Illinois News Index

Highland Park News (1874), 31 Dec 1897, p. 4

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ii? That, is. Lhe American population nf these islands is et'l‘ual In that 0R Highland Park and they propose to Imus. 0r lord it «)Vrr three times their own number of Portuguese. four times as manv Japanme, hvo [isles as mam ( him-sc- :unl nu- -lu limos" N at 3 ms 3 Chinese. Japanese HAN. \1 Kmns of this town of Hawaii- an annexation we submit the follow. ing table of va natisiu (‘f 1130 pop- ul: uinn at thc M; uuls 1mm :1 )mem vsxiulzltaz A “In tlm winter the cold conémcts the surface of the cnr’t‘h. bringing; thc- telegraph poles nearer tugethcr and letting the \viressung‘ In sum» mer the earth‘s crust expands and tightens up the wires." Such a bril- liant light could not [(mu be kept in the hum drum life of lscImol twat-her. She married soon after and is the muther of half a dozen 'childreu. We are happy: our wife has: a soul-skin sm'quc. It was purchased with tlw assets of a busted .Iife in- numnve investuwnt and was :1 pretty expensive garment. But “(aw _thnt Congress propose-s to prohibit ‘ the importation of sealrskins into this country this garnwntwilluppruciute in value and besides we shall be in select segILskin dad‘s four hundred, or 193%. Thu average Verumutscluml mu'm is a bright crvaturu We knvw out»: «nu-v ~shv urn-r taught in Highland; Park , who on being uskml the effect‘ uf lie-zit and cold (in material subâ€"s thnces replied.“(‘ul(l contract: wliilei llt‘ilt expunda." ()n heiiig uskedl to givg examples of each, she said: Portuguese Amerivams The uchigvements Uf science often equal its mining-it)". A patient, of a Swiss sin-groan r'gccntly suhmifled to an operation for a tumurnf thostuui- ach. whvn it was found the tumgr was 80 large that tho entire stomach must he removed, which was done, the remaining parts united with sut- ures. the patient recmwrud, and is doing we“, and now the surgeuns are wondering what the human stomach is for. if people can liw without mm. THAT was :1 wise strnkv nf ag- gressiw journalimr in the 'l‘inus- llemlrl m M’.('lll‘(‘*()lll‘ l’mf. Elisha Gray to writé‘) :1 series of popular articles (m svléntlfiv subjerts, which are nmv appearing in its columns Her} day. Alone they are worth muvh more than the cost. of Llw piltlt‘l‘ Son: of our business men try ad- vertising an the Indian trial feathers. Taking one- feuther. lw laid it on ihe floor and ~19pton it all night. In the morningfim awoke. stretched him~ self and "muted out: "W‘niw mun haw fentlu rs is soft white man heap big fool - wnuh! “'l‘itvl's must a \mmun never laws the saint man but mu'c. In mn' 1mm- Moopinion it \'(‘t"_\‘ often hztpp-zfis that she dues not do out: that, though she nmrritrs him. Published in the mien-Sm nf Highhnd I‘nrk. Highmxxi and Kavinin, every Friday afternmm by F. .lllx Furry-SL Adverthlng rues nude known on Wiutlon at this ofllce. Lawns B. Hmuum. A. E. Buys. « l The .Highland Park News. I'rm». $1.00 pur yum 50 cents for six nmmhs. fin vents for Ihrcr- ~umnths. ‘ ()Mirv: m Vex“; Rnikling. ,\\'K'.’Hl(‘. Highland Park. lilians n1"rr Us»: nf uur FRIDA Y, DECEMBER 31 Hf .n the: wmnfiicr a! Highiand' l'ark. ”L. as «cunt! class mum-r. I'Palistiv srhcml 0f wumun never 1()\'¢‘S but mu'c. In 0111' 1mm- », - ~ EDITOR Btsmnss M “may: N ‘ :35, mm 221 5. 000 ‘ 13,000 . 3,000 3.000 ( 'cniral i We fell in with our old neighbor, C. W Goodrige, the other day, when fhe told us his old pastor, Dr. Fur Eber, of Newton Centre, Mass” cele Ibrated the 50th anniversary of his settlement over the Congregational iréhiirch of that historic town We rememberfihis Fast day sermon dur- ing the first year of the war; it made the old rafters ring with eta sturdy patriotism. Mr. Goodridge spent eight years working in the and practically all that. k1n‘d'0quu'ife will be done; away with, and that. will be "0‘ small gain. -It. will give each lorality :h'clram-e to page two aldeImen of its owiIf- interested in its m'vn locxl affairs. and so Rccme something liké eq’uality Of‘J epIeseIIt- atinn. And we are able to say that. everomI W itlI whom “e have spok- en falls III will) this plan Now appls the “pie Inethod’ to the division of the (lliVâ€"râ€"l‘l’n 3 line; north and south and