Circuit court for Lake county cou- vanes next Monday, Oct. 4th, at Waukegau. Several citizens of this city will be there for jury duty. Mr. White, whose new home is go‘ ing up near the Sylvan Dells, icume out Monday to look after the job him. self. He wants things to go on a lit- tle faster. Mrs. C. C. Cheney reached home Saturday night, with her sons. from Asheville, North Carolina. Miss Che- ney still remains in Asheville, we Inesume for the winter. Waukegan boasts two young men who will eat pie on a wager. The one who wins and dies will be buried at the expense of the other: they bury people up there now for $25.00 spot cash. ‘ « The Northwestern railroad will run an excursion to Juliet, so you can see the drainage canal. next week Tuesday, Oct. 5, for $l.00 the round' trip, without changeof cars. It‘will be an excellent excursion, one every- body ought to take. N0 adult ought to allow that drainage canal to be finished and the' water turned oh without seeing it. Miss Cassard gave a choice family dinner party Monday evening to Ev erett and Miss Millard in honor of the former s departure this week for Harvard University. He has proved a very efï¬cient member and ofï¬cial of the clubvand after a year with sines. canines, tangents, etc., will come back next June for another effective summer. in pleaQure and service at the club. The Buckingham's left Ledgemere for Chicago Wednesday,‘ while the Gregory’s went yesterday. Mrs. Buckingham and Mrs. Gregory are sisters, and daughters of William G. Hibbard, of Hibburd, Spencer and Bartlett C0,. the biggest hardware ï¬rm in the west. Mr. Hibbard was born in Vermont we believe, and is one ofthe 5,000 descendants of Rob- ert. Hibhert who came to Salem, Massachussets. in 1037, one year after Roger Williams went to Rhoda laland, Apropos of the brilliant day Sat- urday at the Exmoor club, an expert in such matters remarked to the editor of the News, “That day alone, air, was worth a dozen new families to your city next summer. .It decid- ml the question with that number ()f families whether t0 locate in High- luml Park or not next summer: they will comm. sir." Essentially we be» lim'v ha was right. of those who thus come not at few will build homes of their own and BIH‘KHl till their ï¬|llll~ nwm hm‘v. Is the club any help tn llw Pill‘k ‘3 ABOUT TOWN. iy i West Side Barber Shop THE HIGHLAND PARK NEWS. DUFFY‘BROS’ Express, Baggage and Dime Parcel Delivery. Furniture and Pianos MoVed, “Packed and Shipped. Are responsible for all goods while in our hands. TELEPHONE 5 6. MRS; A. BOCK, Fancy ï¬roceries, Dry Goods and Crockery. BOOTS mo SHOES. Fruits and Vegetables Recelved Dally. 275 Central Avenue. iTELEpmNESL Goods the.Best. Prices are Reasonable. JOHN H. MOHR, Prop. Trunks, 25c.; Parcels, 10c. T0 or from any part of the city. Goods handled with greatest care. Prompt attention given all orders. J. H. DUFFY, Manager. Frank Siliestrum, PURE WISCONSIN ICE. We ullandshipourgoodno nomclu, comqucntly thzir mu hthc only one are our cxclusivc Selling Aft! for from which we can guarantee the consum- at will receive our genuine Tm and Coffees. Hi bland Park, Illinois. chcphonc 54. CHASE SANBORN. the Inverters. HIGHLAND PARK. EVANS BROS. Goods Delivered Free 0! Charge. Highland Park, "I, HIGHLAND PARK