Illinois News Index

Highland Park News (1874), 26 Nov 1897, p. 5

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West Side Barber Shop I l u m_ 5 mum! 1‘ 4 (hr Immlh. liven N'Ul I‘I'csh)‘lt‘rizln ( hmrh \Vm‘ship .lnd 1mm ‘hm Mhfllll, [2 m, ('hrisli l‘mw‘r service “Kuhn IH' yer Inn-tin”, Whiis'i‘lll (ullllh l'.\'.mgvliu:ll I \ lL‘I/A‘I'. [)HHI-I ”(1])" 4;: 10.00 H _ “mu... nullusl\ 5(an at 10:01! 24 German prtrm‘hln at J l :1)” a. m.: V. P. .\ In. at «5:45 p. m.: jnglish preaching at '. p. m.: Wednesday at 7:30 p. 111.. um prayer mot-tings: Saturday, at 1:00 p. m.. echetical class at pastur's study; St. Mary’s Catholic Church. RWY, j. \laddcn, pastor. Fits! mass. 8.30: mass, 10.00: Sunday school, 2.5L» Hm Baptist "hun‘h. Nopnstur. l’rva mg. [0.45 :1. 111.. Sunday schunl. 12 m.;l§;1ptisl Young l'cnplc's Emir”). h I" 1”,; prcuching. 7.30 1). [IL \chlncsr \'IN‘ I) aniuiaM. H.Cl1urch. Ruvima. R1 Heathcutc pastor â€"Su11day school :11 111.: Epworth Leziguc dL-Votional Sunday evening at 7 u'cluck p m.: p at 7:45 each Sunda ‘ evening; prayer irom 8 to 8:30; prorth League meeting and social the fourth Fnday month. Swedish MJE. Church (over Waldo' Rev. 0. Wessliug, pastor. Sunday as follows: Sunday school. 3:30 p. ni. League, 7:00 p. m.: Preaching. 7:1 l’rayer~1neeting Thursday evening Everyone is invited First United Evangelical Church. ll. 'l‘hnren, pnsmr. Sunday . s‘crviu mam preaching. 10.45 :1. 11).; ling] p. ml; Sunday school, 9.30; K. l._ (1,45 p. 111.; prayer meeting‘ \Verln 1.3011. 111. Evangelical Associanon va. S. )1 Huh». Sundu) scrvivcs at Young eading Room. Sundm' sirhnul :11 10: ‘erinan prearhln at ll :01» a. 111.: Y. ' juglish preaching 275 Central Aven ue. k‘heskotung‘ Tribe. 1‘ U. R. M. Nu. ll‘: , Meet at Masonic Hall first and third Tuesdays. I“. M. lngallls. Sachem; J. H‘ Dufl'y. C. of R. A: U. Fay Lodge, ;\. I“, and .\. M. ular meeting nights first cach month, at Masonic x Son’s slurs. lndcpvmlcm ()rdcr I‘~ KL“;- and third \lumluym hall, uvrr .\l. \Tirsn» Ul‘L‘filOY's. (Zuni High» land. Mcclings first and third l‘hurvluu of much mouth in Furéulrr's Hull. .\IU(1L‘HI \Vumhmm of .\Illtfl‘ic;l‘ “rulings lu'sl .md funrxh Friday uf cavh mnnlh in Fur- snxcrs' hull. jnu Hume}. \'. ll; I’lwi (irucnsludc. Sccrctar)‘. : Highland l’m‘kl,'mlncil Nu. 1000. Ruyal \x'uumm. “V?! in Masonic hull second :mel fourth \lnnduys u! C\".‘,I'\ munlh. chrnl. ('hurlr; H. Bukm; s‘vtl‘cinhl Fl tnl' H ‘ Ill l’rmih Fur [hr b‘Nllh' 0.50, t 5433, 1.20 p. m. Fur lhc nurlh _ 0.12‘ \luil Imucht‘n «‘lnsu «lupzu‘xurc of lruinx. 1‘ Hull (hm xmrlh Frum lhu south. 12.07, g l_\ ( hm '1 mmmnirm JOHN H. MOHR. Prop Sundm ”I D"'°*°'y 0f Secret Societics HIGHLAND PARK POSOFFICIi \lm'nihq ('L'lllll' 1‘ *[g VEIÂ¥1-Il‘ CHURCH DIRECTORY , 7.45 p. vxL _- rlass. 7,31) p, m Lnlhn'mu [Irm' h Sunday strnir‘v. lunc' haul. from 1) In [0.00 .1. m. L, I'. V, \VUIWIH. H‘v Yur, 7.30 :|_ IIL Sun‘ln‘v who“). I'ninq pl‘nym :mvl sermon. I 1‘ *lfilxrntiun “NF Ninth} in xwmg. , p, m. s u! C .,1'\ munlh. chrnl sm‘l‘ctgu'v. Funk Ii ('- can IH‘CI unuay school at 2:30 1). no: dL-Votional meeting u'cluck [x m.: prczn'ching evening; prayer meeting )worth League business 16 fourth Friday of each ,\)IKI\'.\I zunrny. (1.30 :1 30, u. 7.29 [L va. S. _\l. Huuch. at Young .\h'n'> haul at ‘1}! :91) u. m: *r }\'aldo'smazketl Sunday §¢-rvices "501).le ilunyonh IUII mmulx-s. Imlm'c \l. l)()«)l.Ii\'. I’nslnmslm Ill HI English, rnlrln. h,4c \chlncsrlu} l‘hnrmlux. Ill at 1 :3” cmtngc hnm'h. 10.00 Ivclm'c Ilu 2x) p . 