Illinois News Index

Highland Park News (1874), 3 Dec 1897, p. 8

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J udge Levi M. Codi-stock. who dwells in the confines of aninia, like Paul of old, works between law times at his trade as carpenter. As_ such he had his chest. ofv tools in the attic u! Lawyer Schumacber‘a new house. Saturday night ere be mounted his wheel Bucephaius for his Raviuia ruralretrwt, he put a1} his tools,a apron and mittens into his chest audiocked it and that was the last he has seen or heard of i! Some one who knew of it went up there one 0f thosqtvbo nights and stole it. So we have thieves in town and other folks want to be on their guard The Judge had his nail set in his vest [met and is so much aiiend An expert auditor has just gone urer the accounts of the building of Solomon's temple. He findgathe actual‘cost, 'aftet his final revision’is and corrections to bind beet; $52,- 117,034367.l6~100.~ Just how those. odd cents came in we know' uotiuatotal of over fifty billion dollars. - Like the ordinary kid: the NEWS is but ’of its skirtsraud tbday dons its kuiokerbockt'rs. Quite a lad, he is; just a little padded for the time be- ing to fill out, while he grows up to the full size of his new suit. Olney Moore, of the Port Clinton district. is home from college in Milton. Wis., for his two weeks early winter vacation. He was an erst- while correspondent of the ans, and has been Working out of school hours, at the case and press up among the Badgers. ‘ The subject of Rev. A. A. Pfan- stiehle‘ssermon next Sunday moru‘ ing at. the Presbyteriax’ church will be "Opportunity.” Miss Evans will sing. 'Mrs. Hammond’s dog is named "Buster," because he is w fat he will some day bust his hide, unless he has a variucose Vein rubber belt around him. The Raymond house has been put in repair making it one of the finest houses on Port Clinton avenue. 'We understand it will soon be occupied, but by whom we could not learn. Mrs. Fred Schumacher is another on whom our sudden and severe winter is too much. Wm trust, her illness~ is only temporary. for these are days when the grippe and; pneumonia lurk'in the air. Mr. Coale, who has been putting up a house north of the iMisses LaBar’s, has got it about ready for occupancy and has started moving m. Just one year ago last Satlfrday at 3 o'clock p. ,m. the first copy of the New: appeared. Thanks for all your appreciation and support. Mrs. W/P. Whyte and Miss Bes- sis Eddolls spent a most enjoyable Thanksgiving day at RiVérside, the home of Miss Eddoll’s sister. ‘" Order your Christmas candies early. Fred W. Schumacher has Plow’a and the original Allogrettis. Chicago hag 30,000 defective plank sidewalks. If they keep on they will in time overtake Highland Park. McPherson Ingalls haVe nearly finish laying the trolly line bé- tween 6 reservation and the elec~ trio light station. I Sad news irqm Paris; women can no longer fuquent the public ‘bars 'of that city. What will the world come to if these feforms go on 3‘ Mrs. Harriet G. Stockton has taken rooms at the Chicago Beach hotel for the winter; Robert and Mia Rafien attended the charity ball m Chicago Tuesday night. ' I A girl bag arrived i9 thq family of John Hart. Holiday Gifts. ‘A‘large and tasty assortment at Dale Sweetland’s. LOCAL ITEMS. Rev. Edirard H. Fitzgerald of the diocese of St. Joseph-Mu, and for merly of the Indian Catholic bureau, has been appointed poet chaplain by order of Adjutant General Brock of the regular‘ army, and iassigned to duty at Ft.- Sheridan for two months’ instruction, prior to his appoint rnent to a permanent station. Father Fitzgeralde‘s appointment as well as his first assignment, was made at the dirmt- instance of Rev. Father Vatt mann. post chaplrunut Fort Sheridan. ‘ We purch‘aSed a new-and complete history of the United States‘ at the Fair, for fifteen Ct'nts. chronologicâ€" ally arranged. Indeed’it is all chro- nology, a 12 mo. volume of 276 pages It is purely a work of reference, and well worth several tithes its cost. But imagine our surprise on finding it begins with A,D. 432. or 1060 years before Columbus made his pretended discoveries. Why Christopher was an old fogy, a iaplagiurist. a thousand years behind the times! England goes back to the Heptagrchy and the Caesarsvand ‘we will hencefoi-th go back to Fix-Sang. A. D. 432! How antique we really :m-l Herbert F. Evans. who is at Col. gate; will put in ‘his holiday