tunnnu H’H ll [ur [my 1)., ommdnnl In :1. â€a Iunrm-rn Huh-red (a ;»- null‘i unstt’rc~ nr-hn_~ tln-‘l‘rannu' rs l'ur tuba. _\1 .\l to B;gi:;. He :r'fl\ H IN‘ :.\.\'IU.\I Ir‘ï¬t .\i r: “or; H H" \I \J Hi) en? m- LY! .ml U l' “(H Mn \41- {lb ‘5 Y; )J i for “ere rr- Ur- :‘ul 13L ll of «If n- d (l 3“: curry; gems “unu- am wh It is Rt’dé‘d that the Mug-2.111 of San lmquu Ii (LI “ixh >p mi“: am} ivn xx 1\, set w} ‘ Iii" in 5!...“ fun-n. 15“.il\‘1>l‘ mumlc plum (‘Hivm mefnn. May from Shanghai there that Ad Madrid. May 11.~â€"T“m clnu (frfinitr‘iy miwpir-(Z liw war urt Madrid. May 11.~»('upt. lien ha: tamed an; urf‘w t X'K‘Qllt'S‘ sidr-ruiiie Hrpplic-s :lxzd prm‘isio pea! was ï¬rnwriw I!“ H Mmirid in\\w?. "hr pt'csnh-nt thrvmened It expel xilm‘: ‘rou if he continued attack the“: Sn mâ€"\\‘ ell. SM‘I' fon- mmw romr rmrh ï¬l'uxn Mn very V thy o Hui m ish gm mfe h Amuricnn Alum.“ port u." 11.1mm: 1 hcrr 11:3! this I thr ('uimn purh Thv ‘ ill:h 11 whivh h (ilu‘gml 'uh Hunx and (7111)» Madrid. .‘luy here hmu Hm my: ihr‘ Spun. .wxz i: M v.1 “hiU' 31‘ vi 1116‘ Symthh 11mm \\ Im from (‘uviu‘ kw 1".111111111: along to \1111‘ I '3 \\i1h.12:1\\w\1>1;~ by the pupuuuu 1‘»? 131' E; VICE ADM 1 RA L MUNTI‘IJO ipflnish ï¬ltramr-r Vluntserrat Said to Huu- aunrn Through the Illnr-Lvdin: Squadron. M K l {U H‘r‘ lL' If. khrmxt I'll {Ill (ht â€â€˜75 of '21} e mw'nl to Ilw putrit In “no war funds. Inwmw.‘ with u m Izln X‘ 1‘ 0;â€: ,H! REACHES HAVANA. «fur '1: my; \d m i m! H cm! Uh, u!n~1rmh. . Mug; 11.~7â€"‘\t ï¬le in r 'l'ursllny evvnix "{‘.~()llltiï¬!‘.. Saimc‘ hi" party \\.'l\' R'P‘il L' (1 ,1‘1 of M Il.lll.1 Mnm Dun-V ic-s 11. 1| :1; 1 , r-.\ «anutch rccrivt‘d iansnu ’1'UL‘ble)‘ afternoon ““01. Wanner Muniin'rl’ut. u \‘gu‘ihlbir‘cargn.t1'1mp>‘.lud 1| ui' mummy intended for {gm} 1}): l'uited Smtux fleet l Uh: poms of (‘ivnfugux m\ mm the blockade of thy runlram and has e-mvz'ml the .m: "A vatt‘rty. It in vluimed [ix [:!";\(‘3 the blockade of 01‘“ i» inmfcctiw‘. h mail >h’i1lllt'l' Muvtsormt, :gml U» have run we hum-1r .u. zwgu nrs to haw: y'vzu'hml ; April :7 with LUUUSpun- :i‘WnLUUU in silwr and 13‘ >- vuliiwr, in udditiun‘to u v mun, including :1 quanâ€"1 uLitinn. The Spaniards“ m.r~vrmt “11.x ï¬ghtwl by} )x;:m-nf~wur. wIm-h ï¬rmi’ mail 31m mm" it is uHe‘ggcd. 1m amxih'm‘v (â€I‘llisnr \\ UUI fI'L mzt n-qm-s‘ for cun- lxzd {)I'r)\‘i,\30n<. â€"~ .\ Spe,‘ci:k1<)ispnf(rh s that it is I'vpol‘tvd ! Montejo. the com- 31112;). the yen the :nm’ix \I ma session in Znyevvning:mdvhun- inn. Sainn-z‘sun (Imp) \' \\:2\- :‘r'zul‘v to form \ great 'xpmur fol~ I'm-r11 thrvmened t0 the next thing in to (-upture (he (:xnurh-u. l gut-so»: able! Et‘ llnsxm: \\ L‘l'c kin“ v ‘ '11 l)‘ \t We 2: L-lmmlwr hm N EXT MOVE. m nude ni’nx of Nuthinf: Tuesday. >11‘11‘\ e11, 111111 11 111J\\‘ ;1111;1>i11'.