Illinois News Index

Highland Park News (1874), 3 Dec 1897, p. 2

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HIGHLAE D PARK! giiyhiiand gnu}: 211cm. The attorneyâ€"genera} of Iowa says that all the banks in the state having less than five stockholders must reâ€" organize at once. The full-rigged ship Port Pan-Ink of the Port line. Glasgow,’chtla-n‘d was burned in New York, the loss being $200 000. In {netball games in Chicago Thanks- giving day the University of Chicago defeated University_ of Michigan, the Chicago Athletic association deféated the New Jersey ,associatid‘n. anddhe University of Wisconsin defeated the Northweslern (11].) university ’team. In Philadelphia the University ofPenn- sylvania defeated Corneil. of Ithaca. Uick< Price. a negro charged with crimin. ll assnixlr was takqn from the jai‘. at Starks Ila..aby a mob and hinged. A steam heater In a car on the Illinois CeMral road exploded near De Keven. Ky. and many persons were injured. The trial by court-martial of CW. Leonard A. Levering. of Fort Sheridan. 11].. charged with brutal :reatmqn; 0'! Private Charles Hammond. resulted. it is said. in u verdict of guilty. ' 0n the Fdnd du Lgnc Indian reservzb tion in Minnesota John Anamasin whi’le drunk killed his wife and another In- dian named Peterson. The ) OOO'miner-s in the Wilmington (”1.) con! field resumed work, endlug the big strike. There is no long: any doubt but that GovT anner will call a speCial ses- sion of the Illinois Iegislatlure. Thomas McKeam of Philadelphia. do- nated $100 000 to tho Universitv of Pennsvlvmnia towagd the cos? of Ithe new law school. ,4‘_ ‘ Mikses Mary and Kate Seaman were flrowned near Middletown. 0.. as the result of a runaway. The exchanges at the leading clearing houses in the United States during the week ended on the 26th ngglfegated $1.058.4S2,298. against $1.277.508,888 the previous week. The increase compared with the corresponding week of 1896 avas 13.3. Antonio Minirano (Enameled with his wife at Erie. Pm. and. after first fail- ing to brain her, doused her with oil and then set fire-to'tbe oil. burning her to death. Thu waves of the 15 000 employee of the Missou- Pacific railway hue been Increilfied 1:” 1:: cent. ~ ’~~ An unknown negro was killed by lynchers near Black Shear. 011., :or as:- saulting a white woman, and Jerry Johnson (colored) w‘aLhanged by a mob near Screveu, 621.. {or’stealing a mule. Thanksgiving day was observed throughout. the country. Buranrs entéi'ed the Farmers‘ bank at Kings, 111.. and stole $3.000 in cash. 9 There were 236 business milures in fine United States in the seven days enduLou the 26th. against 267 the week previous and 300 in the corresponding period of 1896. There are 7,670 women postmasters In Uncle Sam‘s service, and 80,000 more hanged in various post oflices through- ‘out the country. At Ga ston. Tex.. Seth Carter kmed his B“% Alberta Brnkley‘. and then shot ' elf. Jealousy was the cause. \ {An incendiary fire m a storage ware- house at Penmcola, Flaw caused a loss of $100 000 Miss Louise Lam"): and Miss Jennie Storess. envh 17 years of eggs, were drowned at Duluth Minn. while skat- ing. * Chihese merchants of San Francisco havP combined to suppress the murder- ous highbinder societies ‘ Fire at Collins. 13., nearly destroyed the entire tofin. Loss about $80,000. ETELLIGENCE FROM ALL PARTS Casualties and Fires, Personal andrPd- litical Notes, Business Failures and Resumptiofis, Weather Record: BOUND ABOUT THE WORLD Happenings of ‘1 the Pan Daysin Brief. THE WEEK’S NEWS Sun. 26 12 Mon. lxfi' man. FBERBST. Tue. DOMESTIC. ILLINOIS“ Hundreds of persoius are arriving in Oklahoma. anticipating the opening of the new land: to settlement.