{ï¬ghlaud {lurk 'ilcti‘ï¬. HIGHLAN I) PARK‘ THE WEEK’S NEWS Happenings ROUND ABOUT THE WORLD Casualties and Fires. Personal and Po- litical Notes. Business Failures and Resumption; Weather Record. WGENCE FROM ALL PARTS .__â€"- CONGRESSIONAL. Proceedings 0! First Regular Session. The time in the senate on the 26m was Opent in discussing Ithe Teller resolution providing that the government pay the principal and interest or the bonds of the United States in silve'ri...ln the house con- sideration of the Indian appropriation hill consumed the entire day. The conference report on the urgent deficiency bill was adopted. The time in the United States senate on the 27th was occupied in discussing the Teller silver resolution....1n the house the Indian appropriation bill was passed. and the political debate which has been raging was transferred to the District of Columbia bill, which followed it. The features of the debate were the speeches of Mr. Hartman (Mont) in denunciation of the ï¬nancial poi- lcy of the administration and of Mr. Dolli- ver (1a.) in .roply to the general attacks of the opposition. _ .. "A.t_. -3 The Teller resolution for the payment of government bonds In silver was passed in the senate on the 28th by a. vote of 47 to. 32. A blll was introduced to provide an addlâ€" tlonal clrcult judge in the Sixth. Seventh tnd Eighth clrcults of the Unlted States. Adjourned ‘to Monday....1n the house the blll [0 pay the book publishing company of the Methodist Eplscopal Church South 32833» for damages sustained by that cor- poration during the war was passed and the free homestead bill. glvlng over 20,- 000,000 acres of public lands as free homes for settlers. was favormly reported. At the evehlng sosslon 29 pension bills were passed. The senate was not in session on the 29th ult...rIn the house the fortiï¬cations appro- prlatlon blll ($4,144,912). wovidlng for the ex- tenslve system of seacoast defenses now in course of completlon, was reported and the Teller silver resolution was recelved from the senatel g1 107 AVA.~I~H. Three diflinct shocks of earthquake were Mt at Helena. Ark, but no dum- ago was. done. While orossing a railroad trestle near St. Louis Mrs. Lizzie King and Frank Carey. aged 12. were run down by an express train and killed. n ,vr..\~ may†gr‘y.-_~ The steamer City of Duluth went ashore on the outer bar at St. Joseph, Mielr. in a furious gale, but the pas- sengers and crew were saved. The Central Mattress Manufacturers' association was organized at Indianâ€" apolis for the purpose of reducing com- petition and to regulate prices. Property valued at $100,000 was burned at Mount Sterling. Ill., and Al- bert Pieper was killed by a falling wall. The secretaries of 25 cf the leading fair‘associations in Indiana met at Inâ€" dianapolis and passed resolutions in fa- vor of excluding from fairs. al-l‘ im- moral shows. ,> At the third annual banquet in New York of the National Association of Manufacturers of the United States President Mi'liiuley was the speaker and: he reafï¬rmed the ï¬nancial and tariff Iilxnks of the St. Louis platform. In antitipntion of the new immigra- tion law going into effect the rush of immigration to this country has started. A -. . 9‘ ,,,yn- h- .lnl II.