Illinois News Index

Highland Park News (1874), 14 Jan 1898, p. 2

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Cyrus: at Rain‘bridgre. Ga.. Sihon Hop. kins; at HahnviHC. La.. Louis Rithards, George Si’asbingtoq and Foxli 1103132 Condemned murderers were hanged as follows: At Creenfie!d._.\[ass.. John O'Neill. Jr.: at Atlanta, 03,. Thomas A: For: Scott. Kan. Wakter Catt shot his young wifeu of whom he was jealous. twice, and then kined himself. William Ilaker. who assassin'ated’his broth 1‘ and his wife- at Fail-bury, Neb., was .pnnd dead by the mob pin-suing him. "He had committed suicide. 'I‘hv Se-‘ntence of 20 years‘imp'osed on ex-Stnto Treasurer Barney. of Nebras- km. for embezzlement. has been con~ firmed by the supreme court pry: Y“: \\715 Mrs. Julia Lcard, a white woman, was brutally mllrdered by a Seminole In- dian near Maud. 0. T. Samuel Taylor, aged 70 years, living near Sheridan, 310., and nine members of his family have been arrested, charged with circulating counterfeit nick-Ms and dimes. The AntiJSFitish Ali'iauce association held a meeting in New York and de- cided to establish branches thr'o‘ughout the country. ‘ The American Express company was robbed in New York of $10,582. and Clark Braden, Jr., a trusted employe, was missing. By use of a Iong~distnnce telephone Ci; ' J. (Hidden. president of {he 3'11 “ national bank of Lawell. Elms. who is in Minneapolis. pi‘esidec! over the regufar meeting of the‘bnnk directors En Lowell. A Iargo vein of gold 51; " ’) to Ute ton ms 5 ('01: ’. Tex. ' A big ice house collapsed nearflam- burg. Mich. and Aibert Morey and 05- car O‘Conncr were killed and five other men were badly injured. The Cummbia theater in San Fran- cisco was gxmed by fire. killed his wife and 15.53%};1â€"8 daughter Montie nt Greenvine. Tenn., and then shot and killed himself. DOMESTIC. A steamer from Cuba bréug‘ht ‘to New York 504.000 pounds of sugar. the first shipment. in many months, ‘ John McCullagh has been ‘elected chief of the police department of Great- er New York. . The main business part of the village of l’otka. 1“,. was wiped out by fire. In a fit of insanity Alexandel Carter In the senate on {he 7th a Joint resolution was offered for an amendment to the con- stitution providing for the election of the federal judiciary by the people.‘ Senator Allen lmmduced a resolution declaring that the l'nlced States shquld beg! the {me colnage of silver at the ratlo o! figmeen to one....In the house the civil aerfice de- bate oocupled the time. ‘ _ The sfnute was not ln Session on the am ....In the house bllls were futrcduced to prowc-t war veterans in the goVemmem serum, and to increase and make flexible the national bank currency. A faworable report was made on the ' lappropa'mung #562680 for a statue to Abr am Lincoln on l the Gettysburg battle field. The civil serv- lce debate occupied two hours. reform of the currency. 'A Joint esolu‘tion providing for the electlon of En _ed States senators by a. direct vote of mag people was favorably reported. Mr. Grosvenor (0.) spoke in favor of a modification of the civil service law and Mn Johnson and.) replied in defense of the law, ' pat Senator Mason (111.) introduced a bill in the senate on the 61;; fixing a special tax or 8200 upon the manufacture or mixed flour. Senator Teller introduced a concurrent res- olution declaring the bonds of the United States payable in silver dollars. Senator Davis gave notice that he would call up the Hawaiian annexation treaty» in e!i ecuiive session on Monday next. The civil service law was discussed....In the house a biri was Introduced appropriating 250,- 000 for a numb-oat on the upper lakes. The legislative appropriation bill was taken up and the item covering the expenses of the civil service commission led to general deâ€" bate on the question of civil