\11111: 1111111 ‘1115 11111‘ \11111)1‘\ 11111~1 1111111-1111 111111†‘111‘. 1111. 1113411;11'11‘1‘1111-8111111111u:>.111:1.~k .1r_\ 111111111 111111'1‘ difï¬cult than 111111 of meeting 1110111 near our own shores. 11 “'11s suggestvd by some 011111" 11111111- 1111's of the war board that 11mm: “:19: i11x1 a pussibilitv [hat the 3111111191 51111111: 11111 111: 31111 11:.1111' :1 q111ckp.1s>.1gv 111111111- ’111‘1111-1111‘11111g11111:511117/1'11111! 111111 1111:1011 Dewey 1113111111111. his mid 111111, 11111111‘111‘3' :0 111a counm‘n 11111111- s::1111'1:111_". 11:11 Suez canal 35 0111-11 10111-2 1111132111» of 211-?!131‘1‘0111 pnwers, so 1113,: 1.“ 1311'S11.'11::>311-.'.1:0~1‘ (0111111111511111131; [1191'\11111I1111:1w1111111g 51:11'1111'11113'11111“ 11111211»: from 11111‘ 31111) of 1111‘ A1- 1111.13.15 11 is smrrvly believer]. however. 111.1:1111- $1111111>11ar0 willing 10.111111: :11» 211:1! ri,~1\ 11f vqmving 11» 0111‘ :112111‘11' their mm 11111111" purla by 1111’ “1111- 171'1111111 11f <0 (rethink 1711119 :1312'111111‘111111 ' {7133111 ~.11111r111.1~1\1)1111bure- (1f 3 1-‘1111~ .I :11 .1.11111:111'11l)c\\13. Nothing “:1: 1111:1111 {1‘11111 Summon am! that, stunri “an! 1cm ill'lltd. “Enhi h HT. 0!! the mhvr 1mm}. it i< hvlim‘vd that no enduring iwm‘c' mu 'nw M‘vllrx‘d Hui} the Spam ~h Htl\_\ f.x< hwu .1“- ~H‘n‘\ed. and i1 nmv ;|1)i}l’ill'xll x: In do Fla-Yr mifit I‘llnn struggh‘. as it is rmmduru] )n-xt to impossibie 11m: shc In.“ any aha-1mm.» plan or tha: the retrcnt of thr squad- ron hides mxm- sirutvgia' dwign." “'ushingtnn. May 11. Sevrmm‘) Long has rum-inn! u dispatch from Hm uzn'ul attache at London conï¬rming â€H‘ :«Intn (lt‘pnrtmrnt’s cable that Hm Spuniah ('upe do \'e-rzic fleet is at Cadiz. \"(lShing'hHL May 1137!! is hard to to}: “'ther the nuvuT uï¬'H'L-n \n-rv reâ€" Iicnw'01'ni~.|}1puintmlh)‘ x’nu nvunthut mun- I.m- TIM'NL’I) aflu'nuun m hmh 13w “my um! ~L11c (lupurlmvnis tn thr- MTu-t Ihu: 1h» 511;â€)in flying squmlx'nn hmim‘rixe‘r! :1H‘:1«'.‘i/..Sp:1in. 'l‘hcsat'viy 9f rim (Ir'vgnn from mmch is now cum- ]:la-h-W 11>.xurvd. and the “113' i:(-1v:ll'fur mifiturv mwx‘urimw in (‘uhn \xithnut Minn I nu flu; f London. May 11.â€"'l‘hv1‘ flrmutimx of 1110 rvpm't 1h isk. flue: {Wm the (‘:\;)9\ has rcun'xwd m L‘ndiz; uut N11" York May 11,,.\ Hwoin! {10m Ioudon s.1\> 71:. 1t :1 viphm dispuuh xe- (c \111 lln-rc flu-11 (11111 rz-pur. s lhv reâ€" turn to .111- pim-u I151 112141911 of four cruiser; one turpuh) Lou: and .hrt‘e turpv 10 non: (1(\1l‘)\<"‘ compns 119.11, is :11'1‘01‘1.