great state of Illinois as a United States senator. After such men as Douglass and Trumbull and Yates and Logan and ()glml;y and Davis and Furwell. the thought of such a fellow as Madden is extremely lili- miliatiug. May (lod save the Com- monwoulth of Illinois from the- ruin of her [W)l~ll0ll§f‘ politiciam. Innnsrncrivn of all political COIL i siderations'of party or otherwise. every honbest upright citizen feels a sense of shame and degradation at , the disgraceful attempt. to foist such l men as Maddon or Lorinwr on the i great state of Illinois as a United i After such men as l Douglass and Trumbull and Yatesl and Logan and ()gloshy and Davis 1 and Formsâ€. the thought of such a fellow as Madden is extremely hi» i miliating. May (lod save the Com- 1 Inonwoulth of Illinois from the- ruin of her pothousr- politician-4. States senator. osene. now kerosene at ltl cents, it would buy till gallons: then one tub ‘ of butter Would buy about 38 yards ‘ of cotton cloth, now from 30 to 60. Tea would not vary much. It flue» ‘ tuated then under the _ new Morrill war tarifl', as it was called. a more pigmy beside the McKinley mon- strosity. Then it took nearly a tub of butter to buy a barrel of flour; now it would tiny a barrel and a half. as I paid for my last one. Taking all the purchases of tho your together my one-cow dairy would furnish much more now than 1 then, in the days of cheap money = and plenty of it. ' THE followiï¬g frox‘n the editor's old paper, the Vermont "Triliï¬hé of Ludlow, ï¬ts here. as though it was written for this locality and time : L 62.3 2.: .- last-5:123 aflfliel. , win": no» Ian-95:.t {P hum â€E u u «ELEM, Alderman Phillips quotes Script- ure sometimes and usually with good effect, but Tuesday night We guess he used a new revised version, which the bishops have not yet approved. HERE Is a model epitaph from a down east tombstone: Dox’T FORGET the special council meeting next Monday night to set the electric cars running, \to Wau~ kegan for 15') cents; round trip for 25 cents. ’Rah for the electrics ! Terms, $1.00 psr year, 55 cents fur Six months, 30 cents for three qunhs. The Highland" Park News. Published in the interests of Highland [Hark Iiighwood an'd Ravinia, men Friday afxernoon by H, F. 8: A. F Evans. Entered at lhv pnsbmï¬cc 'at Highland Park, “L, as sccnnd class matter. LEWIS B. HIBBARD H. F. Emss Office: McDonald's Building, St.‘ Johns Avenue, Highland Park. Illinois. :l‘he money is scarce and the times are dull. In everything there is a lull. Yet bravely do our merchants feel The need of wills as strung as steel To meet‘the worst. from chaos bring .\ faith that helps in everything; They're doing well; let them he wise. ,-\nd don't forget to advertise. FRIDAY. JANUARY “Him-that was, has gum- {mm we. ('5 that is. must go to he." - \ - Emma. BUSINESS MANAuEn. 22, 1897. é That cow would have made the same amount. of butter per month, if greenbacks had been worth IOU cents instead of 40 to (W on 3 (ML lar. in other words. cheap money and plenty of it, had nothing to do with the amount of butter the cow would make. The vital question is. what would a tub of that butter buy then. on a greenback 4(l-cent dollar basis and now on a gold lOUcent dollar basis. and butter at 20 cents/a pound. ' When one 3041) tub of butter would buy 30 gallons of ker- osene. now kerosene at l†cents, it wouldVbuy 031) gallons: then one tub of butter Would buy about 38 yards of cotton cloth, now from 30 to 60. anil‘ove used all we wanted. She gave 40 pounds of milk a day by ac- tual Weight mid We sold her 9361' two summers’ service for $80. X‘w o qts kerosene oil One and one eighth yds comm doâ€: ()ne- uarter lb of tea. Qne ! _ gen penny nails â€r I" ~ I One bbl flour ' Fnur and one- half yds comm flannel 1865. 'I‘wo gs kerosene on 4“». ‘III A 'l we kerosene < One an“ lb tea n nu xenon.» lh tea One hbl flour ..... PRICES 1m AND NOW We Were interested. in looking over our old family accountiugok, to note the prices of supplies then as compared with those of today. Here are a few Wt- cgJ)jetl: . mu. THE HIGHLAND, PARK NEWS. am 50 55 10 2.00 3.02 Some folks talk about a ten cam fare to Wankegan. We don’t up- pose it, but while the rich ‘monop ulistic North-western chargeg; three cents a mile on all its local suburb- an travel, it is quite a stretch to ask the Electric to make 8 § of a cent rate W9 wun‘t complain at‘ one cent a mile. 27) cents a ruuud trip. it can bu dune. Several prominent citizens, just now out of a job, had decided to be conductors on the road and handle the cash, when 10! the company talk about “bubtail†cars 'and cash boxes, “The beét laid plans of nice. little men gang oft astray." Whu said that? It’s so, anyway. " There win he nu passes, except one annual to the editor of‘ the NEWS, on â€account of big, eminent public services, his great and .noble character and the far-reaching influ- ence of his paper. A knowing wink of Presiflem Loss Tuesday night. settled all of that. Alderman Phillips styled his as- sociate, Mr. Cushmau, as the “leader of this council’, and other compli- mentary terms flowed from his lips like “waier from a gooses’ back†And so sometimes. whenfalth lawegk anidim. The better land seems "hidden.†from ourslï¬ht; We only catch faint glimpses. passing glenms. ' .35 525! we" “m“pg heaflti' afï¬x debunk". " m Of its fair mansions. many anfl complete. Its pastures green aqd waters cry stal clear: But when the glory of eternal (lay Shall drh e the mists a! doubt and fear away THEN we shall sun, and than be satisï¬ed. We understand no extra charge will be made for carrying aldermen. though they are generally pretty ‘ hefty†men. MessrsCeale, Tumley, Everett. Hipwell and Prall and several otheL citizens took part in the discussion and lots more will if they can gel into the hall. crowned; And well I knew the distant moumains grand 'Wm mw'n’ng. all unmoved by storm or cloud. The council will regulate the speed as it does the bicycle. Slowly. advancing day In folding up The misty robes whit-h wrapped the eanh 1m» The company will execute a $5000 bond to keep its; contract in every particular. W. B.‘ Morgan. late of this city, is fully installed as managsr of the Manist‘ique telephone works. mum, And hid the beamy which my longing eyes So much desired to see. of hill and vale. \i- I knew 'twas only hidden:-nuw and thé’h A sudden lifting of the vapory cloud Revealed the quiet valleys nestling there. And peaceful homes. with juy and plenty ELECTRIC ECHOES. buhpsas. tleme es in mark how : mam may j to 30‘ make men I deal ¢ caref with maeti chart Star he at man he is door- ting’ bignyc fearf righ‘ wen ers ‘ stru hav ho adj the rai an un‘ th 30' fr “6 \VC thu man for: mee get 30m Sim n)! pl W In- A lde: re. utj it P"