Illinois News Index

Highland Park News (1874), 26 Nov 1897, p. 7

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"Dunno L’llinkt-ll‘s Singing Svhtml“ :1 “wk {mm Fridn). Hunw pmmisv Hf :uI (‘Xl'i‘HllPt lu-I'l‘m'mnmw 0f HH- [vivmu AH UH- availablv IIH‘Jll nil-"1:! ix :1: “nl'k wilh :1 will In In Ikv HH' ufl'uir :1 grand Mh'voss. lmth as n lit- vmr)‘ prmlucliuu :md n finum‘iul ’HII-Irv. It down-um HH' an“ nl'l of H10 wilim-ns ui' Highuuml. llt‘t‘ll [HUM amusing. Mr. “urn-l intends soon to mfiiv MT Hm in strmmrnl am! is :lln-mi} tlisluhing “1' tickets. The firm H-Iwursul ui' thv Ih'mn‘n- iv MH‘H'I). whu-h will 54in (hr ph)‘ “Dame L’llmkvll‘s Singing Hulmnl‘ The regular meeting: of the board of trus‘evs owurred last 'l‘nvsday evening. After reading the mimm‘é tln- (-urrvut bills for salaries and street rulmirx were paid. TIM- lmartl :uljmu'nml :Ll'trr the dim-”55in“ u!" more ur lvss impm-mm Hunters. No husimw‘s nl' note was Trmmu‘tml. \\'. ' .“Hl‘l'kl gave an explanation 0' (hr Iii.” ilU'IilUlH’ to :I it?“ iIioIHh List \I‘HIIHL‘I} I-wIIiIIg. AIIOI light I’t‘i‘l‘t‘hhnn‘llifi IiIc IIII-Inimrs ()f the par!) ummiuwl IlIv iIISH‘HHH‘Ht :llHi lush-(l it l)_\’ singing: into it (”Hi lill‘ll l .‘h'llillg’ to their “‘nI'k. The Mint NIH)“ Ihv III-:II'I‘I's is I'vlmrxvd 10 il:l\(‘ Eran? 2, L353. atrium. 72:} 1:231: 25:12:: 13:. :11! The infant child uf M r. and Mrs. John Liskc, died last Sunday. Miss Belle Mowers will spend the latter part of the week at, the home of Mrs. \Vost‘lnke in South Evans- 1.1m. Mr. and Mrs. 'l' HIGHWOOD HAPPENINGS. dug. Mr. “urn-t mfiiv MT Hm in- :lln-mi} tlisluhing Cums Lud m l'hunlhghing :m‘i HH' lil- ‘iul nl'l M Sulclde In Hereditary. An 0xtruordinnry imamncx‘ of herodi. vary tondrncy m xuioidv was told by Prof. Ilmuaxdel in ’uris late-ly. .\ farmer m-a-r Etampvs hanm‘d hinm-H \xit‘hout, apparent causw. leaving" fnm ily of seven sons and four dmurhn‘rw. Ten 0f the. eleven subsequenfly fult lowed the father’s example, but um um til they had married um] lwgt‘onvn nhil «Iron. n.” of whom likewiw havgm' flwmwluw. The only survhm- K n mu: who is now 68 years of nm: ::n~| hu- pnssed suft‘ly beyond Hu- fnmily hnnLr inn nun. THE HIGHLAND PARK NEWS. Miss Madeline dropped Hm snake: then in a hurry. Thu anacoxidu 1w istml itseif with renewed vigor around the b02175 body, and with a spasmodic‘ sud- den. jerk finally succeeded in, breaking its- enemy'sv back. It was caught and put back into The box nftc‘rmuch diffi- culty. \ The two snakes were a tenâ€"foot ana- conda and an Sl/z-foob cross between a python and u boa constrictor. They were put, into a box together. Sudden- ly there was a commotion on the inside of tihe;b0x that. brought ou‘r Miss Madeline, to whom they belongwI, in a, hurry“; She found the two stmkvs intertwined. so that it was. hard to tell which'was which. The anaconda was making frantic efforts to get the boa‘s head int0“its wideeopen jaws. and the hon, on the otherihand. was mntmcting its muscles around the body of the enemy with strength bornv-of despair. Miss Madeline [made a, quick dive into the box through the gins-s lid. whioh had been; broken in the mehw, and seized the boa at the back of its head with one hand, while with thr‘ other she clutched the anaconda in 1m,- same spot. With 31] her might she beg-an tugging away. but to no purpose. The snakes 1hr!» wound thelm-vlwst around her body. During 1119 strugglv «me of the woman's ‘hands ‘slipped. and quick as a flash the boa tumed' and hix heir hand, mnkil‘g‘ a deep flesh wound. The Unknown South. The international