Illinois News Index

Highland Park News (1874), 21 Jan 1898, p. 7

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olll Hy u ‘\ nmnn us Be- Cured B n llm-hvlnr in tine» [)uy “NH-Was- V! ht Pounds. :5 sure u sure. Ill I 1 P11“ _n both in , Patter a AWy?! rzmy in at ('ure. T)’,'â€".\D' \‘. ml? 40 c‘l‘ Senator Wolcctt's Story of Doings of Bimetauio Commission; HE TELLS OF ITS WORK. Washington, Jan. 13. â€"~ Senator~Ed- ward Wait-mt, of Cuiorado, addressed the senme Monday on thugzubjectoftha bxmexulliu commission's txip to Europe. Foliowiug is part of his swath, It was psrtectiy realized from the b», ginning. he said, that bimetallism for Enzâ€" land was out of the question. "Indi; wu the vital point of all the negotiation: with England, and all other proposal: we“ Insignificant in comparison with than re» apiacting the reopening of the mints of India to the unlimited coinage of silver. and the repeal of the order pertaining to gold to he paid for government duet (ml to be exrhanged for government rumes." Mr. W IlCOlt spoke It some length upon the conditions in India.' explaining the value or the rupee since the closing of the mints to silver in 1893. The closing of the mints had, he said. created wide dissatis- faction. and there was a general impresv lion that the Indian government would be glad to retrace its stevs. "To us." Mr. Wolcou continued, “the lama szzuazim ls lnexplicable. Millions of people, most of them extremely poor, have for years invested all their savings ln silver. ‘hese accumulations a few years :lgu wure worth 31.UIN.WU.UOU and more. To-day :hey are worth less than half that sum‘ By the closlng of the lndxa mint: and the armlcial gold value g.vcn {o 511- var, lxzdla is at a great disudvamage with the mnghburing countries, the exports of which are mulazed by {he higher prp- mxum an EMS}, and they are robbing In- dia of much of her manufacturing and exâ€" Fun-(hernnoe of It: Plant- ulocked by (inn-n! Britnlnâ€"Bclleves Interla- uunnl Agreement (‘nn sun Be Brought About. mxum on gut-1, and they are robbing In- dia Ut‘ much of her manufacturing and exâ€" purE tunic. The present (mix) émhczs upon Indzu. as Won the ex" .13 of an infutficient all my 1e55inlng currenC) evils _ ‘ \e \‘tLiSSiLUdQS of that dependency durmg 1316 ;:4 z 12 months have served to "Thr- wxm has heard much of the famine In India .1an of lhc great funds subscribe-v.1 fur its Hctims. It has not bcen, )xowchr, 525 a: a; an. 3:, can” Enid. Fri. «7‘ v.7; a; saint $7. maugumuhm so genwmlly known mat the famine was one of mmuey rather than fucd; that [he Punt!“ “1:5 Were ('nivfiy forwarded to India If! :nâ€" form of money and not gram, and mat during the whole period of the famme rm».- was abundant where men were max-vim: mm) its price was bu: a [rifle rver a Cum 3 pound [:33 than {he price oiwheat In Engrand. For all these evils. the loss in :Ezv- value of the savings of the prople, the dlsadvanxage of a different purchasing Value hr siEvL-r in India from that which prevailvl in China. the eviis of an insuf- fic : \ \Ime of money and the enormous injury which commerce suffers through violent fiuctuarlons in the rate of ex- change. we offered what we believed to he a remedy. 01n- ofler was refused. and [he refusal must. be considered as final until the mum; of the experiment upon which the Indian government has entered shall be demonszr- 0d." z) “I: is my sincere convlmlan that an in- ternational bimetallic agreement is still fea51ble. by the terms of which certain countries will join us and open their mints to the unlimited coinage of sliver. and others will contribute to the plan an en- large-1‘ use of that metal as money, and I say {his the more freely because I shall give way upon the commission to someâ€" body more fitted for such negotiations and betlti‘ al le tn) gin: thPm his :: onstam time. This r. ~. ii: cannot be‘hrnughi about wl' h- out th: t-xpon .Jituro of both time and pa~ iii." (‘0 .11le the persor: imrusted with the duty fit in: unilathn mus: haw} hack of thPi‘n the hi 113 supper: of the prusulént an d of congress} ' WHEEWAIrnfiViioil-cott announced his inten- (ion to retire from the commission. He said: at 'sic‘uom'." 