‘ Mary Lx‘zft’on. aged 22 years, shot and !ntauy'%voundod Ole Hahn-son. aged 25 yéars, at lnkster. N. (3., as the result of a lovers’ quarrel, and then shot her- self. but fiot- fatally, ' Counterfeit dollars better in the «funn- tity of siH'er they contain than those turned out by Uncle Sam’s mint are in circulation in San Francisco. James Scales (colored). found guilty of criminal assault upon Judge Ennis’ 12-year-old daughter Katie in St Louis, was sentenced to 99 years in the peni- tentiarv. 'PzRéomL AND POLITICAL ‘ Rev.D1-£ank W. Gnnsaulus resigned the paatdrute of Ph'momh Congrega- fiona] chfilrch i-n Chicago because of ill health. ‘ 7. "R. H. Rochester. treasurer of the “1-star: Union Telegraph company. died suddenly in Englewood, N J.. aged 46 years. a The product from beefs in Nebraéka this season will/be" néafly 12,000,000 pounds of sppr; A't Mason. Mich. Scott Bowdish shot his nine-ygnnolul daughter. fatally in- juring her, and then kflled himself. “Rev. Miner Raymond. D. D.. one of the most distinguished"preachers and teachers of the Mgtho’dist “ch,urch..died in Evanston. 111., aged 86 years. fusionist republicans elected togthe Ohio legislature‘have deqided to'vote for the republicans: caucus n‘omineé. which will make (he‘legislature stand 80 re- publicans to 65 democrats on joint bal- lot, for senétor. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Killer. of Elk'ton. Mich, celebrated their‘eighty-eighth 'Qedding anniversary. The husband is 108 years old and the wife 107. u-uw .- J--." Col John Laing. a noted engineer‘ of England and America. died at his home in Baltimore, Md. aged 80 wars. iLawrence McCarthy. the last sur- ‘v‘lvor of (He combatants at Waterloo. died ii: the wogkhousa at Neu’égb, Tip« Retarwssd £163,912; ‘; ~ ~ - Delegates representing the first. and second-clmrvf’esfiafiigg clerks of the 'coimtrv met in Pittsburg «.11 Pm, apt! formed a permanent organizatiothh the object in View of bathe/ring their condition. , _ EOREIGN. ‘ . An attempt was made to blow up the United States cansulaté building in Haname Trains collided alt Tournnv. France, and Ken persons were killed and many others were injured. Walter L. Sessionsffli’ W. Jordan and Miss Sadie Voss perished in a fire at. Jamestown, N. ‘Y. Navigatiom'at Montreal], Cam. has przu- ' Jonthe season. It is understood that Canada has re- fused to stop pelogic scaling for a year, as the United States requested. Advices from Havana say-aunt no AmerJt-nn citizen is now cofifined in prison fix the island of Cuba. A Russian paper contendsjthut the growth of German influence will ne- cessitate a union of Great Brifain, Rus- sia and France. A typhoon which swept overthe Phil- ipping islands destroyed sevetnl towns and ~400 Europeans and 6.000 natives véere killed. 4 The steamship City of Seattle arrived in Seattle, Wash, from Alaska with 28 passengers from Dawson City. whose money possessions amount to $1,200,000 in drafts and gold dust. They reported that fear of famine amounting (o panic prevailed in the Klondike gold fields. The United States revenue cutter Boar sailed from Seattle. Wash, to aid. the whaling fleet imprisoned in the ice in the Arctic ocean on the northern shore of Alaska. Cawthra Mulock, the 13-year-old'son of the postmasterageneral .of Canada, has inherited $4,000,000 fiom an aunt. The answer of the Cuban govém- ment to"the ofier of autonomous terms by Spain declines any proposition that does not. mean complete and absolute independence from Spanish domination. The cod fishing was only half as In rge this year as usal, r 'there will be great suffering among Je poor in Nova Scoh'a. - Nafhan Willis (colored), charged with the murder of a White man near Town Creek. N. C.. was burned to death by Iynchcrs. ' Augustin Cossio, the fatbqr of the young girl who escaped from a Cuban prison find came to the United States has been release-(1 from prison in Cuba. On a} cotton plantation in St. Francis county, Ark. eight nggmes nmrdered Joe Miller, a cot-ton picker. and assault,- ed his wife. \ The re ignzxtidn of Mr. Eckels as comptroflei; of the currency_ will take effect the last otDecember. At Rainey Mountain, 0. T.. a Baptist association “as organized consisting of four church organizations comp sed who“) of Indians. The annual report of K‘Mry 6f ‘ the navy, thn D. Long. an mm § navy consists of 53 vessels hxfit’tflg urder and an auxiliary fleet atom 49 steamers. The coat of the navy M11181 fiscal yegr ended June 30. 