SEM I.MONTHLY .NEWSLETTER of the lloard of llireetors of the l:ienta] Health Cent* for hlcHenry Cooney, President Cotinty; Dn. Lee Gladstone, Vice-President; and Stanley H, Blumberg, Jrdministrative Director of the 9enter. . . ELEGTION. NEWS As a p'il:1 ie st:r:.rice to tlre neo;rle of Mcljenry To-,mshi.p 6p rnri1,1- publ-i s1-r anno'-Lncenents 1i:r ,."rorils or' less ) cf any can,j.i:iate fj ling cn eithcr the Repub-l-icarr or ileinocra+"ic tickel for" any oiiice at i,he nrinary e--l,ecticrr. This is tc inform the publ:c of those seekin3 nPfina m 0rum tr 0u t0RI B llrn 86I ll[ulHr8 Jeeps, Stotion Wogons ohd Trucks T:!:::t?;x: [il,[l 0wner l{e Service RrgHAnD has announced *. c*ffi"-o-"t*e ice of Statets Attorney ix the Bepubl1can hjrnary Electron. rrlitrors, his cardidacy for the offJoSEPH R. llick P. ililler, 000 fn0ffi lll ilales of llehicles l,lclltl|ff, Phone EV. 5-0403 Irr thc early part of 1959, I, rJAJ(E) LEi/ESQtlE, was appolnteri Repub-Iican Jfecinct' Comritteenr,an of McHenry 1 to fu1fi1l an unexpired term. It has to serve been enlightening ard pleasj-ng you in that capacitir. .rlYithout making impossible promises or fanfare, f would SIRTEI ltl All Your Building Needs o ' po1Is in trou respeetfully request your support at the April. ft is n.y pledge to to the best of my eapabilities. wi-1r be a serve THERSISA SCEIITTZ mitteman on the Demoeratie Tieket Prlmarl, Election in April. .qfGUHD JAC0BSEI'I, Ringr,r'ood, election to the office of Preclnct candidate for in the has Com- rRE Pnr sNr8t o -,a-*- will be a eand.idate for Republiean Precinct Committeeman in Pr.ecinet r'1 in the April himary Electjon. announced that I1-Linois, he rilO TffiMIITB Irrdceq Trcc Scde ffrr eAry - ?t od{ - froovd nrrobo ?od SFrtil.G Ph: Woodrtock FE.8.2598; McHrnry EV.5-2576 Eo Frro lourr a . l'or 6t7 (lavrs BoAo Lct{Ga.ay. trr.txgta [trHEilRY tU[lBER C0. 8lt rffil sIRt$ ,xorca Icfiflil, il.|. Phone EU. 546[Xl