“- An explosion of oil at Beenvme, P3,. destroyed the big cement mill, 4,000 bar- rels of cement and 300 tons of coal, caus- ing a loss of 5100.000. -- v" \7_ -_AA_ ' fresident and Mrs. McKinley enter- tained the diplomatic corps at the ï¬rst state dinner of the season. n u.) CAâ€"4n- llukc ulnlun. v. ._e The gold reserve in the United States treasury on the 27th reached 5163.670,â€" 000, the highest point in seven yearsf The exchanges at the leading clearing houses‘ in the United States during the week ended on the 23th aggregated 31.233.710.195. against 31.416.781.1231he previous week. The increase compared with the corresponding/week of 1897 BY EVANS FORREST“ 33$ [gs of the Past Seven Days in Brief. DOMESTIC. ILLINOIS, of The fastest étrip of the season trom Philadelphia t San Francisco was made by the Iroquoi ‘. the time being 1‘28 days. A"; x _____ â€J 1 .V The agriculï¬ural department has is- sued a farmer ’ book on the subject of forestry for f mers. ; Albert Mott r and Henry Gelhnnsen were killed a ‘d Gottlieb Ilson fafally injured by lnlgaling carbonic acid gas in a. brewing vit in Milwaukee. The Ewart guilding in Chicago was burned. causi g a loss of $250,000 to several businegs firms. ,. . l p__ gain of 1896. ‘Uu‘t. Charles Wehi) has been sentenced m 99 years' imprisonment for the mur- der of his swéeflxenrt at St. Louis “in 1805. 1 ‘vv-r. January wheï¬t went up to $1.10 on the 2Sth in the Chï¬cngo market and closed at $1.08. -. The opera Houses several business buildings and the Mason county'library building. full bf rare books and prehisâ€" toric relics. \vkre burned at Maysville, Kv. v! Judge C. W. D dedared the (min constitutional. L... â€v. A train on the Maine Central roxd \\ as \\ recked year Oreno, Me" and four persons “ere killed and many others “ere injuredï¬ .-\ . .,‘ A1 "U- â€um. Chiqf Justiéie Shepard Barclay, of the Missouri supééeme court, mignod,’ and Gov. Stephens appointed 'W. M. Wilâ€" liams «a ï¬ll tide vacancy. lluluo ‘|v .... . .Iudgé Honor: sentenced Christopher Merry ti) be fémged February 18 in Chi- cago for the hxurder of his wife. President :chinley touched a tele- grams key :1‘ the whim house and openï¬d the ‘iCalifornia golden jubilee fair at San Ernncisco. .‘ A__, Mrs. Fannlb llaihburn, r, her daughter‘ \Inry aged 1: murdered in, their cottage ton. In. Tom Burn§ will succeed Adrian Lâ€. Anson as mu‘nager of the Chicago baseâ€" ball- team. , The OceaniiBlutY house was complete- ly destroyedfhy ï¬re at Kennebunkport, .\Ie., the losszéboing$100,m0. Alderman {Christopher Byrne and his wife were kiï¬led by the cars at a grade 'cross'mg naug- Joliet, Ill. IJ|:(uc-. Uh u..- -..v, Harris M. Jl’lnisted, a veteran general of the "oivill? war and exgovernor of Maine. died ln Bangor. aged 70 years. President IMcKinley was 55 years old on the 29th§ult. Daniel ngrence Braine. rear adâ€" miral of the United States navy. re- tired. died ï¬t his home in Brooklyn, N. Y., aged <39§years. A 1A,-11‘ A- PERsoï¬AL AND POLITICAL. Hon. Elwzjod Evans, aged 70. the old- est. practiciflg lawyer in the sta‘e of Washington: dropped dead from heart disease on t 2 street. -., _.<, Dr. Vï¬'idï¬ofg Nansen, the Arctic plorer. sailfsd from New York on Cmn'pania gor Liverpool. A hurri zine _worked immense ae- strueti‘on i the vicibity of Odessa, Rus- sia. Whol villages were devastated and the damn e to shipping was enormous. 