IIâ€: ‘Hmlflandrrn gun- 11 W11 1111 lburndm 1hr 24th uh, M the [mm] A (ombun'flaun of 111111111 n-aullml 111 a slim turn 1111!. AI 11 pulm- buuder 111 "11- lmuL 111 1111 muculow V1111» mam-hes 11111] 11 wuxmj 1nu11h1«.~l11 r‘1- umrkud; on "hm-wing 11H rim 1:0111p11uymin'1ng 111 11 rnw 30 1150-6111111; mmuL-arcwmm'i All‘angfl'lmnmch 11Lh1-r 111 thatâ€"“wIn-rr um tho- 1‘11Hg'! Why, due! 111-11 1111 M'ilT‘Z“ 1111 1111"!“ 111 I 1111111 in WV nï¬mjltod (111- 11111} 1.1111! uglwd :{hul bud mulmmzuu-nt 11nd hot m’uflwrrwm 1111- I-auai- Finn'uwinny * wag 1111111; Hutu-1111:1111], ' IT givrg’us pleumm- [Iv unlA- [bk «flit-mm mamwr in whohw‘fntmew are hang taken mn‘v-_(>f thin M'unuu. I! in the ï¬rst ycur Lhaf any cumpreln-univt- and eflivivn‘ managummxt Km; b'w'u display-g1. Nudmng gix w u plum'. eibhur iu the city or tummy. n ln-m‘r uppvurunu- Hum street! WEHJaquL care of. Bud; mdn and Psidrwulkn should always be kupl in 6‘9.th and“. . ‘ ni!‘ the reason the world is not. gunwrwd is because Lhe 1 cxe‘rgy don’t know) 'how toread thé Bible." Minimm aoem to encourage, By theirvindiï¬'eréxit reading in the pulpit, the iudifl'ereut listwiug in the pew. It in said Hut the late J. M Belle: drew -cruwda to him churv'h in' Madm‘jw f} 1239!: 11"" my} the ScripteréWeuuu. But the géuera‘liiy of iziiï¬ibwru in this country drink only of their sermons ', do not even know what they are going 14) read; they leap over cqmmas with uiter ouncempt, and â€thin! périodajoo late to lathe voice full ; not only ugnm hngmwx'n‘s and inflections are overthrown in mid confusion. “mm 15 8019;: m. y. ,-‘.. \“wl hunt. . iug readénblï¬ wh'nt'cau’be said' in favor of the drag- Old Dun-W!" While, the Lmuhcx of Edwin Furn‘nl, umsd I , . ‘ m nay, when he gave Pending lessons to mlmsh‘rs, â€Why, giug, mouowl‘io'uu, somuifemué tones of anuthér chss ? AS for encomlum,’neiihv:r order 1neritsit,lhr the one wenries as much as the 'Mlter. A good made; will not consen‘t thus to wrlure an audience, nor ivill he cousrnt t). ba nurtured on his pan. hyriseeiug them asleep. A pause will smrtls a. sleeper smme; lhziu ualwut. 55mm plight evidence of appreciatimx on the rguder‘s part will Swakcu atigntiph in an midimry which ~would drop him listlessxigesa if he fwdqiiisjuirjwdly: gmphasizing every word as a child does; whuxriud through the sentence as ‘ if to show in»? easily 'he could pronounce the words. The ‘f‘gllu'vting pkidï¬pleg of £091 reading are wgrtll pnwï¬cing by angry subscriber u the Saws: T111â€. 