@.lter 60 years, priest of the Holy Pamliy of Rockford, who roulgned JulY 1, la nov lu Europe. and vas unble to church in North Chicago. died at 9.30 viii b. held nert Tuesday In that viewlhh Yimotheir ai lier deatii. T"s4Y morftlng ah the Mer«y hos. eiIy snd membetre of the local bar Fnrisrie eehl tteptli hcg fe hr lns assclation as wviiiasthLke co~ u neanevcvr-ed tIephl1 hcgoatrasotln ty Republican Central Commîttee Iresldence Tuesday afternoon, cenduct- lolloing a generai br.ak-dowft. vii attend. 84e by the, Rey. I C. Morgan, fprnerty alier Cavanagh vas bora ln The lAke county Central Commit- pastor of -the. Vresbytertmn chutrcli of treeter. Illinois, and at an eaxly ae tee w iii hold tieir meeting next Llhertyville. Intermnt vas made in garted the. study, for the prleshond. Mgndy t W&4ç#u tedtgees keode cmetryH. vas ordained a comparatlvely Mqnday o ta aikngtntoe dircuitLkele .etr.Young man sud started lImmedlately, cntei n bla u0 antI n t ierct - _________on bis vorn thet , vwu Lacoetio n b t te , i .ýa u n ditotgiven a a ah viere he wi'ked for Lait contyta nt t hae acand~ ,s, ~ ~ ~many years until advanc.d ta' the date. W i-~aIP ~ T paeo~chafflain ln-the Mercy ho&. F'seLt'Cut Judg nnericdia CLiii.i E pital ln Chicago viiere 11e Ps Fisher. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ OT E Colt ua lriCre- M llEIA1.8W5W awaY thia marniaig. lHe remained at ter. snd ilarl Reynods are active' 111"">-INJf t h ie iispl$al minishering t tea pWrt, canddats. nd 4at poiibl Daidual needs oi lie patients for six caddnaes. ad iat , o iibat Davi vears. He ansveredthie caltii the thé rng. A the i me a ute fR13.P' D[ViuDE churchIin North Chicago Ivo ya tha frn. Ailtheselen W areta 114 Io5 ago and bas heen. beloved and rever- Iocitto. hicth la I cnt lnnag- ed by hie followers aine that Urne. cth.ditricte r vandcouneinThe newe af is deth cornes as e thedipnlc ar Mîenr su BeneGreen Bay Man Weds in Wau- great. pensanai blov to ail the. mem- ber of tie cburcb and many many kegan Before 'Olvorcing af his frienda autalde af the. chunah. LÀU C'â "'T', First Wife, hre Sister Celeste Joyce, Pralier Cava. w 1-RTS $ZSOQ 0F Midih., July 30- grief :trick:n vlh lhe news o ber I~agafnSt C. A. Clark, Green Biay, Wl,., bock tolaNoti Chicago from-Me ho,. etWaukegan, If his firat vif., Mrs. VtlaIl oday. 511. la heiieved tibe thel HOR E S DW 'UII'ýI na. Clark, Ilecaaba, decides t. only living relative ai the, iead Man. make compialut agalust hilm on a - chaerge0 mrylg8unlce Hoo Haif of AmnountReoelved froM In Waukegan ,luly 6, vithhoutit lin;1y JJI 8I 1 1 .- -ý-- - ta h. nnonerlv' enratAit frorn ber. Lake Forest Event lGoes toe LakeBluff Orphanage. Clark', tirst vite vas marniei. 10 him 17 years ega. 'l'h.; have no chuuânen ani liàve net Uved hogtier fori'ý l .41fev yen S, I aia. 10,IN LAWRENCE crU cT E À E1fIDM' Nort-h Shore sociel; turnecl ont en R±tsiitelle iin iledsif ror aivorce 31:1 I qI $RltIAKiIW masse Saturday for ti.heors. show on charges et urneit; and aabnion- et Onvntela, Lske Pareil, lie event meut, lire. - Clark vas gntnhéda hin; a brîllilent one despite the un, divorce, but1 it vas ul notn liat Pètitikim of Libertyvièq' Man cerntmIoaithe veathrie. Clark r.marfiei uùntil'afler l i t niSvrlOhrEtt . ihilnaines iihohed ith e wuvaf110. n eea t« Et proiteu'lat, and fahion's latest con- Mftters Hearci. tripsted strongi; againsît the rend; madu ait the conimon iond. iP IM IU R A Among a number of prohate mat- MMnY ofthle youthtui society mem- I N RA H'À tens beard XMonda; b yJudge Martin hoers noêp ties rovn hormes.w- .Decke a, lhe fililng of a peti- !thoaiE. Wilson, presîdent ailbf Aithe1WUEC t ion for admission -ef the vîli o! Lak efl Horrst eieShow association, erlAU L YVL8.L'%EaKI John Lawrence of Llherty'viile, rep- ;elmate d #dy'iecelpîs at $7.500. '-*resening $3000 vonthhofneos- Ty;viih tu bd 41114Mequali; bet-veen 'Tie piionognapul n -'th, Lake tst.Tiie petitIon vas setJl ohear. t-he Alla.Renie hopltal luLaite Fer- cant;home of Incarceora ton no lu; o Au; 2 lnth0etaeo est an mdthe lAtk. Bluff orpiienage. loger îcice, *Barney <<<,* A u o! i ler o ion lag ettora Thie grauean dai eboelagrAgml tera!Zo asttr Autad ad al th boxsi t Bsrneyed al igit yesteniay An;. 