Will be iuucd Mount†from in oflicc in (he Pm: mm: building, whcrtj a)! cdn'lwial and olhcr bminm will be tum- md. and Vhtfl 2H cumuuniutimu uhould be addtmel. " YuvI, Faro, $85 IOD RM“, $23 50 30 Rd“ $ 3 80 rum: mrrma AT mow; rux Luvs “tap, An. 83:128qu Eigh‘i Put. An. Chung-e. Impsi,’00Ll, 9.67A.n u. mo -- 10.2.5 “ “ 100le ‘Albr I1 Well: {it , 4 10 “ 517 “ Well- !“ . Kflnzie N Walla 5L “ “.2; was! um Gentlemen of (190 Common Count-{l and ('Ilizms of Highland Park: You have conferred upon me the honor of the high est position in your oity wwernmo‘nt, 'l‘H‘is you haw done in my ulxsence from the city, 21in] without my previous solicitation. , From tho unanimity of the election I can but conclude that it is your frol‘ afï¬xing m<LdmsirP that I. humid some you. tn til» best of my ability. This lminy mnmdvd, you may rest assured that I shall strive t-i «livchzu'gp: my (lu- iies faithfully. " In accepting the pmitinn vf Mai-111‘ of this young and-lwauti-fultity, I can truly 5113' that I do so 1111- pledgcd to any individual, party 111‘ howl. or sectitm of the city. I prnpnse whilv l holrl tl1i'xt1'119t and position, to he thn Mayor of the entire city, without fear or favor to‘ one side morn than the other. 1 was not elected 1111 (1115* political Luna, and trust, :1; it now is, that our city gtiwernment will he conducted on a liberal basisi, devoid ofpolitical issuw fui all time to comL, and that the attain of the entiic Lit} may be administered without prvjudioe in any par- ticular to any portion of the city, but that evaxy subject and interest that may be brought to our 150- tice will leceive our best and careful deliberation, and be decided on its merits. Our wants are not numerous, yet, however small they may be, our attention should he given‘tqtheril and acted upon as promptly as though they were more extensive. By doing so we shall maintain the good credit of our retin'ng administration, and the respect of our neighboring cities Nature has done much for our locality, situated 33 it is on the high bluffs of Luke Michigan,’with its picturesque outline of deep ravines, spanned with high romantic bridges, forming diversified drivr-s 311818 'c'ape scenery unequaled by any other 10â€" cality w1 hin the ï¬ts distance of our grant} meâ€" tropolis Every/year adds some 1m portaut link that attracts to this plum, and mu 831 it a desirable place .for suburban residencies. l‘wo flats ago the H 13h- land Park Building Coxnpany dodic att d to the pub- lic one of the best suburban hotels 1n the western country, which has been opened and patronized for the past two wagons in a very succesqful manner. Every movement we make should be for the ï¬roéperity and future deétiny of our attractive city. To maintain it as s11<:,h the good 1111:1nag-1ivnt of thccity afl'airs must, always be brought intn requi- sition, whilse bad management will discourage and divert ; healthy growth u IGHLAvN n PARK n MK 1A1â€. Glaxo t Kohl-Inn" lam-y. Among the public Wants to he provided for posi- tively, the ï¬rst and foremost is our schoolfl. By reference to the report- of on? principal teacher, (Mr! Lasher) is published in‘ the Highland Park wait will be seen that the present building has W‘mn’dknd-mted to its fullest capacity, ind that they are instructing with three teachers Eï¬qjï¬ghlandiï¬arkï¬lm: TEE MAYOR'S DIAUGURAL. lo 15 1135 MR o“ I? “ 1 627 ‘Sluhy Tnim. flln. I, 500} )1. Kinzle 6w " 7.15 “ “ell- b.“ 7 I X NAB ll‘.: I!) 3401a): “,0 .A [Hume Wolll SI mum: I!!! 9.1-1 many scholars as are usually taught by four ttau'h- l ing, althu erg. According to this showing. some dw-idvd ac- thus far f 11011 will havu 111 be taken by the 011111111111. 