Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 2 Aug 1923, p. 7

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Coroner Probes Myswi Death of Mms William =n dau i %Piaie VIew. The body eoflMr%. William Ldamu atqzdl a water trougb at ber a."',b"ttour miles «est og -Prabk Mie Vew. fflday evening by bier hue,* Tb* Landau farin lalocated cm thre liat Dy.ake~urcbrondad-ud ub W Question the huabaad., lirs. Landau in reported to ha&e i..» luiiealtb &Bd w*4a a u .i ""iinthe busbaqi**Ot"ot ganse laluthé vugb tSV Ms o tii.ros ad heatarwda s< ibilb 4uded tu the pguWtom 81 At theIi.luest ît, dueloped hat eI landu bd tod h« bxhu*ad t *bn ie the. cava froin1 tspesture, aba voclU brins theii Rat.i ap.ars htt Me est on e. tie of the, tank waltiaag for ker iinband. sud vas aeied vlth 9 »W an ý ellligotahie tank.Her lioad w.u adewates viien eh. lafouht -The. corou* Jury verdict vas tIhat Isovnipg vasaccidental. - PRAIRIE VIEW ,Mr. *ad lire. Math 1Merachiierger Md dauaiter. Marimal~td relatives >a Lake Zurich Sundayafttroou ':, XWÉ )ary Mayer and Misanlielvina ýt«wknubcii af Wh.el, vsitad Our ,luiday Sehoal and eiiurcii Saday. 'Uimnd lire.U U listier and ean lton caiLetionathe Thiom"aaJ. Pedan swlly et Hait Day Suinday aiternoon. ýMr, aud lira. Henry Schneider andi ldr. and Mlra. 1Harry Schneider andi Asf en 3IL **4. a lige. Oba1e 18Snday aftenoo& > ,Ges and u th Wolf speut last Veneda eh ther graudmother, ~w.1. Waît, t *ptikiaio isyKil ntam iiy, lira. Williant or bcaugo apeut Wedneaday Ngh1 lira. Emma Krueger. lire. Dr. Tram. of Chicago calleti e oid frienda ln Prairie Vev lait ra*day. Mir. and lira. Dan Ep and dangbter, C«drne af Chicagoags~ent the, veek sud ai their bomne tu Prairie Vlev. ROY~ Kten and Be nEistentiter at- touffl the camp meeting t Naper- (Me Suaday. Xisa Ama Krueger of Chicago vis- relatives bere Wednestiay. suad lira. Sain Schar and sami 14bertyvile.lira. Mary Bcbas' sud rudn1e Wolf calW dons the W. Mayer y at 1<rthield Suuday atteraoou t>meua Wlls. Maria» Ilerachber- mËd Arhur Schar took lua aiaw I4àbertyvllle Uarday evenint. 'Xlr. and lira. Klepper entraned amrio and d4ghe Sunday after- X .C A.I<ten and son Roy vere ~Chicago on business Mouiday. U lra. Mary Scbar spent lait Wetines-ý wth ber daugbter.. lira. Ed Glas, *nisklnic. rrbii angPpes'cas gave a sur- Separt yfor Miea Dorotby Ott at home Mcnday nighi. Refresb- ta ver. served and everyone badl a sotenjayabie lime. <rantma Brockman and daugiter, mDyer, spent Sunday afteruaafl Mr. and lira. Herman Brackmnan. qA numnier from ber. attended the Igaine at Everett Sdiiday lu whlcb _rove vas defeatellby a score f E.and lira. H. Davis motored tO eZurich Sunday evening. eR"rt Herllby spent the week end relatvess luChicago. 'r~om 1,yucb la h&vlng4bis bouge mov- wa sud vli b. ready.--hea the elec- Itomes etown. Ouly one mare * A ý.un-ba1 thasês oBthn snîoue8*« n-- ' igiiut Of t. Titatl4 gtlia" aseti ar.git. GARAGE Ph.,. ~B [,JÎ. 1,111*0E faMa plac- to b. virod and lies Ait ri~un are la i dnesa frai Rait Day ta WIUEftCLUJB TO bletocbýXQMonayni!. SPONSOR BY' tenedth bllgainatStMaYsofMEI3T SOON t vile Sisncay aflerucon.,.1 A litti., boy arrivei ai tbe home cf Piz Mir, a"iliMa Paul Pegelow IPrlday Pizs for Incividual Winners moyWl . bt. rvsiy Pati la wearîng ad !p orTown Winning i tii. b45 brog4 #fui.. Nattier and baby Most Events. uta dlg4ew. iti lira. Sturm as urse* i * tt#udance. wmin etforth am Lloyd lisether aaslsted Waliace Aslmn ee h bm Lee*aMou'bi buseStDesPline s ioubp ofLake cauiity among boys lýlogimd n 4o bus al D Pline 1belveen the aies of 10 and 15 years a te# Usys Ilut veek. 