Tomorrow, Saturday, promises more than usual interest and brillian- cy at the club, and that is saying much for our Exmoor. We are glad to report the club as growing in nunl. hers and popularity all summer, and the managers are determined to make the remaining months of the open season as attractive as possible, and they will succeed; the past proves that. .Tomorrow, as usual,there will be tournaments and in the evening comes the dance. With its accus- tomed courtesy, the Exmoor has 111- vited the Highland Park Club to Saturday evening’s dance. Thusvfar four medals have been won, by'th’e following gentlemen: President W. A. Alexander, J. Ho- bart Moore, Everett Millard and T. T. Watson; handicapped. The final contest ‘for the Morris Cassurd cup willoccur tomorrow week Saturday, September the llth, which will be one of the red letter days in the Ex moor’s history. Never have the rooms in the club house been engaged for the Sunday so early in the week ,as this. The "phone messages began coming in before *bi'eakfust Tuesday morning. and before Wednesday noon every room and cot was taken, and still they came. . There is one thing about the club which gives us great pleasure, the superb character of its cuisine. Not only is‘ its stiperiority known to our own people, but they know it else where; in fact so Well is it known. that it is a matter of common remark. Hence, gentlemen from other towns unite with the Exmoor, and when they wish to give a choice little din~ ner party they come here. So much {or sagacious management and a su- perior chef. We think one marked peculiarity of our Exmoor is the number of col- lege young people connected with it. We hope to give a list of them soon. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Antisdul. who a ient ï¬ve Weeks in this city the ï¬rst of the summer,mnrprised the denizens of liavimmk, Monday, by driving up about 10 o’clock. and spending tin- uight. Since leaving),r the Park they have been to Wunkegan. Kvnosha, Racine, Mi1waukee,()conom0w< c and Lake Geneva from whence they druve Sunday to “mic-midi: and tin-nee here Monday evening Tiwy went to tlwir Chit-319:0 homn Tuva- day morning. after spanking fur :lccu'lnnmduti‘lms at Rm'immk fur nuxt summvr. During tlw five and :1 half weeks Sillflf‘ they left. here. Hwy have driw-n over 1600 milvu, and tlu-ir thrm- horses nrv in lwth-r condition than when tht‘y started. EXMOOR BXCERP’I‘S. Thursday evening, Sept. 2nd, 1897, at the home of her parents, Tracy D. and Mrs. Hull, occured the marriage of Miss Geraldine Hull. The man of her choice is Dwight N. Richard- son of Kansas City, Mo., where they will probably make their future home. The ceremony was performed by_Rev.L. A. Gould, the family pas- tor. ()1in the family were present, and no one outside the femily, knew m.{y'thing about the happy event, but for all that the bride’s many friends herenbouts will follow them with their best wishes. Miss Hull had a wide and choice circle of friends in the Park. She was a vocalist of rec- ognized standing, as Well as a social favorite. The congratulations of the News are extended to the happy pzur. THE HIGHLAND PARK NEWS. The schools of this city will open next Tuesday; Monday being Labor Day, and a public holiday, postpones the opening one day. The teachers for the several grades are as follows: Principal MMrs. E. H. Bowen. . First Grade Miss Barlow. Second Grade , s-Miss Corbett. Third (irade Miss King. Fourth Grade , Miss Brown. Fifth Grade rMiss Mollie Bottum. Sixth Grade Miss Kustend‘er. SeVenth Miss Cook. Eighth Miss Bangs. Port Clintoaniss Holmes. Miss Holmes will board at A. W. Fletcher’s; the others are not yet lo- cated, so far as we can learn. It is currently reported that A. H Wolf. who has had the Lightner home up on Vine avenue, has pur- chased a lot (10“ n on the Sheridan Road south, and will erect a ï¬ne res- idence thereon. W. J. MCKINNEY, Painter, Decorator and Paper Hanger. All work executed promptly and in the lwst munuvr. OFFICE: HARTRUNF 8:. KEMMEREH NEWS STORE. WEST SIDE BARBER. Curné} Centnl Avehuploï¬d Secoild Stree!‘ LmIivs and (‘llildn'n‘s Huir Cutting :I Slaw-inky. W. S. WA RREN, PUBLIC SCHOOLS. WEDDED. The ()riginnl EVANS BROS, SOLE AGENTS DUFFY BROTHERS. City Express. Baggage and Dime Parcel Delivery. To or from any Part of City. PIANDS AND FURNITURE MOVED. HIGHLAND PARK, ILL. H. MILLS, General Meat Market. Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats. TELH’HONB 5|. Frank Siliestrum, PURE WISCONSIN ICE. Trunks Parcels Goods handled with greatest cure. Prompt attention given all orders. For Highland Park. Poultry, (lame and Fish in Season. TELEPHONE 56 Dealer In All Kinds ol TELEPHONE 24. NGHLAND PARK 2 5 Cent!- lo Cents. fl!