SEMI.MONTT{LY PICTORIAL-NEWSLETTER ATICE MARIE BEAUTY SHOP ?cmtAretfT WAYES rtAllcEs rYDEx dcHclrtl, llttur,ir ,O2 l{. lhrntda Drbo EV. 5-0890 - flrTlnG -- STYI,|NG $flljR 80ffiTnu8lroil tstrffip&HY We Will Euild On Your Lot The Home Of Your Choice trECT <ieni of ihe i,.{crYerrry Hospital Associat:-on, succeeding Her:ry B. fonyran to the post. , i(in1e.r1 L. ii::gva1son, Ringwooc, was ell-ected first vice president; fia1ph Bennett ,second. JAi'dliS Liditlit0r HOSPITaI PBitSLlutT James ii1. Lennon has been electeo prus1- $5OO Down 2lO S. Grccn EV. 5-t t25 ormer of Lennon Beberafe Ccmrpariye Vo1o, is rj-ce president and director of the Associated Beer Distribut'ors. He is a.past presi-dent of the Bi-g Bnothqrs, State of fI1inois, and a former comnander of the A'nerican Legion. He vice-presidbnt; Dr George a1varts, ]Secretary; and Henry B. Tonyan, rressurer. lfr. Lennon, &Wffi naid 0n holds a life merrrbership in the r'iloose and is a member of the Fl-ks ancl liine.nis Clubs Fo1lov'rir:g the el-eetion of officers, the board cf' directcrs e:eressed arrpreeiation, to T'on;,'an, the reti:'i-ng presi-rlnet, fcr }i-is devoted service to the hospital since itsfounding in a956. " ru $eu&tgs Dryclts fficilenql, State Bank IGllExtY. lLLl]lOl3 S..dnt Si@ llla h;tcr ., F-D.|-G" IIIOftIAS P. BO1GER THE mGilEilrY DIUGGIST EU. Pfom I 5450 ilcflery