'la ta b. beld at the. Lake Forent 0 1. «lcksbach vas a business Wîoter club on Auguat 11, sud lie cller la Prairie iVew TuesdaV,. meet promises ta attract boys fnom lire. Mo= aKieger called on lira, al over lb. county. Tbere are no Meyer at Ares flrday. entry fees ta b. pald, lb. meet le Tho tee creain aocial given ounie free ta ail boys. It viilb. held la eburiblnvii,Thuraday evenlag waRcluebigswiminnitank at the Witer veRattnde. Wuletii evnin va club and the boys yl h. at the wel atend& Will te eenig ws cubail day. ÀAsilver lavirsg cup a1hile écoot. all the cresm wuasld viii be avarded the teain rePresent- and a good tisn adi by &IL. Gama"s lng any town ln thie couuty sud in- vere played sud aid friends viffitld, dîvidual prizes vill b. given lb. snd the evenlag san passet.i, eaing wluners of ait evenUs.t plaisant memorles, ant i piaiaa viieb. Tbe meet la divideti Into tva class- matie for more sncb eutenialnnments. es, clans A for boys 13 ta 15 yeara Irving istroin of Detroit, micb., vin-cf age Inclusive, sud clansaB for itei Mc MsonWedaeeay.Iravasboys 10 te 12 yeara incluplve. Entry laiac nean ieed a sIrDoingoblaka may b. hat aitihe Y. M. C. a Maineandsered a Sa Doi«oA. or tram the. &ports edttor of the at the saine time Mac vas lu the se- Daliy Suri. sndilU blanki muat ber vice. Tbey b" ehov together sud ré- malled ta Do a lis at box z93,E vieved their many luteresting ex»erJ Lake Paoreil, befare àugust 9. Thei. lences. Bath voe very glati ta ment reglar tortu of eaU-y blarsk la uot1 aAtit lu th good aId U. 8. A. - essetial. sud the ivimmers maY lir$. Matia Lookiiest sud Mus Cams en.? viti a blauk matie up by Hodgkin% ipent Tusday' aftemnrsathemaeives but Il muat bear nie sig-t vîtithei liat a Paltirs.nature of the parent or guardian. wit thlr at t Platne.antiminit tate ln vînt events lbe cantetant wiabet ta be enterail. The. meet vilI be oens ta *Il boys #WN CRUSIIED restidlg in Lake couatY. Preliminaries luna&l eveuta vill b. beli ln the.morrsurg at te» sud bETWEE CARS tbe iemi-flnals and finala Litwio- LL The. Witr club tank la 60tfet il ero fitat tree lause lu egt sud 20 feelovnthestii.s Brakman urtWhenFreiht in"dach eatwlththeexception o Starts UnexpuetedIy and tie. dlvli ii b cnuiasfi JCatches HisBodY. lova: firit plae, V. Points,;ec -and place, three Points; n hr Hsrr, llelchgeld. 28 yeare aicl place, one pint Prises viii b. 1267 ab venue. Mlwaukee.. ws blid- avarded ta ait contenantsiticarlug iy crusiedtlat Sunday aler ah atpoints. Upton. s freigbî station of the Cbi- AU pointes yul b. credIted ta eago Nrti western rallrad, three tovai fron vichn entry la made. A miles vesh of Lake Bluff. cup yl b. avarded inlung teai.11 Recbgeid la 00w in tb. VctorY Leo LA Brune Hagan, referee cf liemorlai bohpitai. No bounes are the Olympic vater polo gamies at broken and there