‘ :1 part of the (up: \cnle llce‘. anuull ('npo Verde Fleet 0! SD".- hlh “‘urnhlps Take. No l'hanreu .AH- hadurv‘d. Thi> sl'ltvnn'ul by a well-knuwu wxzutur cag- Yht- fiH'lS. mural. and the “113' i: (-lvnr for â€1y npux‘urimw in (‘ubn \xixlmut {mg thv ri>k of having the) m'cnpy- ,u‘my's ï¬lm of cummunh-ntiun (-ut 10!! l‘ Slum for Threa- “t-n Klllod. hi. .\I.l}‘ H.~--.\ blwxm. Kw 3hr L11 Tribune from l‘ax‘hrr» \':I. 511‘â€: 'I'hrm‘ )HI‘ZJ \s. re mm!) hurt and :‘nurmhv-rs LjM‘H! .1! thr- mirws nftize (a? vumlunz} by (120 [Irruk‘ mi :1 var “Ix “-1ka \wrv 1pm 1111‘ ‘.'x'r>k1‘ :1\\.’I_\' Iran. the 111“ more shah and landvd “h at tho fun! 01‘ the mine but 111;: at n (MT RETURNS TO CADIZ. ilel‘X't‘xi Flam “ lth Sump-on. [â€1 mtinning: .1 9 rmhidul‘vd a confident I‘V- nf: 11mm wiH be from uiuz'n rim 1’ :his [mung an X‘ In 1s: .1 hopvivs, h‘l‘vd )M'XI 10 «y alt: rnurix.» of thr squad- dorign." 11H L1H U» do up thur mlpso n Iltxun \' h‘\\' MR Syrup of ngs is for tale in 50 ‘ cent bottles by all leading drug- ! gists. Any reliable qugist who! may not have it on hand will prn- l cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept an y substitute. CALIFORNIA! FIG SYRUP 6'0. many excellent qualities commend it i to all and have made it the most; 7 popular I‘ommly known. ! ml ('onstipminu. Syrup of Figs is the only romocly of its kind ever pro- duced. pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, rompt in it< action nnd.truly bone cial in its art-ms. prepared only from tho must hoalthynnd agreeablosubstanccs. in ONE EN OYS Both tho method am msultx' when Syrupof Figs is taken: it is pleasant and refreshing to the tuxtu. and acts gently yet. promptly on the K him-5's, Liver and linwcls. cleanses the sys- tem vffoctuully. dispels cohk hmd- aches m: l fevers and cum": habitual Scorching _is apt to ,cinge tho popularity of Cycllllgstlm ugu News SAN FRM‘CISCO. c: (DENY/Us} U. A‘Ew ï¬nishing thv/ / second I) n x I lwgun w im \ prove and by ‘_ the time} had \Q‘ taken the ï¬ve \ bows I “as- nhle t o g o d. I» 0 mt my .1 I’nvnly u‘ lwmk my! stuppml 1.1mm “Uur dauvmvr Amm wus Mm nï¬ wtwl \\~!h 1 “IL l r R x }n thvwmmvrul 1897 I prw 5' u r c (1 live “I was afflicted with fmmfle troubles and was in a delicate ntute of health. 