vaca- tion in reviewing his studies aright there on the ground; He proposes to stand well in the “upper register" of his class. and is' a wise boy. We learned in our boyhood that if was very much easier, as Well as gleaS‘ auter, to lead a gang of mowers than to bring up the rear. It' is Very: much the same in; conic sou lions; Livy and Thucsj‘dides, If there i5 any one in this town who can tell us 'when the: High school Opened apd how many. years Prof. Ray taught, that person will confer a greaf favor on 113 by com. municuting the facts'to us 'at once; We have been scouring around foi' the information and fail so far to get it. We do not want guesses;- we can supply these ourselves, but give us the facts. The records of that ancient oveni have disappeared. Charles Baker is the kind of a man to have around. We happened to remark Tuesday morning in his office that we were going to Chicago (in the next train. Without a fur- ther word he stepped around to the cash drawer and said: “Don’t you want some money, Judge?” That’s the first tithe we ever had an oppor- tunity to decline such an offer, though We have lived in Highland Park _over ten years. Mrs. H. C. Leland is doing ‘as school teachers used to do down in New England 40/years ago. She is "boarding around" among her old friends and parislmners, and we,.yvill guarantee she is having u good time; we have tried it. r Blessed is the minister who will be heartily wel- comed back by his old pariah. Potatoes are 80 cents a bushel here or 68 cents by the bag in Chicago, but with freight and express delivery charges added, it would make the cost here at our door 86 cents per bushel, so we are loyal to our home market. Let others‘follow our eX» cellent example. Regd the films $1 fer year. ’ Butterick patterns i silk-I af Misé Erskine a. Christmas is neat. ‘ Sweethnd’s holiday goods are here. ' Born to Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Sal-- liven, last Sunday morning, a little plumber. It is thought Rush Medical- College of Chicago, will withdraw from the Lake Forest University The Indians in certain parts of Mexico have a very summary way of suppressing the smaleox. They kill the patient at once and burn his house to the ground. The firemen cleared in the neigh- borhoodof $67 with theirball Thanks. giving eve. Some four or five g‘nonths ago one ,evening, we suppoqéé‘we paid a bill and on receiving {be change, put it intB‘pur trousers pocket without ex~ amining it, an unsaftrproceegmxg generally, but we did it in tlm large- ness of our'heart. " Not having 01:» casion to use any change for a Week or so, we did'nut discm'er a «lrilh-d or bored quarfer until it was too late to return it. Aud' besides, we did not, and do not yetiknow whens) it came. Wrapping'the coin carefully in the tissue paper we thrust it down into our trousers watch pocket, where it safely reposes. Now our modest request is this: That the person who passed that bored quarâ€" ter on ua,iliséi't an ad in the NEWS to this effect: “Wauted~â€"That bored quarter in Judge. Hibbard‘s possesswu." we won’t. make any chargeior this ad and we will return it in exclum‘ge for a good quarter and will sure trade that out at his. store if he’has anything We want and than he will ~liave both qimrtersfi See? P. S.-No questions or apolo- gies will be asked. Going into Chicago a day or two after, we took it along carefully rolled up in tissue paper and asked a bright and spry l/agyficlerk at the Fair if they would not/like it as a curiosity. She smiled and said they were not dealing in ' curiosities just then, and if they were, she was not the‘purchasing agent. We then went to. the Legal News office and asked the daughters of Eve there if they would not like to'exchunge legal venires, summons 6r chattel mortga blanks for the. treasure. She, , smiled and shaking her head. suggested that the street our men might be [delighted with it. That just raised our spirits. and Wt: soon hailedacar; not that we de- sired to ride,-lout were on business bent. when 16! that thick skullcd conductor said in a very perempt- ory manner: 5’ “No, sir, you can't shove any of your bogus coin on me," and we were out a good nickel. The dog cases come next Tuesday afternoon, Dec. 7th, at l, 2 and 3 o’clock. At last advices ghoul: 16 out of the 24 suits had been settled up. Personally-we don’t care a picay- une abOut it‘either way, but really we can't see how a man is going to make a martyr. of himself by light- ing against a dollar dog tax which nine-tenths of the felks pay. It is; the biggest social leveller in the city; it puts poor folks and rich folks all on thersame level. But these suits‘ help the poor lawyers get an honestl . . 