'l‘he'pu lie ï¬rosecutor in Madrid de- mands u ésenlence upon Lieut. Gen. Weyler 0 two {months‘ imprisonment. It is sni that commercial treaties neâ€" gotiated gby Minister \Voodford in Madrid ahd ready to be signed are ex~ pected ta'stop hostilities in Cuba. Advices from Madrid say it has been decided that the whole Spanish fleet shall no centrate at Haï¬ana. ‘ A doz shocks of earthquake, some quite s rp, were experienced at Te- huantep e, Mexico. ....1 . “_ mumâ€, _, _,- The t‘ irty-ninth birthday of Em- peror V illiam, of Germany. was cele- brated in Berlin. The (glut-ch of St, John Batiste was burned in Montreal. the Loss being $250,- 000. g ' Russib has offered China a loan on the same terms as those of Great Brixain. ,J___A Four German sailors were murdered by the hiugse 5n Shanghai ,,_.1 -1. CA â€J “W ------- r" v The {ohmial legislature opened at St John’s,‘N. F. an..- _, _ Bushl ï¬res in Australia destroyed 43 homeséeads at Langley and Kellng and six perkons were burned to death. A’ farce of frontier tribesmen am- bushed part of an English brigade in a gorge lear Shinkamgmr. India. and ï¬ve ofï¬cer: and eight men were killed. ï¬xore' thin-26.000300 bushels over ~ liaihburn, :1 widow. and Mary. aged12, were found their cottage in Burling‘ will succeed Adrian C. ager of the Chicago baseâ€" Dusmx. of Dayton, has x0 anti-lynchingl‘aw un- FOREIGN. worked immense de ï¬xed as the date for on the Capt. Gen. Blanca predicts a cessation of hostilities in Cuba in February. The ï¬r5t~class armored cruzser Vis- caya left Spain fonAmeriéa. London‘s great strike of engineers. which continued for seven months. in' volved 100.000 men and cost the British nation millions of pounds. resulted in: a victory for thecmployt‘rs. :United States Consul-General Lee gave a banquet'ut Mariano Bench, Cuba. to the ofï¬cers of the United States wur ship Maine. ‘LATER. ‘ t Two of the general appropriation hillyâ€"that for the army carrying $23,- | 243,402 and that for the legislatid" judicial and executive departments. our- rying 21.658.520â€"were passed in the ' United States senate 0n the 315t ult. and John .\i.'.\1cLuurin was sworn in as n senator from South (.‘arolinaf In the house the Teller resolution declaring the bonds of the United States payable ‘ in silver was defeuted by a vote of 182 L to 132. Mr. Greene (Neb.) introducedll an anti-trust bill. explicit in its terms‘ ‘ and naming :1 penalty of $10.000 fine or from two to 15 years‘ imprisonment. In executive session on the lst the: United States senate discussed the Hawaiian annexation question. In the house the military academy appropria- tion fuill was reported and a bill was passed authorizing the secretary of the treasury to build or purchase :1 suitable i vessel for revenue cutter service on the I Yukon river to cost not exceeding $40,- 000. The District of Columbia appro- priation bill was discussed. ‘ The First national hunk of Larimore. .N'. 1)., closed its doors with liabilities of 571.754. Abe Storms has; confessed to the mur- der of Mrs. Fannie Rathburn and her 2â€"yearâ€"old daughter Mary at their home in Burlington, Ia. Owen Sullivan. aged 105. whs buried in the Caflxolic cemetery in'DeIevan, \\'i s “Virginia Bill" Friley, an old citizen of Elliott county. K53. :Igvd RU yvars. and wife, 70 years of age. “ere murdered at their home and robbed uf from $800 to $1.200. Sallie Foster, believed to have been 1110 oldest white woman In Kentucky, (livtl “our Million. llgl (l 105 years. James J. Corbett announced at [’9 min, lll.. that he had renounced pugil- ism foreVer because of failure to ar< range another ï¬Wht \Vilh Fi t7simnmns. Near (lreemille. 