are amail poaubil- Atverp, Beigum, viii act as refere ties of Internat injuries, according andi starter and lFloyd Brown, direct- ta the doctor lu atteudnce. He vii or of the. Young Men'a club of Lake ta tbe dacior ln attendauce. Foret vili act as officiai timer. The accident iiaPPened about 1 Competeut judgea yull judge the. div- o'ciock Relcigeli. vih ua irake- lng. man vas endeavorinig-lo caoletv No entry tee viii he cbarged. but cars~~~ ~~~ lutefril t on.vyb al entriEsimust b. certified bY Pa- -becme ntaniedwhe thelin orrent or guardian of entrant. -beain enauaie vi.» ii.uneof Lunch viii b. served at noon ln cars vere ahot ln motion iiy the en- lia. club bouse for vl.ici a smal sine sud vas criasiiet andi shunted tu charge val be made ta cover ex- ounte aide fh movtng train- pense of meat. Traininen rushedt i s aide Imme' The Winter club le about four dlateiy sud tiien calleti an ambu- bockas tramn the Northvesteru rail- lancé, nee vas couaclous ait the vay station. and la easy ta locate. Umne. The fsncy dilng vIii consitto0 If in not believed it te , injury a siraigbt front dive, a plain back viii b. serons In any way. dive, a jackkjalfe dive, a svan dive, and on. voluntary dive. Dives viii used lu the Bis Ten Conf erence çQU D OPSUPudg~red on lb. point system as Tbe eventa ln boti classes are: Tira AW I<I'iîaCLASS A-50 yard svim, 100 yard FI'T'ro A IM I)svim. 220 yard svlm, plunge for E sdistance, 50 yard baék ttoke, 50 yard breail stroke, fancy divine, ne-, BN IESEL ERS lay (four men, eacb 1taevli 50 - yards). * LASS B-30 yard swim, 100 yard Highwod, W ukeg and eo.asi. plunge for distance. 30 Yard Chicago Sce eof Constable back stroke. 30 yard breat stroke. fancy diving, relay (eaci inuto Brune's Labors. svim 20 ya ds). Several gaions o! moonaine and * IF **e* 268 bottiez of alegeti beer were taI.- en i thet).,w.eefr end hazîl of 'ouste- * DEERFIELD * 011 hi si ke ai Yi tc, -of Ja St w fi H àl SI h h p .4 ti IL: h 81 i.C, .Bruns and fais abs inaei vwoop thatlIncluded Hgbvod, Wa- *** ** egan and Nat Cblcsga. A sppcial invitation ls extended to The boutse of Jo., Raiiread yo nie attendthbe tee crean social and venue aud Northa treet, HlgbvOOd bakery sale la change e! lie ycung reldai 218 boitles of beer. accordlng people of St. Pauls cburui. on lie totbe aqUatiHe vas placed la bondst lava just Souh cf-Louie Meyen's res- f t2,000 and iocked lu lbe cotinty taurant, Saturday afthernoon sud eve- e jail ningAugs .P Sophia- Onyde. of 16th and Jackson -, Auat 4tz. J .Hlga eul treet. Nortb Chicago, vas arreeted e.adlr. .H odga eut s'ien the squad decland tbey had ed frota Frankfort. III., liondsy, viiere a found more tian a gallon of bonze. they soent lie veek end. f lIer bonds vere fixed aI $2000 and lisas M. Holdgraf vas thie gues- of tii. vas reîeaaed. ber sister, Mrs, D. Dye, Suii day. I B, Betruski oet 11h and Victoria lira. J. A. Rlcbelt, Jr., eatertalnedil streeta. vas ialled intothie jaîl for lie folloing guestsa at lnncbean lastic bavlng a amaîl quanlity Of bOze 111 li'iday: lira. J. W. Flaaiders, of Au-7 bis possession. eccording 10tii.hene- rora; lira. J. Il. Beehe, Br., of Lomi-e pete made te lie tates aterney. bard; lira. E. J. Dieu, of Ragera Park; Frnk