16. vers gmdtaI '*tlJ3i004-people, but ln but vien th. boys lurn.i t-he mter Mni .Rhn Ia eotat ;ii uuuiui ns the apeCalors ineL unfalrptad ver. ohuIde4 ag tb* r pverA=ua- over t-da; 1h !siled te enk. SlieMif acount approveti; estats lossi. es or nures. "iv pamne halveen Alstrom le of tii. opinion Iliat t-le Fannie Tovuseni, Round Lake, fi- the Detroi ai l4Han~ad the On- aping has beau bnoken and lias nal report and account approved; 1wepia EIesX, w- ' biilbgan at- 6 ordered anohlien one so hie cierges estate cloe&ed jo 'clocÎ, ttrSoted many fromntheane drôti their cari gant, and go J6ln D. Russell, Lake Forest,;- ln- hmae show la otihepla.0.1, u t to music. ventogy apprbtud. "Aý n enulm ý imu » -tu t $L5OAYEARIN *1 ________________________ . _________________________ SAVES BABY o Mother lnsthictShielùs 011 LlbertyvMe Mmn Dieaat M1 Wheel. Au automobileaccident orii E the. Waizkegan rosi nouIvroft ,~i10 frida yoveznu, lunvlciit ar Ville maz Ramen"niPren4oaW91t Inatatly kifed, and lin. *-G. A oet l vul ge arimoeiusly Mmra Ptendergaut snd lobât om 'vw lu the car. but e..aod lUluzv baby onler2p, 0"e'~gu a Collision Vos , ltablo, ,bo à e4 the 11111.on.eviliber be, m thiug savei the. infant ire mtaJê.W., rTe accident vwu cuse-I ly eett lug vith a big Cadilac car,dO Samuel Benlols, 484 EcelynAO Chicago. The. Pr ude a"tevg lng a Euick aid wver. on haine tront ChIcagoýTb* machine vassout-ibomod, ma4tli pcrted hhat tvw ieb* "0v e t cerneat. a"udiluattemptini w t lii. paveuanl lite car Wwerve l 4tt Mm D ubol u eiuw Bernard. . en cont by ftib lMa 1 Aul ver. moe.4fur l or. fim ves. of »Pwnol, - MrlisPrqastut MWisel4s*à ý the vie. pneilie i e e. . P. ratircai. 11kfich0es ia vere s e* theot i 4e Tb*I tu" m-4l %0e lga nasear. The ainner ana pro. ec rn a.dt-o hont. grain viieh.given aethle Warren II¶ 9~~ visit vas folloveibn 1 Tovnship high sciool. fer, vIlci iI5ý it5i.bee Them. in mare interest exhlilted lu lii hamecomin; ever>' year as lie 'Cute'Litie Rairoat 'FRiver'.A'UU& I pepl aeleaning -of litereal menits.AM Euhp -jf year it viil iehablgger andi Constructed at' Winthrop innever before because lhe Harbor. vomen vent ta os. eIt a -great nuc- -R CO Et ces, Ibis year partlcularly o lie; 'oot' 'Pot! "'Boand.» éïn boost lhe nev churci vilol le Thotetncte Mill1e gasoline train, te hae erected In the neit fev meuth. vtci vas mut et lie Sykea Manu- facturing Compeny feundnie, et . - Wltlrop Harbor. passaet -thrqits aiuiM lai5 IIM E USBAND i Waukegsn Thurada; aver tlie . 4 etr iConnua c Cn K ISN. W. Ftaliay on t way talt&Haho oubs ' 1R1"lIR RIRS Giiat sern lnesla <& o: i eto botW lr.Aile FlaIcY a i ghland Park, coach -aatrailer, vas bulit te û>or. M e%4WV bas iliectisuit fait' crfljv Inc.te Ch,< edec' at iYost or about 8000TI1nisaortt cuit caurt ciiargIng ber huehani. cmin a need ove o a i"..1 ,- f John AlbertIMPOYd, klcked anti choketi trains. TPle>' are'*apblOtf aqi-i1.tû an>Ni lier, struck lher lu the eye vîti li ng a speeti ! btmU t helno. baLynle.CUt flut api upa one occasion lOve pears Hundreda t ro ns sM *tu 1e tan iot~.Aii ' ega lie boite snime of hnlierrb. igin; tinougi Wnk«=gan sd lie on-, .Albeot$-Aus~tnim Thill 11 states t-bey vere marriei sMous Of Opinion Ila tla t .aboutw t n lu1 Gloucester, llngiand. lu 1904. Ploaithe nifttiesIoutît it e; ever mv 18semPlOYeiaa ganduten et tii., ITS tetur.tu nwa ui t aI b Nerlimbor Country club. I ykes' plant. 