0t Sucrermry He thought it might be necessary to change the ratio Ko somcthing iike twemy to one. p«)<:717 follows sin: to see an m: cm: :iunai bimezihic flgl‘tcfllent consummateLL His assurances gave rs‘newv‘ hm“ Lu l-imotn‘Alist: all over {hu c mm x_\', and swumud final and cum-lu- she ems“ ex ’.(A' [El-'55 who had claimed than {he presjAlz-rA: was not In earnest in his éf- forts toward imernational bimezailiim. Fur mywif 1 nr‘mivd no such proof. I had agiin and again b-I en made to know how genuine was the presidcm's devotion to this settlement of the V?X§"d question. \Vithin a foru‘ikht after this. wkh no 9mm: meanwhzie whauh would change («3(â€" lszmg conditions». Ihesvcretary Oftbt‘ {rs-as- ury in sumurt or a bill which he has prqA-‘m-Al respecting {he currency, said as {UHF-“'3 to n oommntee of cough-53." (Here he quoted the remarks of the sec- rezury u‘: the xrusury.) "The {we szahmetxs are utteriy a: va- rianrv,” h;- contimmd. “and contradictory t.) “1th u'fier. Tnvy cannot be reconciitd. T1: ‘ :he prnprr y-cusion {AA analyze :1: :5 3h“ SccrA-rary. IL “ill reach Izmho Ion: hefor» it rrachesr. s SCRaiQ. J'XHHULUK his ansnlaUun ut zh- de- ‘ ‘ u] an irtturnatioxal ugh-(menu whhh had hrcn dxgnased from to score' the 2r: wry. .\lr_ Wolcou said: “When:- ever Aixfl‘Avr res of opinlon may exist as to [he ahrhAy of this country to maintain alone me- pzxrxly hmween silver and gold, (her -3 15 no queslwn Aha: the concurrence of omer na'mns “uuid help and not hm- der the cams;- of bimzrall: sm In the Unhvd Grates. and effuru to secure it ought to I'm-rive :m- cor-Alum support of every cili- ch who 1:; A>;A;>us:-d to guid monometanxsm, lrrfnrn'uzvra; bunvialhsm is rm: a mylh, a. chunemA The pcupla of Europe are evcn as We are, strugg Hug to keep their h:;.ds above water and smki Hg bmm y for that Wmch they may make fur prosperity and progress. rezury u: the {regsur "The {we szahmen rizmw,” hi- confirms-J to In 01:18.”. any 11:: 1'18 pl'mpt' 2: 3h“ SL‘CrC “who Ion: hefor» it miinumg his pn “\\ .,~n nonmms nnm‘pned 0n the 7th of last mun'“, 13w prank n in his rehrrmvs to :m- net of mum-aligns) himeLaHism. s'.\uk-_~ mum-CV and <mxiausy of his de- “Murh of the recent legislation m Eu- rope looking; to the increase of gold hold- lngs and the dcprecmzlun of silver finds its origin in {he exigenciosy‘o! a situation where readiness for War is ahe paramount necessity: There is hardly a statesman in Europe who believes the: lam: word has ye: be?!) said upon the question of lhe reâ€" monctizazion of silver. and hardly one who Would not welcome an effort [0 some the question internationally. Only a. few days ago, just before Christmas. in a de: bate in the French chamber M. Melina again declared {mm the trlbune‘xhal the French governllxeni was as one mm the UAW-.1 Siding on the question 0! blmezal- lism. » ‘ “h the fave of such 1 declaration 1: :3 as co‘ward'y to zLI-nndon‘ hope as it IS fake to talk about tawjure 'niernatiozzai bi- metaliism 1's to the gold monomelam: s a sKumDAmg uluck And to {he snver mom)- mgmmszs took: smwss. but u is new: A'zc- less :1 spix-nd. d pugssmiluy; HS auohmlhh- nun: “mum be [An- guy cS'L My». « 1;“. coma retail our Auco 1v, and to ash: en 1: Wu migm Wé‘ll 3A {0 sink fax the ' Ina t): e huS(iHU_5§ or party and the bAAke . 