Sit down for u neiglrlmrly chat and eat salt with some of then). H0 is not only it broad gugml luau intellvctr uully and politically, hut socially he in one of the moat gvniul and affable, of men. untertuining and instructive in vonwrsution. puts on no airs zuul uqsunws no superiority. RPV. Mr. Thurml'H subject fur next Sunday weuiug will he “Apostacyâ€. Augustus Bymm and family. who huveocoupied tlw Clmhing house, ru- tunwd to Chicago. Tuesday. .lucul) Newman's family who have passed a delightful Hllllllllt’l‘ in the Captain Troxell home on Central av "mun left for the city yesterday. livv. Mr. Tillman, of Missouri, is here on account of the illness of his brother. (W. B. Tillman. SlalHe will stay until the cmulitiun of his brothâ€" vr impmves. Colonel annley met with the Mex ican var veterans in Chicago. a. few (lays ago. The colonel was a young West Point graduate when old “Rough and Ready." led our boys to \ ictory. Miss Relwcca Meyer. who has been staying with Rev. Mr. Thuren. has accepted the position of superinteml Hit 0f nurses at the prominent, Tracy hospital of Des thlIlt‘S, Iowa. Miss Meyer will leave, probably. the first of next week fur lwr new position. Wu learn that landlord Murray of E the old fzIIIIom \VIIIIkegan House at l tlw counlv c Ipitul has lllld In a fresh 1 supp!) -ol purc- Luke county jersey i hIIttc-r, t-ggs, spring chickens, lamb, 1 Mt. against the advent of the grand ‘ jllryund other court oï¬icials. nexti week. “0 shall board .It Murray's â€â€œ1055 501119 of our numerous friends lllVItl‘ us out. vou know. Thc Bartlett's. whu haw occupiml M r. Smunt’s l’mspcct ave. home, wcnt hack to thc dreary life Of Chicago. whilc thn autumn foliagc hcrc is in all its lwauty, the air so full (if inspir- ing uzonc. and thc ])t'()])lt‘ an sociable aml cunsitlcratc of strangcrs. ()ur tvmlcrest sympathies go out fur such unfortunate oncs as arc cmnpcllml tu rcturu tu Chicagn for the \vintcrY \Vc hatl planned for a tcluphonc list, I ut as a uululwr of familics arc clos in}; nut for thc winter. We! havc (11» ('lthl tn wait, till that was own and thcn haw a currcctcd \vintcr list. What wc wantml course. in what thc lu-uplc want. a currcct. rclialylc list. aml that wc will try to givc thcm. as <00“ as Inattvm Hl‘lllo- «lawn a littln NIHI‘I,‘ OF LOCAL INTEREST. S. R. Bingham‘s homestead on Prosâ€" pect avenue. The partition has been put into the city clerk's ofï¬ce so the common folks can't jog Clerk Finney's elbow while he is at work. How we shall operate on election days. we don‘t know, un- less we use the Young Men’s club house, it don’t seem to be occupied much for other things. The wonder 5 is that partition had not been put in . before. L. U. \Icl’hcrson. a former vcry efï¬cient and popular alderman. is building a new cottage on his south lot. and hc will put intu'it all the modern appliances 0le home; sewer, hath mom, electric light. \‘aitcr and steam heat, with u out hole through the hack kitchen door. THE HIGHLAND PARK NEWS. Buttericks patterns for Hill(‘ at Miss Erskine‘s. W. K. Ackerman and family re- turned toCliicagu, with their Hon-ii» law. Mr. Meekermxul his family Mull- day afternoon. Mr. Ackermun ex- pressed himself to us as greatly pleased with the Park and if times continue to improve, he hopes to build on his lots just below the late. One reason why the summer reg» idents and boarders like to stay here so well. is because they get such good board and ï¬ne table supplies. Not only groceries, but such fresh eggs. suCh superb milk and cream, they for- get the drought which makes water scarce! Then we have such lovely streets and drives and walks. such rare autumn foliage. The north shore has waited long for recognition. but it has come at last. T. A. Somerville. who has had a dozen years in Chicago as manager of a bakery and restaurant. has rent- ed the Heinrich‘s stand. on St. Johns avenue. next the postoï¬ice, out Of which Mr. Mack skipped with such atrilitV' II few weeks ago. and opened up for business Tuesday morning in good shape. He is aware of ho“ matters stand there. but proposes to conduct things on the square and win success. We trust he will. He understands the business from "II to izard." Don‘t forget that (taiusha Anders son D. D.. preI-uhes in the Baptist church next Sunday morning. He is one of those preachers who has two qualitiC' Itions for effective . and accept able pulpit serV ice: first he has some thing to say. second he says it and then ,, he stops. and you the hearer go away remembering and pondering the words of the preacher. \Ve re member an ordination sermon he preached down in Chester. Vermont. fully tixe and twenty years ago. Like a ï¬ehrlumk it was sharp and lminh-d and it Htm-k in our Ins-mnry. , Experienced Packers ' â€of Household Goods â€"lntelligence Office,â€" Will lmurd luu-nurnjmlod 1' W. J. MCKINNEY, Painter, Decorator and Paper Hanger. OFFIGE: HABTRUNF KEMMERER NEWS STORE. All work executed promptly and in the best mamwr. MRS. C. STROCK, 221 Park Avenue. RAFFEN BAKER, roal, Building Material, and Ice. TELEPHONE NO. 34 Reliable Domestic Help Furnished on Short Notice.