Illinois News Index

Highland Park News (1874), 3 Dec 1897, p. 4

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Published in {he xmvrcsrs u! Highlnud I‘uL. Highwmxl and aninin.‘ ever} Friday .mcrnrwn m Evans A Farrmt. Advertising rates and: known on application M this oMce. The pulhishers take plessure in announcing the successful vompleâ€" lion of one “year of publication of the was with last, \velzk's issue. The work wué begun last December with some hesilgtinn. hm we had a (-umiction that the time, had 'nome‘ for a Inca] paper of our mum and not an outsider with a Highland Park Lulcmrl .n labelv attached. The result is gratifying. The subscription lis‘t has had a stead; and healthy gwwth‘ t’rmn the start, additions being made every week and almost without fiolication. This voluntary feature nf the increase has ht-vn urtpociully; :ratifying. as it almwfi that this“ paper has nwt, howewr imperfectly nur at'tual wants and secondly :i loyal determination." h_\‘ all our people to sustain :1. home enterprisl}: so that mtln) our list is larger than Wu ,et- pH'tvtl it “(will lw “hi-u (hr: putt)!“ [disc \\;I\‘ tamlt‘rtakvn. . Tho :nli‘ertisi H; prurun. 70 has lm‘n fair, largvr in somlé directions :unl snmlle'r in nthers, than tve had vxpt-ctml, but altogether imiking :1 fair ave-raga, And what Lislymostv gratifying tn u.» is the fact that our best advertising patrons mpress thmnsclvox as fully satisfied, which pmws thé value of the Ntiivs :18 an advertising medium, . Some of our husinefis people who do not Ibelieve Lawns B. Human, A. E. EVANS, » E UNA“ \u-nun m :ulu-rtising.‘ may never be con- \in<-ml. but that dOH‘t prove any- thing. Au eld farmer down East heliow-d ‘he world ”wits flat and could fiot- be convimwd of the con- trary. but that did not prevent Geno Grant from going, around the world. 'l‘herc is no law to vn'mpel ngn to advertise and incrcus‘glheirbusiness um] profits. But [he vas {hunks thu~‘c who hawsmoxl by in in '«its curl} and most. trying history, and no“ ahums with them the credit,‘ :Ludhonnr (if being on a mund, ~«*1:‘»<!:<uxizxilxg. husiues“ filmting. All thié is Inc) as :1 matter 0f thanksgiving. though not men. x'mnwl in the 'l‘bank‘givingfi public ‘6‘TV' “'0 Here. is another cantennialfihc 1000“) anniversity of the birth of Alfred, E King of England.' ,Quite ~a while to; rememlx r a fellow Who wilI place . flowers on th: (graw of the- Prince. of : Wales, Nov. .2)th 2841‘: ()r who will: care for John R. Tanner £2 fragrant memory, or that, of A (geld, either. But Gludstom-J‘iwuln u‘nd Mary Ly- 1 on and other worthius 'will be remem- ‘ bered by thv soon Hglw long will. you and I h: rcme n'oerzfl on account of the good we have done? ' \Vp mku pica‘xuru aim in saying that nith {hm issue Gin" Mws appears-fin :m unlarged. and we appears-fin :m unlnrged. and rrmt. IL more attrunnve form. A xaw patent medicine came to town Tuesday. It cures neuralgia,§ sore throat, catarrhkluiusy. diphthef riu. headache, tooth-ache. ear ache; asthma, croup, chilblains, etc. etc. ,1 at fifty cents a bottle. You can buy it if you want to. It works in English and Gérman and will kill Or cure in both languages with equal efl’ett. There Wm be no fools gm". ing‘ themselves with patent mudi- ('iut‘h in the millenium. fern“, $1.00 fier yrar, 50 cents tor \le .mhs. 3o ecnls for thrt-c months. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3 at! .n the.» postnnicv a? Hinixiund Park, “L. as scumd class munch Highland Park. “H TO OUR PATRONS: Highland Park News. Buildin ) . -' LEmron. 7 BUSINESS MANAGER. nms n 55‘ ”gm-ad urn! be another revolution'and ‘u‘iaW cabinet ere this issue of the News in the hands of it's readers. 3PM") has a new’ ahmet' Whose names We cuyld give, but m might Tm: schools began Monday,on time all pupils on hand; no skulls broken or shins severely bruiSed by the spurts Q! :1 three duys’ vacation; our respects and congratulations to {be Sixth Graders. It is a mighty poor place to live ddwn there among vt-he hills and rocks, but we observe the Vermont Live Stock company has 'ust declared its 20 per cent dividehd his year,” usuaf Evidently prosperity is han'rr mg around down there. ' JUST think of it boys, especially if jyou are poor and have to work for a :livi-n'g.’ L. 7 Leimr, Xi‘amhall Field, flex-President Mumm. l’oslumster lGeurslml Wanamaker, George Pea- Pbody. tho London bunker, George 3M. Pullman; Mar-Vin Hughitt. Eben lJnnlan, David Livingstone, Hugh '1 Miller, John Jacob Astor and makes ‘60; other rich and great and good {.meu-smrted as poor boys.- and Lin» {calm was not brought up in a palace. We note that; in certain sex‘io'us of New England, pepple .310 longqr. dj’qz} they simply “page; to 'tbe immortal shore" Gnu whrthy" young man “pass- ed into the Eternal Home in Los Augel’es." It, nsed‘tn be said that Englishmen, and some few Bostbniana Went tn Paris when they died. Tums is one fihing _to be‘xa‘id’in favor of Iynch Inw; It, is spa-edy justice. It 15 nuw ncuriy two years since Durant, in Sam Franc-ism, mur- dered Miss Lamont,- aud be is yet uu hung Su_ch dvI ayes ()f‘jUStIC/fi are a premium on crime. Instice should be speedy and sure; Jersev justice has much in its Invur, utter all thv sum-rs. heaped upou'it, as cI‘qu, etc. 5\.\ Eastern scientist has discover- ed a process for bafi'ing pics in twelve minutes bv electricity That s noth- ing; we could tell of westvm house- wives who have rivaled that. with an old fashioned cook stove: .It hunt. the pies ate as though tho-vb had imam in the oven not to qxceed a down minâ€" utes! Tna death fate of Chicago is now below 11 per'ltm.'thdlevwét kuoivn And‘still Chicago drinks Lake Mich- iigan water; hence it must be the lake is fed by linge ,niedicinal _springs. What IS the use of going to Suratogo or other spas when the inxehuust ible lake IS in our \ery homes! Turn On the faucets and let 1hc- life and Beéltii-giving ixi’jvterg flow. ‘Rali for Lake Michigan and our water wurks'. 011.1 two days 21043 :1 prominent- bushwss than askedo us to keep up thia loo many churches (liqumsion. Tell the folks not t2) help build any more churches. and urge 13111110. Of those we have to unite and relieve the public of some of these extram kgant burdens. Aud he “cut 011 to say that every churclLiu town save lthe Catholic and Trinity was strug- igling with debts, which the people «must paysooper or later. No more churchesiglhis town, 11nd all the peo ‘jple say amen l Wazwl, The great and f general municipal