1.11.1111 tion 1111:. the requisite t1'a1'liv'rs and 1011111. All of 11'hi1'l1 l w- 1 penditure commond to your early ('OIL‘dldcl’illlUll. I haw 111vt'11r the p doubt our 1'11111111itt1:e will 111' equal to the. tink. ] some pri1 , At a not very distant day y ou “ill r1111111r1 11111 1 of the cit school 106.51) Lu 3! I 11111 postal tlwtih' h:1x 1111 the city. su1h locations for future use. it would 111111- lw-«n would be 1115': it the Highland l aik Building Compauv h' 11l purchzhe mt 111ml ~1uul1 11x21t111n< in laying out th1- -1r pl:1t~ 111 l Our pt the city. It may not he too late tor some 11111311l~~111â€" 1 lighting tion in this wiped: yvt. VWhilst considvring thix l, trust thi~ public ground subject we should have an 1-111 111 11111 1‘ suggest 1 future demand for a (‘ily Hull lot, 111' :1 t‘ourt i mar-new 1 Square. Vll' the Highland Pu‘rk (Inmyuny 211'1-1li4-l p11i11tu1l1 posr'd to consider 'any of those 1leinand< th.1t will ‘ desiguab 111011 11111111 1111,1111 thui1'ity,‘ we should he 1111 th- lwik- In can out fox thorn 11nd secmo lots for the pin-111m- < nwn- - sugw‘str tioned below the desirable locations :1ret.1ken up will hm l or hemmv too expcnsivsl I would not 191 ~1111nuonvl gnu n1lit h13111 y obligations ton those things by th» 11't1 \1t y1-11r 1111 to :1111i1l huge debts 11nd (11115111111111 {1111111-1;;,1\1» lw 1-11111‘1 tion, I present the subject for your consideration .1t i must 11L ' this tiuw. . - . 5 lhave no - '1'111‘5111991-1, Man?†1117;. ' " "‘ 11 mnln1-1t up wrv soon. 1 am 111101111-111 that the 11111111111 1 11J1111111r1nyhrw111111-1111) 1111111111511111 11111.111111\\11111 do what 1110\"1 111111111111 on tl11ir 11.11'1 111 1111 \1'111 11! grading and rv-11111111u1111; 1111.1 111111.115 11.1111 1111111111117» In this 1:11.1111111111111 1111111 11111-'1l111 11:11 (111111 11 11111111111 t’ the 11110 (01111110141101).1111\1111/11 111 1111111111111r '11n1111r tho 1'21111'11111111'11111 :11 l 1111'111 A9r11111. l 1111»- :exumined the 1:1'1311111121111111111 «111141111 1.111 it i~ :1 : Vl‘eilsihle undertaking, and will prove 111' why grunt adi'antame 'whithever side 1111.1 11111101 111:11' 1111 locattwl for 1111 time 1') 11111111. “'1111t 11101111111111 of 1111' expense for this work would devolve, 11111111 11111 rity. 'ifany, l {1111 not uwu1e.lt 1111\' been 11-1111111115111111: and dangerous 1411121 111‘ 1111118 of late to 111 11A. 11111 long freight t1:1in.sj att- 1'11113 Inhm‘lilfl 1 111111111'111111- rived,z1ndln some instmnnrs 1111,3111111'01'1 11:11.11 been 1 left, rather than take the Chane 115 111 getting: thmuuh â€he train. A tunnel as close to the depot as Laurel Avenueâ€"would obviate all the danger. There '15 no doubt but What a new depot would wry much im- prove our convenience and the appczu once of the 1111101- by such rearranging of the grounds 11s 'woul111111tural- ly follow. if a. station of any magnitude is 111119, ‘ provided, it 38110111113 devolves upon some body he- 1 side the railroad omnpanies to incur the largnst ‘ If the eitiyenq or the city 1.1 w \r â€" a; portion of the expense. 11 are to Contribute the principal amount 1111 building 13 the._ station, they should esignate the location. 11' 1â€" the Highland Park Building Company are‘ to de- 1â€" 1fr11y the principal expense. they should have 11. strong voice in its location. But in eithm 1.11set111110eri- ,tion, to my mind should not he change-11 1'11r £1 om 1- 113 present Insition ‘ ('51-'1- «a» Oilr sheet will commmly I" u mun» and iiitm' oi" 10>»: rxpvnw. The HM miiig stitch in time mvw nine," will apply In 1] very forcibly. .The siihject ,of licenses. Iain vying thankful. has ‘ lliaen taken in liand'hy the foundersol‘ this vityj, and we am thérefore saved the troulylp of granting the nefarious trafï¬c of sellhm intoxicating liquors; I am suspicious, hchvcr, that it will be wise for us do exercise a little vigilance over some plm-o-s in llm cily Any misdemeanors of this kind you may rvly upon mg to use the lull extent of the powvr in me vested to suppress and punish to the full r m nt of the law. The subject of providing the city ~with wntm‘ is of. great importance. Probably there is no one thing more desirable for the health of the city than a tconstant supply of pnm water. Many of nm' citi- zens hue been sglly deprived of this hmllhy’ artic lo lin consequence of the long Continued drouth. The exposure to fire for want of walpr is almost alarm- v ul- (I Igv 1h.