an}. 1 v ' Miss Edkius was 21 visimr here rhis week with the Misses Alford. Use; Sweetland’s "Alumnd Cold Cream for chapped [13111115 and face. Mrs. L. 0 Van Riper had 21 re- union 0f 01d neigidwrs to meet Mrs. Bf“: Erskine. 1m Wednasiia-yf Gradually the bicycles are 00111 iug out of their winter quarters Mrs. Dr. T. N. Jamiesou of Chic-2100mm uut Monday with her mutiwr Mrs. Bingham. 1 valentines at Dale Swee-tlumi's. Will Erékine of Milwaukee was a visitor here Thumday.~ Attend“ the pine-{Won sale: at Miss Erskiue's Monday. Have you seen the sum e1111‘ but mus. etc. from th'é‘ Ureat CV'cle Sho“ in Chicago, which Earl Purdv has-1 in the show “induw It is a hirrhlv interesting collection. Carl Bonn. win) owns land west of the, slough. will take away live or (lead stock, for burial on his‘nwn land. By notifying Charles Suck. he Will come to vuu pn‘hnptlt‘. A lot of voung perIe “ere out sleigh riding last Tuesdm night l‘hey made the an melliflnous with tlwir sweet notes on tin horns. bells and other 11111111111311 u1struments of noise. This coming Sabbath will hc Home Missionary day at the ['nitcd Evangelical church. The 'Woman‘s Missionary Society will meet ncxt Thursday in thc lccturv .room at '2: 30 p. m. ' What Char cs Kuist don‘t know about i rt war» isn't worth knowing. Hc also belicvcs in the good old {ash ioned homely virtucs' of honesty. promptness, l‘cusonaihlc prim-s. t-tc. You can tie to Charlic. \Ira John Frithch. of De‘vriield died of diphtheria \\ mlnesduy night. She 11 as 1111 1-11rnestChristi11n \\ 01111111. member of the Lnited Evangelical church. Her four childr6n. thv baby lieing only 7 months old. are wow" wring from the 5111119 l10rrihl1-(lise11se. ()ur sympathies g1; towzml tlw strick- vn family. The- Suudzrv-sclmul Instituh‘ fur Deerï¬vld township will 1w held next Wedumduy in thv First L'nitvd Ev- :mgelical church. to which every- body is invite-d. The sessions (men at H) n. m.. 2 1:. mi. and 7 p. In. re. quctiwiy. Mr. (i. W. Millwr. Stutv S. S. worker. will conduct it. and in tlw owning gin- n Sl)t’('i2ll uddrt-ss. Li-t no Sunday-$011001 tmu-hvr fail to be present and urge every mhular to lw present. and bring yuur Bihlv. H. H. Thorou. Township l’rvside-nt. MEAL ITEMS. cwvm- may 1‘. â€a THE, HIGHLAND PARK NEWS. Delicious hut sud“ at Schumach- er's Phannuc» Fonmortgage loans on real estate. call on D. M. Erskine, Jr.. Cu. The subject of 11ext, Sunday 5 dis course at the Baptist church will be. “The Many and the Few' of the £11191?†“£1.411umurse The \\ auw‘» ‘ Anealiug." - 1 _ . 'Wo' welcmne Mr. Merriam-am. Hu- pmprivtnr ()fk'if)‘ EIW'Light (70. Th:- "ndvunw age-Ht" MVP?! llh‘ tlw fulluwing testimony (-mlcurning him. 1 which we publish for the beneï¬t of whom it may cuncmh A frirnd writes: “I hzm- just rvturned from u meeting X in the Presbyterian Church. I ln-urd Mr. Merswwnu spmk and the re-gurd and thin ‘Hfl'wr V TINT? “as u very pleasant social gathering at Charles Patchins on Central avenue, Thursday evening. Refreshments were served by the eminent druggist and his wife. Some people here may remember Mrs. Frank Growlell. of Des Moinee College. Iowa, (nee Miss Goodrich). She writes that her year and a half old little girl has won a prize for six months uninterrupted attendance at Sunday school. This lOoks as though those Hawkeye little ones were getting away from us. ' Have you read “Kate Carnegie," [an McKaren's last book? There is some love in it, quite a hit of good strong Calvini’mn, rare descriptions of rHighland scenery. and lots of Scotch dialect whieh makes it Till re: lish. There are some exquisitely beautiful characters sketched. also. Read it. That was an excellent idea in Ald- (lerlnan Cuslmian’s reanluliun to pay ,tlw lmsv ur hook and ladder com pany first on the ground and ineffec- tive work at a fire. a prize of $5.0“ tn be aged ax tln- majority uf said (-mnpany shall (lvcidv. vithvr in “Ft tt-r Pquipment or an oyster supper or a flag. The Cuuncil passed it at once and with entire unanimity. The'late‘ S. R. Bingliam's ofï¬ce force rommnbvring that Monday was the anniversary of his (loath. sent out Mrs. Bingham a very (‘llUlCP large box of cut flowers as ‘ an exâ€" pressionoftheir sympathy for her £1141 their affectionate remembrance uf him whom they had served 80 luï¬g and loved 30 WP“. “Thv rightenus shall he had in val‘lnsting rmnmn ln'nm'v." ion in which that name l6 held here is us much as Mr. Biugham enjoyed in Highland Park. He will take Mr. Biugham’s place in the Presbyterian Church there. I feel very sorry that he is not going tn stay here." Highland Park. 111., Feb. 1, 1897 The undersigned lwgs leave to an‘ nounce to the citizens of Highlam Park and vicinity that that he has purchased the business, tools. ï¬x- tures and good-will of’the old and well-known Aldridge Bla-ck-smithing stand. just back 0f John Freberg's Livery. 011 St. Johns avenue. Haying, worked for some time in the shop with Mr. Aldridge. I know ihe demands of the place, and its high reputation. It, is my pufpoae to maintain the former high standard for promptness and excellenqx of work. as Well as reasonablenesé of price. as all {vork will be done under my personal supervision. Hence] solicit Hu- contimml pu- trmmgv of flu- old patrons. as well as that of m-w frimxds. Sntisfac’ï¬ou guaranteed. ‘ ' - , -_._. -v ,_. _, not our i I: the may b n: yon wrath. ma J HI! BDDERB RN a .. PIN!!! A 1-. non. Wuhl n. D. 0.. for their LED prize or nod new 1m 0 on. “:0de hm: nu wanted. Wantedâ€"An Idea ANNOUNCEMENT. Yours respectfully. F R ED DEN M A N. Who on think 0! some Ilmplo thingtop um? AIAL "11’ .102†M