sEM r -MONTHLY PiCTOR ! 4l_81ry5!En!8 Phon EY $ta5i PTI'IBING AND EEA,IING OOIrMAGK)B J. T. MAHONEY A It Rdbble Pbmbq ?totds W. Ehn 30rr0 Yw ndh m**ry, l![a.b AE*ur fux Ar* AND AsK ouR. FMEE GOKE KTTTY & TTPE'S IdliY0i? I"RirInVD T0 HIl{lMolfiNRY IioSPI?&t D.X SERVIGE STATEOil Lakeland Park on Rouie I20 new l-d-bed builorngi have been approved ano plans for a large-scale fund-raisrng dnve for thc, busf,l-i-ng inst:-tution Yrcre announced by Janies ll. Lennone presioent. Mayor trber:nd has accepted the general 'chairmanship for the carpalgn to raase 1i200r000e ldr. Lennon saio.. Plans for the new structure have been i-n process of rerrision for narqr months i.:n an effort costs and stil1 proride the area -t,o shave an outstandtng hospital, he stated. ,wi'bh the original plans, costs have been BI*Jf"."o plans for ficl{enry Hospltal's 24 Bottles of Flavored Pop $1.59 TOWING Phone McHenry EV" 5-9779 NO NEED 'fC WORRY! c{^<= he added. An ercbensive canpaign, reqching into all parts of Mcitenry Countyr\ will be e:ecuteo by Comnunity-ninaed. indrviduals, all leaclers i-n their areas. Names of the coron:ittee menrbers who wiLl work on ItThe hospitalrs boaro.oi crirectors is p1e aseo lyj-th the I'inc co-..operatron anci at apFroximately $3OOTOOO , he stated.. j{ore than $1001000 , collected from the last fund drive, is available. in cash in Building F\md aecounts in the bark, grel"tly redueed, but in spite of thise is needed for thi.s urgent projecte he sald. kelinlnary estlmates plaee the cost of the proposed building more money ISAYED.." O MONEY O TIIVIE }7N and o BOTIIER AGGNAVATION \-_/, on my ]NCOME TAX . .. prsEErN this ni11 be aru;rounceq soon. McHENRY ACC0UNTING SERVICE 3(E N; Elm Srreer TEI.EPIIoN-E McHENRY & TAX (Contrnued baclc cover) Ev 5-0343