service. Proceeding. or First Regular Session. INTELLIGENCE FROM ALL PARTS Casualties and Fires. Personal and Po- litical Notes. Business Failures and Resumption, Weather Record. , ROUND ABOUT THE WORLD HIGHLAND PARK, Happenings of the Past SaVen Days in Brief. ‘gdiightand ijmh 51m f) to Ute ton was struekiu Uvalde ’. Tex. ' CONGRESSIONAL. ARV J; FQKRES'D thg t~ assayed ILLINOIS In a high: in Juarez. Mexico, Seth Burrow , a cowbny, shot and killed four men an was killed himself. ' - ~ Lady Henry Somerset has resigned the presidency of the British Women's Temperance ussoeiation on account. of ill beans. ‘ ‘ Japanéhas joined Great Britaln in ef- forts to'jcompel Russia to respect their interesq in China. Adxices from Peking 53: that Ger- many has taken a tense of [0110- Chau bay for 50 years. large steamer, as vet unidentified founder-ed with all hands ofi’ Beaudoc, in the Mediterranean. J. H.13‘umenthai Sons Clothiers in Manfred, Can” .nss‘gnlgd with liabilities offlo 5.0 (Kb. 9 Edward Hnrford, British delegate to the Amcxioan ngeratiou of Labor conâ€" vention it Nashville, Tenn" died of pneumoqin while returning home. ' neWSpapér men in the west and awar veteran, died suddenly in Butte, \lont. At a j {int democratic caucus of the Mississip i legislature II. D. Money was nominatfil for United States-kennel". The boner of the towboat Percy Kel- sey explos‘ded near Glenfleld, Pa" and five of tbie crew were killed and four others wqre injured. Secretafy Sherman hm issued an ap- peal for a*d for the degtitute in Cuba. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Roger Wolcott took the oath of office as goverfior of Massachusetts for the second tejrm. For theé 11 months ended November 30, 1896, the exports frnm the 5United States anioumed to $056.875,874.;a gain of nearly $36,060,000 over the same time in 1806. i ' Iâ€"he va e of the total mincral and metal erEuction of the United States for 1597 a (muted m $762, in- crease of 18.290.22é over 13790. At the A ckson day banquet in Chica- go Williax, J. Bryan was the principal speaker. A mob ptured Markus McGei ex and Palme Simpson. Seminolelnflians and burnt» them at Ihe stake They were char ed with havingoutraged and murdered (rs. Jane Simmons wife ofn farmer in_ Iduhoma near “e“ukn. Marshal hadwick an alleged mur- uerer confi ed in jail at Colfax Was 11.. .was taken hem jail by a Imoh and lynched. and efieet :1 union between the north- ern and s uthom branches of the church. \Ietlxodisj met in VS ashiugton to tn John I: M Conn a lawyermhose wife had secure a divorcé from him. shot- and killeé} er at Eedford.13..nnd then fatally she himseH’, excellent wo kmauship were discovered Three coztv'dorieit $10 gold pieces of in Wushingt n. Fire destrdyed the tobacco warehouse of Christian Papers in St. Louis, the loss being over ”00.0110. Jennings Judah and his two daugh- ters aged 18 and 14 swears “ore run down and killed b) a train near Atchi- son, Kan A tornadol‘ nt Morgnnfield, Ry“ wrecked a church and several other buildings and killed HRTYE} Seller-3.11m city marshnh interior depart went on Indian depre- ciation claims. ied in Lns Vegas. N. M. A corpse out! into small piece: was :found in a box in the express Office at Chariton. l'a. Judge J. N. SE)“. special agent of the The central Culjan relief committee appointed 'by Prqsident McKinley has issued an appealyifor contributions in aid of the suffering peopk of Cuba. of whom there arr estimated to be 200.- 000 in actgal dn er of death from star- vation. K Boyer of Perms Ivania ‘0 be super- The president 11 appointed Benn intendent 01mg Jim at Philadelphia An explosion .u‘ Lrogb‘cerihe near Toledo. 