11111111 11,111 inflection \mry ncuordjng L11 1111; vary- 111g iumqrtgnce 11f the ideas exprevas1ttl.Slow 1111111, low pitch and d11w11wnr1l inflection wwwra‘ly g1) togc 1111', as do 5.1.1114 1.111111, 11.1411 pitch and upwald 11111312111111. Bugin with ordnhxry 1.11114, pii1h 1.1111 undulating 11111.11 tion, and continue “111111 thrunyh urdi'nary narrative ' but ‘ when you 1.11111: 1 1111.311 1 ms 11.111. (uish1 i 111: excullm 1111 and weight, y11ur time must. b1,- sluwv 1r, your pitch l11‘w111. and 11111111111111 decidedly d11w11ward.'lh111 115 11 lt1n11r11kj1‘! rule, 11nd no such ruh1' can be free â€11111 emu-pulms. ,‘(But to he 111011: 1111013111". Why you 11,1311 any 51111011111111 that is ‘ good lowly, superior, w 11.111111 511111111111. 'heaveldy,1un_v statement that 1»; 11111‘1111’: 111; pmmewnnhy, 361141111; 8111111112111 ypur pan-,0 sink V1 11 1111111, and 111111 the f fnlhng 1111111111111, 111111 1111111c.1.11 s 11. (111‘ 1,111 yuu. will he spphnded. 011111903311): ham}; heZn you 1:01111 111111131513 ,- n descripdon '01 anything 1 ish,‘ inferior, 111‘ 11111111111, apyflnuu doub'f'ul, ndicuh) ,uf d115p11311|1l1q when )‘oui kaomv (11 1111 1111114111111 (111118 1111, 111 any 51111111110111th 0p» [11131111, of 111115.11 n11-11tio11ed 11 1'11. then (11111111111111 unly 1.1111“ 11111 111111 1111 ([111 npwnnl infl111-11m1., “i ‘ ‘ .. ‘1 .Hnnlly, 1111111 11111111111111 1.1» 11111111 11 “mention or 3 119-1 quv 1101:. “111111 11111 ï¬rxt, thlrd and ï¬fth 11111;, {the fol- luwfu 111134111 1111;!) slow time, 111w pitch an. 1111w11€vard 11111111111111. R 11 1111 3111') 11.11 and t'mrzh l'1n1 4 1111111 mphl I 1 1 111111. higher [1111111. 111'} upward )flflm‘ï¬un: ‘ l I 1 I more. r11l111l.y11ur V1111111 111.111 311111 that I havr 1111111 1111) I111 1; 111- v1\ (For devil had: power 1 1 mauvm 11,111.11111111112 4111p», Yen 111111 purhnpa 11111111 mv Waknuns an my "1111. '11111 huh,‘ Fm he hylh p. mar owr saw: 1 11pirite) e 3111111113 11111 m damn 11111. 1‘ THIS WAY TO READ. Qt†’4‘lll‘UIh uVrufa u-rdnym [hr I" [Hlmu an». lln- luv waud Twhumm l . ‘ . . .. ' voile-yr. ilk" llH' "Aggnw lmt )tritl, oi tht‘ h-Iul‘sl â€H" u; ('hanitâ€˜ï¬ who it'vnt ll'uxn ill" woi'luhop ta ('UllP‘t‘. liki- Llï¬' “ill (lUl‘lll‘lln thi.~ 'wur. who will mirr'y the day again-it the“ l 2: pnlnpert-d or tiuorwl town boy:- ot Yulv and â€.n'lu‘tl W, Columbia. Nature. the) think niti<t ‘huw a n-n-lrrmw- . {or the poor. and n (limlrt‘ to lirolnott- thr rt'ntwt'luhilit)‘ l of manual labor and country lili“. jUnl an the li'iwid~ ul woman think that Naturn- (-unnot huw how) no growl.) ‘ unjust as to disqualify woman for any oï¬iw of dignit} 1 - or Hnolumvnt. And yet this illuaiOn about Nature and 1 1 the country boy has been again and again dissipawd by ‘ actual experience, and this expvrit-ncv l'é found to he in l . accordance with the rsouudest deductions of Vh'vsiologi‘ l cal science. The reports of our Medical Department on the Ink- war showed, what the reports ofan medical departments haw: shown everyï¬ierm that the country/3‘ be S aré’1be very honest material that got-,5 into the l -‘ l ï¬e d; that no military contingents are sooner knovked " up on the mirth, or mom-r hmken down by fatigue ; l x and that noun suffers such snrious diminution under the ‘ ‘ wrrime process of sifting by which veterans arr made. .; In. lighting. mart-hing. or l)lÂ¥'t;uat‘,l(llt{, or any other ‘ ' severe and prolonged u‘st of†the bodily powers, tin.