11'. he referred to the attitude Page on the financial ques- m ‘u w‘uh the president's words on [his point being as hit-arugula (‘nnal ’(‘onun‘lsuimxers 0t tuned States I] vlng Good 'l‘iu-o. 1 \lnnwuu \"1L-z':11 11;;1111. 1111 Halwwmn, Tc\ ' ._ 111111.10.» llw 1111'1111'1111111111414, 111-1111lvred by l‘lrvsglont chuya m the j Nxcumgua canal cénunissinnvrs of rlw [1111911 States :111d1l1c 1111311111111“: 11111111 ; Anwricun 5311111141111 of capizuliih 11ml ‘ (1011111111015 011 3111101111411 31111111311111 1\ as successful and pron-ll:11luligl1ll'11‘:$111- prlse 111 1111‘ 11>ltur§. They 11211111 cplvn- did View of the emensive 11ml fwrtlle» '- mountains 11111! valleys. of Luke Xioa~ ragua null Munagfim 11ml of the I'uvil‘m ocelm. A lunch whh-h wa: 5111111111 11:15 enjoyed by all. Tie (luv 11‘:1s1l=-112".1ful, 2 sun: mgr “anther prmallimr. l | Seeks HeMy Damages. 011111111. UL, Jan. 15.»D1. l. S. £1115- ‘181‘. 11110 came hale Iccemh' from \\'1- 1111:11 \l'1111... and 111115 engagu‘: us jexxel. ex and optimum b} E. H.11usk. :1-e1d- 11.9; Jun-321‘ here ham 111011-411 amt against Trusk forflluu‘m for {:1 1111111151 l‘aud imprisortnu-n Forster \\ {11111111 Proceedings 01 the specify} Selulon (tom Day to Day”. Springfield, 111., Jan. )3.~â€"1n the senate yesterday the bin appropriating SM“) [0 purchase map‘a‘ or the new sqhamria‘. HD‘ bonionment was advanced to ther read- mg. The committee re'venue mu was past- poned until next Tuesday. 7’ yuucui'uluu HEX! ‘1_uesaay. f Spflflgfield, UL, Jan. 14,â€"‘1'eslerday'5 99% aim? 01’ the senate lasted only five minutes. Senatbr metord's primary 'eleotmn mu 081!" up u t: nectar order, by: Consideraâ€" fion was Mtponod, until next Tuegday. after! Mr. Cuwtordottered amamendmem, whlah was Quiet-ed primed he object of the .amendment Is tofichnnge he provision that primary distrlcxs shall cbnsmute two election districts. The amehdmem fur- ther {Provides that the county comm!ttee of ”93"! may Ponduct a priinary election “he!“ the iudgeé and clerks cit election kh- long to the opposite party. . Spfingfled. 111.. “Ian 15 .â€"The senate did no buune yesterday. Senatbrs \\ luolwhâ€" by and Pemberton being the only members present. Willoughby presiddd ()n Pem- berton's motion the senate'was dechred adjourned until five o ‘clock Monday after- noon. ? . Springfield. m. Jan. lS.-â€"N¢ hustném was ransacted in the senate yesterday. When President Northcon caned’j the body to order at five o'clock m-gre Was not a quoâ€" rum present. and Immediately after the reading of the Journal an ad’ournment was taken. ‘ ,. Springfield. UL, Jan, 19:31:) the sénate yesterday the time was oucubivd in (“Seuss- in}: amsndmmts to the rat’rnue bill and thv foilowlng were adopted Striking out the provision relative to the agricultural stuttstlcs; doing away with uplioato books for the arésewrvr: providm that property shall be zlsSrSsrt] at oneâ€" urth Its cash \‘ahw and that the tax Hr, shall be Pub- lishwl only when nrderml Eby lhr‘ county board. ;' Sprlnzfirld. Xll., Jail. ILLâ€"In the house yesterday Mr. Le Monle‘s lilll taxlng gruln in elevators was advanced to third rend- lng. Mr. Robin's bill w!!?:¢rizing the s'nfe board of equalization to 2155935 "all oom- panles nr nsmoimiuns inc rporaged under the laws of other smiles. [inherit-s or furâ€" elgn countrlcs‘ and doing usineés in (his nuts in the same manm-r as domesxiu cor- porations." was passed. f S. ringfiE-H 111 Jan 14.5â€"Aln the house yesterday \Ir. Moblnery moved to rtcnnâ€" 5i Rer the vote by u hikh his} gs» and elm rric light tax bill tuned to pa. .211 Inn! had al.5151- eration of 22:9 qucshon ipu‘lpom‘d unm m M. Wednesday. Springfipld, UL. Jan. 15,â€"Twomy mem» bore of the house were in; their seats yea- lerday. ML Svlby pywsided in [he absence 0! Speaker Curtis. No business was at- tvmptvd. and 2m adjuurmxmnt was taken until five u'cluck Munduy‘afiu'nuun. Spring-firm. 11]., Jun 15.7â€"The hnusr con- vened at live o'clock yesterday. There was not a quorum prose-m, gum) the session lasted uniy a few mlnmefi SpX'ing’rh-hl. “1., Jurx,19.