0.. a fast train onughtC. F. Y.onng w1fenml four- wear- old girl in :1 top buggy killing father and child and fatally injuring me mother The llartsville (1nd.) college. an in- stitulion connected with the United lrethren (llqdlcal) church, was burned by an incendiary. . Andre“ (‘asebecr age} 92 ve ars. was 5.51 ranted a divorce from his “ï¬fe. Mary Jane (“Si-beer. aged {)0 at Bmler. Ind Desextion was the Charge. The 5.000 operatives at the Atlamio and Pacific cotton mills in Lawrence. 31:53., decided to 11650;): the Ivn per cent. reduction in wages. Heavy snmvsmrms \\ith high winds prevailed in_I'.lin0is. Iowa. Indiana. Wis- (unsin and Michigan The (91:1! rmenuos of the "m 91 nmcnt ( \chlsiw 0f the pos‘ oiï¬ce depart- Hunt) for the hscnl ymn- heurinniug July I, 1807, were $245.1’)04.000. Iguinst 981.124.1310 for the forrespunding pvriotl of 1800-97, an increase of $63,- C 9000. C. A. 0, McClellan died suddenly at his home in Auburn Ind. He served in congress from 188101892. On the Union Paciï¬c read a sper‘ial mull train made lhe run from Cheyenne to Omaha. 517 miles. in 450 minutes, breaking ull longâ€"dismmm railway rec- owls. Thomas L. Thompson. who served in thehousenfrepn‘sentntives from lRSl to 1550, died in Santa Rosa, (‘31.. aged (30 )‘can. The Alvord house in Glovorsville. N. Y.. was burned. and E. C. Kimball. of In- dianapolis. aful his wife and daughter; Benjamin F. Strickland. llem'y C. Day and (‘lmrles Rupperl. of (lloversx'ille. perished in the flames. \ , rv,.n~1 Ctn‘n- The total coinage at the United states mints during January was 315314.015, as follows: ‘Gold. $25.3“),000; silver.$1,- 624.000: minor coins. $850,015. The mail steamer Channel Queen was totally wrecked oï¬â€˜ the island of Guern- scy and ‘22 persons were drowned. The total bank clearings at 77 cities of the United States in January aggre- gatnd $5,965‘000,000. a gain of 33 per cent. over January. JS‘JT. (‘upt. Ray. sent by the government to Alaska, reports that i‘elief is needed and urges u check to immigration for the present. ‘ " LA...‘ LA“â€" Vl.‘\ -,, The New Engriand states have been devastated h) a terriï¬c storm. the list of fatalities reachi ng.. 25 and the prop- erty loss 0V er $1 000 000. The loss of life was conï¬ned mniniV to the Massa- chusetts coast where manv ships VV ere wrecked, and the members of the crews were drowned. The government receipts for January aggregated 537.333.6223 and the expendi- tures $36,696.71}, leaving a surplus for the month of $636,?17. The public debt Qtatement issued on the lst shows that the debt increased $12,589.77] during the month of Janu- ary. The cash ba‘nance in the treasury was SKILIOSJMR. Th“ total doht. less ‘the cash baiance in the \reasury, amounts to $1,011,701.338. ‘.n.-..v. ..-, President and M1s.McKinIey enter- tained President pole offlzmaii and Mrs. Dole at dinner. at the United States In the! ropria- 1 t“ I was ‘E i of (he d: uituble ‘3 a“ flow The-i Ar-e Operated and-Mnde to Pay the Runner. ‘ ’ w h i c h is proving very advantageous to the settlers of North Alberta, Canada, and dis truly a boon to the farmers, is the establigshment of creameries by the Government at negulardis- tances apart. ‘The Governmentofurnishes the entire plant, puts it in and operates it without direct cost to [the farmer. From‘ the sale of the butter the Government re- tains 5 cents per pound! the balanCe going to ‘the