HIGHLAND PARK POSTOFFIC‘E. AImIVAI.. From the north 12.47, 3J4 p. m. From the south, 7.30, 9.12. â€.30 a. in., â€.07, 3.25. 5.37, 7.29 p. in. DKI'AIKTUIHC. For the south, 6.50, 9-}0 a. m.. I2.47, 3 l4. 5.33, 7.29 p. m. For th‘ Il-Il'lil . 9J2, â€.39 a. m., 7.29 p. m. \lail pouches Close I5 minutes before the d-purtnrc of trains. W. M. DUDLEY, Postmaster. _ Directory of s.'cm Societies. Cheskotong Tribe l. 0. R. M. No. 112v Meet at Masonic “all ï¬rst and third 'l‘uesdays. F. M. lnaalls. Sachem; J. H. Duffy. C. of R. A, t). Fay Lodge, A. I". and A. M. nlar meeting nights ï¬rst and third Monday in Hafh month. at Masonic hall. over M. Moses .\" Son’s stare. ’ lndepm lent ()rd:r Foresters, (‘onrt High. land. Meetings first and third 'l'bursdays of each month in Foresters Hall. Modern Woodmen of America. Meetings first and fourth Friday of each month in For- esters' hall. jno. Finney, V. (1; Fred Ikecns'lade, Seen-raw. Highland Park Council No. [066, Royal Area-mun. Meet in Mosnnic hall srcond and fourth Momlays'of every month, Regent, (‘hnrles ll. linker; secretary, Frank B. (Zreen, HIGHWOOD HAPPENINGS. ‘ ENMARK SON TO BUILD CITY HALL. The regular meeting of the board on Tuesday evening was very im- portant. as the bids on the new city hall Were opened at that time. The proposition to issue bonds to borrow ‘ $4000 for th‘é new building at I) per cent. to be retired at the rate of $1000 per year, was favorably de-«i Reg- . bated but not acted upon. Charles‘ J. Peterson of Evanston was ap» l pointed to supervise the erection of . the hall in behalf of the village at a l salary of $15 per week, to begin as soon as the contractor. because Arâ€" 1__ chitect Grudevaut would be unable l to do so. The bids when opened* were found to be as follows: A. J. St. Peter A. W. Fletcher, $4000 (partial bid); S. (i. Enmark Son, ; $5750 (without cells); Donaldsonm $0200 (no certified check); Carlson Peterson. $0444; Snyder Bros . l $0500; Fred Clow. $0000; Murray ‘ Caddenhead. $0711; Corse Jef- frey, $0087; Congress Construction Co., $0350 (without cells); I. Light- heart Sons, $0140 (without cells); ' Andrew Ruckmanu.$7205 (no check). At ï¬rst sight it would seem that: Fletcher St. Peter were the lowest l bidders. but their bid was only a partial one. and when completed it ‘ amounted to over $0000. The board ‘ took a recess until Thursday night i to figure out the bids. 0n Thurs- . day all bids were rejected except three ., Fred Clow. $0000; Iorse 8L . Jefl'rey,$0080 (straight bids). andl S. G. Enmark $5750 (without cells). ' Enmark completed his bid by mid . ing $275 for cells and then both he and Corse .lefl'rey threw off $100 . day from 2 to 12 pm. for the substitution of brick founda- tion for concrete. Then as the bids stood $5087 to $5025 the contract was awarded to S. G. Enmark Son. The contract with the electric light company was then considered and accepted. The company agrees to continue the lights in the. old city ball as long as necessary, also to wire and light the new building free of charge, as well as to paint all the light poles in the village. BICYCLIS'I‘ KILLED. Mrs: Moncrieth. the. sister of Jzis. Watson. while riding her wheel on the Sheridan road south of Highland Park. run off the road down the bank of a ravine and was thrown from her wheel with much violence. She was picked up unconscious and brought home and though seriously injured, it was hoped that she would recover, but the shock was too great and she died Wednesday afternoon. The funeral will be held at the house of Mr. Watson today. Miss Emma Undem visited friends in Milwaukee the early part of the week. Mrs. Leonie Cramer (nee Steers) of Evanston, spent Sunday with rel» atives here. .2. A horsebelongingr to Mandel Bros , which pulled their delivery wagon in this vicinity died Tuesday night. A man named Wilson from Evansâ€" ton, fell through the Half Day bridge with his team and killed two horses. Mrs. Dr. Skyles and family re- turned to their home in Chicago from their summer residence in the Bob] house. The board of school directors let the contract of painting and calci- mining the school house interior to John Gustafson for $52.50. It is reported that Mr. Elw ard Breakwell, so long and favorably known here as the grandson of Sam uel Breakwell, died in New Zealand the early part of the week. The I. 0. t). F. held an invitation picnic on the lake front last Satur- There was a large number on the grounds and dancing was enjoyed until a late hour. Rev. Robert F. Sample. I). D., of New York City, will preach in the Prestiyterian church next Sunday.‘ Dr. Sample was in Minneapolis ll years ago, while we Were there as manager of the exposition. and he is a man of distinguished ability as a preacher. Miss Wycoff will be the soloist Mrs. F. H. White and the Misses t l x HIGH SCHOOL OPENING. The Township High School will open September 13th, I897, one week later than usual. \V. A. VVIIsoN, Principal. Word has been received from H. F. Evans at Utica, N. Y. He reports heavy rains in that district. W’ eels; Quality' as?" T00! ’ . K. ((3. WE MAKE .TVLIS I Ladies‘, Gentleman’s Tandem. The nghtest Running Wheels on Earth. THE ELDREDGE ....AND... . THE saviour. We always I“. Good Sowing Iachlnu! ’ Why Shouldn't we Inks Good Wheels! National Sewing Machine Co.. 339 Broadway. Factory: .1 New York. Belvldero. Ills. " FOR SALE. T0 RENT. ETC. FURNISHED HOUSE T() RENT wCity water, sewer, electric light and all modern conven- iences; situation delightful. Ap- ply Mrs. Steers. Grand Bluff l’lace, near Belle ave... city. FOR SALE At Ravinia 2% acres. with good S-room house and barn; will be sold cheap for cash. Call on, or address W. (‘. McKenzie. Ravinia, lll. FURNISHED ALCUVEA~With or without board; bath. furnace. elec» tric light: reasonable for perma. nent-y. Inquire of Mrs. Bohl. Linden ave., between Central and Park aves. . White gave a dinner to a party of FOR SALE ()R T0 RENT Part, about 20 friends Saturday evening. A and a musicale Wednesday evening. ly furnished; my resident-e. Gm. L. SI‘TEs, Highland Park. Ill.