0., blew to toms Stephen Wil- son and a team of): rses. Nicola Tesla the Elke“? York glee- trician, claims to knifferfected meuum tubes that can pron e hght as bright as the-sun. . Munkato. Minn, fail (I for $200.0m. George E, Brett. (h? goods dealver in Unprofltable "spepuiat‘ n was the cause. Dr. Shep Rogers. :2 p bminent physi- ciauin Memphis.’1‘enn.. ms fatally shot by Mrs. Suhdbrink, W o sent. a bullet through her brain. dytng instantly; I A severe enrt‘hquak; shock was felt 9*. ”alone, N. Y. Build gs qrcmblgd 59 that the oqcnpnnts we ‘ stn‘rfled. Burglar: stole 8100,00 in nogminbie mining stock from the lecping apart- ment of W. W. Jacobs.,a Chicago real e‘state and insurance ag nt. xsta, Ga. ,nged 54 \ eats rris aged 66, one of theoldest FOREIGN. , Dispatches say that Seminole Indians burned the town (it Maud, 0. T.. and massanred 25 men, Women and chiXdren. and their march through theicnumry 'Was marked at. every point by blood shed and fire. ‘ James England flild his. wife were suf» ‘focated by coal gaks-in their home at 'Burlington‘.‘ In. 3 In the Ohio legislature Mr. Hanna got 56 votes in the house and 17in the gen- me, enough to eleqt him United State; senator On a joint ballot if no changes loccur. l The St Louis Ne“ OrImn: line of steamers mz‘fde m1 assign St. meis ‘ Justice A. W. Xewman. of the supreme court. fell on an icy sidewalk in Mnfli~ son. \VFF.. and frhcturc‘dhis skull. ' His :rN-m‘ory was dou'flful. The eighth annua] banquet of the Himmmn club \msgheld at tho Audito- rium in Chicago. Loren A. Thurston. sexâ€"minister from Hawaii 10 {he Yniied Stan‘s. being the drinoipa] speaker. A ledge of Quartz has been struck in the Klondike that assays from $100,000 to 3250.004) per tom‘ In a riof at the epening trial of W?!- liam Hudley at Mount Vernon. K32, for v‘killing John Lawrence, two men were Shot. ’ Mrs. RebeconD RiokohE a wellâ€"known nuthor of schoolbooks. died in New York city. Patric-k A. Lnx‘gey. preFident 01'th State savings bank and n \i'eahhy’mine bwnerfwns ‘shot and killed at Butte. Mont. ,by Thomas Rifey. Fourteen businie<s houses m ghawnee 0. 'l‘.. were destroyed 1)} fire. B) the falling of a cage in the Cr€s~ ion mine at \Ihms PEEH‘HS. \re\ico five men “or? killvd and three o‘hers Were- fatally injured Thomas A. Edison denies the stc that he has discovered a new metal Commissioner Martin A. Knapp has been elected chairman of the interstate Commerce commission to succeed W. R. Morrison. The one hundredth mum orsnrv of the occupation of ”19 old statehouscin Bus~ {on xx as duly observed. Rev. Thomas E. Moore fol! dead from an npoplectic stroke in the midst of his sm‘mon at the Baptist church in Hat‘- per. Kan. He was one of the five young: men who. in 1865. originated Hm Saha- gi(m Army movement in London. ”The big I’ort ofC'hnlmette below New Orleans, with its hundreds of thousands of dollars in vealed in cotton compresses. whnrves. etc" went inm thehnnds of a rmreiver with liabilities of$2.000.000. It isnnnounced that Consul General Lee pi-mlicts the fitter collapse of home rule in Cuba. Thomas A. Edison. the eieetricai wiz- ard. says he has found a new metai which. admixed with the iron. renders cast iron as tough and strong as wrought iron. . ’3 David Hall, of Hubbard, 0.. a pioneer iron manufacturer of the Muhoning valieyi dropped dead. i The Twenty-seventh general assem- H'Iy‘o? Iawafco'islb‘enedin Des Molnes; g‘olC Tosopb H. Carr. a clerk in the pension offioe and a war \eternn with a brilliant record died in \Vnshinmon. (15:96.55 vonrs . Hadley A. Sutherland. n negm murf (’k‘rpr. was electrocutefl at Sing Sing, .. _-,, Afhfr bin" in a trance forthroe wars and hm months “ illinm (Mm). “110 kilh‘d his mothel in Ihxffulo.