[oqucwvan mm: mm PAGE. ] to study with no habits of study, dis- c '.p ‘ine’d by years of work, the results secured seemed surprising as we}! as eminently gratifying They all did admira 1..» .. V 1 ,. ., . Evarett made littfe speeches and Mrs. Egan pinned red, white and blue badges on the graduating class for them to wear the Fourth of July. Mr. Everett asked them all to .play and grow fat and, come baék in the fall for a better years’ work, if pos~ sible. Miss Barlow lfad arranged a little basket of candy for each pupil and visitipg child and the children had worked on bristol~~board a flower for each visitor. Altogether it was a must delightful hour. Some people may not know that Henry Ewart has opened a shop for general? blacksmi‘hing and hora - shoeing on Second street near Cen- tral avenue, where he does all kinds of work in his line in ï¬rst class style at reasonable rates. Our two Vermont school tea‘whers the Misses Bottum, Miss Bertha spends her vacation in Lincoln, Neb- raska and Miss Molly L hers in her old home in Shafzedm'y. . ' Charles King of Chicago has an- tered the employ of Fred Schu- macber. He is an expert druggist and will ï¬ll the bill admirably. FOR SALEwHandsome east front lot, 68x140, view of lake, at a bargain. Frank C. Clark, owner. Miss Nellie Elliott of Chicago is visiting Miss Alma Streiber. ï¬MWWWWNWWNWWWWNMMNWWNWWWW SCHOOL commencement: EARL H. PURDY, Telephone No. 28. 3-wa- Heéraéï¬f Bicycle Repairing and Enameling of All Kinds. THE HIGHLAND ' PARK NEWS. Henry Ewart, Blacksmith... ' Centrll Avenue T. E. PIERSON, Upholstering and Seednd Strait. No. 5 St. Johns Ave. Toladics and gents. F. W. ALEX, Instructor m, gasré; ..Teacher of Languages.. Address Rm: 55. Care NEWS. a: as: a: 1897 Models, Ladies’ and Gent’s . Morgan \Vri ht new tires. 87.50 per pair; Chast‘ Tnngh 'l‘rrnï¬ 'l‘iros, “mm per pufr: the Crlcbratm M‘chrs ('hain. 82.00; steel ram's horn han(l!c bars. with corkahnu grips. 82.0“; a mmmmccd cyclmnewr. 500. Tires Vulcanized, Brazing of All Kinds. Horseshoeing a specialty. Window Shades, Mattress- Making. Carpet Cleaning and Laying, Storage, Mov- ing and Packing. German and French. Cabinet Work, :‘EHMSESIIOCY. HIGHLAND PARK. in Fencing Highland Park, Ill. Sloo Hlbbard Foil, sabre or cane Electrical, Electric Light, Electric Bell, Burglar Alarm, , . Fire Alarm, Private Telephones and Speaking Tubes. ‘ Highland Park ‘ Electric Light Co. PITTS GENEST, Horseshoes) mBIacksmiths. Wagons and Buggia Made to Oder. Rzpairing, Painting, Etc†Promptly Done. WEST CENTRAL AVE, We nr_e now prepared to (in all kmds of Mecmcal Construction work and repair- mg. suchas ()ur workmen are expert, we date only the best maternal and ourprlces an: as low as xuonslstent witï¬ good work. HIGHLAND PARK. ILL. $6 ).00 _48.00 3} * Construction.