_UMIBBTVDW » gePF>.DnYTH AY, AUGUST 2, 1923. li,ýSE ýUS This bank 0g1, a valled service to the conmiaty. Are you u'wng evçry branch of tii,,broati service~ Saiuaddckins accounts are campar- ativeýycomUl<ii2bu4t the banli is more dm a cusoda f ficl. It proicks ýou sale metit- ods ot, carrying m4"eytiuaugh issuing drafts, travelee b«qtie àaýîdcertiicates cf deposit. ht proukides a ,afe place for keeping vahiable p4es brsgt its sae ckposit vauit. ht provides a place where you can abtain advice on investments free. We invite you ta take full advantage of &U dà~i strong bank has ta aller. Tdeleis 5 1- LERTYVRII agm- II~IRN~ ' ?RI[~1QIplus I~~MN Ib" i1i no obilgation phing informations or advice I1am maways gIwd to b. of $mri"e FORRET FLAGG OWEN, Agent Previdumi MWX i&Lu mmceCe. JMr. snd Mrs. IBanKaiser af Austin jmotored ta Iàbertyville Tusday, and are vsitlng at the home ot Mr. snd Mârs. Chai. Kaiser. George Weber, the Wheeling barber, vas lnu Lbrtyvllo Weduesday aud contracted for advertistng lu thse col- sruad Mrs. Ralph E. Poterson ? Chicago, vere here oves- Sunday visit- lng at the home of Mns. Peterbon'" f par-ens. Mr. aud Ms-s- A. J. Austin. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Davis maved ______________--their housebold gooda to Austin Tues- day, where they vin make their homne IL. IBETYVLLEINDPENENTreves mre euiu>r ~iJ ~ wUth their daughter, Mmrs.Fank U more REALnEWS than MY allier paper à LAUE COINTY. AUd it The Ladies' Aid Society of the Metb- au efle fortheRua um f $150 ym.JUSodst church will hold the regular d crne fo th mm so of$ 150 yer. USTTHINKOF Il! monthly business meeting Tuesday att- jernoon. August 7tb, at the church Par- - lors, starting at 2:30 -clock. _______________________________________________________ Charles Seller bas movèd tram the Cottage on Sehool streei, tu vhat ls known as the Jake Goidberg)roprty on the corner of North eue d D A ) IN G -Second street, recently purchased hi Mr Seller. .1 - - 1UUaJLVViUgThlathea Girls' Club andteYag - - atrayEenn Men's class, chsperoued by- Mr. and At RuethanW Pavilion, on Rounid Lake Mr.H. Hubbard, &il of the Metbodist Doc Zagor's Orchestra 10e Dances is enedy iht bu -y _________________________________________ utomoblies. AUl took s plunge ln the - -lake. and a flue lunch wuz enJOYed- Fly' Tîie Comiulng! Order Youri1&reen Doors, .Alm,iziumm Pl Windows and Porch Sereens NOW * VALDURA Thie Peried PaWn For Ion or Wood I&-ydu wan4 to build your own Iscreens, WEhave ail the material. GOS $ a eus TO Bu COAL D'WA.R -LIBUTY VILLE .LÉtmBER c 01 ý - -'l LOOK OVER YOUR ROOFS KMEFTHEM GOOD NE HLAVE A1± rai#e. 30 Avoid the, C OURTS Of law rec- a- gmize no excuse, for faulty brakes... Better have thse brakes at- tended to befare, flot after thse accidçnt. Maybe your brakes noed adjusting or new brakeL-ining, Let us look them oves-. No charge for inspection. We are brake experts. We specializo in this service. Our organization is oquip- ped to ronder prompt ser- vlce-well lino your brakes withRaybestoO wbile you wait. Avoid Accidents. LIBERTYVILLE AUTO RËPAIR 8$HOP Phono 2Ù2 )WARFCo. LIBERTYVI ME D _______________________________________________________ W. E. Denker aud famlly visited rel- atieslaGrayslake Sunday. lry Schmidt of Waukegan vas a Lo a n ersonal Tuberldyilbusiness vîsîtors on ls Short Items of Especial Interest to Lbertyville Peope Mfr. su d Mrss Forest Smith vere -la ______________________________________________________Waukegan Sunday. the guests of Mr. JAil drosa stravseat hail price at 1 Paul Ray this week bought from the and Mrs. Louis Larsen, Morse'$. - 31-lt Libestyvlloe Garage s fine Studebaker seven-passenger car. The nek car 18 The James Swan family have re- Basgains ln dross strav hats at J.> equipped vitb steel disc viseels and turned home alter a vacation spent at B. Morse & Co.'a. 31-lt aIl th trimmiugs vhich go ta mako It varions polnte lu Mchigan. Mrs. M. H. Peterson 7Islted frieuds nue o the best i Gorge Larson of Chicago le spend- inCiaoMonday. jE D ubr n a lng bis vacation at the Rouben E. in Cîcao D.Hubsrd nd augter", Lot- Thomsas home nantis of to-wu. Hermob Hauuechlld vas a Chicaga raine sud Eleamon, verseilu lasvard visitas- ou Wednesday. Sunday vistin: Ms. Hubhand's motis- Lucian Ellsworths vas here, tram er, Ms-. Marlon Hubband. They salt Chicago oves- Sunday vlsitlng bis par-- Miss Myrtle Evans spent Wednesday vlsited a sîster of Mr. Hubard. 