\ ‘ tY. came to his senses. ‘ Seth D. Tripp. “110:9 imentinns 1-011 Gluttonized shne manufacturing died in Lynn. Mass._ aged 72 years Harry F. Cugwinjproprietbr 0f the Jolie! (111.) city bank, a private institu- tion.:1s.sig1wd with liabiliiivs of 3548.000. Mrs. Augusta Nnck. jointiy charged with Martin Thorn of the murder of “'iliiam Guldensuppe in New/York. has been Sentenced to 15 years in prison. WVilliam Puh‘mm :md Parrish John» son “ere. frozen to death near Coulee Cit) . \\ ash. Francis D Newton, a prosperous farmer of Brookfleld Muss _ and 1115 wife and ten- gear-01d adopted daugh- ter were found murdered in their beds. \“ hxred man “as suspectm’. of th 3 t‘rime. Gomr Bushnell. was inaugurated as chief execufive of Ohio. fl‘he entire time of the executive ses- sipn of the United States senate on tue 11th was cbnsumed by Senator Davis in, a speech in support of Hawaiian an. nexation. In the house the civil service debate was closed and the Iegislatix‘e, executive and judicial appropriation bill upon whigh the debate was pre- dicated was passed. The urgent de- ficiency bill ($1,738.843) was reported. The Hawaiian treaty was considered in execgtive session in the United States senate on the 10111. In the house a me- morial was presented asking the enact- ment of a law to provide the death pen- uuy for the crimes of train wrecking and robbing. The civil service law was further discussed, nine of the eleven speakers opposing the law as it now stands. - "“1""J' U‘h'e British steamer Clarissa Rad- clifi‘e was wrecked at sea and 15 of ‘he crew perished. "he French steamer Louis was wrecked of! the coast of Bauduc, France, and 15 of her crew were lost. The‘ Spanish cabipet has decided to submit the case ‘0! Gen. Weylet to u frisky inquiry. During a/fire' in chemicnll works m Glasgow. Scotland. four firemen were killed and propgfly worth 132501000 tie strqud.. ,1 . ,1 WIN: a. LATER. ’an: Anchor signment. in the story? The mother~in~law often proves too much or. the. newly-wedded Iax‘vycr. â€" Chicago Dally Aewfl. ‘ A crutch is used for sprains. Use St. Jacobs Oil instead; 1! cures. _, .__, _, Dry books cannot aiways be depended upon‘ to satisfv on_e’s thirst for knowledge. ~Cbxcago Dnfly Laws. â€"»- -«+ Backucho, toothache, frosbbites 100, St. Jacobs Uil will punk-that’s true. For “jumping Coqgh Piso’n Cure is a luccessful remedyr-M. P. Diemr, 67 Throop Ave, Brooklyn. NA 3",, Nov. 14, ’94. The poetical muse sometimes keeps the poet awake, but it is the men's of t we cut that disturb the slumbers of other peoplesâ€"â€" ChicagoDain News. “Memory do: not recall the fine when Dr. Ayer's Cher y Pectoral was not used in our family, for throat and lung troubles. and the number-‘0! empty Cherry‘Pectoral bottles collefited during the Season, told where relic had been sought. This medicine was in- such constant use in my’father’s family. that when I had a ,home of my own, and had childish *ailmwts to attend to. it 5H” proved feflicacious. That 1error of motherhthc startling. croupy cough;mmed me. so ong as I had a bank 01 Aycr‘s Cherry Pecmral in the house to suppleâ€"w men: 1. e hot-water bath. When suflen’ngx with whooping cough. in its worst form, and articulnion was impossible on account of the choking. my children would point and sticulaze toward the bottle; for upeggnce had taught them that relief Fits stonped free and permanm‘xtly cured. No fits after first day's use of Dr. Kline’s Great Nerve Restorer. Free 32 trial ‘mtllrz treatise. Dr. Kline, 933 Arch 23L, 1’hi1u., Pa. i Commands itself to the well-informed, to do i pleasantly and effectually what was formerâ€" ; g done In the crudest manner and disagree- l ably as Well. To cleanse the svstem and l break up colds, lzeadéches, and levers with lout unplmwmt afle‘r efiects, use the de- l lighfiful liluid laxative remedy, Syrup of ' Figs. Mu e by California Fig Syrup Co. The summer girl’s bathing suit is packed carefully away in (-nmphor, just as if :1 mod- erate hungry math \muld find it, suflicient for a meaL-â€"-Fomcrville Journal. ‘1 Kemp’s Balsam will stop the; cough at! once. Go to jour druggist to- din? and get a i sample bottle free. Lat e botfief, 50 cents ' and $1. 