- (‘ity ] : man, or man of the desk, other things being equal, a comm-roll~ lfl'Sr. and thix for a reason which. so far from 1 being deprcmhig. is. as regards the future of the ratv, : in the ‘highest .dvgrce encouraging. It is the i] reason which gives the civilized man his advanr mge over the savage. makes ’the ofï¬cer more enduring 1’ than the soldier, and ensures the, dominion of the world i y. always to that portion of the rate which â€Militia mostusn m of its b thins} (‘ouiitry lit}, with all it)i advahthgus, hills I; the very great disadvantage of hoing. inti-llm-tuuilly con- l l sidrrod, a sluggish liï¬). It .Hvldom mills for a rzipid um? 1 of tlwï¬utultivs. and does, not nï¬'vr any prom vari l-ty of )- objects for tln- exercise of then):Y so that, all (also buing :v the sump, a t‘;tally°illimaha street-boy. (will have great ’ advagntagn in anytrial of mingh-d skill and Hidnmnw 'f' owra totally illiterate country boy. Thu t-ity hwy who :1} _ leads a mlerahly healthy liti: is, therefore. hvttnkr armed ‘ :‘u the outset for any struggle which requires n vnr'y nine if adjustment of nervous power to thu‘ overcoming of u l ‘ given set of difï¬culties. Any marked .difl’ilron'w in in- m ‘ . . . . . . ’ kindlvmual training lnl llkt'lv to increase [inn :ulvnntagzu. is. * ‘ ‘ » ()ne of m“ m 1...; â€15min... 5w. 5' “4‘ thin (ruining is 11m ‘ 3:: increase it makes in a man‘s (‘apm'ity ,l'or working for l " n-mriw rf‘rlllltï¬. without diminution of urdiir’t‘yr vigorâ€"'3“ 11% ,1-npm'ity on which ('ivilization may lit-maid- .téo rout: and 1‘6 i {how is. pt-rhnp“. no point of both the moral nud Juliyni 1‘ 0:: -1-alconatitntiori which is more thoroughly trashed by n ‘ ‘hant m’i-n than this. The morn. of it 1; man has, the " lmttpr military oflituvr, or student: or buxinesn main or u N . n . l rower ha is likely to make. ft: by nhlu tom-,0 “my far 0 ' t . i ' . i p off its ‘li Uni-y wvrv near, and not as if a. )‘varrhvnm- Wl‘l’t' be“ i 1 to-mon‘ow. hi the wry Hahn-t- of what is (-nllrd t‘hottmn." In r or staying poww in a man. {:I‘hi- in‘mwss of' training . _ . qlt'orn boat rm-n IR z-onnmntly talkvd of mi it it wrrv w. I aim ylv an a air of mnsclv and therefore. as if the man' V l . y 9 f'oli- l who limit-u! down most trees or pitcht-d most hm: wn< MT‘ l sure to stand ,it best and win the ram; But it is in r’nlitv iil ' 7 ' i A i . . . . l l only nn nfl'mr of lullncll' in a minor (Ingram; it is tmninly a trial of nervgud forco. 