3fr,. ents, Mr. and Ms-s. E. E. Ellsworth. mow ab u out a e gsn.ata o e-al Frank W heelwriht, and fa lllY. M . (en Saye s and daughtes-. Miss Hov bou s trs batat ne-aît Tise annual party for Si. Patric.k's Dorotisy vore lu ChIscago Mondai, and pries? J. B. Morse & Co. 31-lt cisurch Illvii i given on ,riti> eve-spent the atternoon at Uincoln Park. ,Comelu and look 'em over at J. B. nlng. A*gust 3rd, on tise lawn nortis ot Mors & o.'. Brgais? 'îîsayso.the cisurcis, ln charge of Mrs. Mfluie ' Mrs. Chsarles Gordon Elvel of Hlgh- Mors & o.'. Brgansl'i sa no JO'auglinandChalesLewn. heiand Park vislted 6Sunday vîtis ber joseph Mancez vais avistor at tise Grayslake brchestra viii o e I t. g paetM.nd rsE.W J. Milles- home ou Mondai evenlng. ,Prbrt Mr. and Mrs. Gus Krupsoey sud tam-I Mise Vers Portions veut ta Har-vard1 Ray N. Smith sud famliy neturued Ily vent ta Drnce'z Lake. Tuesday ove- îait 'riuradai trami a tva weeks' va- lait Thunday for a riait vitis rois- ulug to atond a surprise party gîvencaiutpso l Wscnnsd - in ionar of Mns. Krumrey's mother, Minnesoa. Mn,. C. Cols sud son. Jacks, ere Mrs. W. Broyer. Thons vere twenti- 1 guets, of frieuds ln Waukegau Wed-! seven members of th famiiy present. 1. T.« A. Stmpsofl and faml af Watt- nosIfty. Mr kegan. sud Ms-s. Nancy L. Clark, of 1M.and Mrs. W. J. Rovson of Solou Chicago. calied on Libertyvîlle rois- Dr. J. L. 'rayaIs- ieft Tuesday au a MIk. vere bore, Tuesdai vioitiisg at tives Mondai evelng. business tripu %f se-xerl dais ta Min- the Huishard home. 'bey vere ou1 nesota. route hiaue from a vacation trip to 1 ~r. and Mlrs. J. N. Lsugvorthy sud tise sesrt country lu Michigan. Mr. i thels- sou, Jacks, vero hors froin Chi- H. B. Eger sud faiily returuod Sat- Roweon ls principal of the Round cago oves- Sunday vlsitlng Ms-. aud urday f rom their automobile tour 10 Lake ehbocs. Mns. E. T. Laugvorthy. theveserustaea.- Mrand Mrs. J.P May sud chil- -Mthl3 aeabsnsftI oEgn fPictnI. a eeae u-r. sud Mrs. John Cole sud son,.1-oMiss Eiizaaeth Bryant and brother. doren, Barbuara, Nancy and 10e B.,vis- c lelm ad uiestpt lIniday vistlng et tise Dr. J. L. îlaylor- lted Sunday vitb Mrs. May's pareutlm. Tus at ternoon. . home. 'Miss Bryant, visa taught lu iMr. and Mrs. Byron Cothy. M.sud Mrs. George Hutchinge o!flise Libertyvile hlgh scisoal Iset year,, ,Waukegan. vere Lhertyville visitog bas mast seturned trram a trip ta GlIa- lest Su.uday evening. cer National Park, visere se vent Mr. sud Ms-. Fred Lee and Son,.!vestes-n University. W~alter-, ot Beloit. Wls.. spent Tuesday; aithtie home. of Mm, A. Taylor. 1 Titus Bras. this veois placed the conduits for th# wvises for the trafi l Bor-n. toln. sud Mri. Oin MuilIike*1ligits at the differeut street ities-sec- lant Satunday, a sou. Tlie nov boy bas tions ou Milvaukee avenue. There bsen nained Robert Edvard. viii ho four lights at each treet In- JMns. Josephine Montaer sud sou, -escinwt iwue vne Har-od, o! Highland Parks peti the A notice apisears lu Ibis ~Week's issue 14 veois end at the Harry Evans home. 'of tise Indepeudent asing for bids - - for lutallur tise arnamnti treet- - Mrn. H. IL Paddock, o! Lavelle. ighting system. P H W O N E 3 06i t I Wls.,bau been be&p ti *eeis visit- -- iln.g hers sster, Mns. J. B. Mono,, sud _______________ other relatives. II You Lost Just $SêAO BY NOT BUYI NG YOUR LOT IN T! 12W ~ ~A G.I.RAYMA B EFORE JULY Isi Others are watching their savints *grow at 'au n ib&* faet rate - WHT NOT YOU? -Fsinuauliae -l'hu ieu t hof oie *too laie. Prices Now $250 tQ $551) ANOTITER ADVANCE- AUCIUST lst RAY BROS &COMPA1h Teleplome iatyrile 2M1 -MO e:Art. Perfurnes, -sachet, Face Creaoes, Rouge,, Tooth'Paste, Talculm, Nail Pouah, Face Sqap and Oil Shampoo Cilt And Séee hem AldSO LADIES' HOME JOURNALS 1,w Telephone 29 CARRGL ~ S$tu. [I ~u. EAR Summer Classe For Begiiners li Commercial Course -ouISmr Gaune s r11 SeheoStadu sD" ite 11«leelle ComuerdlWoek ad Semue Peokim MRS. GEORGE MacDONALD TELPUOEE 30.LIfEnRTYVLLE ILIIS wý Your Idie Money If you carry with you Or hide in the bouse A lare sum of money You run a risk that it Will be lost or stolen. Put your surplus money Into this strong banàk Where it will be-safe From fire and theft. First Nation-uniBank LIERTYVILL! .. . ILLINOIS. Resources of Mors Than s Half Million Dollars OUR WA¶T ADS CEl SURE W--em ---- - ---------- -1