1 lost my appetltc. grew thn and WM groalig' do» pressed. After tukin \‘unous remvdlcs without. bein benvï¬tm I was: mdm-ul by u {Mogul n; try r. \\‘1ihzuns' l’mk I‘xlls. boxes of t] u n d be: Mrs. Amanda. Robinson, wife of \\'i_lliam Robinson, farmer and smckman, near lluwesville, Clay County, 1nd,, )8 thirty- two years old and had for several years been in declining health and dcspondent. For three momhs she was not only unnhle to attend to her domestic dutms, but too feeble to be up and about. Today she is m 00d lwalth and able to attend to ln-r lmuso mld ulllnrs. She relates her oxpcnence as fol- lows: From the Democrat, Bmzil. Ind. Every woman cannot he bountiful. but u cheerful face often supplies the deï¬ciency, But no one can be cbccrl‘ul and bring jm' to others unless tlw)‘ have erfocl health. For- tunately. sue-me has paced tlns priceless boon withm tlu- reach of every woman as tlelfollowing z‘ncifler‘rg proves: _ The accepted lover gasped in astonishment for a mnmom. hut thr-n. fleeing a twinkio in his adored mw's eye. forgave her on Hm spot, (In the way hnmr. however. he wtvd that his future wife \vnuld he :1 dangpmus customer in repnrtee.~â€"(3hicagu Chronicle. duct to haw A man in the lxuuw timr‘.’ Perhaps the girl mnl‘ludrd that 1hia was as good .1 hmo rl~ Any to take him down a peg or twn, for she repliwd Vurx' 000“}? "Yes. I do l'vuiizc n I, m: Yuu Fm, papa is out of town on lvluilww .1 gnml dark so that nmmnm. aunty and l are oI’tvn quin- alum. I have thought i! .111 OH'r and lune ('UHII‘ In thp conclusion that it would lw m‘vr m mm h mferuto have a man in the lxuu<c all the “1 know “1.1117 )o_u wank] rs-ulizv 11):: would he ha upwr With me ann \rmeut be; suggeste , u 111) just a hunt of tnum hm tmm. “It 5901118 {on nod to be true‘ \Vhon shall the weddm: [alu- [Hm-v?" “lâ€"â€"I dun’t know.†"There.- l-a no uw m puttim: if off." "NU," shy tllh‘h’h’d. "I (21.1%. not" The young )nwyrr named 11 (L1) [Wm-[mater- onsly close at ham]. and uiu-r sumo hesita- ti9n_ his vharmvr mum-«L Opinion regardingngnm’h, and partwulurl)‘ fll'idt's th-Iz‘ an mum: mlhe‘r a {amnte among guls m' Ins m-qummuuro. Nx-uu‘y 4 ‘ear ago he ï¬r»! wuullt the hand of the rule to ho, but she drlnurrcd. A few months lutur 1w mm with n somud rvfusal, but dclcnnnmd to make our more eï¬url. iv Hus [va the yuung “umun huJ mum in regard him \\ uh :1 punk! doul ov‘mtm-m. This fm'hng grew in \xumlth, and m. y‘hvn, a wrok or so ago. ho nnN’ morn urgvd his Sllll, she said the “on! which nudc hun (he Imp» pivst man in tnmjn. Amon weddings slated for the near f“. hre is 1 mt of :1 t'lE‘\L’l‘ young anym .