Itepp. oft 9 streel and Mc lins . Boor fChicago Helgits; W. Alster avenue. vas arresteti wien ti Freeman o! Lake Bluff, sud H. O.S tiey brongbt In a quart Of bOOze A-tnutofCiao that thxey satet vas Iying back of MÂ.Artnol n d f hiag MS bis coiunte01o ît îetvsFane f su ag teMs Stev Krllof 6thStretwagFraces ofChicago, ver, guesta of also among te alleged violaters. Mr. aad lins. Scheuleboir last week. Brune's imea stated that a boy found Mn. and lira. Porter of Peannglea, a botîle just oulside lie bouse aud IKy., are vlsiing Mr. and Mns. R. L. made a rua vitb il but vas captuned. Johnson. Tbey are not certain tiaI the. beoze Sir .and lire, Clarence Sberman and belenged te Kroll. chilîdren. Austin Shierman sud lMr. sud lins. Holly.sud daugiter vere guesîs naaIE o!flira.Anna Shermannsunday. 3(B'A U ES lira. F. C. Klmhark sud son, Sher-t Sman,ver. lb. auvst,.tafrdludaint NfIJ.- RO M Iman. vene the gu esîs cf Ms àm NOLL*I6ROSSEDAdams Sunday. - Miss Aice Shermnuof Chicago la State'e Attoraey Smithi londay had the, guesa cf liss Grace Siiern hi b three bonze cases noîle prosed. In veek. let. oouty court, on. agalast James Mari Parsons of Austin speut sev-1 D., 'Dog ]race" Murphy, and tie ah- erai daye îlut veek at lie home of er tva aganat Joseph Lo!ft and L. bis uncle, 1E. P. Bastoi. Û=ribu~ case vas trnsferred by Mr. anti lra. Sheldola anti Miss tii, ies attorne.y t thie Justice Latins Mubîkeof *Oak Park vile tbe <iu of IL. C, Coulson last veelI guests cf Mli nsd lir. Il. .vant =4-4 lèescretly pleaded guiltl Fand WeduestiaY. Y,4. fiiet .800, an effort belug Mr. sud lira-s.'X ricklW1 0f gke ia*et t» ths ne matter, as5Forest, veèr. tie gu"s(s M".lira tab. a ireiid e sg.Sîn, y rbgge. rhe Sunda COle J-Prpy. loi mon4ua iu= bu hllprovittta teia c u kG80sa 04bheram oteal «jnw ehurconde, utia Y AftW' ibd-t aalai. nxeypralse pervoe lte Pupf la %peIi LMMWM IU E*PDWK. TIURAY. AUGUST 2, 1923. T' JeIegetes Return from Steamn- fitters and Pluunbers Meet at Rockford. Wanltegan vfli entertain the state covention o!the steamfltlers sud plumbers next July, luvas announal- id lodey, thua clty beljtg selecled- 111 the state meeting beld ln Rock- ford Saturday and yeaterday. Le Roy Welci, representlng lie local. steamfltters, and John O'Brien.ý deiegate froin the local plumbers un- loin, ver. lie delegales froin ber. wio altended the Reclctord meeting. 1Arrngmenls vll b. made for lie eatertainmeat of about 50 deiegales froni varions parts cf the state. Il viii Ile beldth te last Saturday and Sunday cf the monti. WOMAN SUES FOR RELEASE 0f BANK MONEY IN COURT Eda Lundatrota af Highland Park bas started suit la tbe circuit cabrt lc coliecl $5,500 froni tie High- land Park State baak wvich, sie dlaims, sie depesiteti la lb. banlt afler selllag pnaperly wvilhvas vlled la ber hy ber mother. Tii. properly vas left la trust ta the cilîdren of lins. Luadstrom's motier ad art. tie deati a! lb. motiiel', the property vas solti. Itlel clalmed by the, plaintIf f tiat the cuber clail- tire» vere 51v.» tir ahane o! the iuauey, and tbat the $5,000 lu the. bank belonga tC hepr., The broliersansd slaterg enjoitiet the bauk frein paylng ber thi. mon*y andtie .malter viibe settled lu court Attbruey Artiur