In re-flpunse- to a gmwral ilvmaml tlw Nnrtlnvvsh-rn will run angltlwr ul its popular (lollar t'XCllTh‘lUHh‘ to \anllx‘t‘HlHl Saturday (tummrrmï¬), leaving llllHUll)‘ at 7:313. just mm minutv aHvr lln- (1M “Hihhanl SINK vial" at 7:57) pulls out for Waulu‘ gall. 'l‘lu- train rvaclws \Vaulu‘slla at, llltlill in tlw nmrningaml stays llwn- ill] â€:30, lung unuugll 10 am- all tlu' wit)" twat all Hm springs, aml gvt, ('Hrwl of all (list-axes ynn may llilVl‘. Dan‘l llllsx it; you Can't fail of rm. in}: a gnn'l aml prnlitahlv limv, The Wednesday TimuxHum d publishvd three pictures of President MC Kinlvy, his lif * and their qluu‘turs at thv “Champlain" hutvl‘ louking zl cross the lake into Vermunt. where tlw people eat thrve square meals a day. pay their honest debts and go to he-uwn \vhml they die. The l’rvsid- nut longs to }M' there. ()rrin J. Teller, ï¬remunfor El'igin- eer Muroney on the Highland Park ucconnnr)dution train, has been t'runsi forrcd to another division of the North Western, with headquarters at J unesville, Wis, and left for his new post of duty Tliursduy._ His depart ure is regretted by his many friends, who wish him much success. and hope his new ï¬eld will prove congenial; If you want real good books, fic- iiou chiefly, like Dream Life, Win- dow in Thrums, Sticket Ministee. Treasure Island and scores of others at live cents :1 volume, and other works like Jane Eyre. John Hilli- l'zix, Crawford, and so on, Well bound at t\venty~live cents. go to 75 Dour- horn street, where George Monro's Sons will supply you. [t is by far the host chomp book store for good lllt‘l‘utlll‘f‘ in the world: Mr. Frank Muss, a former clork zlt Hw Highland Park Pharmacy, visited l'rit-mls lu-n- \Vudumtlay «Vt-Hing. Mr Muck. the new lmkor and ms- tnurunt mun in the HM I'Ioinrivh's shun! i4 (luing :1 first rutv luminoss. and mm nf Hu- but vvidvncos of {him is, that he pays his hills. That kind nf :1 man will succeed here any time. All who missml attending tlmvntur- tuimnvnt. "(‘rudlv Songs Of All Nutimis‘" given by the Baptist, Indie-s, l‘lHl sninmurut l’ruf linssvll'szilllw flail tn lmmv it is to he I‘t‘IH‘HYHl, with additional (*njuynlilv l'vutln'vs. In _\[(- Dmmltl‘s Hall. in the nr-ur l'utnrv. ()u'ing tin tln- satisfactory wnrk (loin- by tliu NEWS Printing (‘mnpnny in Hip past. tln‘ printing nl’ tickc-ts :Iml programs l'nr tlii< UCUEIHlHII will l)" Ivl't with tln-ln. (‘mnn'r'run NEWS. OF LOCAL INTEREST. 1|" «ks for one dollar. rings, and grit, ‘ MIT Boom.“ HIRE. [ill may lmvv. ‘i m “i rm. the Smith Premier typewriter (10., mar: e. (1:; Tin, Sheet-iron and Furnace Work Done to Order. DFHDE AND YARD: ST. ADHRS AVE.. 1.“! LUMBER YARD DISTRICT. TELEPHONE 67. C. A. KUIST, MRS. A BOCK, Fancy Groceries, Dry Goods and Crockery ' BOOTS mo SHOES. All uur lumlwr is Hmrmwhlv kiln dried and we gunmntm‘ our lll'ltl' xiul tn hm qua] m qn llih and “arm llthil) to am In: Mr Sum] fm c-stim. m- Fruits and Vegetables Received Daily. ROBERTSON NOLAN, Lumber and Building Material of All Kinds. THE HIGHLAND PARK NEWS. Ders, Blinds,Glazed Sash, Brackets, Mouldings, Screens. the Smith Premier Cvpewritcr. Goods the Best. Prices are Reasonabe. ï¬rst in Improvements. llonesl (sonslruclion and all High-grade Typewriter Essentials. 7 v ‘ Best Value Writing Machine. Branrh Off'cc: 154 Monroe St, Chicago, Ill. JAMES WARREN, SR., Sawed and Split Wood, Kindling, Etc. INTERIOR FINISH IN PINE OR HARDWOOD. MILL WORK OF ALL KINDS. Stoves, Ranges, Hoasekee‘ping Goods. DEALER MANUFACTURER OF 'N HARDWARE; Hi hland Park, Illinois. Tc ephone 54. Goods Dellvered Free of Charge. K‘ t:(t<‘$ ‘anrmmttln Order 1“. “theme.†- . «- m HIGHLAND PA RK. iii (0 a! hi