l‘rmn (he nurfll . . . 12.47, 3.14 p. m. From the. snuth, 7.30, 9.12, 11131) :1. m.. 12.07, 3.2.5, 5.57, 7.21; 1). m. . IIKI‘AKTI'KE For the suuth, 0.50, 9130 :1, 111,, 12.47, 3 14, _ 5.33. 7.29 p. 111. fur the north , 1). 12, 11.39 111.111.. 7.21“). m. Mail pouches dos: 15 minutes heforc the departure uf trains. \V. M. DUULEY, Postmaster. A. U. Fay ilwdgu. :\. l", and ;\. M. Rog u'lzlr inc-cling nights lirst and third Munduy in each nmnthunl :\lusw_;nic hall, oycr M. Mnsus Sun's stnrci ‘ H u i ' lndcpcndcnl ()rder Foresters, Court lligh- land. Mcclings lirst and third 'l‘hursdays uf each munth in Forcstcr‘s llall. Modern \Vuodmcn of America Meetings ï¬rst and funrth Friday of each month in Ft)!“ esters" hall. jnu. Finiicy. V. ((7.; Fred Urccnsladc. Secretary. Highland l'ark Council No. i066, Rnyal Arcumnn. Meet in Masonic hall sccnnd and funrth Mundays of every month, ]{t‘gt‘,lll. Charles H. Baker; sccrctary, Frank ll, (ircen‘ Capt 0. H. Morgan left yesterday for England where he will meet Mr5 Morgan. Miss Ogilvy went to Chicago to- day to spend the Sunday with Mrs. and Miss Leach. John Braetner. superintendent of construction for the Electric Light company, is sick. F. A. Burgess’ family spent a {cw days with Mrs. James McDonald, rv- turning home today. Mrs. H. H. Thoreu and children returned last Saturday from Strcutor after several weeks" absence. Bicycle l‘unly says he he has one new ladies" whcul and svwrul tun, dams to rent to reliable parties only. Mrs. D. H. Murphy 0f llighwuud has typhoid fave-r, a fact which our phasizos Alderman Fritsch‘s (l('lllml(l for sewerage: up there. She is undvr treatment of Dr. E. B. Wc-ston, our ()ldrtllllt‘ physician. Earl l’urdy starts for Philadelphia Monday next, to ath-nd the national L. A. \V. meet. “1*. will inspect Washington on his way l]()ll)(‘,21ll(l if he finds prosperity lying aruund loose bring it home. (‘olom-l H.1’A Davidson ruturnstu night from a wm-k‘fl trip in Indiana. l{() is going to see if he: can umkv what I’vtroloum V. Nashy styled “nullicinus ussifurs" out of Honsivr boys. (luvss lw mm if anybody I. (will. x HIGHLAND PARK POSTOFFICE. Directory of Secret Societies. CITY BREVITIES. AI: IU\ Al THE HIGHLAND PARK NEWS.‘ Butterick's Patterns at Miss Er- skine’s. W. E. Brand, ex‘postinaster, has returned from his trip to the Paciï¬c coast. Of course, he hall a good time; train robbers (lid not hold him up, but he did ï¬nd lots of square meals at ten cents each, and says California is a great place to live. The musical school at the Military Acude111y closes tonight when l t pu- pils graduate. This time has been a wry successful one. It affords one of the ï¬nest opportunities for the study of vocal music in the west. T he, public \\ ill be welcomed tonight. Alfred St. Peter has completed the new sidewalk from Schuyler M. Coe's down to Idlewild, and it looks like a good job from our wheel in the street. He has grubbed out some small trees and stumps and put in a good bridge over the little ravine near the south end. The popular girl contest in Wau- kegan is reaching a stage of acute interest in its development. Our fa» vorite, Miss Bilharz, still leads, hmu ing received 2270 votes tr") date, 100 more than any other candidate. The two highest ones receive free tickets to Niagara Falls and return and $10 cash for expenses. L(IDLJ A\IL untrvuvvu. The United Evang. church had their annual picnic at the lake front yesterday. Every opportunity was 1 afforded those present to part with their money and in doing so they 1 had a good time. There were races , in the afternoon and a hay rack party of children toward evening It w as a delightful church and family gatherinu \ery nodal and they made some money for their churcli The First L111ted are a happy, unit 5d, and useful people: may their work prosper. ’ustor Gould, of the Baptist church, closed his throo yours? pm» torutt- last Sunday morning with an excullvnt strung sr-rnmn. During thv months of August and Sept. the church will unite with thv l’rcsby. turiuns in the morning service, mu cuch church will have its own praycr mcctiugs. Sunday schuols uml young pcuplc's lllt't'tlllgï¬. l‘luch church llH‘HllN'l‘ :uul summrtcr will put his rimming nllcrings in his uwu church cuvclnpc S!) thc muncy will go whcrc it belongs. \Vc likc llllh‘ spirit of union and (lhristiun fcllowship. WEST SIDE BARBER. Corner Central Avenue Ind Second Street. hauliw and (‘hildrrn‘s Hair (‘umng :l Shwinlty. W. S. WARREN, Thl‘ ()riuinul E“, EVANS - BR05.. Fancy Groceries, Tea and Coffee. Fruits and Vegetables. i Fred.W. Schumacher, St. Johns Avc. Delicious ALLEGRETTI and PLO W’S CANDIES. T110 bmt of everything always at this sturt'. I’l'ltNlSHl‘ll) HOUSE T0 RENT City water, sewn, electric light and all lnmlnm cunvmr ivncvs; situation dvlightful. A!» ply Mrs. Steers, Grand Blufl' Plums, m'ur Belle mun. city. l‘UR SAI B At Rmiuia “.35 .u-rvs “11h gum! 8 100111 hour“ 11ml 112(1r11; will he sold (-hv up fur cash. (21“ 011, or address W. (‘. McKt 117.i¢, Ruvinia. HI. J l ‘5'] AH grudrs of Plum. Hay. Food. ()zns. Bran. Corn Mculvï¬lutcn M cal. Middlings and Straw, is a rare article. but we be- lieve we have it; the best in theeity. A fresh stuck of the original FOR SALE, T0 RENT. ETC. Havin secured the agency of the Cu ehnnml Chase 8: Sun- burn Coffee we are prrparvd In sell it m you in any quunmy. CONSTANTLY ON "AND. Prescription Drugglst, ()l’l’USl'l‘li THE DEPOT ‘I’HUNIC 48. Soda Water. DEALERS |N Telephone 46.