Buamsey la iuduug li te esc. for Nue Lbrd- Mindn* o tatlat. :1tX DRIVE TIIROUfili BLAZN~ FRE 1 Lake County Farm Bureau News COUNTY APPROPRIATIONS FOR bushels; domestlc conaumpilan about FIR INRIHIÛNIT.B. ERADICATION LEGAL 5-,54,O0,000; sud possible exrport about ý A reentdeisin andciclo n ý , ii,.uu uneA s. AuA- fiiii t ai ed te their respective clgssrooms, and the lesson taken up. There were near- ly 140 lu atteudtuce. and an offeriug for equipment of aver $45 was talien. Mrs. A. J. Parsons, wbo bas been visitIng ber son.,P'red at Austin, bas returned to her baoms at E. P. BEaston's. mmlr. J. Meintzer viii entertain the Wlanot Sciiool Progressive Club on Wednesday. Auguat tb. lire. Franik Lilîle and dangbters. Ktbryn and Mary, and Min. C. Dala- uer, of Buffala Creek Farin, vere the. guettaetc Mise Mutle Kaeblln Satur- day. Mir. and Mrs. C. W. Boyle and their daugter bave returned froaa veek'a vit vltb Mr. Doyie's people at New Castie, Indiana, Miss Harrlett Oastfield of Evanstan spent the week end viii ber mother, lira, Wm. Gastfleld, The Wlmot Scbool Progressive club gave a bunco party at the. school bouse Wednesday, Auguat lst. On Sunday mornlng at 6.30, at the Highland Park bospital. lira. Louis Ellermeyer, vho bas been a lgbiy es- teemeti resident of Deerfleld for near- ly fifteen years, aassed svay. A post mortem sboved a complication of dis- esses. Mns. Eilermeyer bad ne imme- diate relatives. The funeral vas beid lni St- Paul's cburcb Wduesday, after- noon and hurilI as at Concordia cein- etery. Chicago. The services vere lu charge of the Rev. Mrn. Hoidgraf. Sb. leaves mauy frienda ta mourn ber deçarture. Mir. and lir@. S. P. Hutchinson re- turned Saturday froua theirf' &P ta Missauri. Mn. and lira, W. A. Wltlug of lry- iug Park vere the guetseaoflir. and lira. Lincoln Peitis Sunday. Mr. and lir. P. P.LiMeyen and son, Alvin. vere the guete of Mir. and lir. L. D. Neal at Narth Chicago laat Sunday Mesdames Miartin and H. Krumm of Cleveland. Ohio, vbo bave basnatthe guete of lira. J. C. Endier for th. pat twa veeks, eturneti te thein homes Sunday. 5IRus TO TAXE AUTOMOBILE TRIP TO CALIFONL Purchase Car to Make Jour- ney; Miss Hazel Webber to Pilot Machine. Wben it comes te drilng an au- tomobile on truck Miss Hazel Web- ber, daugbter of Mr. and lira. J. R. Wehber of Waukegan, daean't b.- came frigbtensd hy mountain pass-1 e, or similar itho thrillers. SIte has drive» loaded rive ton trucks te Chicago at nigbt for ber fatlle?, local manager of the. Arrov Line. She and ber sister, Misa Helen Webber. and tires sorcity sistera will leave Waukegan au Auguat 20 lu a new Nash automobile they purciiased for the parpase. and their destination la Los Angedles, Cal., witb Tellowetone Park and other places cf Interest on tbe tiner- ary. The young women wîlI keep a dally record of gasoline consimo- tien, expensea. etc., and wben tiey complete the journey they expeet te startie the natives with unbeard of statistics. WAUKIEGiAN iETS TRADE CONVENTION FOR NEXT YEAR Corn Crop Enua te Al State GoveorSalaries for10m Yearsiý li procdoçthMtyIV! ~ r flot simd aMM. idi= tnus 2zý fflM eo, SoWb. psI oU W X»y- tiy tiiXrcePb xm a ep0 iron b lb..15 oim*s. The valatimei Mdiarypriidi