“ ho has just wuu {or Ina brido u chuunug “â€1 m whose heart he hm! lung hm] su-ge, Th.» inw- var Is not \Vniwut u vermin .mmunt bf good Opinion regardingmmwh, and Pilffu‘ulurlv ï¬ridc-s th-Iz‘ an 'm-mg mzhe‘r a burnt}; among guls m' Ins m-qummum-c. Nmu‘v A: ‘ear ago he tiru sought the hand of {he rule to ho, 1m! she drlnurrcd. A fmv The (‘ool Retort or II “'luy m†‘0 Her Cumin-cont Fiancee Scl- lllm to Thinking. NEEDED HIM IN THE HOUSE. And you mil be mine A CHEERF UL WOMAN. win ‘01? nu me ann \\-xum'.11 â€11-," Just a hunt of tnumph m mnrludrd that 1his was any to take hun down a rqvlml vurx' ('00â€\'§ A‘El'l YORK, l. r. 9n I rs-ulizv that you he .15ka .chan. lulu-I [ Ilcrlh' Ito-m; u m . - * 1w: Ln. .. m1 1- mm 4 M “1.41. ,- Dr'ulnl I I'er. Ilr I ll. hlblh“ IULMAH- u h.- III}! I“ um.†H II IKUH‘IRI' . m. {mum}. is... may .. x mm,» run mum -u up '1 urhlalhunnuu; lunnl . ru| H.A\(’IN . Thu .I'lll-e h [It out n! In lun'u huh u'tfll, mun“ DROPSYWMI“: 7. 000. 000 :‘E‘lï¬â€˜. w Pin-uni. Flaunt l‘mnm 'rnto 6006 ha GCvkL .\\rvr Mun-n \Vnuh-n â€((-11‘4- lb! 25¢“) go-Iq-uc :51:-pest GWEN AWAYWEI ! I'ermuu-mn run-db uur “(ILL an manna“ . tho FREE! “A mpa Worm “Lina-en reel Ion: ll lonxlmnwun Um two-1w an†my (akin; two ('A\« AIH‘J‘.‘ Thu 1 gm sure his cnuM-d my bad hoaHh for m» putlhrte )mrs [um M111 hymn; Cusvnnh 1h: w'y â€mum worthy of nullco by send! lo [w-wph- " ‘ALLEY OF VURCINIA W'ul ‘ii_.‘â€".i.'iiul:‘i..‘â€"Iii“‘i‘.i‘i‘ngi'_ 'vrmmnn-nt)’ run-d u? uung ML WHITHIALI.‘{RHH'Mu1v M'nx. KILL an unenuon tho puhleculun' THE 1m “Hull-MALL I Lydia E: Pinnam'sVexctablcCompond: a Woman’s mmmIWoman'sllls. ï¬.v --. "on...“ Vegetable Compound. '1 had inflammation of the womb. a bearing-dawn p31â€; and the whites very badiy. The pain was so intense ihn! I (-0qu nu: him-p at. night. I took Lydih E. Pinkhnm's Vegetable (bmpmmd for a. f! w momh». and am now all right. Befurc that. I took morphine pins for my pain»: Hm u 45 a'gn’at mistake. {m- the relief was nniy momvntnry and the effect vile. I am so thankful to be relieved of my sufferings, for we pains I had were humans} terrible." cons cousnpniou. Earnest Words From Mm Pinkham to Mothers Who Have Daughters, and a Letter From Mrs. Dunmore, of Samar-vine, Mass body -. x d h,’ run 1w! .mul The advent of womanhood is fraught with d m A momersyxrxoftvcu neglect. YOU WILL REALIZE THAT “THEY LSVE WELL WHO LIVE CLEANLY-†IF YOU USE rHEUMATISM um 'w ' noun, mum. Mun ACRES: Hrlu. Timber. Ilnenl. lo. A-Vv lurk; Soul: '5"... mun-u SAPOLIO A '0"va AM 3 wire", m .55 335‘. PmrlnlrM h! I†drug- I lll‘.’ nbauo Hahn "HTED A)? pl’rullrl lank'nr ctr n Immi- loinm lint-0' (tn-'1 'tm-n Hu'o In. . our «Rnulnrhuud m-lln‘lhonls nun â€In“; 1.4)“.- :u- N 1’5â€) A Duluth Kmimud m anrwu \ In“. lnndn “and son, have “all: 4 WM nruann )u‘uulth Inllw, I th'thuh Ixmue. (n-I'dmn from an unn‘ and mu lurm. rxvolin-nl nmrk'ln The K In: NY In ‘r‘I-umrlrs 11:7 um ])All.\ “I ‘|\I:.-3 and qurul u! 1‘ «111mm Mlgn mm I'm Man if Adan-u IIQH'I' ‘LI l’l,.§ltlll‘. Lam! l'nmm).