Illinois News Index

Highland Park News (1874), 3 Dec 1897, p. 5

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In: *3}; f; Numxummmwhu Loyes er (jond- Ck!“ and Free or Chntgc Ifffifi Kd Puk. HIinois. and Crockery. DWA RE, .. You ‘d Park. macs %: LAN, 00d Kindling. of All Kinds. LUMBER DISTRIBY. change E menu“) Pun. “ WWI n 7W NI. 5. DH. FRANKLIN B. WESBOU. noon ‘ m‘cuunn any HOURS: uzwtotnxr v. :1. “‘3' ’“GHWOOO HOURS (Highwood‘v Mom the nunh . From {he south 7. 30, 9 " 07‘ 31$ 5 37,7 7“" P DII‘AHTIIHL For me south. n.50, 9.3.0 .2. Pu} {fie mmh _ 9.12, ”3,03. m‘. 7.:9 p. m. Mail punches cluse lsfininutes before lhc dcpartur--uf trains. W. M. DOOLEY, , Postmaster. \. 0 KW lodge, A. I- aml A. M ch‘ uh! meeting nights first am. third \londay in each month at \hsonic hall .. over \{.\1oscs 8: Son‘s Store. ' Cheskmong Tribe 1, 0. R. M. Nu. “2» Med :1 Masonic Huh first and third Tuvada 8. F. M. manila, Sachem; J. H. Dufly. C. n! - Ind¢pcndcm Onkr Fumszsfi, (‘mm High~ had. Meetings firs! and third Thursdays of each month in Fomtcr's lhlL Modem Woodmen of AHNYI‘J. “tidings first and fourth Friday :7? o-zch mum in For- eilm' hall. jun. Hum-y. V. (.7 -; Fred (imasladc. Sextrclary. Highhmf Park Council No. 3000‘ Royal Arcanum. Mac: in Masonic hall sxund and fourth Mondays of way mumh. Regent. Charles H. Baker; secretary. Frank B. Uta-n. Ravinia M. E. Church. Raviniu. Rev. E. J. Humane pzsmr~5unday school an 2:30 p. m.; Epwmth Lea ue devotional meeting Sunday evening at u ‘clnck p. m” preaching at 7. 45 each Sundm P" cning: prayer meeting from B m R 30: Epuunh Lerguc busincss meeugg .md sot 32! the fourth day of -- :mh mom Swedish M ":3. Church (met Waldo‘ swath!) Jim 0. W essling pastor. Sunday services ”follow: Sundayschmd. 3. 30;). m. :Ep‘onh Leanne 1:00 p m. Preaching, 7:A.'> p. m. rr- meeting l‘hUNduy cvznmg at 7. Au. hue-um: is m\ iced. First United Evangelicgf Church, Rev. H. 3.1119ch, pastor. Sunday services: Get- ‘preaching IO 45 ‘a. m' English 7.30 p Sundav school 9 yo; K. 1., C. E. 6.45 p. m! pray-:1 rimming, “'cdnesday at Thomas Smurthwaite has sold his ylace on Elm Place to a-.Mrs. Jones of Chicago. who will make some alterations and make it her summer home. Evangelical Asqunat'mn ~Rcv. S. M. “such. or. Sunday services .1! Young Men's ending Rnum Sunday school a: xomo a. m: Germfln preachin ' at 11:00 a. m.: Y. P. S. C. Eutdus p. m.: Inglis!) preaching at 7:80 p. 111‘; Wednesday at 7:30 p. m.. cottage my" meetings: haturday. at 1:00 p. m.. cat- utxetical chasm pastor's study. SL .\Ia.ry' 5 Catholic Church. Rt». 1. C. Madden, pastor. First mass. 8. 30; second .3335. In. 00; Sunday school .3.0 The Bapnist L hutch. No pastor. Preach- 'mg, [0. 45 a. m., ..umhy schooi, 12.00 In ;Baplist Young i’coplc‘s l'nion. 6.40 p. m.; preaching, 7.50 p. m: Wednesday prayer meeting. 7.45 p. m. Thursday, Christian cuhu‘rc class, 7.30 p. m. 7.30 p. m Evangelical Lutheran Zion's Church, .-\. [)rrlzcr. pasmr, Sunday service. 10.00 a. m. Sunday school, frmn 9 to 10.00 a. m. Presbyterian ( hunt h. R \ [‘fanstieh' pasmr Wms‘lup- uncfiprcra. hing lo 45 a. m Sabbath schoq), I: ni. ( hrisxian Endeavor. 7 p :11. Prayer servicc. \chncsday‘ 7. 45 p, In. Trinixy Chunh, P. C. qucnu. rector. Holy communiun. 7.30 3, m. Sunday school. 10.00 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon. 1| .1. m. Second cclchraliun first Sunday in IRE mumh. Even song, 5 p. m. Col. Edwin B. Atwood, U. S. A., chief quartermaster of the Depart.