farmer. This is continued for three years when the Government turns over the plant and business to the farmers, giving them a clear title of it. Thus these oreumer- ies are put in at a minimum cost to the farm- er and paid for in a wa ' that he least feels it. \Vhen we were there utter was’ selling at 21 and ‘22 cents er )ound. Cheese factories were being es‘ta lis ed, too, alo ‘ the rail- road and much of the freight logged on the cars on our return trip consisted of butter and cheese, as it was: in the best season for ‘ milk. The produee found a readyvxnarket in the mining and lumbering towns and dis- , tricts beyond the Rockies, through the Brit- ish Columbia country, where. it‘ was, we were told, difficult to supply the demand.†‘I A.... A“-.. , , i The ideal comedy 41mm}; of “\mcrican Ihome 1im,“Shore}r\crcs,\ulhdumc A. ; Heme, as \uthuuiel Ben}, wnmmes mu Ew weeks longer. "kn, “nu, u... The Klondl e is another ï¬eldmow open to the “'ostern Canadian farmer for all: roduce of the farm. and the ofï¬cials in the )epartmeut of the Interior, (Mtawa. Cana- da, are kept busy sending out htermure de- scribing this great agricultura} country. The a. ents of the Government throughout the limited Smtes are also supplied with litera- ture, which they distribute free. V In Real Meaning. Little Elmerâ€"Pa, what does “requiescat in ave" mean? rof. Broadlyea<lw“l?]eq§ F‘tgxy dead" is ;.\.. near enough.â€"~1earsnn s “ eekly MovesV the bowels each day. In order to be healthy this is necessary. Acts gently on the liver and kidneys, Cures sick headache. Price 25 and 50c. People whose children can’t mu; don'£ czu‘u’as long as older one-5 can better.~\\ ushinglon Democrm. LI‘ TC S’I“U( Ivâ€"Natin 31H r~ $4 Shup .......... V. 3 Hugs. 3 FW R Minm..\ a l" .. 2) Mint. ( sum Raks-rs' ..... A4 “'1“: \Tâ€" No ..R(d. ..'1 BUTT F 11-4 reflmory *; aleâ€"«:35 “unsung, Haasw Wesr‘ern Nun“ / CHICAGO. g‘A’I‘TLE- «Shipping Steers - TEXAS/Steers ....... Stunli'ms Femiers Bulls ....... HOGSï¬Light ., Plum (0(hu1m Hm. S}H";}:.P.... BI T'I‘ FIRâ€"4‘ réumon ‘ ICGGS‘ .. HHEICSI‘. mm ("r-13m l‘OTATOIuS (pm‘ h\1,}.. |’()RK~MOSS, May. ‘AA11T)~»3I'A}' . RIBS-"May ....... F‘LOI‘Râ€"Patoms Straights: .......... )RAINvWYhoal, Januar} Corn, No. 2 .......... Oats. N0 2.’ Ryv, N0 ‘3 flame) (‘ twins to l 1nvv )HT \\';\1 K1311. §IiAIN-\‘\'hI‘*al, N0 .. Swing? not :51 MUST-1P ‘A'I‘TLEâ€"Nauvc Steer: Texas Steers .......... Smukers and Fwdvrs '1()(‘yS~Light ........ Ilva‘vy ...... ‘ “H‘IEP .. u... n J. . V ' ’mc'mow. mmxuwnom, No. 2 ma (‘m-n. Nu 2., ............. 0:11s,.\f0.2 White. CARA DIAN CREAMERIES. OMAHA ATTLEâ€"«Naxi‘w Shin rs (‘mx‘s‘and Hrlmrs; .. Slackers and Fwedvr: This was why she; prepared her excellent vegemu.‘ meuuw ..-.--_ has been such a boon; to thousands and thousands of women. It you have headaches chiefly at the top of the head, and a". troubled’by painful menstmg. tion, dizziness, sleepleésness, backache. and that bearingâ€"down feeling Lvdi; E. Pinkhain‘s Vegetable Compound will tone up your whole svstem. Mae. Cm D. EBBER'rflao Wood St., Reading, Pal, testiï¬es. to the . great power of the Compound. . “ Mrs. Pinkhamâ€"I qan say that your medicine has cured ’ me of the pains and txpubles which I bad. My case was V a very bad one, and puzzled the doctor. My womb hull ' ' fallen and I had terrible pains in my back andhips. I could hardly walk. My husband Went to our iam- lly doctor, and be prescribed medicine for me. but I found no relief. and grew worse instead of better. - The doctor examined toe and wanted to perform an operation. but my husband would not consent. the advertisement in the paper. I got a bottle of Lvdin E. Pinkham‘s Vegetable Compound. and before Ivhad taken half of the second bottle. I felt like a new wo- man. In all I have thkon four bottles of vour med' ‘ entirely cured. l hnpb that every woman éuï¬eringlgnle’dgd-ffï¬ 23:11:12 I In vice and take your medicine at. once.