«1umehuuw yes- terday )sz Raf/0H introdui‘ml :1 l'th‘nUe bill which provldvs ma: Nvouue fur the man: shall 1): raKSMI from the tollow'xm; souu (-5: \Hneral products taken {mm the Q“ of the grate, two mr (em on :1 fair \ulualinn; {1101119114 'er huslnw“ :1115111-114; 111111-111 mwhcint's , flu- Lents 13.1 1111111: 1111 511111 withm the $1319 11101111115111: 1 2'1 ‘11111 The {11111 lrcamirrr 1s 5:.1\'11; f1111 111)\\«1 {1111111, exvuuziont ut' 2111 laws for 14113111; 41f slau- rcvenue, 111111 his 111m of 01111-1: 1s invronscd to St‘VHIl y1-ari 211111 112* 5.1112111 .11111‘11191' unnum. Pu \‘rnuv for 1011111} 11111111: rs 5111111 bp raged f1 hm such properly, and in such manner-1w may 111 1111513111111111n1111-111‘111101‘ authll'.1{1rs Uu‘lh‘r I mi 33!) {my sum uf two per mm prmwelh 'er huslm l’nthvflo Svone In "'2“ Arizona saloon -â€"“‘n’e and Motrer's San-ow. I'ruscott. .\I'iz.. Jén. IO‘MWMIF the ('nhiuct suioun \Hxs crmwiud “i111 hunâ€" dreds of punpie. Mr; Hr“. the \Vifn‘of a mining: mun, ems-Nd with a hulw in her um». and p'auing it on the bur, left with this fun-“El: > “Thv father of thié child dertt‘d me and my huhv. caring mon- for whisky :han r521m~ uf us. 1 wish to tendrr now his child. so that his appetite may 1m grazifiod w the ‘ xiv m of thc d push." 'Hn-x'v “'21:;1 \xiM gush fm‘ Hm )xvtillgâ€" sh‘x‘. 77» mxm vowing?forward tn :nk fur Hm \\:\If. 'Hn- prulngto jndgc \\:l>cnlimi in Kn >("AH6 the: C(5hll‘0\|‘1‘>)' and has 13km" {:1 ‘0 of they-him. 8H In {Wu \aluublv (:iz‘xinumis. L1 SQ'H‘MMLE, l :Kheftmus “en CHILD OFFERED FOR RUM. luau" ,i he was allowed to Liepnrt. ILLINOXSVLEGISLAT‘EJRE. ENJOY THE PICNIC. The "on” he UK 1111 Despatches from Waqhmgton state that there are about to be gm ortant‘develop‘ meats in the Japanese {I}! r lie with the government of the Ilawnnan Is ands. How- ever this may be, certam it is that the dis- turbance bf the stomach named by simdple indigestion will develop Into chronic ys- pepsin unless checkmasted at the start. The finest stomachic is Hostetter‘s Stomach Bit- ters, which promptly .recgifies fiastric tron. Me, and does away ‘vnth uregu arity of the bowels and liver. OMAN. CATTLE » Natn'v way Cows and livifers, M Stm‘kcl‘s ,and Foam.- called Grain-O. It fit! a delicious, appetizing nourishing food drmk to take the place 0 coffee. Sold by all grocers and liked by all who have used it; because when properly prepared_ it tasgesuhke. the finest coffee but is free from all itg injurious properties. Grain~0 aids digestlon' and strengthens the nerves. It in not a stxmulunt but a health builder, and children, as Well as adults, can drink it with great benefit. Costs aboutias much as coffee. 15 and 25c. - Hogs ....................... l"LOI‘Râ€"â€"~Minncsuta Patents Minnnsotu Eakbrs' ....... \VHEAT â€" No. 2 Red.. V qu'mr) ('IH'XL‘S)‘; Tenpenny~Here is an account in the paper of a. man who was shi wrecked in mid-ocean and cast away on a gesert island with another man’g wxfe. Eves-y man igmembers haying been re- jected at juror m some hwanxt.â€"Washing- ton Democrat. - CORN LL‘T 1‘] R Q ( n-umu1 ST L'Ol IS ( ATTLE H \atlvc SULI‘S. ,3; 00 Slackers and Fm-mrs .. 2 ’9 H ’S‘Iâ€"rssfl._"i‘{lvfignfx};â€"The “'ljetch! I hope his wife got a divorce from him!â€"Town Topics. LIV}; STOCKâ€"Native Steers {4 ( .\J.‘T1 H~Shimnng 5 TL Rl- .[< .. . LARD DETROIT. GRAINâ€" Wheat, \‘0. zited” 3 (Torn. No. 2 ................. Huh \0. ‘\\' h . . .. he} i r y EGGS H ...... ........ PUTATUI‘IS (pr 1' 1111)”, PORK ~\1§<~ \Iu)‘ . LAI‘LD ~-- )1;L\ ......... FLUl'R I"H‘YH< _ Simig hl> ......... 01‘. ‘\I\ _, \\' luv-.31 M (141.. Ma\ 03!». Rye, - 0 Barley, (hmw to P11ch )IIL“ Al' KPH GR \1.\â€"â€" â€"â€"V\ mm, \C) Jpriu" Bin‘ley. Nd. PORK â€" M95 HOGS SHEEP S H¢)( Both the method anti results when Syrup of F in is taken; it is pleasant 11nd Icfreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet; piomptly on the Kidneys, Limr and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem efiectually,-dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only Iemedy of its kind e\ 01' pro- (luccd pleasing to the taste and ac- (.eptable to the stomagh. prompt in its action and truly beneficial 1n its effects prcpmed orily £10m the most healthvand agreeablesnbstances, its manvexcellent qualities commend if. to all and have made it the most popular remedy kilown. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by fill leading drug- gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro~ cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do {1013 accept any substitute. - CALIFORNIA- FIB SYRUP 6'0. Burnin , itching frost-bite. Use St. Ja- cobs 0 â€"cures promptly. Cools the fever. S G <1 9139' me‘wrs Bull: 7 mpg]: SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. LOUISVILLE, KY. IIE W I Give the Children . Drink Just a Scheme, of Course. Lâ€"I ghl Shims \\' ~u»m ...... Hawaii and Jinan. THE MARKETS. ht (L‘I umwx 2 January (‘HH‘AUO New York, Jan. 19 its'w’ YORK. MY. 3 nu 2" Qt “I'M! ”0%”? 50 80 HUM}? 251:4“; 25L -- 12/ 471x251? 50 f}? 3 Tu an 4 60 28$; “(V 4‘.) in m i Eu .30 {9399999993 If you Want something extra. buy some MU RALO from the same dealer. This material is a HARD Fxxxsu to be applied with a brush and be- comes as hard as Cement. Milled in twenty-four tints and works equally: as well with cold or hot water. Wts‘end for samplehrcnrds and if '(m can- not. purchase this material from your local dealers lei us know an we will put you in the way of obtaining it. ' .- - THE MURALO 00.. new BRIGHTON. s. L. NEW YORK. CANADA AK’UCAILLQLI’MI Layd. yieldlmz from filfi Ton Weeks coursp in, TELEGRAPHV A Profession for 5!; MURALO WATER COLOR PAINTS ma momma WALLS All] names {3thng3 gigging: grocer or paint dealer and do your own kalsomining. This material is made on scientific principles by machinery and milled in twentyâ€"fourténts Band is su erior to any Concoctmn of Glue and Whiting that can possibly be mgde yhand. To. gm MIXED wrm COLD WATER. _---_-. - n .‘ , ,fl”. €€€€€€€€6€< PAINTB'CJ’EWALLSJGEILINES § AA. AB n‘ll of wash-day”â€"â€"so somebody has called home-- cleaningâ€"seven days of rasping hard work. This person didn't know anythihg about Pearline. a House-cleaning with Pearline doesn't A mean the usual hard work. Neither does washday. ‘ And what would ordinarily take seven days ought to be dime in three. » ‘ Try Pearline and see for yourself the saving in time and work and rubbing. 538 1 MANITOBA. ASSINIBOIA. ALBERTA. SASKATCHEWAN “Seven. days during the winter mnnthl about, the (arm hunk of Saba-{gm Iowa and 5183- souri. % POST YOUR- SELF how to gm nohcap home‘ in a msmrnus, healthycommum . The “Can: Belt. 'a mommy paper, handsome y illustrated, is full of mu»- maziun concerning western farm 11mm. .vud ‘1!) cents (or a year‘s subscriptmn Lo “The 4 mm Belt.” 209 Adams Street. Chicago. LANDS OOLORADO IRRIGATED DRUGGIS'TS THE PLATTE MED 80. Box 1547. “'I'thin 50 miles u! 119:)- ven and near Hrvcley, for sale in luru- .and smulltrnots-y.’ nu of waleralnw prwm m- u'uawc (wry: ~. IlFlsT ("umaw in thv- W01 d. Writo 1n! n of “THE 3}.“5116 ‘l'{'{ E RELIGIUN.” 42.3 ; :eâ€"I, DEX ‘YEqu 1‘1! 1.0

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