4 hvmg. a 1 - Sometime when you go to O. B. Brand’s art studio for your photo,: and every good citizen should go there for that purposeâ€"«we are go- ing soonw so as to hand down to posp terity and distant. kindred the pic. ture of yourself. ask him to show you the bird’s eye View Of the Park he recently took from the top of Mr. Rafien’s house on Central avenue. We wish one could to taken that \lvould embrace the entire. Perk, so people could see the town, not one side of a single house. Rev. L. A. Gould, for three years, pastor of the Baptist Church in this city, has accepted a call to Shelby ville, Ind., a city of some seven thou- sand inhabitants, not far from the center 0f the state. Mr. Gouldi'is a man of intellectual ability, broad and thorough scholarship. charactor- ized by great and almost unerring accuracy. During his pastorate, there were several baptisms and additions to the church. i _ Fred. W. Schumacher h'aa already buried taking orders for Christmas undies Andrew Goldberg, whoiarnow run- ning a gent’a furnishing store of his Own in Kenmha, spent Thanksgiv- ing with his patients. A MODES'I‘ REQUEST. Furniture and Pianos Moved, ”Packed and Shipped \ Goods med with greatest care. «a» " Prompt attention given all orders. ' "A OFFICE: CENTRAL AVENUE AND FIRST STREET», 1' All o/ur lumber is thoroughly kilfi dried and we guarantw our mate. ,riu] to he vqml in quality and workmanship to any made. Send fog- patina?” TELIIHOME' $6 Are responsible for all goods while in our hands. Hard and Soft Coal, Kindling, Wood, Lumber. E ' FOR HIGHLAND PARK _» flamuwmuwumuuwmumu. DUFFY BROS" , J» Express, Baggage and Dime Parcél Delivery. Doors, Blindsfilazeg Sash Brackets. Mouldings, Screens. . , S W James Mrs T T Watson Pruf W H Russell Cart Troxel C Winchemcr J 1. Ball F P Hawkins Mrs Van Schaick E H Brown (6 S Everingham F I). Everett B A Fvswndcn John gum. Sr Jamcu‘; Higgins J Mooney Martin Hart Aug De Bonn fDCVnslnw JOHN MIDDLETON, JAMES NV’ARREN, SR., INTERIOR 1N PINE 0R HARDWOOD. MILL WORK F ALL KINDS. Sewer Pipe, Lime and Cement. Building Material of All Kinds. Trunks; 25¢; Parcels, 10:}. To or from i any part of the city. J,, H. DUFFY, Manager. Highland Part: "I TELEPHONE NO. 32 uimuncrunta or 'MstDliif ' “'i'lfmm . with :t Hal! E1 {10" James: MCNL‘HI J 5 Prall J F Rice M Roman F Than; Juhn Rudolph B i" bchumachcr Charles}! Baku W W Ho 'lngum Drln II a G D ultun C 'rlep Larson J luckler (i .Sileo M ugan A .‘ gamplwn James Larkin 1):: 'l‘ D Conger T F Clayton H L BOWEN H- Du’ck . W E Egan E133! (iroensfladc J Rustic? " M in: LaBar DEALER m are our exclusive Selling Agu fat JIJJJJJJJJJ'J JJJMJ awrrrrrmm arrrrrr'rfi i- B. 0. mm, HIGHLAND PARK. Following an: a few of our custommwho an asâ€" ingSmnhincstova: Highland Park, Ill. EVANS BROS. (‘ handk-r D C Purd) .P Dunlcy {BEER 7 Um ‘rgc Smitl 1.! Gal! but I'. D I ,IUT' lam Mrs D! Baker hxmom' Club Dr Borg en Chimes M Grcu n Hemm- Rube m (‘ulom-l Davidson A J St I’L-trr Mrs A Buck Mrs J Gram Miss Brahm- B F (hum- I. G Ym: J Hmmuh M (‘nrwlth M 9mm F56)? iSiljcstrum !) _AK!) ‘ (3“ 6: Ch Fireds-A‘.T99Â¥ST VOL II]. draw it“; Alderml iciaod thr report w} fin buds of the at months. Theutorm $0 umpire a new! point of ears died Hr. Dbbb did no to speciul milips bolaimed th 31. 25 pith: fier mo pk havipg paid to and pdq's thSy we: lamp t+ed for. John b. Coe and Fine find water 01 structodfio act om Lang’s fimposition‘ for the inter oficm mittee reported as ordinnno‘as concern'r toxiqnting liquors. They 58:3 there sh licemen in u; a city I new odflinance col of liqubi'g ind want The orner'of 1‘ liked tog have old ates animating coiled. 5 The nesi‘ nue out; waht the lights in their str to one good are H end to declare sui‘ the poliqebourt to the idpaaa‘nblo ”an, 0.14mi the Counted: were pm the rebuildi of :1 Johns avian burnt Comatock said he I all night in the Pl: um pinée in the d. ordered there until paired. . 7 amygmtguin on!- m road I JohnBudolph 1 HI qlain far a rd meld committ '. The “Hotel T binodliB tramps Mr. (31811111811 r: the comhijztee con 0; for the pumpin pause of 8550. I and wawr 'and fl laddiqoonixm

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