court of Lake Forest, has fined John V. Farwell, who ‘ has spent thousands ofâ€" dollars for i the city’s benefit, a [paltry $10.00 . be- cause big; hir'gd man bauléd away a load or two, more mj lass, of sand than he was strictly entitled to be! cause, as th‘eIcOuntleclaijed, _the sane" tity of the law-and the dignity Of a policeman must be maintained Had that case come to our {Sourt we should have dismissed iLto Rive the honor and dignity of )the city. To us it looks like pettfi spite work. non): late too many pettv law its here; some 0 them are neces- ry, but lots of them are toolish apd extravagapt Some {511m can’t set tle 8.31m thinks he ‘ shank} god 3‘9; bringm suit m1 in the summit .out all he makes, it he wins his case; often it costs him two or three times all he makes. There are cases and times when a quit shgqld be prose outed for the sake _.o§_ the pitineiple involved, but it is hot often so. Usuâ€" ally it is spunk or mad and mén foolishly, yes often wickedly squan- ‘ der money in these little suits and ? rob their families of elothiug and 11:99: been pitching into things, in that‘ city, in‘his Sunday sermons). He says the ‘g’uldeneafi, has- a shrine among; us,” and" the‘n‘ he gees out and let-t- ures on “Fools” ht so much a night. Bacchlis,'the god sf drunkzi'rda, has his templeson every street, and worst still, M‘ércury, the god of thieves, is enthroned iu the- very Cquncil Chamber of Our City Hall! - Still Ravi human?“ 5': Hanson. D.D:,r a éomewbat. noted div‘ihe, of Chicago, again Venus has her degraded devot- ees und‘disgruceiul orgies under the ver'y'sbadow of our chuljches. All min explains why there, is such an exodus to Highland Turk every 863.501)? “OLD ELI Walloys Princeton” is the way 1)_‘ur Ygringfield Republican speaks of afe’ great victorv oi Prineetnn Saturday, at but ball in“ New Haven. Ttieflscoru stood (5 £01 Yale t090 for Princeton. Itiseems 110- body in Nutmegdbm 'or in the Jerseys or anywhere else, expected anything but defeat for Yale and an eawy vic tory for the Tigers, and when Yale actually scored 6 to old ’Princeton’ s () Stuid old New Haven, the seat and fountain head of New England ortho do.“ went wild with delight 11nd every body canghlt the infection. 001v a Week before Yale ‘liad beaten Hat wind in Cambriége, and this seconfl victory was too much The town was intoxicated ova; it. “Rah for Sale.” Temlmu: est fallere in > liandibus j Johannae Tauri 1râ€" go ~slow 011‘ that“! genitive â€"â€" which being .interpretedl means, “It 15 11 tarrihflc thing to faili ; into the l1311d5;,.0 John Ball" i William T. Stead, fwho wrote Ll ‘ Christ should jcorne‘to Cluca‘g'o’isgiw i ing the finishing» touches £0 a new} book on America entitled ‘Satzm sl Invisible WOrId Displayed” or an e.