1~ r Lakte Countv'-e Big Weekly cmIimGÈMW o*hne0" Wee&Mnus omt CombiWe MW"d a à. "PO@tulnm stLib'tVM& M-r a.U oeA Us au. Overr -!l UQIJOR JIAUL 0F SIIRIFF BRINGS NMW RECORD IIERE, Barrots, Not Botties, Figure in Swoop on County Dive Near Diamond Lake. Deputies from the sberifi's office Thureday ,vooped dovu n oauatry rum joint and vhen they bai com- Pleted their count they found tliey - bai 10 barres, of aileged intoxi. 'cating Uquar. The. raid vas taged on 111* George Kraft farm. Preoet town- ship, and two mile, ,outh of Dia- moud laits. COmPlaints hUad been recelved on themfo Wmore thau a veek. lghbors b.lieving that the. grat number oft cars that dailY 11,04 the latte to the 1 home liai somnething more than or, dlnary business to transact. 1 NO one other than Kraft va, there1 Thuaiay niglit vheu Depitties Ahi. strOM, Tiffany aSiE tark dropped ilu to read the bad neys a Inthe form of a searob vàrrint. Kraft seeminp wiabathed In the. faue o tUe raid1 ad regiatered no complalnt vheu h.raiders roiled out barreis, on afntheEr, âtil the count liadi reached ton. front the basement.1 M&DY other empty barreas ers fouad ou the place. AI] _the ailegea boose va, putr lu a trUck -nd revad te the Waupa store bouse. Te'liâ 'ck izclded wlus and haedcider, accordlnta the rePort from the deputie.. Kraft va, arralguci before Justice HarrY HOYt, *ho releasei hlm lu bond, ef $2,000 for a hugrinf. Kraft ba, a large farm ànd three automobiles, ail ot au expenhîve maire. SPONQE SQUAD BUSV The sponge aquad under Sate, Athorney A. V.,Smlthva, fot Inactipe ether. They nabbed five violators tn the course.ot the eveulu; and lu one of the placee hook a aBUll., John And Auton K«ooak, of 1017 Mc,&ster avenue, ver. th~e fIrat on«, vlslted. They found, according ta the rep:ort, a stili, fOve gallon, of mOonahine lua àlug and another five gallon Jug Partiy frlled wttli heotali. Jonli and Jeanne Sedei. of 114 101h street, got in th. report, for the. ilrgt dîne in four day,. Brune and hi, aide fnuind a amali quanhity tbh4w 1John Zelenik, of 1021 XcAIIegri avenue, vas also Included Wlu* li raid. He le asad to b. an aid of- tender.j AIl Ove of these people were r-1 ieased in bonds of $2,000 by local justices. w ARREN TOWNSIIP noeIIELD AUGi. 9 Biq Parade' With Floats, neveryth[ng ýto pe Part-of Celebration.. Warren township la 10 be given a reai treat okt hbrilis on Auguet 9t11. at tihe aunnêl Wrren Townsblp Hoitnecoming whlcb le put on by the Ladies' Aid of the Church ofs Christ In Gurnee. It la ta 1e blgger and hetter Meii year than ever. The. pro- gram commnttee ai the cburch are arranging for a monster parade. whlch illiiconsisi oft bats ani dis. plays ai aIl the commercial and economîcal organiza#,ons nr Warren Tovnship. The 4êtala regarding the. Draie viii be given laler also a big bail game la hein; schedule<.iand i possible a crck horse she match as Warren has a few reai toaseds of th1e irons. The ladies are serving a bol din. ner oif1the very best order. alea giv. LAKE COUNTY FAIR TM11 MER TO HAVE BMC UT OF LMVE SOCK ENRS The. dlsplay oflilvestock itis yean et the. Lake County P'air promises to ecliPse anur heretofore shovu. Many elitries of booded stock bave already been made, and fi la expected tint a.ccomnmodations for ail the. stock eu- tered viii ha tsxed to theIi.lnt. It la urged that ail those deering Pens and stals make reQuests fer re. ervalien, at once.t Ail entries muet llositively ha lu by the. eveung of Augliit 38t,. No devia- boan fnom