“ ' ; . ‘ w my '6' Mchcker'n Theater, (Th'lcugo. Dairy Lane THt .MARKETS. ’I Family Medlelue. ST LOI’IS a»- -v . __,- After long and patient investigation, Mrs. Pinkhnin conï¬rmed her own conclusions, namely: that seven- eighths of the suï¬erings of women are due. to dis~ orders of the uterine system. Reasoning on this line. she saw that the only preventive of early breaking \ ‘ down, was a. speciï¬c medicine which would act r_ alone on the female organism. by she 4 prepared her excellent Vegetable‘ Compound. which a boon; to thousands and thousands of women. It you have 1y at the top of the head, and a". troubled’by painful menstrua- sleepleésness, backache, and that bearingâ€"down feeling, Lydit 'egetablo Compound will tone up your whole system. Mas. Cm Wood St. Reading, Psi, testiï¬es. to the A New Yoi‘k, Feb MEN CALL WOMAN A MYSTERY. A woman's Knowledge Saves A}1 woman understands women as a man never can hop. to.‘ For this reason Mrs. Lydia E. Pinklmm. of Lynn. Magi†now known all over the English-speaking world. f~ set to work to help her sex. 5 So She is to Themâ€"Not so to c Womcq‘ 5h (951,011 >0 401 94142“! (no («l-l m4 €14 Jain 30 38 451 44! 94% 45‘,’ Always Delicate But Hood's sareaparllla Has Made Her Strong and Rugged. “My little girl has‘ always been very delicate, and has been using Hood‘s Sara:- parflla. She has mken several bottles of this medicine and is a rugged child now. “76 believe Hood‘s Sarsaparilla has done what no other medicine; wuld $10." 5. 3. Cum, 1316 Grand Ave., Racine, M'is. Is the hem-in tact Hood’s Sarsapayulla I". not ‘lv... _, The weather this season in the South has been all ï¬lm could be desired, and all who have alreadv reached the resorts of Florida 391d the ,Gulf Coast are charmed with their locations. The Louisville 6: Nashville Rail- road Company’s arrangements for through sgrvice of sleeping Cars and Coaches from hortliem cixies are unsurpassed this winter. Tourist tickets, good to return until May 3lst, are on 3.11ch this line from all points, at low rates. For full particulam write to (T. P. Atmnrc, General Passenger A ent, Louisville Ky., or J Ki Ridgcly. X. ‘3'. P. A., Chicago. Ill. #4....â€" A Diplomauc Invitation. Jack Firmce'rlt was a great surprise to me to learn that you had invited yuur neigh- bors, the Flatpurses. to our wedding. Jessicaâ€"«Ali. lint I‘asroriained that thrv iwerq in suoli unquostioualilely straiienc (-ircmnsmiioes that they wouldn't (vmne. That' means they won’t have mnnvy to get us _a wedding present, and we will have n lnniOuvnnln nmmmtion for cutting them IUIB, u \, Am. ,... Jessimâ€" Ah. but I an: 9114 were in suvh unquoctionah (-1‘01M1st'111uxï¬ that they 3! 'J hat means they won’t hnv us a wedding present. and legitimate prmocntion for afterward. iâ€"J udge. ynvu n.‘ n..