1‘2" k‘h NIH, ‘lx. XH 00 LII 7n “ruâ€" 1.» [It'llllPSS am" _\uu. 0110 of uur husinenu mvn has ju~t rum-ivvd a letter. (:unfidesminl. uf cuurse. from Now Yurk parties. making him a proposition to handh- countvrfvit money. prumisingn SUN!” fm'tum- in a shun finm Thvrv i4“ “wt of theme (-uuntorfviturs in Nuw York mid tht' l’nimd Stutvs warm so-rvim- has its vym'luut for them and this INN-r was xtampt-(l suspioiulh by Hm inspm'tor. Of course it was furwardc-tl to the (In [mrtmmnt in Wushingtun. But thvy must have: queer nutium uf nur mor» nl ton}! to spud such stuff horn. The murder Hays he has worked fur years in Hm ungraving dopzlrhnvut in Washington and kmm'a just how tn do it. Perhaps, but Would u mun who would engrave and print ('UIHIA h-rfvit hills. svruph- to lie :I lilth' in hwlp nlung his svhvnm ()f (‘mlrsv dealing in such fluff iq a prison of fvnw “ For the benefit of those who may hc attacked with diphtheria we ,give the following specific recounnended by the Scientific American: » Pour into a tin cup éqnnl parts of turpeir tine and tar and hold the cup over the lire so the fumes will fill the room. This will looScn the phlegm in the throat and the patient. will cough it up. The (loudly bacteria are in thc phlegm. The ()nwentsiu golf clul) at Lake Forest recently nnulc its annual re port. It had (luring the season 8.000 players on the grounds: $13ka wart- paid in fees to the. czultlicS: ‘14) new nnunlwrs have joined; tln~’(,-lul) is full: improvements have hoe-n mmlc this year at an expensc of $23,!)(Nl nnxl~ ‘- , we will add a Highland Park mun. Fred Clow. haul the carpenter work contract, , and today the cluh'.» as- setsarc Villnetl at SlZUJl‘Nl. A pretty good “twmycmw)ltl" that is. H. C. Chutficltl Taylor is tlu- prcsitlcnt. H35”: is richnms {or \on. ()m- of Mrs. Ruszr Schumll died at the f Railroad Men‘s Home. when- she was cook. Tuesday morning ”.9 2311]. 2ft 4:30 o'clock, of [wart dix‘vusv. The funeral took plume Wednrsduy at 1:304). 111.. conducted by Rev. Mr. not”). 111.. coudlu Salumzm, and the Deerfield cemetery. . n Mrs. Gvorge P. Fisher was out Monday to luuk over their summer home up in "Pocket .‘3' nvur Mrs. \"uu Sclmicks. to secfiihhe waiter was shut UH" and all! the pipes Hilft‘ for the wintm‘. Miss Cluru Schultz, of Cuylcr, \‘is itod Miss Kathryn Alford over Sutur- dny night and Sunday. A party of szwen of our young puuplu :Ittcndt-d an informal dance ill Evanstun last Saturday evening. THE HIGHLAND PARK NEWS LOCAL ITEMS. Would u mun «1 print (-nlnr “P :I lilth' In '. ()f ('uursv a a prison of interment in the un'uay evening. Fisher was out their summer 0110 of TELEPHONE 25 First Class Work At Reasonable Prices. Highland Park Laundry, Central Avenue and Second Street. Henry Ewart, Blacksmith.... 234 Central Ave., rum My Only firsmflass wurk dune. and that g) l I l w m i Don t “'8“. but r‘nmc curly and m‘uit day rush and bad weathen \\ ill make I5 Arlsto Glace or l2 PIm‘Ino Mart Cablncts for $3. 00 BRAND.... " now, 18.1 that {mm mm eight ww- ks WHILE m ervlhing else nanv In“! on r. (,inods sent for and duliverml to a“ parts of thv city. ()rdvrs by post ur '(‘ll‘Ph'HlP promptly nttondml tn. LOST _ BetWeen McCrean's farm and Deerfield. an order book 8 or 10 inches long by 4 inches wide, together with bills, the property of Mr. A. Woolf. Finder please leave at this office. ’ HUl'RS: 3:00 [u I :00 l’. M Horus (Hmhwomh It Ilnl'ks 1001.030015] .‘ 00 In 900 x. x Telephone No. 6 Horseshoeing a specialty. ORSON B. BRAND LLOYD M. BERGEN M, . 0. ORTLUND, l‘lanager. DH. >FRANKLIN G. WESBUTT. FOR SALE. T0 RENT. ETC ROOM 1 HIGHLAND BLK the Photographer, « Professional .. ...Photogrnpher ’erythying else is upside down 1d this anyway and remember \‘ on until after the hululays â€" and florseshoer. HIGHLAND PARK RES HIGHWOOD 1 mil 9- .m n. 12:00“) 1:30? )1 7: m to 8:00 1'. .\I Highland Park . Highland Park , Ill

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