181?...‘vas $17,514,231. More enlisted men nud‘fiet- ‘ tor doekage facilities are asked for. 1 , James W. Lorcridge, aged 19. died from injuries received in a football game ntr flnrqlpondsport: N. Y. Decembgr when: sold at one donnr on the Chicago board of tradg. The triaâ€"l of ‘he battle ship Iowa shows it to be as fine a ship of her class as there is in the world. A Iar'gve pontion of thebusiness center of the town 90f Carberr3,.\{an., was de- stm3 ed b3" firé. ‘ Martin Thorn was coxp‘ivted‘in New York of murde; in tbs» first degree in “Hing William Guldensuppe, his pre- decvssor in the affections'nf Mrs. Au- gusta Nuck at W.oodsid<‘ L. I. on June 25. George Douglass “ho accidentally killed Albert Grgiyer at Snowden Pa. ., in atfémpting to‘ murder another was hanged in Pittsburgh, Pa. Secretary Gage estimates the treas- ury deficit for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1898. at $20-.OOQ,000. Gambling paraphernalia valued at $5. 000 was burned at Leadvillf. COL, by order of the court. “'nr between Germany and China may result because of the occupation of Kino-Chau and Kioa~Chau bay by the Germans. The Mississippi river is frozen over at Dubuque. uIa, and navigation has osed. ' A 'n‘coln. Neb.. Eugene Moore. ex- audito \of state was sentenced to eight \ears in\the penitgntiury for ihe 3m- bezzlemen‘k of $23 000. The Fre .brig Hisparren fi‘a's wrecked off A ‘ my and a majority of hericlfew perished. V . In an accident on the Atlantic 7Dan- ville railroad at Gill'v station, \'.a F gineer James Luler and Fireman FralS-(I 1;. Smith lost Frank A. Keith and Maggie Godfrey committed suicide together by inhaling gus' in 21 room in Lowell, Mass. They were peuniless. \ William Ellis. a prominent farmer near Evergreen. Ala.. took Cook King (colored) and tied ‘him to a tree and shot him to death. Intimacy with El- lis‘ daughter is the alleged cause. , The steamer Hauntiess agnin eluded the officials of thexovernment ,and left Jacksonville. Um. for Cuba with l -(- argo of armgnnd munitions of war. The owner stone of the new $1,000,- 000' Congregational house in Boston. was laid. Col. A. M. Coffey; aged 97 years. the oldest mason in Missouri. digd 9t Knob N'bster. l ‘ A In a railway disaster at Warsaw Poland. 11 persons “ are killed and 22 others “ere seriouslv injured Save-n men {were dead at Biiplpsville. .V\la., and 17 more were not pxpegted to live from the fesalt of drinkinga mfx- lure of wood 11100110] and cheap whisky. ' A dime-iu-thfislot machine for reg- istered letters is being tested in the New York post office. The Nélionnl Civil 'Service Reform leagxr'e will hold its annual gun-ling at Cincinnati December 16 and‘l'l The militia of Kenfnch is under m'axching orders ready. to protect the toll gnkea Gov: Bradley being deter- mined m stop their destruction At Olneyville, R. 1., 25,000 null oper. atives bqve received an advance 0120 p‘er cent. in wages. Emperor Willifim opened the German rcichstag at Be n.’ ‘ ‘ The Chinese Equal Rights league of Chicago wifl petition congre‘és to give Chinese citbgnOf tincqumry ‘he right of naturalization and citizenship. \us. Theresa Cardozzl “h. weighed 8-00 poundsafiedfin San Francisco. Gen. John S. Mason, a veteran of the Megicnn and civil wars. died in Wash- ington. aged '73 years: The River Fans (Wis) state normal school “as burned, the loss being $75. - Aspbyxintiofi caused the death of H. J Courtney. ‘Arthur Dunn and John Dalton in the Grand Trunk railway tun- nel at Fort Union. Mich A stock barf: belonging to Charles King at. Clar fills, Ia, was burned with 55 head 0 éhowe steers. "- Baron: ion Hollebbn. (be recently-ap- pointed Uermgn ambassador. prgunted lis credemials to President McKinley. Ex~Congressuiuu Ephraim M.Wcomeii died at Lebanon, P3,. at the age of 53 years. Almon EijMarsh. one oLthe two re- maining Missouri Mexicug war vgjr' eruns. died in St. Louls. aged 86 yen-s. A-«“I The second trial of A‘doiph L/Luet- gert. the sausage. maker. for’ythe murder of his wife. begaxyin Chicago. , The British bark Caramel-a was lost off thegcoust of South America and 14 of her‘ crew were drowned, ' The autonomy dgcree for Cuba has been published. It gives Sgain great; powers of cow] and is resumed un- favorably in ashington. Thirty vessels and 100 lives were lost in a hurricafie ‘hnt for 24 hours lashed the British iglest The Union Pacific fast mail completed the longee‘ record-breaking run ever made~â€"519 miles in 520 minutes. The xun was from Cheyenne to Omaha. The steamer Nahant was burned to the water’s eke at Escnnnba, Mich..« and two of the crew perished ‘ /' The DWMQE?“ Madrid has published tfie‘, royal flecree [granting autonomy tolCuba and Porto Rico'. The members (if the Aus‘rian minis- try tendered thgiyr resignation to Em- peror Francis Joleph. The North Germad Lloyd steamer KaiserIWilbelm der‘Grosse made the trip from. New York to Southampton'in 5 days. 17 hours. 28 minutes. which beats all eastward records. The Umi'ted States supreme court holds/the franchise of the Frankfort (Kyfij lottery to be invalfd. J Riot; phvéiled imhe Austrian reichs- rat): and pdiice were' cailcd upon to pre- *» serve order. . â€" LATER. It is V'Er): easy to cénvince a ma bat he already .beheVQSxâ€"W'ashingto Demo- crat. ; Are precious scarce. TiIfie tries (be worth of a man or medicine. Hostetter’s $ mach Bitters is a forty-five years’ growthfiied like those hardy lichens that garnishthe vices of Alaska’s rocks, it flougishcs perennially, and its reputation has as firm a basema the rocks themselves. No medicine in more high- ly_ regarded as a remedy for fever angi e, bflioqg rerpittent, constipation; liyer a}d_ id- nay disorderx,"nérvbh§hésu75@}i}{zéhffififii The ygoun pohtleman who seeks a‘situa- tion is!) 'i‘as likeh to succeed as the oung man who lxustles for a job. ~â€"Chicagog ewa. Why is it that a boy always insists upon raising pigeons or bantam chickens, in- st‘eadlsof somethin useful, like' turkeys, or pm?â€"Atchiscn Grebe. " Not nearly all the funny thingsin this world are with a museumrâ€"Wasémington Democrat. ' ’ ‘ Don’t Neglect a Cough. Take SomegHale'a Hnngy of Horohouhd and Tar instangr. Pike 5 'Eoothache Drops Cure in one inute To Cure 3 Cold in‘ one Duiy ‘ Take Laxative Btomo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it failsto cure. 25c. You can tell a good deal about peo 1e by the appearance of their back porch.â€" Kash- ington Democrat. There titre“) but few p pl'e who: know entrugh n “that a pwh t_ I thou ht’ hen anyt them anyt ing.â€" uh- ington Democrat. , Ask your gem:- to-day to ahowf‘you a package of G AINâ€"O the new food drink that takes the place ot’pofiee. The children may drink it without m'ury as well as the adult. All who try it ike it. GRAIN-0 has that rid: seal brgwn of Mocha or Java but it is made from pure grains, and the most delicate stomachs receive it Without distress. 1-4 the pricelof coffee. l5c and 25 cu. per pagkage. Sold by all grocers. The Final Touch. â€"'â€"“He\lo, Je : got our new flat all titted u ?" “ 1N0! ignite. ay y, do you krinw where can bu afield- mg booth-brush?”â€"â€"Chicago Racer-(1k "Ilzéamergme axingsasdvepngayq seem of late to haw; lost my powers of 1m- flggaation almost gompletely."