thi, nil. vl 11e made, sud &é, big fair viii ha ready tao Mm at tii. aPPoluted Urne, lierelofone liane bu haen mare or leas confusion ou acoout of late entnies, sud iiis year ail th15 yul ha avolded. Th're Tristate Shova Of ,D1etrolt, [MIo.. have the. concession» pnivilege,9 sud their aLs-nce notice, promise a1 lot of attractions ont of thi.e dinary. The nef ffl clam raclug cards viii be offoes, and5he pure&assure1 [talent of tie bout.1 The. basebeli amon viiib.eue oft tie beal features of the fuir. Otiier athietlc contesta i wM 1e- at«Medd Prises am, mips giv e wbmmi. Speaker, af nationsi repuatigoê *-i b. soeures& Sorn eto!th* bost kIio men of thi. natio n re bu be rouelt lier. t-o make adiie*4es. Ntgt *VeWs Ind"uadent viii o* tain lu«errnation '0 ftltèeeét-a Uic..e Whio Plan le attend. The. big year book imd prernMInig115 la Juit off the. pres, ud copie. may b. seconed by csing- ah tie Fuir Bu- reau officeainlu Luertyvilie STATE'TO*SIOW FILA AT LAKE COIJNTY FAIR Gré'fifong 38 Conties te «Have PeatursAftraction of Official State Movlft. At leaat tiiirty-eigit of the, count>' and district faienlinois Ibis snm- mer sud tfllIincîndint Laké coupty viii have as a leature attraction the officiai stah. exlibits andi naies sasi ta be fashionedlLiong mare siab- orate lineshan anythin; of a slm. iliennature ever altemptedcby a om-. monwealth. Tlhe. Orst fair ,op.ned [TuesdaY, .luly 24, ai Harrisbiurg. Ba- The tit la putting ont flve com- Plet. shows, eacli a dapllcate'of 111e1 other. The. shows are ta ha bonned ln tvo hi g tentaiea ei approxlmateiy 30x70 test. On. vill beha i novlug picture tuiieli vii lue siovn the six-reel velfare featum ,"Tbi*.OM, ganiaed Oood Samnitan," and hune tellnai;e Inieresting stoniee!orani- maul and dairy iusbandxy, lealth pro- motion anidiMsses, prevention, roai building, *cnd ire' tact almnoit every brenci o e! le lt',vast a4Mr aied activitles. The. second teat vili heaue 8.1111Co' hubits. bMany divisions and 'deegt.e mente a!fIthe state. goverument viii be, .repreene4,e p--t ~ r e partment viii condi tfroc pbysirai èxaminations, bertIer baies conter, enrPs. war an cemmunIcabie dlae»es snd lie like. SDecirnéna ii ia traté .acl Iimportant point. Lectur- ors vIii b. lier., a, tn ail otiier d&. pertinents snd divisions, vhere e,. hbhts coverine, state aotivities are showo. Rond maps, tyeer pave. ment, bridge construction mOdel*a aut many 'other exhîbuts viii ha on 4d:. play. The department otai 5ilire will caver aImait svery on. of ils nieny divisianaliactivities vih itlii exhibits. AN ENTIRE TRAI, BUILT IN LM(E lACo., The Itev. Sth W. luht, ai thbe Churcli çi Christ of arffs t-vo ya. at dformer ie~ Tinit Cluiattan cb'iretoh prIoto tat oaI uelisremj~ patrae 11Warreu lbitevua viii gooliaaa tit>', Mo., b viii au a pniiit beginnini 'rhe iov. lMr. augIsbtr' taraI. la a vel'y gcd' Co%.~~ wiii have chutge ai tie.MM Chitian cbunch, vhichb as a hanhilp of mare tien .400. Ib ver>' aciv4, cangregattoul snd là alderei ond of -le mout rom ' Waeetkie Oureasud 4Lb t> p ai eret tôaI"i ,o 1ga er7 4-evoted yogkc tbl el ,ifiidiiteemn- akli*',g t-hem thousansudof irttada. theiil Mpr* M. eau*ObU O muci ,Il.-erc «04 elr OPPer ntiaa t-he Wautegaa or Gerpee.churtboqi osfer. tii.ial chixui cepUty Wh adea btis e4tlo ouanecerob bno %*l tbe lattefrniglit nov lavintà a bullding cnipagu sd 1h. c.'mportant additiN bulding at their nov locaion lot 'w-thin a tev veeke. The Rev.y. Sineglie i lie Gurnee Puoltvii]4M s, ii education iluthie bvz Chicaa. lHe tesa £rad"at 0 Unlverlty. He viii80o te, [CI; oeut Suniay ta- ocqut b* puloit for the Orit Urne. I7%0 oke ciiurch reco%.W MO1 $1.50 A YEAR IM

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