60 Go at or cc; de aware dangerous. { A 0! all the evils that attack children scarcely any other is more dreaded than croup. It so ‘olten comes in the night. The danger is so great. The climax is so sudden. It is no wonder_that Mrsl W. J. Dickson (better knowmunder her pen name of “Stanford Eveleth."} calls it " the terror of mothers.” Nor is it any wonder that she writes in terms of praise and ratitude for the relief which she has ound bot from herpwu anxieties. and for her c ildren’a ailmentshln Dr. 3. C. Ayer’s Cherry Pectorsl. It would be im- possible to better state the value of this remedy than is dnne in Mrs. Dickson’s letter, which is as flollows: “I never have loved before,” he said, pas- sionately. ' “Dear me!” she exclaimed. “And you’rn almost 21, two. How your education has been neglected, hasn’t it?”-Chipago Po’st. Puck Mrs. Ncwrocksâ€"I don't like this restau- mm at all. Neu‘mrksâ€"‘le not, my dear? . “\\')1_\', instead of caning the bi“ of fare gln‘onu they call the menu a bill of fam.‘"-â€" “THAT TERROR of’MoTHERs.” _, , , M “rum; Chnimtiofi. It, is written in u ‘piain and mmy Mylo, and any intel‘linent erson can appreciate the book who \vifi ran it. Price, (-iath, $51.51); paper $1130. Address Courier Pub. ‘Huuzi‘, chu i, N. Y. Master." A short treatise on The Rights and wrongs ofbjpn, by J. \Vilmm. Ph. 1). This Work conmms the advanced thought ofthc cun'ur“ mkkcligion, L1H ‘. Government and ,V , n ,, - A pompous bishop was having his ortmit painted, and, after aittin for an our in silence he thought he wougd break the monotony. “How are you etting along?” he inquired. To his astonis .mum the artist, allsorhed in his work, $131506}: "Move your head a little to the rigit, and .shut your mouth." Not being accustomed to such a form of addross, his lordship asked: “May I ask why you address me in that manner?" The Artist (still absorbed in his worlc)â€"~“I want to take off a little of your cheek."~â€"TiL-Bits. “Belt-Control, or Coughing Lead-rto Conun‘imtloxtJ _ .W..- _ emu“... . ‘A-v Juufi‘. Gaga, All ynlL. "The complainant is entitled to protec- tion a ainst the appropriation of its trade mark. iy any and all unfair and dishonor- able means”, and a court of equity has pow- er to grant such protection whenever it is satisfied that an attempt has been made by ingenious subterfuges. to invade the rights of an owner of a trade mark. " “In the sharp contest between the individual manufacturer, who strives to acquire and retain the fruits of industry and hon- esty, and the field of keen rivalg; seeking ‘ to wrest from him the prize of t e ublic ‘goodwill, the inventive ingenuity o the mfringer has conceived a gig-eat variety of devices for evading the estu lished rules of fair dealing. ' " Courts of equity find- ing that t eir ultimate object and effect ‘were to enable and induce the retail seller of l «a fraudulent imitation to palm it ofi on an ’ unsus‘ cting public for the genuine article, and t us to contribute to the infringement upon the rights of the original owner, have not hesitated to apply the remedy.” ‘fln’tringement- on Their Diner: '50! 'l‘olerpted by United Stniea Court. The United States Circuit Court for the Southern District o£ vNew York, Judge Tuwnsexd presidinf, handed down an opinâ€" ion December 23d, 897, grunting m’unction and accounting, in the suit of The} ostettcr Company against Isaac Sommers and Louis Joseph, for infringement of its Trade Mark. The Jurist states. m bold and clear language, the rights accruing to the Hostpttcr Com- pan '. and the liabxlity incurred by an whe‘ won (1 rob them, by fraud or misrepresenta-g tion of the well-earned reputation and profit: of a business buijt up by the effort: oful’lingf a cent'uyy. ‘The Judggzgya, in part: THE HOSTETTER CO. “’INS