SEMLMONT}ILY P ICTO RI A I,FEBRUARY N I W S T [TT[B t0 Cents Per CoPY - vot,. h, t{0. 11 FAIR AND IMPARTIAL NEWS OF THE COMiAUNITIES 3, :-g6o helo at the rtrng tNrELn on January 20th. Picture, L to B, Mayor Ceo. P. Fbeunde tvlcHenry; :"iale Behm, $tate "r.Jirector of },;iarch of .iJimes; .L&^. McGee, Guest of Honor; i,{rs" MeGee; Dfi'{NER ttOUOnfHO fl.AY MCGEFj blr Kotalik. ) lather Parker, Asstt Fastor, St. Patrickts Church, l,,1eHenr:y'; ???._JJ"n,y Qo,oso YILLYS SALTS & SEITVICI' hffi 0uuner dent, Ilonald l)ohert;r, Presi- ir{cHenry Chamber of Commerce. (Fhoto 3!IU{ON?HLY I{EWr3LITTEk' }Lur from mG. Honry Tovndrip, fc-lhnry County, Cliy of HcHoSra, Lrtrhnd Ptrk, 'rf,eet Shoro Borch, Yillogn ol McGulhni Lrkr, Plrteloo Hlghhn&, Hunttrvllh ;Par!r, Vlllagr of'Leksmor rrd Vlttegp of Sunnytldrl Publlrhrd th. ltr rnd trd Wodnodey of orch rnohtb ,bV IeWSfETTEt PUBLISHERS. Copy to bo'in onr ,u,-f b.rolr publlcrtlon drlo. Addrou P. O, Box 67o ItfflQry, mlttol't PboD. gy 5-0715,. iCorndfA rnd Ornod by AITHUR J. STUHLFEIER' Jeeps, Stotion Wogons ond Trucks ilick P" ililler, Uile Seruice *i lfehicles Phore EV. 5-0403 f,ll !,lakes 000 fn0ffi Stfitff lrlclltllfiY, l[L