- ment of Colorado, stationed at. Den- we? made: visit to his sister, Mrs. H B. A. Pratt, last week (of. He delivered his lecture on “Holland” before the Tourist Club .1 tips: city on Tuesday svening, ”don Wednesday evening oflci- M‘t‘ wedding of the daughwr of m of the prominent families of M city. Bev. A. A. Pfaustiehl returned Thursday noon from Lafayétt, Ind., wherehe had formerly been a pas- Read the NEWS~â€"-$l per vear Dr Fernald spent Thanksgiving in Joliet. Thursday. Butterick pauvrns {or sale ntiMiss Erskine‘a. The Bay Jr. (Tamara for $2.50 at, Schumacher‘s. ‘ J. Happ and daughter, Mrs. Will- iam Sascb, of Highland Park, visited in the city tway.~-Waukegan Daily? Sun. LLOYD M. BERGEN; M. D. 5-33: 7-29 I" mnctory 01 Sum W35- HIGHLAND M. Erskine visited Waukegan CHURCH DIRECTORY LOCAL ITEMS. PARK POSOFFle AW‘AL “Mud Park. Ill. 1247, 3f. Carnations 40 cents per done. at SChumachL-r’s‘ ‘ The City Council méetzs Tuas- day evening next. First it is a “dog fight” all the afternoon in court and then an aldermanic collis- ion in the évening. ‘ Everything will be a “pm-es verbal, ” as 'they say in Canada and not vi at mafia, as they do In ithe ring. or football 0: on the diamond, etc. $ The Highland Park Building and Loan Association has just paid dut $10,200 to matured stock holders and is yet dOing business at the old stand, just as if nothing had hap- pened. Drop up and have a talk with the genial secretary about re- turning prosperity. Our neighbor, R. W. Patton, hav. ing bought the Mersereau cottage, is building a fine burn on the lot in the rear of the cottage and a 100 foot long bfidge across theraviue, which is some 30 feet deep, to his house, and putting «in a fine driveway from the street to the barn and bridge It will add very much to his hbme, give him access to n from two streegg and relive his ywidence lot of the barn entirely. City Attorney; Smcmt has had 'a new roof put on his home. and after visiting and inspecting the mum: we are frank to say it is one of the best jobs We ever saW. The guitars have all began put in new, work dzmc by that thorough going workman Charles Kuist‘. They are of heavy galvanized iron put on in the. has: manner, and sci Well back under the shingles, neatly but thoroughly sold~ cred, and fit the roof wmplotely. We looked on that job with admiration, for With proper care it will last a lifetime. Our random ai’e respectf ullfasked to lookâ€" though théy can't RIP doing it â€"â€" at the very attnctive and most intenaely practical ad of DeWitt Clinton Pnrdy, the 8mm furnace and. hardware man. Look at that list of names and see if he has any cinch on the families of thifi city. Every housewife knows when her neighbor has a new stove or range and asks where she got it, how she likes it etc, and that kind of talk tells. It is ‘a‘go‘ud range well put up, etc, which makes every mistress find maid like it {md “peak Well of it. See Purdyfis list of satisfied folks. ,A largely attended progressive euchre and dancing party was héld by Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Aldridge 11‘ their homeon Glencoe avenue last evening. The playing was' very s,pirited and resulted mg Daniel Sheahen winning the first. gentle man’s prize and Mrs. Fred Den- man the «ladiee’s prize for best} playing. ,On account of the quality of his playiinngames Bowden was awarded the booby prize; Miss Ma- bel McDonald of Highwood won the ladies! booby