geographical con grass in London ayear ago derlared that the greatest piece of geographical ex- ploration remaining to be undvrtaken is that of the antarctic regions. Since then a number of small expeditions to ward the south pole haw hex-n planm-«L but litth- has yet hum: accomplislml. and Dr. Mill reminds English roadmm in Nature that. although 55 years have elapsed since ("apt. Russ discovered tho two giant \nloanom which ho namwl )lmxnw l'In-lmx and 'l‘t‘rrur, they haw imm- ayrain lawn soon. and no impor» tant :ulzlltlunal facts have been learned about that mysterious part of HIV u'lnlm Anaconda and non Fight to :1 Flu.)- and Nearly Kill a Woman. A battle royal between. two large snakes and an attempt on thc part of the surviving reptile- to count u woman among-fits victims were the 03119.9 of a great deal of excitement m New York 1119 other aTternmn, says the New York Journal. BATTLE BETWEEN 8N AKES anecr Name» A traveler who spent some um: u. the wilds of Texas says that. he found. families who named the children to indorse a sentimem after this peculiar fashion: “One Too Many Han-y." or "Not Wanted James." It is to behoped mat the names did not embarrass their owners with mote than one sense 0! superfluiiy. The negroes of ihe south. when left to their own methods of naming their progeny, strive for the most romantic and poetic or 'historio names ivh‘ey can, find. and a good. long string of 'them, too. A calm-ed girl in Laurens county, S. (‘.. is’rnnmmi “Fair Rowe Beauty Spm 'F-ii'mptmimi Touch M9 Not." The youths siruggiing un- dcr 'the patrmxymios of “(Emma Wash- ingfnn Henry (flay Tinnja‘min Franklin gtndrew Jackson" are so numerous as to excitenommment, , Growth 0! Human Hal". Amhoritivs difl'or as to file rats of growth of the human hair. and it, is: said to be very dissimilar in different individuals. The mast usually “(wept- m] onk‘ulminnx givvx 631,1. ind'hl‘K pPl‘ n".- 1mm. Queer Method of a Business Man Giv- lnu Charity to thump. Catching at the stranger’s coat tail he murmured in u depreciatingtone: “Could you give me a little assistant-e. sir?” The stranger turned and looked him over. His eyes were bloodshot, his clothes dirty. his whole appearance decidedly the worse for wear. “What can you do ‘2“ asked the stran- ger. “I can keep books, sell goods, driw a delivery wagon. compound presorip- tions, set type and do tarmwork." The stranger scribbled a few word» on a card. handed the. tramp a dollar and said: _“Tuke this card 10 this ad~ dress and I think it will gm you work. Take that dollar, get a hath. a shave. a hair out, something tn eat and a drink of whisky. Thai will brace you to meet- my friend. So long." “Tliere’s just one (hing Inurv," said the tramp. “How (lo'yuu happen to giva me just a dollar and all the-$0 «li- I‘PCHOHS with it?“ ‘ “129031130 I got a dollar from a man on this very corner about ten years ago." sand the stranger, “just as you urt- getting it from me. and. I'm pa»- ing up his whit-e and his money jun for luck." Coflee for Amerlcn. A Brazilian doctor who has been ex; perimenting with «om-n as a remedy for anemia says that In» has brought about snnw rmnm‘kimlv mlrvR. Hr n» quires his putivnts In drink weak cnfi'ev exclusively, also urdoring them (0 take- baths in a deoootion of coffee. “Whui do you want?" was the reply to the tramp, reports the Chicago Chronicle. “A job, after I get a square meal.“ said the tramp. PASSING UP HIS ADVICE. Mcfirvgm‘ Adams want 10(‘hi Sntm‘rinv his! fur HIP \vilm-r.

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