Antiuvh boasts a drug ltl different kinds of gou Scott! that's nothing. 'I four drug stores and um- .‘rtNl kinds of pnte-nt In warranted to kill or on haw any doubts. try tho: will ï¬nd nut fur yoursvlf ‘\-' e‘d rs ll}! "‘4‘. Durant Howard. vditor of the Twin City Liuniwrnmn. Minneapolis. is at the Maples for thi- summer. He wxlwcts to enjoy thv pages of tlw NEWS, as well as tnkv n shit? at the iilkt‘ now and then. It costs $1.50 for a marriage ii tense in this state. 814- how much Dan Sheahmt suvud by going to Wis- consin to he» married. This kind of protection: drives the IHISiIIl'Nh away from our home market. The delinquent tux list will be published in the Antioch Newxs', next weék Thursday. May ï¬fth.‘ Get a uppy. or better still. subscribe for the pain-r; it will publish the list two lacksomille. Fla. boulevard around the c mucadam. 30 feet wide convicts. A hint for l tramps. Rev. John Schneider of Chicago will preach in German next Sunday morning at I“: 4.1111 the E\anueliy (-al church. ‘‘‘‘‘ 5n. . Conundrum Wl1;‘1s tlm Maples like a Moody meeting A115. Be- cause it is crowded and running aver .H LL 1 - all the time Mrs. William Tillman returned last Saturday from Missouri. The trip has benefited her very much. Subscribe for the NEWS and keep in the swim of social life in the Park for the season: ofï¬ce. 354 Central avenue. Mile. > Virgimtn Roby if». hack in her old place in the Maples and ready for a host of boarders. Over 400 tubs of butter. or INHWW pounds sold in Elgin Monday fur I") and HS}; cénts per pound. Dwvlliug . houses am pretty well taken up. though there are one or two left Edwarll Core has been quite ‘lll this week with. an attack 0f the measles. A little girl arrived at, the home of William Ham) last Friday. For mortgage loans on real estate will an D. M. Erskine. J r.. (‘0. This kind of weather is not vn- (‘puraging to the street sprinkling men. » Mrs. John Gray of Chicago is at the Maples for the summer. ‘ rent kinds of goods. (ireut hat's nothing. The Park has 1;; stores and UHPII has about Kiss of pllh'llt uu‘dicinvs. all ed to kill or cure; if you y doubts. try them um] Vt)†\ille. F‘,la. has a Smile around the city, hard stone» 3Ufeet wide .11] built by A hint for us to utilize CITY BREVITIES. adrng sturv with e Maples Ans. Be- ating over a thuile lard stone! built by t o utilize will be eWs, next )e for the list two of the neapolis. nner. He s of the if at the rriage li ow much ,3 to \Nis- a kind of ‘Nh El way lrt‘ with (ireat I l the name. Rot-kAford. ()ne of the problems before our people who ask for paved streets is. ;\\'l1at. kind jhey want. Some say t l l x l l l l l i i l l l l l 1 Park has r us about 'llH‘S. ii“ if you Ind you ' rl l l i brick, which is expensive: others Inaeadam. but it cuts through on our soil and will till the subsoil i§ thoroughly tile drained; cedar blocks. we can put in new ones every N or lllye‘ars at a cost no greater than brick in the end and the. present exv (let a ; pense would be much less. Let those interestal study the matter thoroughly and find which is best and cheapest. and which had better be put in. ()ur neighlmrs of the Libertyville “Independent" have enlarged to a 7 column quarto. The “Heart of the Country" has been putting on airs for several years. They have, a new town hall. in which we all delight. ‘ ‘ then a bank, then a rousing big tire which made possible a new up-to- I date town, then a big addition, fol- ‘ , lowed by a big sand bank. then won- . . l T derfully HHPI‘UVHl lair grounds. a , bran new first-class home paper. then gravelled streets all over town. an improved cemetery. electric lights. with l’addock's academy in the near future and now the. enlarged ‘tlnde- pendent." “Just." what, we expected when the present proprietors took hold. Here is our :W‘ boys. for SIN‘CI‘HS. ; i l l Father Binghum told us the other daythe ï¬rst time he visited Rock- ford, 111.. it had not a frame house, but half a dozen log huts and a log hotel. It was there the river had a broad solid rock bottom. and as there were no bridges on the stream. it could he forded therer- the only We got a sight of our whilom neighbor and friend, J.» R. Mug-QM» ton, Tuesday night. He and Mrs. MmsQuiston were out to see their sons manipulate the banjo, and they mnjoy it as well as the rest of us. We congratulah- "Mac" on his boys. The “Household-[7 that best of all journals for the home. says the lat- est Boston fad is for the young women to knit the bicycle socks their male friends wear. Store soka are no longer in good form. This will give those 35‘s something to do: now they won't marrv. As the NEWS comes from the press today. there is being held in Liberty- ville a convention to Elect delegates to a judicial convention to be held in Rockford tomorrow, to nominate judge» for the circuit court. THE HIGHLAND PARK NEWS "Broad tires, broad tires," is the cry from all over the land; uur ex- changes am full of it. Nothing less than 4 inches; 5 is better, and best of all is a 6-inch tire. '9 new?!» "I I ll! (JET ' PIANOS AND FURNITURE MOVED. City'(‘tilVI-h7~‘iiflrt::;ér\'es the right tn or all hidn. Bids will In: rueivctl by Um City C the City of Highland Park on nr he! u’rlm-k p. m.. May-1th. 1397. for the turn {If :3" nmterial _and_l:_lhtpr fur the layimrl HIGHLAND PARK, ILL To or {rem Any run of City. DUFFY BROTHERS, City Express._ Baggage and Dime Parcel Delivery. Jam: Fle-zv. City Clerk Highland Park. IIL. April 2:41. INHT. TELEPHONE 26 First Class Work At Reasonable Prices. Highland’Park Latmdry, it Pays to do so Patronize-v Home Enterprises Trunks Pa rccl s Goods sent for and delivered m all parts of the city Orders by post or telephorw promptly attended to. Goods handled with greatest are. Prompt attention given I" orders. A. 0. ORTLUND. manager CALL FOR BIDS TELEPHONE 56 Patmuize our advertisers and our home merchants. We-ask thelpatronuge and support of 'the business men of om’ territory in uur advertising columns. 2! C90“. I 0 Cents. reject .1": y lerk of