'l'ht- man who (min i on the appointpd day, am-r two or thrw- months id: ‘1 of hard work, worry, and~ t-xoitornent, bring his bodily 'Y ' mwers most com leul _within the muttol of liishrain, A‘ l P Y. ‘ will win the race, supposing hi: musvlu to be as tough 7' l‘ in those of ill! minpetitors; an 1. the chances are that comm) m {nrurhrwl Inns. 1hr ulnnqa Hy. in (hr llm- rrhgiuln > that \it'lur} WIâ€. auun-lwu. gm \u by wnrh“) thrlum'; lhul 15‘ than buyn wlw had to “drk 1m (hr In! milk-yr: likr- tho- "Agg'nw" {ml _\ ('huuiws who 3w“! h‘um (hr wm'k *Wlu-n u mum-5‘ nu rv‘urm‘nlml |»_\ uh lin- lth'l‘ Wu “Jun. Aug, til IF? in n gum- uf lmrw hull pin-um! ull' (:ruumL inn-[mum Hm AUAlvbw U'l‘ MM'I \ It'lurmuy- in' M M‘urv M' H‘l ll!"- uud 14m“ h(‘].l'.' A N D h [CRT]: Wren nlhln'lrn rm Du-(‘uri Phpl'r.‘ and alnwwlum ,I‘IY‘IL hv modu‘ i! npywnr [hr crow~ h-p-d fuunrml ll h â€10- Imamâ€".1 unuulry 1m\r, und 1hr urhnr by uud nm- .‘Hh wr-nl mu I'm-I nun wxll Luv lln- but ï¬-«l, hm mun whu 1mm, «:1: Llnv “Huh-[h wind. Hmw-n uulmn (If him {amt I-erhun ', an that 21“ l'dlauu'v- Uh w hwmgkur umvxm ,:,urlu1uhvr nun-.1 HVV‘I'v‘l. u- upt U: 12-. dn-luiuu 11 h- Mln’vl'rl) 10 In; Lulu-d. 11‘ n! gummy cullurv. that 1hr \'|‘ ulnn'tzrmly ho.“ rum-s “11] not Cunvgrfluu‘ Um‘ "ll“;Vd'lHH 'I'n win Shah- of M. 11 m in th lmwu ‘ . hm- n gunl Khx't‘l of walvr uuur crrw In} applying 1hr rrn'hl Lv-st ‘ chmm- of winuhxg urn-nu Lu he, uv and the max-r WM ‘1\‘ dili‘usv “1H1; flw 1'0qu \ Llufl lo- “‘th 1min): {Huh tu (uhh uh- ~71“ . WAUKEGAN }W€ekl y GdZette Bariorâ€˜ï¬ Billiard Bu- 1' Esotisf _ gab lanéscapé flarbener! STOVES. TIN AND HARDWARE. 7 ' Dry Eocds Enact-log, ‘ mm Ewing: Medicines. aw. JOB PRINTING Groubdi hid cm with ï¬ne and Ggrdenlng Done In I“ in Bunches Mamba-mm; n1 Guppt‘n Tin And 811w! Ir'ou Wua _ ' , Knoflux (lullrrin Mthuhbln bum to rder Plum-hing nod 00! Filling. wafers 100k. rum u: Ukuuuq, it Tho nubmriber ranpw'lfully hafnium hll patroni Ind [he puMk' tbs! hr in- rI-pnnad In furnish [hum With «very “ling mum“) krpt in u hutâ€"(31w 'Rn wry mild Omfwrtiolwn Winnâ€"hm: Land Mu lu-U All good. u u... very low-m ï¬nned. He by Adm in c - union :1 ‘ , ~ when lrl‘nle’n Ind uchm mo be manic-w n J! hum-n. ' ' h- . h p y "I II‘ E. on hand Itnd will In": "Four lure bu'n um“ «Fang-emu " Curnsr 81330111“ and Crumi Avenues, Hmhhmd PukJum: l. 187‘. A “Ml. h), m M “Want-53ml nine mun“, balm-I MI R;m.Mm.wIlannk,WMh rmeVuod mom) llam- rammbflvk Conn Pun-M mm; vldr Inna“. hot‘nnd mld Wampum" md 1â€â€œme Int “)an ; pm Nani- from Dawn, on name blm‘k wuh nap hotel Pric- 8. C. HOTCHKPSS. 0mm, Archlhti and Bulldor, Mlghlnd Pu‘k ' WAUKEGAN;1LLINQIS, All kinds: of Gram-house and Bedding Pluntr. a! Low Prism: St. John'; Avenue, \“th9, E WIIJnI"AM VB. 'H»AY‘ES, J’AMES MCDONALD. EDWARD MBY‘NERS, Tnos. TURTLE, FOR ~ SA BESTAURA‘ NT, Sm. Julia’s Awnuu, A! \hr “(5‘ r u! The ghe'ï¬rzamgalpm HIGHLIND PARK Deultsr in Denier in .\‘(£,(V'IM HIGHLAND PARK, ILL. [IllillLAR'll PARK. .. HIGHLAND PARK P DOOLEY