o 1w» ln one year the comblmdpota MW. rihosusCE tii. lon d datb.r natund UW*Mth wi~U * productva arma ait* bâ*Of t0< dis ii tiea Of tble Coàlpgfy. Tb*,Pal csoeim Copuy m orvim a lo< a na tur o s a i l o t PUBLIC S'yc QMAi 111W. BLECH. Dll Supt. 12) 114. itoeoe.St..Watuknan, Ili G. K!UJMERY. Service Mau 'e - .4,. T CO. ULLINOI rself Four Waukegan Young Men lhe attorney getierai tothie effect tliat 54)000.000 carry-o% er leaves a ooi on Vacation Have Faces and legaàlly approprlate. iunds foi the erad- If the plan proffed la carried 6119 Hands Burned in Blaze. Ication o!fIniiercuiosis lu cattie SPread as the Federation sees It. farinera osa c onsternatioIn many counties where etljust thelr acreage lu tbe fait anti Four Waukegan young mten laet sucb an action bail been talien. epring seedinga se tiat no iuidOr î-eek took the choira cf driving a Senate Bill No. 348, vassed iy thei large surplus need exigt iex e ~ milesud a hall tbrougb a ilazing iast genenal assembiy. becaine a law The Federatiln says the plan voilA îorest unre tn tbe northb oade Of vien signed by lb. governnr. an'l %allc co-oeratîve sud arderly mas9,1 Michigan or otfiieing detained thn e provides la part as foliove: keting and lift wbeat ftm76e ho 80 veea utiltii carrd ttubra ai Sec 24. Eaci county abat] bave cents, lie nresent priceta $1,40 or been nemoved fromt the noadways. paver: Ta appropriai. fonds font$ 1.50, and wouldcotneIontt Tiey chose the. dangerous coursecotnetonta sud ada aIltie bae 15a Fr he couaty treasury te ha usadInlansy hasis tinougiiont tuis canumtIlVe vltbh te paint buriued offit i iri mannen determined by ti or 0 year, liereby being heixaful tg balla four faces seaned and burnied by the tie, suppressiog, eradicationsu andce and consmendelilud looping flamee. trol af tuberculosis among domestie îng speculation. Tii. yoaing men sho teck lhe jcatîle ln sncb ccunly. chance ver. William Pearce. c1i1 The Brundage decision bitd nothing Whatever cames a! lie plan. lit as Steel court, son a! the. laie ex-Mayor to do wîti lhe new îaw. bie aaid thait It Il; enéIely lu lin. vinh William Pearce. liarry Griesiielmer, wh *vat cougres a bd'ta mImd vieft it of 2nd etreel, and Haary and James î LAKE COUNTY COWS WIN enactai the rural credIts legîlaailO Kozel. of North avempe. HIGH HONORS last sesaion. lu a general vay, Itvag Tiey wne returaing froin Wlin- Higbest producing cave of il lie lie punp<aee ta give tbe fariner anti ag- peg, Cou..viiene Ibey bait gone for tegtlug associations of the. etate, aIse icultunal Pro<iucer su apportunlty't* tieir vacatian. Wben they voe. third igiest cow and third blgbeetst aone an vanebouse île protinot; tg' making theIn vay tiroughhie iand tientu ln the state la a record ve tan finance tbem tiiraigi the noeedl traila la lb. Michigan peulaula they !