another vastl and West cutting the city into four‘ pieces, and it isdone. Let the north; and south lIIIo he the l":fllllOl(l tuwk ’: L‘e vast and west lino. Central an» l IIIIé. Everybody knows those two llnCS and where they are and :It a; glance or on a. moment’s notice can tell in which ward every citizen lives \Ve know the four wardsi thus I- Icated will not be of equal size ()I‘ population But no otheI l scheme will «wow that, and if it‘ was seemed thiI-I’ veal it would not? last oIeI :I )ear or two, and we can tl he making new division? évcryh‘year or two. Then this plan Breaks np' the old strife between the east an‘di went sides III each win-,(l so strong. :and disagreeable [II-“1:.lll) elections l Suppose four hungry boys hzul u ‘ pie, they were to divide among them- selves. no main-1"- whether the pie was linked in :1 round tin or}; admire or an oblong; oiie.»~~thvy would g1) about it in the mmmon-sense meth- rod by drawing a line through the middle north and south‘ aml then another east and westi gouingns near the middle of tho. pie us they «culd “iih ouch line, and the thing is (lonef The idea of drawing 7.1;:- zag. prizepilzzle lines would never suggest itself to them; boys’ minds are too intensely practical for that. 'l‘rne. they might. not get every. thing exact, and so John’s piece might be a little larger or a little smaller than Henry‘s, but they would not grnnilile or complain; they are too practiéal and sensible and busi- nvsHJiko for that- The general re. sult had been secured, and therewiLh théy are commit, just as all sensible hays are, and as men should he also. Now apply the “pie ll)e§l10(l“ to as many natives. . III oIlIer words Wendel-Jul the 3,000 AIHPHIHIIS. Pulllplisillg? {acuity in only one scwntg-semnd part, of thegwest. HI populatiun. propose to run the 3 works fur whole. What adds to the folly and . in the (in sin nf the thing in? that lots. prubn- » tury ah It] My II majority of these few AmoII- 60 ham? sans aw political schemers nut, «If 3 Park job humming- and a VCR) fie“ cap uwery d3: mum WWI to squeeze tin-Is!- nmls fur all th<~y~are worth. HRS THE FOURTH WARD. 1 Those stafsistics are note“ orthy from these considerations: First 1111‘e1arge1number receile of We” 1 1second, the size of the Sunday school ,oompared with the c11ur1-h member ship, nearly double, inéluding that1r very large “home class’ ‘1 t‘hird,‘ the l 1size nf their Key 810111511 'L'eague of Endemorers. just oné- -h§1f the mem bership of the churc;11§* fourth, 11191 membership of that yo 11g people 3 Mi ssgon band, showing real zeal 1111 the work of missions, 1 which 5.111501 *shows a 11ve ',church an finally the work in heinperanée,f chi1dren ’31 and youth‘s society, of ygr 50 139111133X bars. The First Unit is prfisperl ‘0115; it 11183 for that 1-1111. 1 l 1 ’They have a. good flrouso of yvorshipput to good us’es all the ,. 'Lime. The follom'ug sta kistics show .; the work and standing of the church at present: ‘ ; I , lNewly received members? . . . . . . l7- Ll‘otal resident members.- . . 77 ,Sunday school members ....... 103 Home class department, extrzL. . 39 Woman’ 8 Miss society... . . l 2‘3 Mission Band..r. 29 WeeBand ............ 12 Christian Endeavorers. . . L , . . 38 “Careful Builders” (tempfiyfl. .. . l 52 in our tour of the churches we 1 took in the First United Evangelical, Rev H H. Thoren pastor, last Sun- day morning. Their exelrcises wore all in German, save half a dozen sentences, and though ndt a master : of the language we were} surprised l to see ho11 much we real} know and how good an idea we secured of the sermon a plain, clear ahd forcible _ gospel discourse The cengregation was not large, some 110 heing pres-- ent. This 1s acéouiited for, we sup . pose, by the fact that thehe‘ German services are for the special benefit 1 of the older people, the fhthers and ' mothers who have never iiully mas- tered the English tonigue. The evening services, which zire always in English throughout l;1ave full . houses all thestime This geiiei'iition of our German fiellow citizens speak English they think in Ehgliéh and ; they have no separate German asses ciates and in a few years’ the‘ First . United will to all intentsi and pub poses he an Entriish service church‘.