The soldiers’ nine defeated the Everetts in a close game last Sun- day by a score of 16 to 15. John Moore has opened a barber shop on the S. E. curnor of High. wood and Waukeguu uvmump. Work has lw'gun on the a xteusion of High“ street to “IE golf â€rounds. Mini are at wo1‘k cutting out trees-1 and piling brush. Children playing with matches setï¬re to_ Albert Nafe’s burn last Saturday afternoon. ‘Thv hum was tutally'destroyed; loss ‘about $200. Miss Louis Henrici and Miss Jo- sephine Sorghum of Chicago spent Sunday with Mrs. Daniel Pease. Miss Henrici’s father was one of the Lincoln Park commissioners under Governor Altgcld. Tiler-19.09111; rains have made us more and more 'uneasy aliout that sewer outlet. Down town merchants report that they have ordered boats to navigate around in their cellars. The annual inundation of the Egypt- ian Nile is not more thorough in its work of burying tetra ï¬rma. Mere mention was made last week of the visit to Highwood of Banner lodge! Knights of Pythias of Chiczb go. They will be the guests of the local Lake Shore lodge over Sutur- day and Sunday. The ball game will be played on the cavalry drill ground at Fort Sheridan. The Bunâ€" ner lodge is under the direction of Dr. George W. Turner, while the Lake Shores will be piloted by H. SCOOPâ€. Mrs. Wimlall Rectenwald has sold her farm of 80 acres for $11†an acre. J. S. Prall acting as her agent has clowd the deal with a bicycle manufacturing ï¬rm who will on tak- ing posscsï¬on not only build a ï¬rst. class factory, but also a bicycle race. track. The Northwestern will he asked to run a spur out to the grounds. The company has already posted a forfeit for the fulfilment of the terms of the contract. The I. U. G. T. county lodge was held here last Saturday. The exer- cises were opened with a prayer by Mrs. L. M. Schaefl'er “ho, after a solo by Mrs. Hartwell of Highwood, made a few remarks on the subject temperance. The oratory contest was then decided. Miss Tessie Kellow of Highwood, Miss Florence Brown‘and Mrs. Smith of Liberty- ville were. the contestants. The judges Joseph l’enou sky. S. J l’ease and J Brown, awarded the medal to Miss F lorenee Bromi. The exercises closed with remarks by H. S. Gail and R. E. Winter and _ the reading (5f some humorous selections HIGHWOOD HAPPENINGS. ‘ by the boys in blue. Refreshments . were served “after the ball." THE HIGHLAND PARK NEWS. At the meeting last Tuesday, the board of trustees opened the’hlds for a lot for a village hall. Alter due deliberation the board decided t ) purchase the lot offered by Mr. 0. N. Stokey, lucated north of Mfu- phy's saloon, known as lot 14 in plat D 01' Hialmood for $1 100(11le 'l he techniczij description of the lot 12-1 as follows: Commencing at a point (316 feet north of the northeast eur- uer of Wuukegan and Walker aves., thence easff 150 feet, parallel with the line" of Walker avenue, thence northwesterly 80 feet, parallel with Wankewan avenue, thence soutlu ast- erly 80 feet, to the point of begin- 11i11g.Mr Stokey 1' u that stated that this price included only the lot; that be reserved the riuht to re nioie any buildings 11hich :hould happen to he on the’ grounds, and that he had posted $50 forfeit with \V. F. Hogan an evidence of good faith. Mrs. Hill entertained a friend from Chicago this week. Harry Inman" is entertaining a young friend a few weeks. Mr. Heathcote ofAE 'unston is to spend his vacation among the people here. 'v.‘ . ., .1 Our schools have closed and the children anticipate an enjoyable vaâ€" cation. Vernon Willoxwhhv is takinga V‘ - cation trip in Wisconsin, Nebraska and Minnesota. Mr. and NHL Comstock now ride behind a new h()rse~â€":Iud the grass does not grow under his fee}, either. The new sidevulk on Carey aveâ€" nue is being laid, and it adds a great deal to the appearance of that street. Material is being hauled for the new school. It is expected that work will soon commence on the building. Mrs. Comstock attended com. mencement exercises. of the high school in Englewmxl this week. Her nephew, Ralph Harducrc, is one of thv gruduatvs. The friends of Gemgv Hyndman will be pleased to know that he is well ltwnted in Montana; but he is not very well pleasud with the coun- try in'geneml. Mrs. Hartman. fonm-rly 0f the Railroad Men’s Home, is visiting lN‘l‘ friends nuaranku Gmwva. “'0. are wry sorry to lnseour friend, and the inmzm-s of the hump. will miss her sadly. Si]? is (me who will ï¬nd frir‘nds wherever she goes. We hope to son lwr among us again. RAVINIA ITEMS. ALLEGRETTI and PLO W’S CA NDIES. Delicious The be \t of ovoryflling always at this store. ' Fred. W. Schumacher, Tin Shut Iron and Copper Work done to you: ordzr. Stove and Furnace Work. GIESER BROS. Fresh and Salt Meats, W. Central Ave., - Highland Park, Ill. TELEPHONE 42. Coal, Building Material, and Ice. TELLEHONE 5|. Frank Siliestrum, PURE WISCONSIN ICE. W on! Mon. u. may bring you wunh. Writ. 1 EN WIDDERB R! a 00.. Mn I. Auor nan. Wail .D. 0.. for then In!) We otter Ind new nu 0 on. W lam: wanted Wantedâ€"An Idea JI'S’I‘ IUI’PUSX'U‘L THE DEPOT 'PHUNE 18. The Leading Market, is a rare urticlo, but we be- lieve we have it; the bust in the city. A {11-51) stuvk uf the original jabbing prumptly attended m. Lawn mowcra sharpened 21ml rcpairn' CONSTANTLY ON "AND. POULTRY“ FISH, BUTTER AND EGGS. . Driscoll, Opera Block, RAFFEN BAKER, Prescgjlptlon Drugglst. HIGHLAND PARK. ILL TELEPHONE NO. 34 ES’I'IN' ATES FREE Soda Water. DEALERS IN HIGHLAND PARK. Who can think of now simple tunampntem!