prize. Those who at1 tended prciuounbe it one. of the most smcessful Iand enjoyable all-airs of the kind h¢ld 1n the Pérk for some time. , i Bornâ€"- To Mr. and Mrs D Wes. can, a son. ‘ Miss Lulp Bell returned this week fro‘vm Daydyn, Ohio. {Wind and wife eat turkey in Chic agoé Thanksgiving. W D Eighthall rejoices in the advent. of {an infant child last week. Rev. Ba," F._ Crossman preached Sunday night 1n the M. E, Church. The “W bee” héld Thankkgiv- iug Day at the church resulted. in the cutting of about three cords of wood. a Eveljy intelligent. lady should un- derstand the merits of the -Willoox Gibbs machine, and it. voéts [nothing m learn them. HIGHWOOD HAPPENINGS. KNOWLEDGE l5 men. Through the courtesy of. one of the members, we enjoyed the priv- ilege of yesterday’s ineetiug. It be- ganfifteen minutes late,_byour time, but everything went forward from 1 start to finish,a'in ,perfeeti order. Mr _ Dr. Rewman presided with (“$11th and entire self possess- ion. Miss Van Sehaiek need the re“ cords admirably and then, instesé [of the old style of» the city, council, veting on their aoceptation,’ they are approved by the president, unless objected to, and the Ossoli seems ‘ to have no one who makes speeches land motions for the sake of hearing the music of her own' voice._ Mrs. Lawyer Schumncher, read the essay on “Poetry”, which occupied a trifle over‘ forty minutes in, the read- ing, and so far as we nmd, there was not a dull or superflons line. After a comprehensive introduction she discussed, in a most fresh,vigor. our, entertaining, ad to our mind instructive manner, Homer, Demo, Shakespearqhnd Goethe, as repre- senting.the points she wished to make, and we enjoyed every word of it, save here and there a sentence we did not fully beer. She was both familiar with and full of her subject, quoted with ease and pertinence. After reading thirty minutes, she suspended reading And let her sud-i itors put their feet, so to speak,agtin on tons firms, while Miss Pricilla‘ Carver gave a piano solo, Very bean- tifully, and we thought; with great skill. Then Mrs. Schumacher dis- eoursegl of more recent poets, as Wordsworth, the Brownings, etc. . She briefly and lightly touched oh dangerous ground. bar’she'dill it del» icauely and admirably, m: Why geniuses ere so liable to be unhappy 3 in their wedded lives. She gave no ‘ explanation,and qited the Brownings . as~brilliant exceptions. Theu_Miss Cole, of the Chicago University,rea(i , acapital peper on Hebrew Poetry, : with special reference to the Unvidic ‘ authorship of the Psalms. She be- gan with reading a line version of , the “Song of Deborah” and then stood for the sweet singer of Israel ‘as the authorof at least ten Psalms, , viz.:7.11,18,24,32,3,4,8,19,and 29th and the occasion of each. Loyal to Free. Harper, she refuses to accept all the dicta of the rank higher critics, _as rMcCheyne and his school. Ifthatgpaper, fairly rep- resents the ground of i the biblical criticism of the University, we can throw up our hats for Dr. Harper’s school. She quoted freely and her renderings were fine. Mrs. D; M. Erskine spoke briefly, but well, of Spencer, and Miss Everett. of Kip- ling. We enjoyed her criticism and accept her prophecy of the pop et‘s future. Theminisner from Deerfield. sued for salary before a jury , is Judge Holme‘s com-p Wednesday night and was awarded judgment for the fuh amount of his bill, about. 