SEMI.MONTHLY W5LET I t,R PlcT0RlAL I{EWSLETTER Special..$1 per year ,EIffENSION OT SPECTAL SIIBSCRIPTION RATE fi{ROUCTi,iI,NruN.NT 31 _ ONE DOLI,AR,?XR YEAN Hresent subseribers who rirish to take advaniage of this offer nray have their subseription continued for a 3r,ear beyond expiration date. i t- NAIIE. BOX and/or ROLlltE NO. CTTY AI{D STATE. MAKE cHEcKS AND MoNE'r oRDms MCHENRY, rr,trNols. .. . ..S![REET ADDRESS. .... NET{sr,ETTER, . pttAgLE T0 prcToRLq,L posr oFmcE Box 67' ri ccnducted by the Pastors in ihe trtrond,:: area. The Servjce wilt be cllnaxed, I trmmar ]IEAIJII cENriR rys Plans for.!he Mental itealtrr e,:l:I__f:: with the of the Christrr;1.-;;- I u"i"""y cgunty are devel?p=s.T1l_II-?"d that everyone should so eo,"re and bring your 'christrnas tree, I trr" oflicial Lpt"tu9lill,ts Januaw 11rannotneed' as srwsrvv 1:gio; clD f:it t7ttw, or' the I lnq1ie_Qoil.r3+,9EqJ:E! tradltional date oiil; and celbrate the traditional iaute-aap$arlby ._oi b" tne Cerrter, wi:ich coning of the Wise i{en to see t}re baby | 1- TirI staif l'lcHenry, Jesusl Ep:rphany meansr.rra great lighi or I locatcC at 105 East tr'Iaukegan Rd.,"}.1} nanifestaiiontr and. with the blr.ning'of thel .r,rrll include Dr. Salva,for Ma.rtrnez, Psychie trees this will symbolize ihe greai light I tric director", Stanley I{. B}rnrberg, adnrincf the star. Many coirrnunities-havq this I ist,rative direetor, a child psyctriatri-st, a clerk-i'eceptionist. service, and it has bec,;me a tradition. I and nut"rrals t,r the Center can be initiated It would be wond.erfril if we ccr-:f-ci -"t.r.r.t I one too with a great comnunifu,- response. I aite'r Januar-X lr, t96O, although appoi-ntmenl I ,rrt,""rriews wil-1 oe echeduled f,o:: the r^reek Remember Janua$ o at 7230. Laice bring. I NEW DIVIDE'UD RATE Eftective lan. 0ption Or Regular Savings PIan Ist, 1960 Gempoumd or Payable Semi-Annually t Phonc EV 5.3000 206 W. Elm Stroet ilcllcnry, lltinois I