c , v.-.“ be who “never reads Cami advertiw merit lives in the backwoods. fast- onshis suspenders with a shingle nail and has not hada shave or hair cut since Jackson licked the British. » «Exchange. Give him a wide berth and buy of the live business man who not only invites you to come and see hiin every day. but educates and keeps yon posted as to what is new and popâ€" ular in his line of gcxxls. Adven tisements and advertisers are the greatest educators of the age. and Patrouize the merchant who udâ€" vertises. You do not visit your neighbor unless asked to call and you do not attend a party or wed- ding without an invution: then why should you intrude on the privacy ofu storekmmer? His goods are old, shelfworn. and out‘ of style. SOUR“ age. The K. L. C. E.of the United Ev- angelical church gave'a guessing so- ciable Tuesday evening at Edward Wendling's with about 50 present. Portraits of different prominent per- sons were exhibited for identiï¬cation. Supper warserved and eaéh paid for the same at the rate of one cent a year for his or her age. It was pro- nounced a {meat success, *The Tsar of Russia is up every morning at? o’clock, and takes a half hour’s spin on his bicycle. He don‘t have to appeal toa city coun- oil for permission to ride in muddy weather! There are a great many inconveniences in being Tsar, but it must he confessed. the position has The Dr. R. H. Babcock house on Prospect avenue is rented to Mr. Mobre‘;‘ who married Miss Sm’all a year or two since. ,, For mortgage loans on real estate call on D. M. Erskiné, Jr., Co. ad 'uutages in this materialistic OF LOCAL . INTEREST. BICYCLE REPAIRING AND ENAMELING. ...Of All Kinds... When You Can Buy an 1897 ?. PURDY, HIGHLAND PARK, ILL, TELEPHONE 28‘ GUARANTEED _\ Carlisle White Rim Flyer at $40 I The Ajax at $30 and $35. IEFLETBHER [UMBER PIANOS All] FURNITURE MOVED. HIGHLAND PARK, ILL To or from Any Pun of city. Baggage These candies are ordered in small Office and'Yatd in Lumber District. quantities and are always fresh. DUFFY BROTHERS, ‘ Clt y Express; Biest L’ehjgh Valley Coal Tclcrhom 67. THE HIGHLAND PARK NEWS. Trunks Parcels umber, Wood and Kim-ling; L50 D Grate Range Nut Goods handled ml greatest are. Prompt ntten on given I" orden. COMPANY Present Prices of and Dime Parcel Dglivery. Dealers in “El-m6. Several Good Second-Hand Wheels. AGT. FOB EHASE TOUGH TREAD TIRES. BICYCLE SUNDRIES. 5.00 per ton 7.00 .. 7.00 7.00 " 23 Cu)“. I 0 Cents. - 4 ALLEGRETTI and PLOW’S CANDIES. FRED DENMAN, BLACKSMITH. f1 ) r “'0 make :1 Specialty 0f poum’ling prewriptious, using the purest drugs. FRED W. SBHUMBHEH. PrescriptiOn . gDruggist. “'0 ALL PRICE REASONABLE Aldridge“ Old Stand, ‘- JOHN? AVE" Highland Park. also haw the solo agency PROMPTLY, THOROUGHLY, SATISFACTORILY. HORSE meme, CARRIAGE WORK, REPAIRING, CLASS STYLE. Specialty of com- on I \'