WE understand some enterprising young men of Waukegan think of taking the recalcitrant members of their city council about the country for a Show, claiming that, as the late P. T. Barnum would say, “it is the biggest show on earth." Our city olï¬cals are very strict, allowing none but thOSe of high moral character, but the News will useits best endeav- or to get you in here, even if we have to strain Our conscience. l’uhHshcd in the Interests 0! Highland Park, Highwmxl and Raviuia, every Friday uhnrnmm by Evans at Forrest. THE NEWS is happy to say that it ismaking arrangements with the Chicago Telephone- cumpany by which we shall be able to publish thr- list of subscribers in this city, noting all additions as they occur, so that subscribers to the NEWS will know at once to whom they can “119110." This will b» a great con- vsnivncetuthe public, and recog- nizing it as such the cmnpany, with its usual courtt-sy. will extend to us all nomled assistance in making the list cmnplvtv, accuratu and ll[)~t()~ (late. We hope to have it next Advertising rates m-de known on appllatlon u: this ofï¬ce. THEY have a mail once in ii month up in the Klondike gold regions. and a minute men] when they can THERE is 0119 thing that the NEWS wishes to impress ()H the mind-10f pimple inclined to lw disordvrly her limvs, and that, is the city of High- luml Park will not endure to have its authority doiiml. It will be pn» tivnt. longmflloring and submit, to a lot of :Ilulsculmt le-n its nilicinls The Highland Park News. Lin-ms Bi HIBBARD, A. E. EVANS, - l: get it. “'00 l‘crms, 81.00 per year, 50 Cents fur six nmmhs, 30 cents {or thrcc months. (mm: in News Buildinghzss (knuul "\vcnuc, Highland Park, Illinois. ntcrc FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3. Ltd at the pust-uflicc at Highland Park “1., as sccuml class mnupr. ), - » Ebmm. BUSINESS MANAGER. WE lwg leave forthe fiftieth orone hundredth time to remind our cit- izens of every class and kind that it is just us much their duty to go into court and testify in a case of drunken- ness and disturbance of the peace, as it is for the police to arrest and the court to try and sentence these offend» ers. True the police and court are sworn to do their work impartially and thoroughly. Yes, and so every citizen has been sworn to do his duty as a citizen, irrespective of his social positions business interests or any thing else. The greatest obstacle we have in securing,r justice to offenders here is the-unwillingness of people to testify. Every few weeks _we, are scolded because we don’t deal more severely with “John†or “Dick†or some one else, and then after the trial, is all over they tell us how these fel- lows acted. We are getting tired of this: the time to testify is in court. and if you want a culprit punished, ï¬nd out when the trial is to come of? and be on hand with your evidence. It is no worse for you to he hated or scolded about than it is for the police, or the court, or the mayor. It seems to us the city pursues a wrong policy in not making little repairs on sidewalks. even though they should he made by the owners. ()nesix-inch plank fails in a walk on u lot where the owner does not live; the superintendent of streets sees it, and we think the better, cheaper wuy Would he to put in 11 new one, instead of the cumbersome method of having the city elerk in- formed. then he write u letter to the owner and wait, :1 week or two, mean time the city taking all the chances of a broken leg and damages. Let the city own at good lmndenrt and keep in stock of plank. and when he heconw convinced that any person or persons are bound to defy its power and authority. they will on- forco its restrictivo and punitive or- dinances to tho utrnoSt, and if they are not severe enough, others will he enacted to meet the case. The city of Highland Park rules, and will continue to do so: don‘t forget that. THE HIGHLAND PARK NEWS. A MISTAKEN POLICY. finds a plank or two out go and put them in and say nothing. Now that‘s the. way we wenx bruught up to do. and we heliuve in the and it is the cheapest, wisest and best. We commend this to the careful con sideration of the street and alloy committee. ()neof the host little stories of the season all aglow with lo ‘ul color came to us yeï¬terda)’ 'on the vnrlmtone. It was election day last November when the air was full of McKinley and the gold bugs, or wayward \Villie and 16 to 1. Ex- ulderman Shields stood outside the polling place when Judge (‘omstoek came alosg and said to his fellow l)9mocrut: "I understand you voted for that old goldhug; John M. Pal- mer; where do you suppose Judas lscm'iot would be if he were alive now ‘9" ' The venerable Judge gathered up the skirts of his wandering thought. as though he had been struck in the head, end wrapping it about him walked slowly away. walked slowly away. Such a good linle joke could not be lost, although it HOOIHH tn savor of party politix-H, which the NICWH es- chews. We are glad not only for Colonel Davidson and his family but for this city as well over the sneeess of the school. Slowly and ‘by hard work in the face. of great ol-st‘u'les it has worked its way to the front and today it stands in the, front rank of such schools. It has donl» led its attendance since the {all of I892: and now there is every promise of as in†a sehool as last year and amnli‘ealions for admission are two to four Weeks ahead of those of any former year. ()l' courm- large :utt-ntlanm Int-ans larger income so that the little rv- nmining incntnhrnnco can he paid oil. The territol V ("'()\(‘l(‘.(l this \ nr stIOUlIUH out lw_\on1l that ol‘ lotnwr )eors also, and this III Hpito ol lllt' hut that oxpmm-H hero :H‘U higher than at many other places. all this is :1 high honor for our town and one of tho important things whivh contribute to our prospvrity. “Judas Incar‘iot, "replied our versa- tile neighbor with tlwoltl fnarlem-t and loyal McCormick blood in th veins, m "JmlnrIrcarim, would be riding about the country in .1 Pull- man tar, and making free silver s],>emelles, 1'6 to Izhc was a silverite.“ NEWS, .32 “1-9 THE MILITARY ACADEMY. JUDAS ISCARIOT. ks fur mm dull :n‘