-â€" T The readers of this paper Will be )leased to learn that there is at least one ’93de disease that whence has been able to cure in all its Magus, and that is Catarrh. Hall’- Catarrh Cure is the only positive cur. known to the medn-al tratornny. L'atarrh being a constitutional distaae. requires A constittitional treatment. Hall’s ('zitui'rh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and nun-our surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building u i the Constitution and assisting nature in wing in; work. The proprietors have so much faith in its cura- tive powers that they oï¬â€™er ()ne Hundred Dollars for any ('EUéC that it tails to cure. Send for list (if testimonials. Address 1“. J. Cheney (10., Toledo, 0. Sold lw llruggists, 750. Hall‘s Family Pills are the best. Hood's Plus cure mun-cf The l'unal Thhlg. Hotel \‘isimr~.\'ow, are you sure this bed is quite (-lean‘.‘ Ser\'unr~~\'ex. sar: the sheets were only washed 11".: umrnin v, Just feel them; they ain't dry yet.â€"â€"The {ivaL of a railway system running between Chic (‘33:), Milwaukee, St. Paul, aneapolin, As land and Duluth, known as the “HB- 90min Central Lines. Before making 1 1)ouruey to any of these northwestern pom“, mquu-e relative to the Fast and Elegaugly Equi ped Trains which leavg Chicago dally via t e \Vismnsin Central; Your nearest ticket; agent can gn'efyou complete informa- tion. gas. C. Pond, G. P. A., Milwaukee, \Yis. ____...____ \Vhen loyors form a combination an on- ggemont mm; 15 \llC resultâ€"Chicago Duly ‘ ewa. \thn :1 man turns over a never sum tivd u'lh‘. 1w ‘gvt: worse hm“ lhe UM ulna It is m who hm “ï¬shing: “onn a man b!l_:lll(‘$ hands wuh his den- tist we wundm' 117 he hm «\‘vr done any Work 101' him \\ Mlnngxmx Bummer-at. People \\1 a, gum (L11 skow W W." Stand straight 0“ cures lame “'3 Not (Sold In I'seSt. Jacobs Oil and say to rheumatism: “W111 see you later." Sore and stiff Suffer; use St. Use St .TamT): (Til promptly and freely And sun “mid me w neuraigm. The pain that im‘tmr’sï¬svizmr‘a Cure that cures ibâ€"St. Jm-(rl R (H little girl has alxxaxs been very e and has been using Hood 5 Sara:- She has mken sex em} bottles of edicine and is a rugged Child now. lieve Hood 5 Sarsaparilla has done no other medicine; wuld do.‘ 5. B. 1316 Grand Ave., Racine, Wis. Perhap- 3100 Regard $100- Mrs. Ebbcrt from an Operation. TH the One In“? Blood P «:m Kt‘ \V You Have Heard from (Md; (1011‘ t wait and . knob 'Uil and get L-.ured and strong bathâ€"cures mum unk- Sonlh. n~ {ha ll’- '10Sf‘j10l’qde hur>c and h1g5..- 6m: 25 ceum (u {:11 uaunllx ï¬nd ‘ “be are {)1 «l1 n Dunwrul a 'new k‘af he ‘8 H Nomad up â€" SL Jacobi promptly. ‘urifler MR. AND M H‘. H0 Decides to M! change for the “'hlle Alternnun- Are} tn the Fan)â€, “(r-NU “All Ln.» tn - FH‘ [50“ Ier Objoi .\1 IS. BL “:61 “-3410“ the L" Bowser sif'l‘i‘“ Altbu\"11 ‘hc \~ L116“ by 1’4‘ Lem er Lulu-1. in stroke of UJS, junce )uur 1.1 van up“. 11:11 thou‘jh L! In ter re>or.-, tin- and a lot of {114 Set 11121.2! Amiui; three a 1' '.r (- Be “a: :m .21." “as 0:.) dwr ’7 round «1: nd _ I :3; p]. “\\'!‘.y. “"1â€" house’.’†:ne r. .. lower stairs u: is sowiy um g oversee tut: .- house." Arum: {rum 1m 1 am are then: ,; Lad piumu‘zsc'. ‘ “Jp- mn mph " "ALd :4: 3Ԡthe .merruplud “Madam, )xa‘ huelnnd‘. A i.‘ [Le LuL1>e ;; beard Lu Cullzi .a xeratmm \L‘ luwnii‘é’“ U 3;; “Hum LIA‘U» ‘QL “1.1Ad‘kr! “Ho“ anu ““e are U u. .. In: u. Jhl‘u C 30: can: an l.\(' :r a 21:11.1 "1 Lexer 541 ii h) a 5 mv Or: “56': l :3" Ac rL-pai EShQJ “l Hut 5 Mr: In .11 w LI (1V