SEM beginrring Jariuary 11th. ing tlrrs ,rra; be dircted at any tj-:re B1u-rlberg. -MONTHLY PICTOR IAL.NEWSLETTER lnquiries conceirnI to ]'k. executive connittce ccrrsists oi Jtrdge iJames H. Cooney, President, trfoodstock;I,ee ,Gladstone, 1"1. D., Vi-ce fresident, Ilembeis of th- Boai'd of Directors represent varior-rs parts of the colntl . The Gircle Bulch Bater Crcu Cur Shop RAY PLUCINSI(|, eluerh|cr Hsruy. Oth' r uireetors are Joln L. lter'1ing, John tauresr anC lJr. R. '1. Loewen'trerz of Crystal r,aiter lr. Ii. ilugerro, '['Ionder !ai<e, Rev. Gecrge ii,. i^artinr Carl Buckner, llarry Stin:spring, Jr., anc Urlan V. Cc.reSr il. D., of i.iciienry. Directors of the center.feel that the co:r-runity sho::ld be congratulcri for thelr foresjghtedness in encouraging the inaug,lrati.on of a nental heal-th center. .Cr'ganizations of this fu,pe have .1aq\e.9*31sid9r; -able progresu rrr curlailing tiie flow of patients to ;renta]. hoslitals, most of t^rh,ich are under-staffed and oveferorrrded. ii.ienta]. heal{h centers also assist pat'lents in resuralng more healtirfLll and useful- 1ives. I{ci{enry; itev Burr,rel1 3eddoes, Treasurer, Crysta1 :Lake; ard C. L. Antonson, Secretar;rj ilc- Fh Topr Rr. 120 16 Elock E..0 cf &idt - sllun c0ilstnljcil0il c0ilPAllY We Will Build On Your Lot The Home Of Your Choice 2lO S. $5OO Down Grecn EV. 5-I t2S r{ErY MoDERN EQUIPmENT Rcsidertial and Gommerciat llaulimg Gompletcly Emclosed lllcllenry DisBosal Service l15 Errl Third Strut WfLLIAM DEVRIES McHenry EV. 5-2221