â€"Clevelmd er. a -’ Shake into vour under shoes Allen’s Foot- Ease, a powder {or the feet. It giyee rest and comfort, prevents that mun-(mg sen- sation and keeps your feet from perspiring. Allen’s Foot-base mnlgeg cold feet warm. After your feet perspn'e they usually feel cold at this season. Ask your druy int 0:- shoe dealer to-day for a 25c box of Jen’s Foot~Eaao and use it at once. Samfile sent Free. {Vidress Allen S. Olmsted, Le qu,N.Y . The Missionarvâ€"M friend whafi would {on do if \ou expectegthe end of the world ten daVs? The Trampâ€"W ait for itéPuck. To a modest Se ifive, higlifi strung young worn ,especially an unmarried women, there :is no more trying or painful ordéd}. than the “examinations.” which are now so common in hospiteis and private practice. :‘ ‘ I An examination by speculum,br \ otherwise, is sometimes a. positfivc necessity in oettain stages p} many diseases peculiar to wom no at least, it. is declared by 't 6 pro- fession. This would not. be 11 case if patients heeded their sympmin time. , “ Dear Mrs. Pinkhnm: â€"-It affords me great pleasure to be able to lay a. tow ‘Vvords 1n regard to the merits 0; your Vegetable Compound. I was \ to try it after seeing the effec -of it upon my mother. and now I feel 111d. new person. lI am a sitenog'rap er and was troubled with falling of the want» and female weakness 1:: gener l‘, I continued to work until I wasaowoukl could no longer walk, and th last day I was forced tostop and rest. 31 was then so ill that I was compelled to stay in bed and so n that I could not hold anythin in my hands. The least noise or ,, would cause y heart to beat E loudly, and I would become so weak I, could hardlykstand I suffere for almost a Vear. It is different now. 1’ can go aboufiny work with pleasure. while before, work was adrudge. " Kennaâ€"I understand you’ve bought “I“ to keepb Iars away. w .- <_ He nsâ€" es. ' d‘TEu are net troubled any more at night. en suppo pose?” "0 1y by the dog. ”â€"Uptanbe Not I Diplomat. “You never teH me that I look \ oung and nyggt {1p} mpre," pouted Mrs. Lowlace. I'll" It a. young zirl‘s blood is witery, her skin pale and waxy looking, her ips colorless. *bowel's torpid, digestion poor. her ears phd temples throb and she is subject to headache. begid it once to build up her system with Lydia. E.) PinkhamF'SfVegetable Compound. Do not allow her to nqdergo alphysical examination. .n. uv- a--- ~â€"~â€"_ -_-_.._.. .0. -- _. 3"Here is a letter from a young l§dy who requests that her name should not be used, big gives her initials and street number so that any imiiiry addressed to her will be received. She says: A “ Trusting‘hat my words of praise may help some other amictcd pet“; and begof nefit to womankind in general, I remain, Yours in M 4» 13., L144 w Bast St.,1ndlan§polis. Ind." - Sworn to before me aud'subacribed in m presence, this 6th'dnK of December A. . 3886‘ W. GLEAerN ' LSeW“* » N own-y Pubfic. all'sCIttnhCfilre is taken internally and act: directly on the blood and mucous pur- faces of the svstem; Send for testi 011mb, ‘ree. F. J.CHENEY CO., Tole+ o, 0. Sold by dru ists, 75c. ' ' ‘ Hall’s ani Pills are the best. , Mrs. Pinkham U How NVo~ men MayAvq ‘ gainful-9: TRYING ORDEALS FOIE‘WOMEN. W t 00., doirhg gusiness in the oily of‘fl‘oledo County an ate gforeuud, and "‘xat‘ daiti firm will pay the shin of One Hunat'ed Dol- lars for each and every case'of catmh tint gannot be cured by fire use of Hall’s Catarrh A‘v'r ' [\‘vrfl‘vhi‘r Sun: or qu, Cm 0! Tampa, u LUCA: 00 MY. ', _ Frank J. Cheney aka oath that he 15 t senior partner of the firm of _F..J..(?1feney ; Co., doing businesg in the; cxlyfiffl‘olgdp: Not yourself? Use St Jacobs Oii gfor Soreness and stiffness. It will cure‘ Kee -on an.“ suffer if you think SC. acobs Oil won’t cure rheumatism §v§om to before Eéviiaiéfibaéfibéd Vin 1i}; Try Grain-0!- Try Grain-Q! If Makel Cold Feet “’nrm. Reputaubn- Made In Q DIV A Simple Proxrlmrfleq Equally the Way. 7 ii“; use of Hall’s Catan ‘ ANK J, CH‘EEEY. The consumption of gun plug tobacco it the largest in the war} . No other tobacco in so good as Star plug in all respects. Is the leading house. Nov. 28, “Ath Ridge," the new Southern play, opens for eight. nights. Beau can be 880qu byyn'.