family. especially Mrs. Evans, who could not attend the lecture. with a few nuggets of his wit and humor much to their gratification. He proved himself a perfect gentleman of course and most genie]. If en- tertaining distinguished men is one of the perquisites of the mayor we may think favorably of becoming a candidate not many years hence. Mrs. Tenbrooke is spending a few days in Evanston with friends. Slu- will not go to Washington till her HUI] recovers from his painful var lmnvle. Robert G. Evans, as was ï¬tting for the mayor of the city to do, en- tertained Eli Perkins last night. Mr. Perkins in turn entertained the ,, VJ. a church pretty accurately in these matters, and that determines the ex- tent of that church’s influence. Second, in its Christian or relig- ious conduct, “Quit you like men." said the Apostle, and men don’t quarrel and act like little. spiteful, petted and spoiled children. Petti- ness always awakens disgust, it is not manly, there is nothing like man- liness about it. The world sizes up First, business character. Avbank commands conï¬dence, secures depos~ its and does a successful, proï¬table business by giving evidences on every hand of business talent, sa< gacity, sound judgment, a wise pru dence and a courteous, conservative management generally. It makes 3 good, safe and proï¬table investments. We remember a bank in Boston! some years ago when it was on the top wave of prosperity. Deposits came in by the scores of thousands, but by and by the public learned that it was making Wild cat loans, and taking'dangerons risks, and the bank went to the wall ‘of course. A church is not to make money. but it is to manage its business affairs with prudence and ability, build or repair J with sagacity; in a word, showj business ability. We ask all our churches to bear in [hind the fact that as organiza- tions they stand before the world on» the same ground, on the same foot- ing as any other institution, a col- lege or bank, or academy, and if they want the respect and confidence of the public, a conï¬dence which will include and justify the public in aiding it morally and socially, as well as with money and material support, such churches must so or- ganize themselvesgso conduct their attain as t9 499'm1ï¬anéï¬ï¬he ‘ publféf respect and support. And this im- plies to kinds of character. A SUGGESTION. u‘ ' For the beneï¬t of those wlio,,seeni "9 E to think partiality will be shown :es If some people in the matter of the dog tS- ; tax suits, we will say the police judge 3n ’ makes out his summons in the order he i in which the names are given him ls l from the list at. the city hall. He ls, l knows no east side or west side, and 'd I has no respect to a persons national. 18, l ity, politics religion or color. All 1e 1 the city wants is the tax on every {‘ i dog in town: no favors to any, and 1t _ the statutes plainly says cities and _h ? towns may levy a tax on dogs. up gFruits and Vegetables. nished nine room house, all im‘ ‘[ FOR RENTâ€"Furnishedpr unfur- : provementx. Apply to Rev. S. ; M. JOHNSON or M. H. BAKER. St. Johns Ave. From a recent remark in the f Waukegan Gazette-Register, we fear 3 the hitherto amicable relations be- tween it and the Antioch Newa are i becoming somewhat “strained.†1 Please observe the amenities of the l profession, gentlemen. » f ~ Wont you think of it, down on the l hills of Marlboro, and Wilmington, ivPree. Frank D. Everett’s native g town, they had ablizzgard and anovy {Literal aliiflaygthis‘day a: week, "and 3 Saturday the 13th. The stages and g the farmers were on runners on top 2 of 12 inches of snow. It is an old, 5 long established custom in that state i to have good sleighing Thanksgiving l and thence to about the middle of g April. . Repairing, Painting, Eta, Promptly Done. Parity Groceries, I Tea and C0ï¬66.?WEST CENTRAL AVE. EVANS =- BROS.,! Intelligent ladies say no machine compares in merit__with the Willeox Gibbs “Automatic.†THE HIGHLAND PARK NEWS FOR SALE, T0 RENT, ETC Huvin secured the agency of the cc- chrated Chasv Han- hnrn Coffee we are prepared tn 30†it to ynu in any quantity. All grades of Hour. Hay, Fm-d, ()ats. Bran, Corn Meal. (Huh-n Meal. Middlings and Straw. ABOUT TOWN. DEALERS IN Tdcphonc 46. j Wagons and Buggies Made to Order. I Repairing, Painting, Eta, Promptly Done. y PITTS GENEST, florseshoers) OFFIGE: HARTBOIF 8s KEMMEBEH NEWS STORE. All work executed promptly and in the heat manner. w. J. MCKINNEY, ‘ainter, Decorator and Paper Hanger. HIGHLAND PARK, ILL AND Blacksmiths.