C. E. Preston entertained ‘his hm ï¬ber last Christmas. . Albert Burke [has resigned his position as policeman. 1 Ray Summers. who formerly lived here, is visiting friends. 1 Ezra Fritch’s cheerful face again smiles at us over the counter. John Rectenwald has; been sick zit-bed with the grippe for the last week, The Youn Mons Club will give aNéw led Ball to menï¬â€˜mn m their club rooms. Mr. Kingsley E. Feast; of North: western University spent Sunday with Mr. Daniel Pease.’ We are now reconciled to the fact that we have no sewer in our jail. There is no outlet for prisoners. The oldest son of W. D. Lighthall has come west for the ï¬rst time in his life. He is staying with his father. Miss Della Crysdale, Madam Chat- teris' assistant. and Bessie Smith. from the south, are visiting Mrs. E. K. Smith at “Helenwood.†There will be watch night meet- ing at the Methodist Episcopal Church Thprsdziy eve. There will be good singing. .All sire invited. Flovd Palmer, after going tm'ough l :2; the oï¬ieal of the goat. is now a full- fledged member of that acme of all “' Highwood organizations, the Ghost : folk club" '1 issu An interested audience ï¬lled the \ 1'00 Good Templars’ Hall Friday night 1 P05 and received with applause the pr‘o- 1 â€" gram given by the Juveniles assisted l; I by a quartet from the Fort Sheridan ; Band. ' i One of our en er 'sing citizens, after sendir __ an errand. forgot all about it. When the son returned the father, who w as not in an amiable mood. spoke as follows. “You are a fool and went on a fool‘s errand. Why did you go? The son said quietly. “Because you sent me. " The Christmas Exercises at the Sunday school occured Thursday eve. Standing room was at a pre- mium. The exorcism-i were well ren- dered, the ï¬ve virgins especially sharing the honors with Santa Claus. The singing by the school was excellent. Appropriate pieces Were spoken by some of the younger girls in a very taking manner. The church was tastefully decorated with pvergreens and the tree. decked by the deft hands of the young ladies. was a feature in itself. ' An appre‘ ('l‘dtht‘ audience votml the entertain Inent a succnss. HIGHWOOD HAPPENINGS. THE HIGHLAND PARK NEWS. The Swedish Lutherans gave their entertainment Tuesday eyening, Dec. 29th. It was the laet’off. the series, but by no means the least," Recita- tion and song 'followod each other in quick succession, under the compet- ent direction of Miss Hulda Brown. The Christianearnestness and Christ» mas good-will, werewell impressed upon the gathering which ï¬lled the little church. - The News was wrongly informed? as to Mr. Breakwell’s- cartridge ; experience. The bullets were hidil ‘ min paper which ï¬lled. the box, g The friend mentioned was an unâ€" ‘ known quantity, for when Mr. Break- well saw what was in the stove his: own presence of mind prompted him ‘ to take the burning box in his bare hands and throw it out of the back- door. W‘ \IUV Died, Christmas morning, in' the 94th year Of his age. Patrick Cauley, an honored citizen and an honorable man. He was eating breakfast with his son When his head fell forward and he died without utteringa sound. A coroher’s jury Friday night decid- ‘ ed that he had heart trouble. Mr. ! Cauley was one of the oldest settlers of this country. as he lived en the Rifle range before the railroad was built. He leaves two daughters, both married, and an unmarried . son. who is one of the village trusâ€" ‘I Highlam _Ch|ago _._.nâ€"- A. Ma Cen 3. Engraved Wedding , and Society Announcementsaeae ‘ 1- Crests, Monograms and Address Dies l “The best paper yet†is what lots of 1 folks have said to us of last week’s \ issue. Thanks, but there is still room for improvement. and we p39; pose to occupy it. i INGALLS BROS. Manufacturers of the Highland. Blcyclev Supplies of All Kinds. After January lst our Repair Shop will be in running order. is the time to have your wheel repaired and put in shape for nex‘ J. F. LEAMING 8L C0,, Stationers, 150 Washington Street, Chicago. Wheels Bahght, Sold and Rented. "Wheels Stored for the Winter. “ski-3U FOR SALE A New Elgin, 96 model, drop frame bicycle; will sell at half price Also one Hac- ond- hand Victoria, cheap. In- quire of G. Bohl box (51 High The Highland Park Real Estate I! You Want to Sell or Exchange, it A. J. NOERENBERG, £Ma$6n - Contractor; Cement, Hair, Lime, Stucco and Plaster. Highland quk Telephone No. 44. Chicago Ofï¬ce. I305 Chamber of Commerce. 2 ..... ,W.: m; ,,,,, _ W UM- ANTEDwA position by a thor- ough coachman of 10 years’ ex. , patience in England in one] place. Address, Mrs. Daggett; Ravinia, Ill. . ' Cement Sidewalks and all other work executed in the best manner ‘ahd 'at lowest prices. WANTED, FOR SALE. Etc. Homamfl HENRY K. COARE, Cash Customers For Genuinc Bargains. Deal“ In wdet. ,_ Now next scum» Man,