“ Iiirmin ham, Montgomery, Mobile, Pen.- cola an New Orleans. Algae a doubie My The world seems a narrow place when we wish to avoid our euemlbs, but wide tad vast in it when we part from those we lava. â€"â€"N. Y. Independent ._._~._ You can’t convince an edxmn thlt “D news is good news.”-Chicaso News. nal Some Mnflge. at Cour-e. Mrs. Bellowsâ€"'2 Have you married mé far my moncv. ‘ Bellowyâ€"Azhem! Well, I certainlv didn't 5031) the altar [or my healthâ€"N. Y. Jour- ‘ Information Whom the . partment of the Louisville 4; hashville road comfiany that all their trams ha i been resumed and schedules restored. The» include a double daily solid train serviet from Cincinnati, Chicago, Louisville, Euro anslon and St. Louis to Nashville. Memphu, '. Birmingham quntgomefig, Molyilg,_Pe_ng- ’9. May 'ane lent That. “He told me to get 05 the earth. What due“ supp“? be 9.18.9?‘551' . ééi'fict: Bfil’hllrfiéhvhfifi'etI-éléeai; 2:18; 6 the Northern cities to Jackaouvil e, Flor “Do you think that stimulants Wouldhurt me, doctor. 9" .- "Not: if you leave them alone. ”â€"Detl'oit e Press “‘I’fi: £3,522; to wigâ€"(“that you needed O bagh, evidqntly.”â€"Inuisvflle ConnerJou- On October 19, November 2 and 16, N- cember 7 and 21, the Cotton Belt Route W1. sell round trip tickfls from St. Louis, Cum and Memphis to all points in Arkanul. Louisiapa'aml Texas, at one fare for th round trip plus $2.00. This in an excel!” opyortunitv for home seekers to secure 3 good locafion. For full particulars :3 to ratep, em, and for free copies of handsome- l] Illustrated .pamphieu__ab9ut_the Grey. South and last. On December 7 and 21 the Big You aim. and Chesapeake 5c Ohio nilwny wilf‘lell excursion tickets from all paints northwest, both one way and round trip, at gentlyn‘ duoed rates to points in Virginia, Torthlnd South Carolina and other southern stats. Round trip tickets will be good twentyono days returning. \Vrite for particular: IN! pgmrlhlet’g‘iesf'riptixe of_ Virginia fahnm land; Southwest, wri‘te {b Ejvfi'iwl’j'Breihnie, G. P. T. A., St. Louis. Mo. 71a} U. L‘. Tmitt, Northwest m Pas-eligé Agent, 234 Clark St., Chin; Cheap Rates to Arkansas uni Te” Hood'. PHIO are the ("arise enchants. pa. A Combination «Trouble. can“. ‘ Much Bufferlng. ‘ BIRD ISLAND. KINN.â€"" I' we in. bled with my sto . Nearly everything I an Would- gud would held: it At. times: ~ ' sue mom true. M k wuillsme on W at kidney! culty. I bought six bomm Koch’s Samparllh; when I had Ilka: {on bottles I was cured." Ronny melon. la the bestâ€"1n tact the One True 15106:! W. Hoodfs ‘Sgfiapari!!a None So Good .- Star Tobacco. Tum to the South Ilenuhet. MEVIcker'n Theater, Clumo. Great DiStress nonm’nr nxcunéfis’n Valulble Advlce. L:T 1; gm 101 ‘he Hoh Lu qdqnegashq Jilguluxoq “no audio! wutdnkin‘ mp; 300 when I .d , who no“ “firing". I'll flown, find 11'; In que‘flomk. Ar' * port} charuxeri “’Bhu' hmn'L I wells on“ in] look’ him fluid II! finer-l chum old. Ind I H.- prod! an I‘m. “new ye got I “I luv. It‘s ta of {he Holy In your town. Tl only ten "1113.4 exhibhhun 10 q tho: path of wk but lint 0' col I managerie 0” which interest. 291’} Ind after f‘We've go: ha. “Jae 1c . uldn't wn r its head yer show. 5} the only pure} Inlor made ini hornbowdod “h Ian I 1 One “flu" P1 the gehcral I :nthullnm. I up to bring a like it wai ev dare. Would mred that] need of sum “I know sh if yeéhappen hind)" I mngh I pas“:- 01: Inc:- the my kit and wt“ mm, the in body; elu- in chow. Befon spoke I flew umblnge. T nin' my man Rgefiable Li! ind then 1 I holdup to th: , “Mon. 0! I ‘me if we II , “The man 6! it 3n: n {he mnh.” 1 I “Hutu! do! tin find “rm f If. nod in a In scllin' 1 keer not to by claimin'_ tun critter! menu of , u cure (-10 .1 the quid I Opens I Er‘n‘wuo SILAS :gulake the [Capri

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