&Il b. proud of. Tie. honora go ho leglelatian; sud ta avaidth ie neeqty ran luta lhe ire, and lu preference 1 Lake county for the menti a! June. for dumping Ibein on tise market viles ta turng back tiey loft the roati. mîtcav vas Havtborn Dsilry market conditions ver. not favorM&e doting amoug ithe trees andt lrougisih ~ pr riBou liao Aeia lhe uudenbnusb, liey drove a mile iad h ue e rw ws f-mrcnCo-aperative à( r and a hiait untîl tiiey boid paaaed thae Ravubor» Tarin, via produceti 2670 tire and feuud itie roand. The insiIor mllk for the menti. cantalnlng VOUR SARS ARIEN'T 1MATte vas burned tram the rear o!fte a- 96.1 lb.. of fat. The third bigiiesi cav Do yau knav yaur earsanare O chine and the paint vas entlrely jvaa one or Eknl Henry's near Rose- matesm burned off. Tiie fact thas thie gaso- crans, tînt produceil 1755 Itis. of milk lins tank vas under the front seat ant 84.2 lh&. 0f butter fat on avec t They may bathlloo0k alIme, be CiM probaiily saved sud explosion,. laerpature.saute lengtb, breadtl andi luth. lit Tbey baid a 3000 mile trip and the. or Hery'bard v -a.. aiseb third do you kuav you ciii bear, wviln only objectianal part vas the, price bîgiiest lu the atate aversgIng 1125 th?. better thon viii the allier? of cigarels. vblch raugai rtrm ty 0f miik sud 44.6 lb.. fat for the month. Youn loft ear in the boit. Thuae cents a package up. due ta lhe World pion. ddldit, Almict, luvaabiytae. War lu vblcb, Canada vas beavlly phone users put recelvera ta thior iptt taxai flnanclally by Englaad. PLAN PROPOSO TO FINANCE ears In order ta leave thefir rigiat""is , WHEATr - free 10 vrIte. As a rnuli, let«oMM Tbs Amenîcan Parin fRreaU jeder- bave become fanrtiare sensitive lise atian. illa announc& b as i1*s, ILPC-the righî. If you don't beleveil ibO= MILS. RUESCJI ~ tonsaî Ut1 a miimma o@of uIto reverse sdilea pt ho baos i IM IV3D T D Y bushels of whebe.WttiigV bY tise tlpoemsaewt h ih l - lu 0* Aeia fre'sfotati OUR18* A olpoeare m asttl lira. Mary Ruescb aofZVon.,viiose large surplus, liatItIlb. piSOcti lui'phonoes. Thal. la. lie receiver, 1180 deatb va8 avortet by a blotraIns- varebousea untier theisupeviion@ f iOn lb. léft ide cfh nilsatnvueialt èff fusion Saturday af the. Lake Caunty the. Departmeut of AgriCulture, Mdtifacilitates us.eIa the igit is»». Gerseral hospital, lu vhlch thre, of tbat It hie tinane thbroiigh the Inte-r-_______ her sons vere danors, g la lgiitiy mailale credits banks and cnrioti aven Improvai today. lit la Impossible ta ta augment next's crOP at bar- Geai Swtmmer. detrmlne ber chances fanr rcovery vs ie eermWl lu O Atrtyn o ii o a yet, as lb. fori of the aperation elte.Aîers va sett tetyngfrîi uet g O vason tînt vîîî taiie soine tIn Secr.tany Wallace, Who la wvttr the seed ont of ber orange julce. my 111e: before advanced Impravement can be President on ies vesteru trip, arging darbler aided meti. 'do iî fon, ber.' sbovn.. hlm te advise the prealdelt to reoin- btld lier ltanit 'earèl lv Wert mobr- mend tbat formeran avait theinseves squEag'C ie orange for lier ilie eât Our BrIght Exchangea. 0f &ne ,v arebouslag anti Interlate- "sie couti ld ai, tg, t. kethie lWe cigeenltin raja magmify tii. buindiate credît legislatlan. ou. 10 wiiicli st« rrully repl>041 volre.12.00 tlines. lbut tiae seetuun- Tiie tî eramÙ3lecnetarY Waacîe j"Bolut iter. 1 1 tva-triex, 5and ever7 able ho do. a <lirii t1iniz for tle vole said lie countryla present viieml crop 1lime 1 go 1 0(ctîllIt.Il Wi wMÉ &MIa of corse;lencc.t- re-k%*Ilete ler 1 aond carny-over Isaeabout 1,00.000,000'fror ae-leeadPlain ÇDeies Bu in tue

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