ANOTHER Who is well known as How it was overcome by Nova Scotian mother Her Bathing Suit. The Modern “’11! Not Up to Date. Her Complaint. L! {e \Vlthout These statements make favor of :his remedy mm: a family medicine that no )1 wixhout. Iv. is just as cflic: Chin's. asthma, whooping : other variant-5 of coughs. a To put it within everyon Ayez's Cherry Fedora] is ha“ size homes, at hall 1: Send {or Ayers Curt-book I, of other Luff: effected 2 Cherry Pecloral. Addrcss ‘ (20.. Lowell, Mass. "‘On'e of my children had ctou . One mght I was startled by the chi} ’3 hard breathing, and on going to it found it strapghug. It had nczarlyceasedto breathe. Having a par: of a bottle of Dr. Ayer‘l Cherry Fedora] in the housé. I gave the child Hue: dcses, a: shbrt inten'als,and anxiously waited res-nits. From the mo- ment the Femoral was given the child‘s breathing grtw ea<ier. and in a short time it was sleepin quier and breathing 11“. um” . The cgild is alive and well 10â€"day, and { do not hesitate to_say 'that A ‘cf’l Cherry Femoral sax-ed Its 11(1."â€"~ . J. W'OOLDRIDGE, Wombam, Tex. was in its contents."â€"â€"Mrs. W, , Dxcxsox (“Stanford Eveleth"). author 9 “Romance of the Provinces.” Truro. N. 5. To Show the prompt action 0! Din qur's erry Femoral in severe cases, we print a Xena: from C. j. Wooldn'dgc, Worthnm. Tex” who wriacs: It was a wise man W1 love a woman and do a , m V. .MC 5 urL‘rH'F um lovers mus} {all in love before they can {all outâ€"Ch) cago Daily News. ,, W.-_7‘A The samo-o1d or new: rheumatic pains St. Jacobs Oil win CUFF. Some people are. not satisfied with milk of human kmdn â€"'he;' cream,â€"Chmaga Dally Justice may w Mind, hm tion as to the blindness of‘ to law feeling vermin [Yum Hemâ€"Chicago Daily; New: -. Take Laxative I-mmo Quinine Tablets All druggists rcxund monm 1: A tails to cure. 25¢ “Love never djeth." “X promise. We get, :mvr sup! volvos as it were a new Mm ultics, to know it as expert's Merriam. Moncker's Theater, ( Always plays the imding : 11m fiportmg Duchesc,” wnh an all sumptuous svemc smimga It is always saféito'fake it for granted that, as yourse”, so othcrs are ‘tryin to do their best. Shortcommg is 113 Sign 0 short- wflling, Sweetness is never whi ped in.w .T w ‘w \\‘.,..,. p WM . ., Doubled up and bent w ith fiain~L [’59 St. Jacobs Oil and straighten “I'd like your candid opinion of (his new novel,” she said to the young man who talks literature a great deal. “Am you sure you Want mymndid opinion ?" “Yes. I wish to know oxarfiy what yrvu iliink of it With- out prevarimtion or “impairment." “\Vdi, to be downright honest with you. I think it is one of the gates: books whnse advertise- ments I haieg‘er read.”â€"‘.Yashingtou Stat. -r r, o 794- Lane’q‘,l~‘amily Medicine. Moves the béwels each day. In order to be healthy this is flecessary. Acts gently on the liver and kidneys. Cures sick headache. Price 25 and 50c Be 'sure: neurahgia xvii} cease 011 me cure. (592. ease. It is one of fute'a decrees t} n - ~ ' * of a railway synem running between (ibi- cage. Milwaukee, St. I’cuI, Mmm-apois, Ashlund and Duiuth. known as the “’is- (0mm) Central Lina“. liviure mnking a journey to any of tin-m north‘x'cctern points, inquire xviucive to 191v Fust and Elegamly Equimu d Trains \x‘izu-hrkqxe (fhimgo daily via the “1500mm (‘mximfi Your nearest tit'kfi't umm can gn‘e 3qu unnpsmv informa- ‘t‘ign, Jag. C. Pond, U. P. A, Milwaukee, 15. cm (.hmtum Advo- spoon 2 ” â€"â€" Not-ii; {rest-- cane. “\Vhi'ihx‘nr‘ér. I \\ mi is the matter?” stnmmcred the unhappy waiter, who had been told he was sen-mg an xmpormnt per- son. He reappeared in a moment with another supply of the sumo soup. which he placed before the gQ’rtlc-man. and then stood re- garding him With an anxious face, wonder- ing what could be the ream!) iv: the soup re iiainiiig untouched. “I culnaxoflfat