880. The jury came to an agreement after deâ€" liberating lese than five minutes. There was a large audience quite filling the roomend some who were late, as some always are, sat in the vestibule and reading room. ‘Mrs. Ashton presented if new circdlating library scheme for éenabling the la- dies to have the reading of all new books without buying them. e are frank to say the papers re of a higher grade and more stimulating and satisfactory than we had expec- ted. It was a personal pleasure to be there. 3 ' Home-mede Sficclaltles. 16 their sewn order: when for Jellies. Caligula. Presenin .and Pickling. ome-madeCan «at all times. Orders taken, at Mrs. Buck's, oral "9 Path Aw. ‘ Honk-nude Mince Mat _ THE 08501.! CLUB. ....;u'x’a W. ALLEG RETTIS Fred”. W. Schumacher, sou: AGENT. PLOWSQg‘. These mndies can oxgy ’be bought. fresh from the factmfy’ hrough us. ‘- We also have an assortment OI cam- eras ranging from $2.50 upward. A complete line of t ateurs’ supplies. But‘these are only ide issues. Our Special attention ii given :0 (be handling of \ _,/ .. GAME/RES .. Pure Drugs gn A Filling 'Iscriptions FredvW. Schumachzr, WHILE evtlrythjng else is upslde down now, read (his anal-3y and remember (ha! from now on um: after the hulldays~ dam weeksâ€"- BRAND...,‘ Only first-clam work done. and thag'JriomKd‘y Don't wan. but come early and no the o l, day rush and bad weather. , waaJAm, W Put. will make 15 4mm am: or 12 9mm ”an Cabinets For $3. 00. ’ Henry Ewart, 72‘ Blacksmith.... _ Central A [venue GIESER BROS" Fresh and .Salt Meats, w. camiAva, - HighlandPuhm. runuou; 42. second Stu“. Painter, Dedorator and Papet Hanger. All work executed promptly and in the best. manner. . DFFIEE: HARIRGIF ’8; KEIIEHEH NEWS STORE. RAFFENGILBAKER, Coal, Buildillg material, amfice. Frahk Si‘iestmm, PURE wuschsm ICE. West Side Bhrber Shop JUST, (")Pi‘USlTi-l THE ’ DEPOT 'PHONE as. The LeadinggMarket, .... flOrseishoer. Horstshoeing a specialty ORSON B. BRAND, 275 Central Avenue. manner. nsué BUTTER AND 366$. ' P’rcscrlptfon angular, TELEPHONE NO. 34‘ JOHN H. MOHR. Prov. AND THE WA]. the Photographer, J. MCKINNEY. DEALER: Em mam/mo PARK. HIGHLAND PARK Electrical ‘ Construction. Ele‘c'kric Light, ' 'éEIectrlc Bell, { = Burglar Alarm, ' .‘\ l \; Fire Alarm Prlvhté Highland Park Beckie Light Co. Fancy firocerics, Tea and Coffee. EVANS - BROS. Frilits and Vegetables: St. Johns Ava. - Tdephonc 46. PITTSSE'GENEST, Horseshoes) Vamps!!! Bugg'mfladctoOda. Wing, Painting, Eta, Prompdy Done. WEST CENTRAL AVE. s SOMERVIILE’S ‘ Bafiry and Reétaurant, A chvLine of Bakery Goods Hot Rolls and Bread . Delivarcd for Breakfast. H. MILLS. , General Heat Market. Fresh, 83% and Smoked Meats. Highland Park Laundry, A. 0. ORTLUND. Hunger. - First Class Work At Reasonalfle Prices "Lamont as Hot and Cold Malt “All "an; “be cuTebmed Chm 5: Sh- m eofiee we are prepued w sell :1 to you in any quantity. W "n- noisv prepared to do an kindspf El tuical Cflnstmction wmi an "pau- ‘ :surhas _ \ bur workméri’ima ex, we use only \hc 329! manna! apd our new an- M L». g- 18 constant)! mm x ’ork. WM Goods senfiE for and delivered to all parts of the city. Orders by post or telephoné promptly attended to. A11 grades of Flour. Hay. Feed. Outs ‘Bran. Com hie-1.61m“: Me . Naming: and Straw. flMflLAND PARK; ILL. and Speaking Tubes. St. Johns Ave" next :0 P. 0. Hall In Mm All Khan ~° Blacksmiths; - always on hand DIILZIS (N Tun-091i: u

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