What is true of the mind is true of the mind is true of tlw body. Thvy both have their recreation. each in their realm. Persons whosv occupa tion conï¬rms them much to tlw in terior of buildings and Whosv timv- may he limitvd. will not ï¬nd a more healthful rucrvation than the pram tier: of fencing. nor gain as much benefit from any othor physical vxer- Cisv, as the one just namvd. To marry you with flip study of a ('odv of health :an hardly be my object but would be pleased, if you permit me to bring to your notice a few of tho advantages gained liy tln- study of “how to usv arms". ‘ l. As the body maintains an urvct position during tlnx various motions of its mvmlwrs, the muscles of tlw fvncvr acquire vigor. and thus ln- do volops gradually. ï¬rmness. balance and c-lasticity. gracv and facility of mownmnt. combined with agility. ' Fencing if taught and prm-ticvd Milking mention of the foil permit me to explain that it holdsthe prinâ€" cipal place among arms; that the use of all other weapoxm such an sword bayonet, caner etc. ., is _Ver\ easily acquired by him Who has had a thorough courwe o. “fem-in" mirth" a judicous teacher; that if practice and theory combined have been at- tained to a considerable degree by the student. the foil can be used. and fencing carried on to an oldage. Foil fencing, scientifically studied, constantly presents new features. never lwconies tedious. can he car ried on with as little danger as hi7 cycling. boating, baseball playing. etc. The practice of fencing is entitled to the attention of the youth, middle- aged, and even those more advanced in yez irs. That the endeavor to ac quire skill in this art is not only most beneficial to the whole system, but also to the mind of men. is a fact which-for centuries past has not alone been upheld hy.‘ the hweuiost men of all ranks. but also sufficient- ly proven by the active part they themeelves have taken to attain mas- ter‘ship 'in the use of weapons. Thouuh our arms have during the last {it} years undernone much change. they have been mueh; pen fecfed, and likewise has the manner of using them. Young and old do not Weary in their enthusiastic praises regarding: an art from which they derive continuously phvsicial hen- elits and mental pleasures The study and practice of fencing is not alone conducive to health. but many cases are known where the use of the foil forrinstance has helped to regain health. FENCING. THE HIGHLAND PARK NEWS. ' n'lu'INI'A mMm’EME'NT socrE'i‘Yï¬' The society met in regular session last Monday evening; Several items of interest were brought up during the business meeting; the sidewalk on Judson avenue is to be pushed along as rapidly as possible as a new subscription is beings,r made to build a walk to the city limits. The bath house proposed by Mr. Kellogg is to make its appearance on the lake shore in a few days. The Literary committee for the next meeting is headed by Mrs. W. L. Me Kenzie with Mrs. Lucas and J. C. (loe to assist. Shuuhl anyone desire to take up the study 9f fencing or languages at his or her residence, I will be pleased to make, such arrangements. Ofï¬ce hours, from ‘J to .12 a. 111.. at room 7 Highland block. Instruc- tions given any time during day ur evening. alright sharpens the cymight and strengthens same, in case it he dc~ ï¬cient. Since huwm’vr grunt may be the agility mnpluyud in attacks and panics, thought is essvutiul, the student attains to vxuctnvss and prel- visum‘ It-zu‘us tn sw, think and m-t withuut husitutinn. tnmukv right moves. In» this by attack. parry or return. RAVlNIA ITEMS. Very respectfully, F. W. ALEX ' Repairing, Painting, Eta, Promptly Done. PITTS GENEST, Horsesho'éis)’ “ “' TELEPHONE 5|. Fresh, Salt and SmoEed Meats; Wagons and Buggies Made to Order. WEST CENTRAL AVE., H. MILLS, General Meat Market. Frank Siliestrum, PURE WISCONSIN ICE. EVANS BROS, SOLE AGENTS HIGHLAND PARK, ILL. For Highland Park. Poultry, (lame and Fish in Season. Dealer in All Klndsuf Blacksmiths. TELEPHONE 24 HIGHLAND PARK .