“ 111v <11‘w ing, although we have providemially been saved thus far frdm the destroyingelpment. I do not men- tion this subject. with a View [d recommend the ex- penditure or appropriation of any money at prurient fur the purxm, but for the purpose of enlisting some private enterprise to undertake the supplying of the city with wzm-r undr-r u fraucliiz-ic granted by the city. In (2154: suwh 2m i-ntt-rprisc was granted it would be'wr'll fm- 11mm; in reserve the right to purchase tlu- works at mine future time‘ ’ Our erlw.ig\-l.rb liuvv wry wisely arranged for lighting up wmv uf our atrmnn‘ with lamps. I ‘ trust thix' will lw dill t'urllwr «xtvndvtlï¬nd I would v‘ suggest that tlmsu which an tn l»: locamd on the i r-(vrneri of tho sin-Ms have thv name 01' the streets é painted (m tln- glnxs and tho stun-ts still further designatud l)_\' appropriate signs. 1 our 1 the the In mnx'ideratiun uf the various wants and objects suggested, a rigid e«~0n<')n1_v must he "Ye motto, It will he, almorvwl from the ï¬nunrfl’ul report that the expenditures Hf th’e‘ p414 year exceed thme of the year [)1‘4‘Vlfllh la a rmeirleruble amuunt. This must ln: exported an the «My increases in numbers; it mush also mét mm‘e tq‘mcei the current expenses. I have n0 doubt the prvus-ut- year will fit’BCd the past, in eanse. as we <hdll lmve t) prm‘itle for a. rein- thnu-m utlour srlw‘yl loan and >lmulnl provide in our assessment: fur a 9311(ng l'unll to ï¬nally meet. the luzm on the wluml pruperty ill the expiration of the renewal. . 111111'1nt'111'1111-1l U111 111 «1911-11-11110111'1- 11f th1: slow L‘tIHtscthm 11f fhn- tam-s, 511111» 111' thu rity indubtcd- 111154 has not lweu 111ct 11‘ 111-1111111tlvy 11th should have hecn.‘ 1 “1111111 Autumn wh-ï¬hm ' it Wuull not 111- 1113‘111 11181111111- [11: 1111111--\ In :1 1112111 1111 the time 11110113111111; 1111 1-11‘11 1 1111. 1 111 11\~\111|1cp111d wlu-n 111 111111 C21)llg_1;11-11.'H11> 11111111 111111111, the any to 111131211141"111<1m111 of issuing (-prtilivtmva lthiuk the 91$}:“W111M sin“? 1mm: 11111114111: 11111'1‘1-xt by some such nwthud. 1411111 (11111111 :1 {1111141111 111mmâ€. :1Hv11dunw at 1111 the meeting: of tho «011111111 by thv'thfl'erent mem- bers. I slmll’try 31111 11:1 1111111111111 111y~cU unlcné sickness 01511115111101: from the 0115' 1'1'vvonts, “'0 cannot 1111) so much in (11v {11111111 upon the Highlmtl Tank B1111 ling L';1111111111\ for general impmwments 1s m 111‘ 1 ' 1m -11\ dunt‘. They have some iu1tl1u1 i111p1‘m'cme11Ls tn 11111ke, but the city must soon take S1111re111e‘c0111 1-01 and consequent- ly each. membm should {101 that 111 11115 a duty t) 1 perfoxm m acceptmg 111< ofï¬cv. In conclusion allow me {11 (:xtv-wl to you my sin- cere thanks for the honor you have conferred upon .‘ me, and at the same time congratulate our prede- (($013 upon the vm) grout salixfm: {inn 1» 1th which they. have administered the affairs of the city the past year. Could we be assured of doing as well we might retire this evening to our homes with the assurance _that 911 would be well with 118 for the year to come., 7 But as all in lhc future. is uncertain, we r must strive to discharge our duty :19 good citizens, l‘and trust to the allâ€"wise Providence for the results. We mean no .invitlious ruflnctiuu but-Cwe could not but he mnusml wlu-n in (ï¬s’ually look- ing through one of the [)TlV‘dll! “law boxes in tho l’ogt/Uflicu recently. we saw tlw Nm‘ York (flip- pvr lying quigtly under tho Nruj York ()bsqrrer, and i1 om urrod tn us that if the prnprMm of that par- ticular box [miemed all the links of the chain of I‘m- -_rature leading from tho 0m- in the other of tlicsc milrlicationa their c-ollulion must be extensive and l variuf indeed. I Tm: hot/ll has been leased again we undend. m Messrs. Cleveland Ix Burnsâ€"said (o be profes- sional howl keepers. We think it safer not tn say (on much on this uuhjoct for the present, on account of previous waste of editorial Ability. and printer! ink, and lime . HOW EXTREME MEET;