\- { planation of recent Greater New York, Mayor election 1 When we remembel i that English joprnalist’s are guilty!I oféuch bulls {in calling Rhmle Island 1 one of the_counties of Massaéhusetts, ‘ we can surmise the amount of lightl Mr. Stead can throw on this sullject. l But shis 15 to bl: said 1n his favor, he writes a very breezy book, full of :sharp points, fairly lnistles like a 'porcupine. \ , .. ,,~' The EXCJNOEPHFi” sake charge, 9f the. 1102113in exercises the. mm of; December. '- ' Frank MoCzlfl'grxhas been absent, the past Week. 9.” agwounltl 0f sick- mess; v The, Excelsior -Literary. society met'thetliwtweek and eleeted John B.,ubb president; Miss Maud lumen, vice president; Miss Lulu Dautle, Secretary; Arthur Loch, Sergeant at arms. The committee to take charge of fibetoricalsz. Alias Clarykeyes, Newman Finney, John Osborn. The colors chosen were purple and gokL The membership us the samo as the Qui .Vives Ind the objeots are also the same. The societies will 31 'ternfik' 1p; 33mg? chdrgé of rhetori 'Cal axerci'Ses. . A prominenfl l'ndy- - of Highland Park complimented Dale, Sweetland on his fine judgment in ‘ selecting presents. V The committee on music has not H. yet. been apnointed HIGH SCHOOL NOTES; ROBERTSQN NOLAN f'i: Lumber and Bufldnng Material e’I AII Kmds. Hard and $014 Coal, sawed and Split Wood, maxing. OFFIGE MD YARD: ST. JOHNS AVENUE?!“ lUflflEB DISTBIGT; Frans 1nd Vacuum” Received dull); ‘_ Fancy Groceries, Dry floods D and Crockery, 0. ~ A. - .KU-I;$T; Stovwmma, . _ Housekupmg Goods; BOOKS...»~n SHOES. w HARDWARE? ' Mai no; Pad; mob. _L._- :1 "Hi ,‘- if! ‘ I 9'44 .1”: "I“ Hi bland T cphonc 000‘! WWW Free 01%. fl. EBAIKLII 6. VI Icon 1 mnuum " nouns: announcer. :x’. . u“ r m Smith. of High! in“! pity today - _ The Rm Jr. C am "‘ fidmmacher II W angelic-t. IMIs (Highwuod From the mrth" From the south. 11.0.,"3JS. 5‘37. 74m p BII‘AIT‘ V ) For (he bathhfiso. 9,10 .1, 5'33! 7-29 P' m" Mmenonl. ‘ 9 :2. n my Mai! pouches dose 15 mi depart-r: 01 ruins. W M. 4.. .4.d44.r:..3£§4§% 4.... .4 .< .uu344um4o .< 44 .4.. 4£*£134.Vh E4... :95!!! 14.4.. .0 44444554453 So-‘c sloref Independemlkda fun-n1 Sh!!!» first and mm ac): numb in' “mm x Hal Modern Woodmen of Rum fiat Ind fourth Ffldly q! at: my" hzl‘. ’nu. [gm-1v“ , Grassludc. 5-: run“ H'ghland ark Cmmcii N Arc-1mm. cc: in Man: tad fourth Mondays a! cvury Wu H. Met; secretary, hflMaH B. Charm Ra ”01â€" Sunday I It; Bun/9n!) lxtguc dz" .4- -1 rl m‘ I.“ ”yr-nun, .n.‘_: _, event!!! at : "(luck :17: each binds); m‘cmn; w 8:30; lam-mm S w and final 1 r 10an Wish ”JEChurth mvc ~Rev. U. Wading. 3mm ”inflows: Sunday pchoul. I . 7.03 p- m‘: Pn-ac . barging Thunduy ulnvm arm waned Evangvthcx‘ Thatch, pnnm. saw punching. I045 a. I .; Sunday school. 930 P M p, 112.; player media a. gt“ city on ' \ Wednend: M 3 wedding gin-q of the W" M c‘lty «7 r, Thoma-k Snurlbu game 6:! Elm Plan- , ‘0‘ Ch‘mgo. who u; Wraxjhns and mal vrnm X Evacuated \NK 141"” "1 P“ W) Irn'm l gnaw Rum ‘1 , dlf '31 ' SLMuy's‘ tholic Ch WM, pasta. Fxrs‘l_ m In“. In.oo; Sundn) sumo 2 The Balms: (.fhmch‘ .3 ix, [0,43 d. m. Sun m; Bapust \oang I‘m; 3,. 123.; punching. 7 30 {1 ”yet wading. 745 p. 1mm cuhurc ch»; 7'] ttmgclfial Lutheran A. [M2611 “ W. Fum a. m. S: ay sch/ml. in Thai!) «Chunk. l‘ (T Holy oommnmrm. 7.; "#001 11). Morning pd I“. In. Second «40.1.11 the award 4 Even song. 5 Praby‘e‘litn (Luz ".. R ; Worship qnd pfca‘hlng. ll Worship and Wea‘hlng. M. [1 m1. ‘ihrisuan Payer sepia. chnud Erskine is. Memories"! Read the Saw I DL Femald tpew Bun/Brick paltrnr M. ‘ Erskine Vii V 5; mm flag 3 visit a 1; Pan lad 3.1 A. A. Pf: .g Colorado, LOCAL l‘ W‘ll 75min”: Ta 1 {m L‘ m . - ‘

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