[1 Mi-ssrs. Burk.u Storms nl' llH‘ Antioch "Ni-“'5" liiiw- lie-gun tlw })lll)ll('}|ll0[l(ilfl â€PW [min-r, “Milk Slilmwrh' Bulluliii." fur tlw H'H'Olill lwnvfit (bl thtN- who ship milk to ('hivzigu. AH it is only 7)“ (This a _\'4-:irt-\'¢-ry milk (lt‘illt‘l‘ nr shimu-r might tulun'v it. TIN-y ill‘t- untvr prising llll'll. m Hu- midst nf u milk nlistrivtumlwill pmtlm'o- u pnlwr \WH‘lll Hu- mum-y. \Vt- Imvvnnt sown il.lmt kmm‘ what they will «In. Imnu- snlN-riptinns lit-n- if you wish llul‘ ll harm‘s muvm! an , ; .30. 1 II ‘.|, \, ‘._ nu? uni» I†hm-k down into Hu- ditch and break Hm p010. Now eru was only one :Iltvrmltiw'. so Amlrmv Hnlwrg \mlkodnimu (Humnings‘ and had an otht-r rig SPIN uut‘ Thu party Hr rim-(l snmvwlmt firm] at ulmnt â€Hun (My nmrning, lust rogulur uu-utiugr Tumduy «wuâ€" iug. Litth- was done, pxcvpt nrdvr iug the payment of current hills. A ditch was Ordered on thueast side Hf (‘e-utral uwuuv. from l’rnirit- m'mnw suuth tn thn gulf gmxzmls uud with n ('ulvt-rt under the- mad just south of Sunnis-I Brenku't‘ll‘s cottage. A party (if (frond 'I‘t-mphlrs wvut nut to Liberty/ville uu Saturday tu attend the thud hvut ut' tho (-uuuty declaunutiuu contest. Tht-y drun- uut in mm of W. E. (‘uuuuiugs‘ twu .xt-atod rigs. After enjoying the- “feast 0f rousuu." vtc. thvy started back Ht about I! u'vlnck. \Vlwn almut 2: mile this sidv of Hult'duy. they gut stuck in tlw mud. and the- hursvs hot-(mung bulky. refused to xtir. After [n-rsiatt-ut e-tt'tn‘t. tho l’hilundrr (iillettv has lwvn Hick this week. Miss Thea Nvlson lmws Satur- day for Mississippi to juin her sistc-r. Mrs. Wilson. Hurry (‘lzunpitt lms muvvd into Julius lmvgler’s plume. Mr, szgv It-r's familv .5 now living uwr Sum \lings lzlundrv. in “w “:11 (mm-(l In ( harles l uhMmun. HIGHWOOD H APPENINGS. uf tlw (-uunty Tin-y (Iron- 'ummings‘ 1m; enjoying the- thvy started § The Smith Premier Typewriter Co., Com ur\ Tho NEWS is ready in form (-luh- hing mic-s with it.» slli)H('rii)PrH for any prmninvnt paper or umguzim- published in this country. (irvnt Britain, Frum-v nr (ivrmuny. Boar in mind tlw NEWS is always and t-vvrywhvrv $4.1M cash. We- will give you the NEWS and Father (‘otlin made a brief Visit to the Home last week and addressed the men on Sunday atturnoon. Mrs. Morris of Highland Park and Mr. li‘arnswortli of livanston. rendered special music which was enjoyed by all. Few seemed aware of the fact. but last Sunday was Mr. Starr's birthday. he being 4t) years of age. The Epworth lmague .wae. outer, tained by the social committee at the home of Mr. ()rdway on last Friday evenimr. Arfte ra short l)llSlv new. semion the meeting adjourned to the pleasuxes of the esening. After Hll((‘(l quotations we re proper; ly put together. fruit was served. followed by games which were en~ joyed by all. All Went home at llzlll. having.r enjoyed the entertainment to the eminent satisfaction of the so eial committee. The League in plau‘niug to celebrate Sunday. May ll}. with a special program. it being the eighth anniversary of the, ugggi. nixation ol' the lipworth League. Special music and speaking are a» sured by the eouuuittee in charge. Nnnh .\llll'l’il'llll Rm Hurm-r's Mnmhly “ A\\\-rk|\' .\H;mn<' .Vlnmhly lmmlun \\ u kl) R! \i(' u of R( \ u 'llu- Funml "flit"! Hmm- Jn I,.'I(lit-.~4' Hmm- JunrnuL, LU?) And N) (m: thv editor van quote for ruins on m-arly 31M lwrimlmils. if \‘nu wish. School elm-{ion tomorrow at the noi‘th schoolhouse from 4:31) to 7. Owing to the illness of tlw pustoxu Rev. M r. Hockng supplied the [ml pit Sunday owning. THE HIGHLAND PARK NEWS liven} 11w NEWS Branch Office: 15:4 Monroe St, Chicago, Ill. ()UR CLUBBING RATES. Hnnu- Journal RAVINIA mans. ‘VRACUGE. N. V.. HIH'S M pm" vaI' i1}: Fresh and Salt Meats, [MD “J“ ll) m) ll) $BLACKsmTH. W. Central Ave., FRED DENMAN, GIESER BROS, Em Smith premier 'mzpewriter :35 ST. JOHNS AV£., Highland Pan-k. Opera House BIL, Highland Park. D. A. DRISCOLL. Inhlxing :mrl Krpuiring The Leading Market, ALL PRICES REASONABLE. POULTRY. FISH, BUTTER AND EGGS. Aldridgc's on Stand, FIRST CLASS ‘ STYLE. mpaovznzur m! cabin or In: AGE. " HORSE SHOEING, CARRIAGE WORK, REPAIRING, PROMPTLY, THOROUGHLY, SATISFACTORILY. TELEPHONE 42 Sheet Metal and Furnace Work, I'I‘Htlrlllivl(“i\ ix In\ Munâ€. DEALERS IN Highland Park, Ill.