~lnm*r oosumu. B Hiding I Paul. nn. THE DAWN OF WOMANHOOD. q,» I lnrl. m Ic- One of the dangmrs to a young: wamnn it. bolnmd menstruation. “ The lily droups on its stun and dxel before in beamy is unfolded." or she may have «n- u‘red into the perfection of womanhood ’ with little apparent incnnvmxivm‘c or / disarm rof heth. But suddenly Li). 3 / / mvnm‘s onliwlyccasc. Jib K D Inllulu t“ In. 1 WI lelI-JIAIL I ! and EM honL. (H MUM Bend. Blmplr >. .I mm 1:- 513 Road the fonnwing from Mm (‘nunxs Dyxuunfl, 102 Fremont 5n, “Hair! â€.21. Samar-ville. M ass; “1 wag in pain day and night: my duotof did not seem m holp me. I could not wmn to ï¬nd any relief until I took Lydia E. I‘iukhuux‘a ) HEMICMIHTH um: nu» Hm: 1-1.1"er paw-upen- v. n-nrh the mm†M 1hr (bold I‘Irld. n ulmul rpm,“ ‘ hm vm- harrflhup»~ r-xlxnnn- u. vnr. h H and mw [or I In. W um) pr 'I'N‘U emxmnh-rrn H1. 1m lnu,.;ud ‘ rum†AH") 10 l EMPIIEA Tagsgqmnou cm. I An. I... A / Mother. puberic mamdy is (aldng hold of your daughter. and mmk / consumptiun may follow! ’J‘ah- m / stunt steps to produce rerular men- _"“‘" ntrualion. Lydia E. Pinkham‘s Vepomble Com- pound isoermin to misc nature to per- '» form her to ulur duties. procure it M " once; there - volumes of testimony from grateful mothers who have had thrir daughters‘ health restored by is use. If personal advice is drain-d. u‘rita quickly toMrs. I‘inkham. at Lynn. 311195. 3 It will be given you without ohm-go, and it will be the advice of abundant qxpuuv once and success. no I.- Ian; on". « ll|(’A(.(L ILL. or their "rut. In xho I'nnod Rut" ( ' Cum-h: .07 mm Avon'ï¬c'Aâ€"w-rr'iif35:31:23“ Jugwqqu “weapon ooumy. Immnu-d In m1 nlwulJum- 1., ‘L i"- Tbrseluw nm‘lu Ald'llnl‘fl N u. v lrulnfurmmc lvuulutwu in: 11%" I m-m ur ll Nrw VQIIOIJ 'ur th- I Ulflin. lunmn In] in me heâ€. mum ('lly andnltumor 1-hoâ€" .I'Ql n w unvmluxn >uw uni; hi1: a MA): rlvun ehâ€"mrtchxnhunu w modem ‘mtlrmcmems sum; I93?- WCFASL. .mmlmma u.» . " Ihl).\_\xr ( unflmluxh >w- jf 51,1. Wiféi'iib'iï¬ré." READERS OF THIS PA 7",†lllv>llll\‘i1l‘lil\ A\\'HJ,'ny Alfl'thTLKI’J) 1N l'l“ ‘\ f 'I“ FH'II‘!HI\~I‘TII‘H\ |L\‘\.‘V. WHAT THEY Aï¬K PI‘Ix HI H \ ALL 51 lb I‘l 'I'L.‘ HI» IA: _I__l'l'llll2 mu sumo Cold ‘ FieIdé dangers which (wen careful Alaska momveus pen. mum? (â€iii-Roo- llvel ‘wintk. ‘ .1) man 33 Io s; ' Wooup on apgnonua wk 1.! n mvpaml W1 Ila '3‘ In and I1 mlunvu. BI(‘\' i Inn: for all-1106 DV'PFVfï¬jmvl-{L‘ m “J“ Mean) 110.55 >thu I ukoérï¬lk n.- mu over rmru I ~ ; 5' “WP"! u . new L.» Crudï¬. AM M) an. uuurmht 51.4mm» H L-Mapw-w- be?! , Mun-mmâ€; . l nuunnl'. n\l.lklll 1|:an Juh r. 2‘ 17' inunnnwhn ‘0“ III-amn- Inn-u n", Nd!