us soup," again slowly rc- mg 313d the libelâ€"any man. ,, _._. """‘"'v _ 4 .. _ ’vvvv‘ THe man seized the souflplazg‘befgr‘é the gustmngr coluld finish the sentence, and van- xshed With It. “117 u]. Customer" Couldn’t Eu! tho Soup. A certain literary German whose manner of speaking was extremely deliberate, and who disapproved of impetuosaty of any sort and under any cnmnhstances, had an nmunw infiexperience in a rwmumnt one day. e was a well-known figure among the atrons of this articular establishment, as e seldom'di anywhere else, and he was generally served by a waiter who had be. come used to his way of speaking- but one day a new wajwr took his order anti brought hxg 9011p. “I cn'nnot eat this soup,” said the; genth man, slowly, pot‘lopking up from. ht}; plage. nu ‘I cannot eat this soup: said the literary (cams. calmly, for the Llnrd tyne, “bcjcause have not as yet been prmwded With a x. .. , HA»- In 1*. ‘W. “Kr? Look out for colds At this season. Keep Your blood pure and Rich and your system . Toned up by taking Hood’s Sarsapariiia. Then You will be able to :Resist exposure to which A debilitated system To Care a Col-d in One Day Perhapsfi'ofi Have Kenya an author. ‘ ‘- bu‘uk ul. ll] mL-dy unnecessar pin is \n u... xn‘md by the chilJ’é 1171;; on going to it found it .d nearly ceased to breathe. ci a bottle of Dr. Ayer‘l } in a)... LN”; v - we this! no horn: shouid be Is! as cflicadous inbron- whooping mugh. and all icon-"h: as u: s in crbup n meryone 5 reach Dr. "Ann-.4 .â€" , ON TH E WAlTER. Woul‘d quickly yield. Mind but there is no ques- ul nn~< ,: . ~ -- .w a...” z the may: who‘gpeg '1! he WHI get Jug. ng1‘U' “'0 learn this as a ‘ m: r‘h suffering as in- M: ' h and other fac- pcrience. â€"George S. said it ym hardto argument in m: U. \\ cctea n points, Ens: and Elegantly 4‘ \ (3( bit ago daily {I lnur nearest ‘, (‘hlcngm {Ajovers must ~Lumbago. xteu up. star cast and St. Jacob! with the want the 0; XML: new: d lb: gums: a A: in the pan, thix day to be the social life of me qyémly 5w inle In occasion. and! 1| are so In ‘03:?! The picturesqu‘ trict is uzlo lar. Only tic: ;y the )Oubgm‘ mat dressed in the p‘ ciiies. The 8!,(nc sad, mostly biac trimmed 1:313:53 the bud. almnsfi trrsses. “‘3.“ a witbgoldarciulv in conjuncfioz “i metals. km Leo] costume. them to par: ties." as the} «.21 curio Luzu" aged m 8-4;: years. Scorn : f found the: nayl and other: Hurt and art (Minna Europe. 00 ~13, Habit on« Ihaxcpm TE ‘32: ”LILL of 2!): home.- brick 'fijlizlg, carved bus 2’ in resiii) Ll'i.‘ The iLchcx.1 is also (-xpns 1104. of mu." : which can :- numb-m. chnzs. bans, In the ‘un' of their forum: - L; eratiofi. Ltd 3» El‘ery farmiums carefuil.\~1e'x < :c 1 everyming xIAux v. outed “51L ;. u: {ectsoleblvand 13d! built on each 31d: miles inland. ".‘x‘ bind the dike: xs‘ clusively to north- cherry, plum. “M â€"are planted ,0 duce u {QI‘BaYnuk ing pasture' wand mantless irngau Such a coxzxmui introduced (a the tcroxh. a Gv‘rmun series of armcin c 121:; Old COanry.“ {or so the 1mm i1 wroth‘s In:w.~.~tix is located in {in-J Hammer, (Hunt 6.! the city 01 linnnun 1hr river LCM. ‘ stream. «~21! « q L'ml the district. um: L of this m'L..nx:r- ‘ \Vhenaprogrcssi to the traditions at ever. ix mums (bl men and unmet) oi ality who des‘pisc civilization and h things of :322 pa: stability “hut the) But our funehu far away {ruin the many of lhcmmré mug of mm mu filed by u‘nwiéru “mm is some txcu cmerpn'sc. It is E‘XMXJSCj1UW antiqualra meud tain (hunch? 1n have the pxfixmluxm giuiu. Ueurgm and cording to kimzkc “11] Allan luwugi taming ',-ur1‘u1um continual“) a. a v 11108! bqtmnc (0 G farmers km. the I of the SUuziL m s romp and cn'cxnnsl. uiullou. An ldyllic Spa Busy City I: l- Called (he “'ell Aimed h ilk lielrcn “HERE 1' SM 713.) 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