Ori .l!li r,Ay,TC ILU|IOPE, 0-\ft1'i. ?fF-IY YjI.R$ rGLr. Seated exbre:'re right is .trr. Fegers and i'iilliarr Stoffel- standinq directh, behins the doctor. l;r. Stoffel traveling for lrcCormiek Inplement Conrpany to set up machinery. Obhers in the pieture not identified. Pj-cture courtesy Louls J. stofiel, .reproduced by Hudy Eryant. I,lC. T ti,r- Epiphany or presentatron of our Lord, lve celebrate the season of the Visitati-on of the u;ise Men. opi-phany has traditicn- i'liil,tlEF" L{IiE, TIIINCIS I'GR1 TI\ESS Ii'i Y0UTI"I" SEI:'i0i'i T0PIC OII Janua.r'.r 10. On this first Sunda-v after I\[T] llVAIririLLf Crr. f liff f ..r,A N Ci{URCi{ been the season 'lvhen lvorla mrssicns have been emphasized, because it was at this time thal Chrrst irras first nraoe kno,sn to the world. A1lare welcome to our worship serrrices. ff going to chureh has not been a habit vritl'r you, 1p60 affords yor; s lsonderfu-L onportunitlr. ally HOME OF THE TRIPLE-DEGKER HA]IIBT'RGEN TAFEL'S Motel ond Drive-ln -Diner Highway 3t and Gary Road Algonquin, Illinois