> Perhaps most people. don't know that it is oontra'ryjto law to sell rides of! your twentyâ€"ï¬ve ride tickets, but it is all the same, and you can't com- pel a person to pay you’ for what he has used. if he refuses to do so. Uro a little slow or the road will haul up somebody . Is it authentic history that the Milwuukve railway {olks built our Northwestern railroad. and then sold it out to the pre‘xent owners. and went back into the country and built the 0110 they now own and operate. because they did not believe this XOrth Show would ever amount to L‘KIA uu .1“ anything 1’ 1f 50. they probably sit up nights tn 1121ththeinï¬oives for tilOiF short-sighted folly. The Purim-ï¬rst and last has had manv excellent railway ofï¬cials but none of them we think. ever sur- passed John C. Dulfey . our present station agent. He is a horn mil 101111 1112111. besides heintr prompt ' zllert.1)l)li"i110 never of? his balance; '11 1111111 who pleases because he senes the public 11l11le zit the same time is 1- \er lovul to the company. He has 11 l111pp1 emnbiuution of (plalitie. which gs.» 111.11111111-4 l\u_nleL,1*mlm-111l 1111111 in e1e1‘1 respect. If then,- is any place hetwvun Mil- mmlwv and Chicugu where the Nurtlm'vstt‘rn sells _moro monthly tickets “than Highland Park We ahuuld like to know where it is. ()ur agent sold. as near as “1' could guess. nlx‘mt llSU monthly ticlwts much of thv sulhmvr months. and not less than 177) of the popular “ZS-ride; undthey chg-ckod during the sum- mer not less than 250 hicfcles pvr month. 1‘)va this (-old zero month they will svll uvor lllll monthly ticlu‘Ls. Mrs. Bridget Duffy }.:rn..uu,1.uf“my b93153: i tinnutol)’ stylml them James H.. the oldest, is our tele graph operator. John (7., station agent: Frank X. is, our baggage (mister; Joseph L. is the Western Union messenger boy. and William L. runs a City Express line. Then there are Edward. George and Ar- thnr. younger hiya. coming on. They are “west side," boys too. who are every day earning not only their wages, but, promotion: A good many of the ablest: men. connected with the Northwestern. “(12‘: and other big lines began life as the Duï¬y boys tli‘e beginning. When a boy lwgins at. the bottom. and climbs the ladder. he goes! up; when he be- gins “1x119: top. and climbs. he don't gt) up. RAILROAD MATTERS. last. has had HS may well be Li sh}- '4foth tn us (mow. is nur tolt- 1 7., station our lmggagv THE HIGHLAND PARK NEWS. FIRST-CLASS LUMBER YARD. Engraved Wedding and Society Announcementsaeac » A Crests, Monograms and Address Dies anâ€; 1?. Learning 85 (30., Stationers 150 Washington Street, Chicago. . RAFFEN Tln. Sheet Subscribe. for ngm’anld Park News -- $1 Per We know we are offering hotter prices than ever before, but we will stand by the quotations made you whether you get here ï¬rst or not. We have on hand a full line of flooring, bailing, dressed and matched hoards, mouldings, lath, shinglesand all kinds of dixnensiox‘ We have, in fact, anything you would exâ€" - ; ct to ï¬nd in a We always keep posted on the market; and also on the stocks on hand at the~diffcront mills. \Ve Laverour eyes open to catch any bargain that will give us the inside on prices, and We are Willing to give you the bcnuï¬t of our foresight. We are unloading cars right along arid intendrtokeephon hand a good stock of well assorted material. ' Our motto is,‘ quick sales and small "if-iron'fs; and if we “1'1“ looking for a trade mark we would Choose the nimble Sixpence‘ -lron and Furnace Work Done to Ordet. Stoves, Ranges, Housekeeping Goods. TELEPHONE NO. 34. DEALER “Say! Don’t Get . Excited.†TELEPHONE 5.1. Year'.