‘ 1 Tl feature of the eeruices' which 1 most eeplv impressed 118 was, their! intense religeousness. il‘he peeple 1 Were thereto worship God, to con i (fess their sins 11nd find Sforgheness; and salvation through Jesus Christ. There: were no social distinctions, ‘110 lines of demarcation between the iclnsses‘ were visible, bechnse . there , are none: the oneness of {ill in Christ stood out in their servicegas' clear as ' 1 the spire on the church. ? They have congregation al singing, the true idea- i of religious worship in song, and we; could but notice the naturally rich gift for music in the natiise Germani \oices, hone1er much or flittle mus i ical trainingthey may haie received.' Another thing was very: apparent: the First United is an uhited band of Christians. There are no foolish, sinful, crippling and humiliating divisions over there. and: it is our judgment that they are nleeting the demands of Evangelical fProtestant ism Mr.Thorei1 is a ducted and successful pastor and shepherds his flock admirably He also brings to his work good business ability and an n nconquemhle energy. The church is in first class spliritual and financial condition. It it; preparing to sell ofl’its old prOpertly and par. sonage lot and the cottage in the rear of the new church, ivhich when done will clear ofi' the lalst dollar of indebtedness 11nd rhavni $1000 to $l500 left over. ,3 I f t wonderlul Alvan Clark teléscope lens , factdry in Cambridge beio e be came 3 west. H0. now has char '0! the works fur making telephofle switches. inâ€" the Gray Electric company s fac- tory ah Idlewild. and empkys scum 60 hands lots of them ifrum the ' Park and has many applic afions FIRST GERMAN CHURCH. Tin, Sheet-iron Ind Purine: Work-Doug to drder. C. A} KUIST Finits and Vegetihles Rccclvd Dull) MRS "A : BOCK, ° Fancy Groceries, Dry Goods and Crockery, BOOTS Am SHOES OFFICE AND YARD:ST.10HN8 AVENUE. IN LUNBEN DISTNIGI. TELEPHONE s7 ROBERTSON NOT ,AN,‘ Lumber and Buildiilg Material] of Au Kinds. ‘ DEALER m, HéRDWARE The Finest Line of 9 Holiday Goods m Town? Evans Brosg, Vegetables and Fruits In at] Varieties. Valencia Raisins, Stuffed Dates, Shelled Nuts, Figs, Plum Pudding, Malaga Grapes, Oranges, and rangerlncs. Hard and Soft Coal, Sawed ahd Split Wood, Kindling. Goad: tin-best. 5’ g Priqcs are Reasonable. 1 $31113“ Park, 13inch. cphoac 54. We will fill your orde‘rs for anything you may want for Xmas J ust call at EVANS ROS’ store and be convinced that hat We say is true. Also a fine line of Telephonk 46. WHAT! yor~8n£§1g SEEN St. Johns Avenue. Good- Dellvered FM. 0! (ah-m. HIGHLAND PA RH. LLOYD M. BERG thn- h Mzuur men‘ and Sun vhrr m-rr m Hm! m} } umining 11w jli‘W‘HM‘Lh \n‘rv. tho- pm‘vnmnh (n up In 1h: («mun humii flu- hi1" ('ulnmhim BN4 haw hmm dug“; a L this “‘I-lzk. ”IN“ A1. urnm Sm‘mx lid-nu Ruth-rm Erskimf- Ha. "I. Ih’, m 1:11! {mm 2« [u FHA" H,» film-1m; and xxm; nu munm‘ Wuhnh H ‘l'. ‘lmn 3L4 . K J. \Vm~luy.g, ‘. antulhmm Flu-mu u“ lxagur. 3:II y. n. . Pravcr-Imrlmu '1 Mn ltVrnunv: n m-m-d hrs! \ mm] D VAH H. llmren. 3." man pr,-aJHuI.; In 4" p. m ; Eur-(Lu \ I; n Y‘ranytrriam I “uni“: .u): ;v I2 l‘ran -r h( Evanm‘lu‘nl Ax». m‘ :wm. sundm wrx cadingR-mm Nun: German prcaduna :u l EJ110145 p In: mm“ x) "1.; “'gdnrxh) 4‘ 1erer nan-Hutu: \uu «MK ul thw- m [tin-h“ N. Mary} (aha: ”oh IU,()« It" Maddrn, pfilm. i‘ man. who Nmrhn The liapzm “hum F \T. Maddrn \Iwivru \\ u at first and I )ullh l‘ cstcrs' hall, ‘ln Urucnsfmiu N: n Hfghiaud 1-4,; Arvarmm. Mn»! and mum Mumh Charivs H. NuLer Rm 123 M I'Lk'l Heat it “(1th HL: 1‘. Mann l4 huudav m unmg .n indcpfnd 3m ()r land. Mrcfizgs 1x (‘JCtI umnlfi iu' I'm )rau'! ltl nlm llkw‘il‘)‘ ad111..>.nn (hr‘ktflu'l‘ ll'la l ‘Vlcum “43.. V Ha. F. M. lngqlza. Nu. dqurm From .h szn H maria I“ No. 0 Hm R‘ Th4 [Ann y 'nnqu 45 l‘ ('nrhznms bnmm'Lr! ‘41 C. M‘ I‘rmhr . ('h x: :h NORTH “'ESTERN H. R “:11, Ill. "I I’Ui’R‘ 7"“ ((4 ¢ gm I'D no 11.1mm! DR. FRANKLIN 6. W R00" 1 HIGHLANI ".75 S'HVI'C Dirtctcry of Stern suppuv' {hem "I“.‘LA‘. PARK was): ll] \\ duh-gnu He. H CNURCN lNRlECl DAV ABOL'T TO PrJ\ 'l \rflw Purl mflm r y up. 'w H “1"»1 um. ‘Man \Kl'kk I“\\ \l.1.~ hh Luladt )1 e\ n " rainy D‘ ‘1; m \inj. RES Fr. |\'( I I l l Mr $3 l)< Hi1

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